HBASE-20357 AccessControlClient API Enhancement
Signed-off-by: tedyu <yuzhihong@gmail.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HConstants;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HTableDescriptor;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.MasterNotRunningException;
@ -255,15 +256,28 @@ public class AccessControlClient {
* along with the list of superusers would be returned. Else, no rows get returned.
* @param connection The Connection instance to use
* @param tableRegex The regular expression string to match against
* @return - returns an array of UserPermissions
* @return List of UserPermissions
* @throws Throwable
public static List<UserPermission> getUserPermissions(Connection connection, String tableRegex)
throws Throwable {
/** TODO: Pass an rpcController
HBaseRpcController controller
= ((ClusterConnection) connection).getRpcControllerFactory().newController();
return getUserPermissions(connection, tableRegex, HConstants.EMPTY_STRING);
* List all the userPermissions matching the given table pattern and user name.
* @param connection Connection
* @param tableRegex The regular expression string to match against
* @param userName User name, if empty then all user permissions will be retrieved.
* @return List of UserPermissions
* @throws Throwable on failure
public static List<UserPermission> getUserPermissions(Connection connection, String tableRegex,
String userName) throws Throwable {
* TODO: Pass an rpcController HBaseRpcController controller = ((ClusterConnection)
* connection).getRpcControllerFactory().newController();
List<UserPermission> permList = new ArrayList<>();
try (Table table = connection.getTable(ACL_TABLE_NAME)) {
try (Admin admin = connection.getAdmin()) {
@ -272,25 +286,167 @@ public class AccessControlClient {
HTableDescriptor[] htds = null;
if (tableRegex == null || tableRegex.isEmpty()) {
permList = AccessControlUtil.getUserPermissions(null, protocol);
} else if (tableRegex.charAt(0) == '@') { // Namespaces
permList = AccessControlUtil.getUserPermissions(null, protocol, userName);
} else if (tableRegex.charAt(0) == '@') { // Namespaces
String namespaceRegex = tableRegex.substring(1);
for (NamespaceDescriptor nsds : admin.listNamespaceDescriptors()) { // Read out all namespaces
for (NamespaceDescriptor nsds : admin.listNamespaceDescriptors()) { // Read out all
// namespaces
String namespace = nsds.getName();
if (namespace.matches(namespaceRegex)) { // Match the given namespace regex?
if (namespace.matches(namespaceRegex)) { // Match the given namespace regex?
permList.addAll(AccessControlUtil.getUserPermissions(null, protocol,
Bytes.toBytes(namespace), userName));
} else { // Tables
} else { // Tables
htds = admin.listTables(Pattern.compile(tableRegex), true);
for (HTableDescriptor hd : htds) {
permList.addAll(AccessControlUtil.getUserPermissions(null, protocol,
for (HTableDescriptor htd : htds) {
permList.addAll(AccessControlUtil.getUserPermissions(null, protocol, htd.getTableName(),
null, null, userName));
return permList;
* List all the userPermissions matching the given table pattern and column family.
* @param connection Connection
* @param tableRegex The regular expression string to match against. It shouldn't be null, empty
* or a namespace regular expression.
* @param columnFamily Column family
* @return List of UserPermissions
* @throws Throwable on failure
public static List<UserPermission> getUserPermissions(Connection connection, String tableRegex,
byte[] columnFamily) throws Throwable {
return getUserPermissions(connection, tableRegex, columnFamily, null, HConstants.EMPTY_STRING);
* List all the userPermissions matching the given table pattern, column family and user name.
* @param connection Connection
* @param tableRegex The regular expression string to match against. It shouldn't be null, empty
* or a namespace regular expression.
* @param columnFamily Column family
* @param userName User name, if empty then all user permissions will be retrieved.
* @return List of UserPermissions
* @throws Throwable on failure
public static List<UserPermission> getUserPermissions(Connection connection, String tableRegex,
byte[] columnFamily, String userName) throws Throwable {
return getUserPermissions(connection, tableRegex, columnFamily, null, userName);
* List all the userPermissions matching the given table pattern, column family and column
* qualifier.
* @param connection Connection
* @param tableRegex The regular expression string to match against. It shouldn't be null, empty
* or a namespace regular expression.
* @param columnFamily Column family
* @param columnQualifier Column qualifier
* @return List of UserPermissions
* @throws Throwable on failure
public static List<UserPermission> getUserPermissions(Connection connection, String tableRegex,
byte[] columnFamily, byte[] columnQualifier) throws Throwable {
return getUserPermissions(connection, tableRegex, columnFamily, columnQualifier,
* List all the userPermissions matching the given table pattern, column family and column
* qualifier.
* @param connection Connection
* @param tableRegex The regular expression string to match against. It shouldn't be null, empty
* or a namespace regular expression.
* @param columnFamily Column family
* @param columnQualifier Column qualifier
* @param userName User name, if empty then all user permissions will be retrieved.
* @return List of UserPermissions
* @throws Throwable on failure
public static List<UserPermission> getUserPermissions(Connection connection, String tableRegex,
byte[] columnFamily, byte[] columnQualifier, String userName) throws Throwable {
if (tableRegex == null || tableRegex.isEmpty() || tableRegex.charAt(0) == '@') {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Table name can't be null or empty or a namespace.");
* TODO: Pass an rpcController HBaseRpcController controller = ((ClusterConnection)
* connection).getRpcControllerFactory().newController();
List<UserPermission> permList = new ArrayList<UserPermission>();
try (Table table = connection.getTable(ACL_TABLE_NAME)) {
try (Admin admin = connection.getAdmin()) {
CoprocessorRpcChannel service = table.coprocessorService(HConstants.EMPTY_START_ROW);
BlockingInterface protocol =
HTableDescriptor[] htds = admin.listTables(Pattern.compile(tableRegex), true);
// Retrieve table permissions
for (HTableDescriptor htd : htds) {
permList.addAll(AccessControlUtil.getUserPermissions(null, protocol, htd.getTableName(),
columnFamily, columnQualifier, userName));
return permList;
* Validates whether specified user has permission to perform actions on the mentioned table,
* column family or column qualifier.
* @param connection Connection
* @param tableName Table name, it shouldn't be null or empty.
* @param columnFamily The column family. Optional argument, can be empty. If empty then
* validation will happen at table level.
* @param columnQualifier The column qualifier. Optional argument, can be empty. If empty then
* validation will happen at table and column family level. columnQualifier will not be
* considered if columnFamily is passed as null or empty.
* @param userName User name, it shouldn't be null or empty.
* @param actions Actions
* @return true if access allowed to the specified user, otherwise false.
* @throws Throwable on failure
public static boolean hasPermission(Connection connection, String tableName, String columnFamily,
String columnQualifier, String userName, Permission.Action... actions) throws Throwable {
return hasPermission(connection, tableName, Bytes.toBytes(columnFamily),
Bytes.toBytes(columnQualifier), userName, actions);
* Validates whether specified user has permission to perform actions on the mentioned table,
* column family or column qualifier.
* @param connection Connection
* @param tableName Table name, it shouldn't be null or empty.
* @param columnFamily The column family. Optional argument, can be empty. If empty then
* validation will happen at table level.
* @param columnQualifier The column qualifier. Optional argument, can be empty. If empty then
* validation will happen at table and column family level. columnQualifier will not be
* considered if columnFamily is passed as null or empty.
* @param userName User name, it shouldn't be null or empty.
* @param actions Actions
* @return true if access allowed to the specified user, otherwise false.
* @throws Throwable on failure
public static boolean hasPermission(Connection connection, String tableName, byte[] columnFamily,
byte[] columnQualifier, String userName, Permission.Action... actions) throws Throwable {
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(tableName) || StringUtils.isEmpty(userName)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Table and user name can't be null or empty.");
boolean hasPermission = false;
* todo: pass an rpccontroller hbaserpccontroller controller = ((clusterconnection)
* connection).getrpccontrollerfactory().newcontroller();
try (Table table = connection.getTable(ACL_TABLE_NAME)) {
CoprocessorRpcChannel service = table.coprocessorService(HConstants.EMPTY_START_ROW);
BlockingInterface protocol =
// Check whether user has permission
hasPermission = AccessControlUtil.hasPermission(null, protocol, TableName.valueOf(tableName),
columnFamily, columnQualifier, userName, actions);
return hasPermission;
@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HConstants;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.TableName;
import org.apache.yetus.audience.InterfaceAudience;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.ProtobufUtil;
@ -29,7 +31,7 @@ import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.AccessControlProtos;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.AccessControlProtos.AccessControlService;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.AccessControlProtos.GetUserPermissionsResponse;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.ByteStringer;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes;
import org.apache.hbase.thirdparty.com.google.common.collect.ArrayListMultimap;
import org.apache.hbase.thirdparty.com.google.common.collect.ListMultimap;
import org.apache.hbase.thirdparty.com.google.common.collect.Lists;
@ -255,9 +257,32 @@ public class AccessControlUtil {
* Converts a TablePermission proto to a client TablePermission object.
* @param proto the protobuf TablePermission
* @return the converted TablePermission
public static TablePermission toTablePermission(AccessControlProtos.TablePermission proto) {
List<Permission.Action> actions = toPermissionActions(proto.getActionList());
TableName table = null;
byte[] qualifier = null;
byte[] family = null;
if (!proto.hasTableName()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("TableName cannot be empty");
table = ProtobufUtil.toTableName(proto.getTableName());
if (proto.hasFamily()) {
family = proto.getFamily().toByteArray();
if (proto.hasQualifier()) {
qualifier = proto.getQualifier().toByteArray();
return new TablePermission(table, family, qualifier,
actions.toArray(new Permission.Action[actions.size()]));
* Converts a Permission proto to a client TablePermission object.
* @param proto the protobuf Permission
* @return the converted TablePermission
@ -539,6 +564,7 @@ public class AccessControlUtil {
* <p>
* It's also called by the shell, in case you want to find references.
* @param controller RpcController
* @param protocol the AccessControlService protocol proxy
* @param namespace the short name of the user to grant permissions
* @param actions the permissions to be granted
@ -562,10 +588,11 @@ public class AccessControlUtil {
* <p>
* It's also called by the shell, in case you want to find references.
* @param controller RpcController
* @param protocol the AccessControlService protocol proxy
* @param userShortName the short name of the user to revoke permissions
* @param actions the permissions to be revoked
* @throws ServiceException
* @throws ServiceException on failure
public static void revoke(RpcController controller,
AccessControlService.BlockingInterface protocol, String userShortName,
@ -586,13 +613,14 @@ public class AccessControlUtil {
* <p>
* It's also called by the shell, in case you want to find references.
* @param controller RpcController
* @param protocol the AccessControlService protocol proxy
* @param userShortName the short name of the user to revoke permissions
* @param tableName optional table name
* @param f optional column family
* @param q optional qualifier
* @param actions the permissions to be revoked
* @throws ServiceException
* @throws ServiceException on failure
public static void revoke(RpcController controller,
AccessControlService.BlockingInterface protocol, String userShortName, TableName tableName,
@ -612,11 +640,12 @@ public class AccessControlUtil {
* <p>
* It's also called by the shell, in case you want to find references.
* @param controller RpcController
* @param protocol the AccessControlService protocol proxy
* @param userShortName the short name of the user to revoke permissions
* @param namespace optional table name
* @param actions the permissions to be revoked
* @throws ServiceException
* @throws ServiceException on failure
public static void revoke(RpcController controller,
AccessControlService.BlockingInterface protocol, String userShortName, String namespace,
@ -636,19 +665,36 @@ public class AccessControlUtil {
* <p>
* It's also called by the shell, in case you want to find references.
* @param controller RpcController
* @param protocol the AccessControlService protocol proxy
* @throws ServiceException
* @throws ServiceException on failure
public static List<UserPermission> getUserPermissions(RpcController controller,
AccessControlService.BlockingInterface protocol) throws ServiceException {
return getUserPermissions(controller, protocol, HConstants.EMPTY_STRING);
* A utility used to get user's global permissions based on the specified user name.
* @param controller RpcController
* @param protocol the AccessControlService protocol proxy
* @param userName User name, if empty then all user permissions will be retrieved.
* @throws ServiceException
public static List<UserPermission> getUserPermissions(RpcController controller,
AccessControlService.BlockingInterface protocol, String userName) throws ServiceException {
AccessControlProtos.GetUserPermissionsRequest.Builder builder =
if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(userName)) {
AccessControlProtos.GetUserPermissionsRequest request = builder.build();
AccessControlProtos.GetUserPermissionsResponse response =
protocol.getUserPermissions(controller, request);
List<UserPermission> perms = new ArrayList<>(response.getUserPermissionCount());
for (AccessControlProtos.UserPermission perm: response.getUserPermissionList()) {
for (AccessControlProtos.UserPermission perm : response.getUserPermissionList()) {
return perms;
@ -659,6 +705,7 @@ public class AccessControlUtil {
* <p>
* It's also called by the shell, in case you want to find references.
* @param controller RpcController
* @param protocol the AccessControlService protocol proxy
* @param t optional table name
* @throws ServiceException
@ -666,17 +713,44 @@ public class AccessControlUtil {
public static List<UserPermission> getUserPermissions(RpcController controller,
AccessControlService.BlockingInterface protocol,
TableName t) throws ServiceException {
return getUserPermissions(controller, protocol, t, null, null, HConstants.EMPTY_STRING);
* A utility used to get user table permissions based on the column family, column qualifier and
* user name.
* @param controller RpcController
* @param protocol the AccessControlService protocol proxy
* @param t optional table name
* @param columnFamily Column family
* @param columnQualifier Column qualifier
* @param userName User name, if empty then all user permissions will be retrieved.
* @throws ServiceException
public static List<UserPermission> getUserPermissions(RpcController controller,
AccessControlService.BlockingInterface protocol, TableName t, byte[] columnFamily,
byte[] columnQualifier, String userName) throws ServiceException {
AccessControlProtos.GetUserPermissionsRequest.Builder builder =
if (t != null) {
if (Bytes.len(columnFamily) > 0) {
if (Bytes.len(columnQualifier) > 0) {
if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(userName)) {
AccessControlProtos.GetUserPermissionsRequest request = builder.build();
AccessControlProtos.GetUserPermissionsResponse response =
protocol.getUserPermissions(controller, request);
List<UserPermission> perms = new ArrayList<>(response.getUserPermissionCount());
for (AccessControlProtos.UserPermission perm: response.getUserPermissionList()) {
for (AccessControlProtos.UserPermission perm : response.getUserPermissionList()) {
return perms;
@ -687,6 +761,7 @@ public class AccessControlUtil {
* <p>
* It's also called by the shell, in case you want to find references.
* @param controller RpcController
* @param protocol the AccessControlService protocol proxy
* @param namespace name of the namespace
* @throws ServiceException
@ -694,22 +769,80 @@ public class AccessControlUtil {
public static List<UserPermission> getUserPermissions(RpcController controller,
AccessControlService.BlockingInterface protocol,
byte[] namespace) throws ServiceException {
return getUserPermissions(controller, protocol, namespace, HConstants.EMPTY_STRING);
* A utility used to get permissions for selected namespace based on the specified user name.
* @param controller RpcController
* @param protocol the AccessControlService protocol proxy
* @param namespace name of the namespace
* @param userName User name, if empty then all user permissions will be retrieved.
* @throws ServiceException
public static List<UserPermission> getUserPermissions(RpcController controller,
AccessControlService.BlockingInterface protocol, byte[] namespace, String userName)
throws ServiceException {
AccessControlProtos.GetUserPermissionsRequest.Builder builder =
if (namespace != null) {
if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(userName)) {
AccessControlProtos.GetUserPermissionsRequest request = builder.build();
AccessControlProtos.GetUserPermissionsResponse response =
protocol.getUserPermissions(controller, request);
List<UserPermission> perms = new ArrayList<>(response.getUserPermissionCount());
for (AccessControlProtos.UserPermission perm: response.getUserPermissionList()) {
for (AccessControlProtos.UserPermission perm : response.getUserPermissionList()) {
return perms;
* Validates whether specified user has permission to perform actions on the mentioned table,
* column family or column qualifier.
* @param controller RpcController
* @param protocol the AccessControlService protocol proxy
* @param tableName Table name, it shouldn't be null or empty.
* @param columnFamily The column family. Optional argument, can be empty. If empty then
* validation will happen at table level.
* @param columnQualifier The column qualifier. Optional argument, can be empty. If empty then
* validation will happen at table and column family level. columnQualifier will not be
* considered if columnFamily is passed as null or empty.
* @param userName User name, it shouldn't be null or empty.
* @param actions Actions
* @return true if access allowed, otherwise false
* @throws ServiceException
public static boolean hasPermission(RpcController controller,
AccessControlService.BlockingInterface protocol, TableName tableName, byte[] columnFamily,
byte[] columnQualifier, String userName, Permission.Action[] actions)
throws ServiceException {
AccessControlProtos.TablePermission.Builder tablePermissionBuilder =
if (Bytes.len(columnFamily) > 0) {
if (Bytes.len(columnQualifier) > 0) {
for (Permission.Action a : actions) {
AccessControlProtos.HasPermissionRequest request = AccessControlProtos.HasPermissionRequest
AccessControlProtos.HasPermissionResponse response =
protocol.hasPermission(controller, request);
return response.getHasPermission();
* Convert a protobuf UserTablePermissions to a
* ListMultimap<String, TablePermission> where key is username.
@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.RegionInfo;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Result;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.SingleResponse;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc.ServerRpcController;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.AccessControlProtos.HasPermissionResponse;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.protobuf.generated.AdminProtos;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.StringUtils;
import org.apache.yetus.audience.InterfaceAudience;
@ -228,6 +229,15 @@ public final class ResponseConverter {
return parameterBuilder.build();
* Builds a protocol buffer HasPermissionResponse
public static HasPermissionResponse buildHasPermissionResponse(boolean hasPermission) {
HasPermissionResponse.Builder builder = HasPermissionResponse.newBuilder();
return builder.build();
// End utilities for Client
// Start utilities for Admin
@ -564,10 +564,15 @@ public final class HConstants {
// Other constants
* An empty instance.
* An empty byte array instance.
public static final byte [] EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY = new byte [0];
* An empty string instance.
public static final String EMPTY_STRING = "";
public static final ByteBuffer EMPTY_BYTE_BUFFER = ByteBuffer.wrap(EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY);
@ -96,6 +96,9 @@ message GetUserPermissionsRequest {
optional Permission.Type type = 1;
optional TableName table_name = 2;
optional bytes namespace_name = 3;
optional bytes column_family = 4;
optional bytes column_qualifier = 5;
optional bytes user_name = 6;
message GetUserPermissionsResponse {
@ -109,6 +112,15 @@ message CheckPermissionsRequest {
message CheckPermissionsResponse {
message HasPermissionRequest {
required TablePermission table_permission = 1;
required bytes user_name = 2;
message HasPermissionResponse {
optional bool has_permission = 1;
service AccessControlService {
rpc Grant(GrantRequest)
returns (GrantResponse);
@ -121,4 +133,7 @@ service AccessControlService {
rpc CheckPermissions(CheckPermissionsRequest)
returns (CheckPermissionsResponse);
rpc HasPermission(HasPermissionRequest)
returns (HasPermissionResponse);
@ -519,7 +519,7 @@ public class RSGroupAdminEndpoint implements MasterCoprocessor, MasterObserver {
public void checkPermission(String request) throws IOException {
accessChecker.requirePermission(getActiveUser(), request, Action.ADMIN);
accessChecker.requirePermission(getActiveUser(), request, null, Action.ADMIN);
@ -1291,7 +1291,7 @@ public class RSRpcServices implements HBaseRPCErrorHandler,
protected void requirePermission(String request, Permission.Action perm) throws IOException {
if (accessChecker != null) {
accessChecker.requirePermission(RpcServer.getRequestUser().orElse(null), request, perm);
accessChecker.requirePermission(RpcServer.getRequestUser().orElse(null), request, null, perm);
@ -20,7 +20,11 @@ package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.security.access;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.InetAddress;
import java.security.PrivilegedAction;
import java.security.PrivilegedExceptionAction;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
@ -32,18 +36,25 @@ import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.security.AccessDeniedException;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.security.User;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.security.access.Permission.Action;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.zookeeper.ZKWatcher;
import org.apache.hadoop.security.Groups;
import org.apache.hadoop.security.HadoopKerberosName;
import org.apache.yetus.audience.InterfaceAudience;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
public final class AccessChecker {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AccessChecker.class);
private static final Logger AUDITLOG =
LoggerFactory.getLogger("SecurityLogger." + AccessChecker.class.getName());
// TODO: we should move to a design where we don't even instantiate an AccessChecker if
// authorization is not enabled (like in RSRpcServices), instead of always instantiating one and
// calling requireXXX() only to do nothing (since authorizationEnabled will be false).
private TableAuthManager authManager;
/** Group service to retrieve the user group information */
private static Groups groupService;
* if we are active, usually false, only true if "hbase.security.authorization"
* has been set to true in site configuration.see HBASE-19483.
@ -72,6 +83,7 @@ public final class AccessChecker {
throw new NullPointerException("Error obtaining AccessChecker, zk found null.");
authorizationEnabled = isAuthorizationSupported(conf);
@ -88,9 +100,11 @@ public final class AccessChecker {
* Authorizes that the current user has any of the given permissions to access the table.
* @param user Active user to which authorization checks should be applied
* @param request Request type.
* @param tableName Table requested
* @param permissions Actions being requested
* @throws IOException if obtaining the current user fails
* @throws IOException if obtaining the current user fails
* @throws AccessDeniedException if user has no authorization
public void requireAccess(User user, String request, TableName tableName,
@ -119,14 +133,16 @@ public final class AccessChecker {
* Authorizes that the current user has global privileges for the given action.
* @param user Active user to which authorization checks should be applied
* @param request Request type
* @param filterUser User name to be filtered from permission as requested
* @param perm The action being requested
* @throws IOException if obtaining the current user fails
* @throws IOException if obtaining the current user fails
* @throws AccessDeniedException if authorization is denied
public void requirePermission(User user, String request, Action perm)
public void requirePermission(User user, String request, String filterUser, Action perm)
throws IOException {
requireGlobalPermission(user, request, perm, null, null);
requireGlobalPermission(user, request, perm, null, null, filterUser);
@ -134,25 +150,29 @@ public final class AccessChecker {
* audit log message will contain context information for the operation
* being authorized, based on the given parameters.
* @param user Active user to which authorization checks should be applied
* @param request Request type
* @param perm Action being requested
* @param tableName Affected table name.
* @param familyMap Affected column families.
* @param filterUser User name to be filtered from permission as requested
public void requireGlobalPermission(User user, String request,
Action perm, TableName tableName,
Map<byte[], ? extends Collection<byte[]>> familyMap)throws IOException {
Map<byte[], ? extends Collection<byte[]>> familyMap, String filterUser) throws IOException {
if (!authorizationEnabled) {
AuthResult result;
if (authManager.authorize(user, perm)) {
result = AuthResult.allow(request, "Global check allowed", user, perm, tableName, familyMap);
} else {
result = AuthResult.deny(request, "Global check failed", user, perm, tableName, familyMap);
result.getParams().addExtraParam("filterUser", filterUser);
if (!result.isAllowed()) {
throw new AccessDeniedException(
"Insufficient permissions for user '" + (user != null ? user.getShortName() : "null")
+ "' (global, action=" + perm.toString() + ")");
@ -164,6 +184,8 @@ public final class AccessChecker {
* audit log message will contain context information for the operation
* being authorized, based on the given parameters.
* @param user Active user to which authorization checks should be applied
* @param request Request type
* @param perm Action being requested
* @param namespace The given namespace
@ -189,12 +211,14 @@ public final class AccessChecker {
* Checks that the user has the given global or namespace permission.
* @param namespace The given namespace
* @param user Active user to which authorization checks should be applied
* @param request Request type
* @param namespace Name space as requested
* @param filterUser User name to be filtered from permission as requested
* @param permissions Actions being requested
public void requireNamespacePermission(User user, String request, String namespace,
Action... permissions) throws IOException {
String filterUser, Action... permissions) throws IOException {
if (!authorizationEnabled) {
@ -210,6 +234,7 @@ public final class AccessChecker {
result = AuthResult.deny(request, "Insufficient permissions", user, permission, namespace);
result.getParams().addExtraParam("filterUser", filterUser);
if (!result.isAllowed()) {
throw new AccessDeniedException("Insufficient permissions " + result.toContextString());
@ -219,7 +244,11 @@ public final class AccessChecker {
* Checks that the user has the given global or namespace permission.
* @param user Active user to which authorization checks should be applied
* @param request Request type
* @param namespace The given namespace
* @param tableName Table requested
* @param familyMap Column family map requested
* @param permissions Actions being requested
public void requireNamespacePermission(User user, String request, String namespace,
@ -252,14 +281,18 @@ public final class AccessChecker {
* Authorizes that the current user has any of the given permissions for the
* given table, column family and column qualifier.
* @param user Active user to which authorization checks should be applied
* @param request Request type
* @param tableName Table requested
* @param family Column family requested
* @param qualifier Column qualifier requested
* @throws IOException if obtaining the current user fails
* @param filterUser User name to be filtered from permission as requested
* @param permissions Actions being requested
* @throws IOException if obtaining the current user fails
* @throws AccessDeniedException if user has no authorization
public void requirePermission(User user, String request, TableName tableName, byte[] family,
byte[] qualifier, Action... permissions) throws IOException {
byte[] qualifier, String filterUser, Action... permissions) throws IOException {
if (!authorizationEnabled) {
@ -273,9 +306,10 @@ public final class AccessChecker {
} else {
// rest of the world
result = AuthResult.deny(request, "Insufficient permissions",
user, permission, tableName, family, qualifier);
user, permission, tableName, family, qualifier);
result.getParams().addExtraParam("filterUser", filterUser);
if (!result.isAllowed()) {
throw new AccessDeniedException("Insufficient permissions " + result.toContextString());
@ -286,6 +320,8 @@ public final class AccessChecker {
* Authorizes that the current user has any of the given permissions for the
* given table, column family and column qualifier.
* @param user Active user to which authorization checks should be applied
* @param request Request type
* @param tableName Table requested
* @param family Column family param
* @param qualifier Column qualifier param
@ -323,7 +359,7 @@ public final class AccessChecker {
TableName tableName, RegionInfo[] regionInfos, String reason)
throws IOException {
if (namespace != null && !namespace.isEmpty()) {
requireNamespacePermission(user, reason, namespace, Action.ADMIN, Action.CREATE);
requireNamespacePermission(user, reason, namespace, null, Action.ADMIN, Action.CREATE);
} else if (tableName != null || (regionInfos != null && regionInfos.length > 0)) {
// So, either a table or regions op. If latter, check perms ons table.
TableName tn = tableName != null? tableName: regionInfos[0].getTable();
@ -340,9 +376,111 @@ public final class AccessChecker {
"Access {} for user {}; reason: {}; remote address: {}; request: {}; context: {}",
(result.isAllowed() ? "allowed" : "denied"),
(result.getUser() != null ? result.getUser().getShortName() : "UNKNOWN"),
result.getReason(), RpcServer.getRemoteAddress().map(InetAddress::toString).orElse(""),
result.getRequest(), result.toContextString());
* Validate the hasPermission operation caller with the filter user. Self check doesn't require
* any privilege but for others caller must have ADMIN privilege.
public User validateCallerWithFilterUser(User caller, TablePermission tPerm, String inputUserName)
throws IOException {
User filterUser = null;
if (!caller.getShortName().equals(inputUserName)) {
// User should have admin privilege if checking permission for other users
requirePermission(caller, "hasPermission", tPerm.getTableName(), tPerm.getFamily(),
tPerm.getQualifier(), inputUserName, Action.ADMIN);
// Initialize user instance for the input user name
List<String> groups = getUserGroups(inputUserName);
filterUser = new InputUser(inputUserName, groups.toArray(new String[groups.size()]));
} else {
// User don't need ADMIN privilege for self check.
// Setting action as null in AuthResult to display empty action in audit log
AuthResult result = AuthResult.allow("hasPermission", "Self user validation allowed", caller,
null, tPerm.getTableName(), tPerm.getFamily(), tPerm.getQualifier());
filterUser = caller;
return filterUser;
* A temporary user class to instantiate User instance based on the name and groups.
public static class InputUser extends User {
private String name;
private String shortName = null;
private String[] groups;
public InputUser(String name, String[] groups) {
this.name = name;
this.groups = groups;
public String getShortName() {
if (this.shortName == null) {
try {
this.shortName = new HadoopKerberosName(this.name).getShortName();
} catch (IOException ioe) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Illegal principal name " + this.name + ": " + ioe.toString(), ioe);
return shortName;
public String getName() {
return this.name;
public String[] getGroupNames() {
return this.groups;
public <T> T runAs(PrivilegedAction<T> action) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"Method not supported, this class has limited implementation");
public <T> T runAs(PrivilegedExceptionAction<T> action)
throws IOException, InterruptedException {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"Method not supported, this class has limited implementation");
public String toString() {
return this.name;
* Initialize the group service.
private void initGroupService(Configuration conf) {
if (groupService == null) {
groupService = Groups.getUserToGroupsMappingService(conf);
* Retrieve the groups of the given user.
* @param user User name
* @return Groups
public static List<String> getUserGroups(String user) {
try {
return groupService.getGroups(user);
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.error("Error occured while retrieving group for " + user, e);
return new ArrayList<String>();
@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.AuthUtil;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.Cell;
@ -144,7 +145,7 @@ public class AccessControlLists {
Set<Permission.Action> actionSet = new TreeSet<Permission.Action>();
List<UserPermission> perms = getUserPermissions(conf, rowKey);
List<UserPermission> perms = getUserPermissions(conf, rowKey, null, null, null, false);
UserPermission currentPerm = null;
for (UserPermission perm : perms) {
if (Bytes.equals(perm.getUser(), userPerm.getUser())
@ -228,7 +229,8 @@ public class AccessControlLists {
removePermissionRecord(conf, userPerm, t);
} else {
// Get all the global user permissions from the acl table
List<UserPermission> permsList = getUserPermissions(conf, userPermissionRowKey(userPerm));
List<UserPermission> permsList =
getUserPermissions(conf, userPermissionRowKey(userPerm), null, null, null, false);
List<Permission.Action> remainingActions = new ArrayList<>();
List<Permission.Action> dropActions = Arrays.asList(userPerm.getActions());
for (UserPermission perm : permsList) {
@ -430,8 +432,8 @@ public class AccessControlLists {
if (entry == null) {
entry = CellUtil.cloneRow(kv);
Pair<String,TablePermission> permissionsOfUserOnTable =
parsePermissionRecord(entry, kv);
Pair<String, TablePermission> permissionsOfUserOnTable =
parsePermissionRecord(entry, kv, null, null, false, null);
if (permissionsOfUserOnTable != null) {
String username = permissionsOfUserOnTable.getFirst();
TablePermission permissions = permissionsOfUserOnTable.getSecond();
@ -474,7 +476,8 @@ public class AccessControlLists {
scanner = table.getScanner(scan);
try {
for (Result row : scanner) {
ListMultimap<String,TablePermission> resultPerms = parsePermissions(row.getRow(), row);
ListMultimap<String, TablePermission> resultPerms =
parsePermissions(row.getRow(), row, null, null, null, false);
allPerms.put(row.getRow(), resultPerms);
} finally {
@ -488,28 +491,27 @@ public class AccessControlLists {
public static ListMultimap<String, TablePermission> getTablePermissions(Configuration conf,
TableName tableName) throws IOException {
return getPermissions(conf, tableName != null ? tableName.getName() : null, null);
return getPermissions(conf, tableName != null ? tableName.getName() : null, null, null, null,
null, false);
public static ListMultimap<String, TablePermission> getNamespacePermissions(Configuration conf,
String namespace) throws IOException {
return getPermissions(conf, Bytes.toBytes(toNamespaceEntry(namespace)), null);
return getPermissions(conf, Bytes.toBytes(toNamespaceEntry(namespace)), null, null, null, null,
* Reads user permission assignments stored in the <code>l:</code> column
* family of the first table row in <code>_acl_</code>.
* Reads user permission assignments stored in the <code>l:</code> column family of the first
* table row in <code>_acl_</code>.
* <p>
* See {@link AccessControlLists class documentation} for the key structure
* used for storage.
* See {@link AccessControlLists class documentation} for the key structure used for storage.
* </p>
static ListMultimap<String, TablePermission> getPermissions(Configuration conf,
byte[] entryName, Table t) throws IOException {
static ListMultimap<String, TablePermission> getPermissions(Configuration conf, byte[] entryName,
Table t, byte[] cf, byte[] cq, String user, boolean hasFilterUser) throws IOException {
if (entryName == null) entryName = ACL_GLOBAL_NAME;
// for normal user tables, we just read the table row from _acl_
ListMultimap<String, TablePermission> perms = ArrayListMultimap.create();
Get get = new Get(entryName);
@ -525,7 +527,7 @@ public class AccessControlLists {
row = t.get(get);
if (!row.isEmpty()) {
perms = parsePermissions(entryName, row);
perms = parsePermissions(entryName, row, cf, cq, user, hasFilterUser);
} else {
LOG.info("No permissions found in " + ACL_TABLE_NAME + " for acl entry "
+ Bytes.toString(entryName));
@ -535,34 +537,50 @@ public class AccessControlLists {
* Returns the currently granted permissions for a given table as a list of
* user plus associated permissions.
* Returns the currently granted permissions for a given table as the specified user plus
* associated permissions.
static List<UserPermission> getUserTablePermissions(
Configuration conf, TableName tableName) throws IOException {
return getUserPermissions(conf, tableName == null ? null : tableName.getName());
static List<UserPermission> getUserTablePermissions(Configuration conf, TableName tableName,
byte[] cf, byte[] cq, String userName, boolean hasFilterUser) throws IOException {
return getUserPermissions(conf, tableName == null ? null : tableName.getName(), cf, cq,
userName, hasFilterUser);
static List<UserPermission> getUserNamespacePermissions(
Configuration conf, String namespace) throws IOException {
return getUserPermissions(conf, Bytes.toBytes(toNamespaceEntry(namespace)));
* Returns the currently granted permissions for a given namespace as the specified user plus
* associated permissions.
static List<UserPermission> getUserNamespacePermissions(Configuration conf, String namespace,
String user, boolean hasFilterUser) throws IOException {
return getUserPermissions(conf, Bytes.toBytes(toNamespaceEntry(namespace)), null, null, user,
static List<UserPermission> getUserPermissions(
Configuration conf, byte[] entryName)
throws IOException {
ListMultimap<String,TablePermission> allPerms = getPermissions(
conf, entryName, null);
* Returns the currently granted permissions for a given table/namespace with associated
* permissions based on the specified column family, column qualifier and user name.
* @param conf the configuration
* @param entryName Table name or the namespace
* @param cf Column family
* @param cq Column qualifier
* @param user User name to be filtered from permission as requested
* @param hasFilterUser true if filter user is provided, otherwise false.
* @return List of UserPermissions
* @throws IOException on failure
static List<UserPermission> getUserPermissions(Configuration conf, byte[] entryName, byte[] cf,
byte[] cq, String user, boolean hasFilterUser) throws IOException {
ListMultimap<String, TablePermission> allPerms =
getPermissions(conf, entryName, null, cf, cq, user, hasFilterUser);
List<UserPermission> perms = new ArrayList<>();
if(isNamespaceEntry(entryName)) { // Namespace
if (isNamespaceEntry(entryName)) { // Namespace
for (Map.Entry<String, TablePermission> entry : allPerms.entries()) {
UserPermission up = new UserPermission(Bytes.toBytes(entry.getKey()),
entry.getValue().getNamespace(), entry.getValue().getActions());
} else { // Table
} else { // Table
for (Map.Entry<String, TablePermission> entry : allPerms.entries()) {
UserPermission up = new UserPermission(Bytes.toBytes(entry.getKey()),
entry.getValue().getTableName(), entry.getValue().getFamily(),
@ -570,17 +588,21 @@ public class AccessControlLists {
return perms;
private static ListMultimap<String, TablePermission> parsePermissions(
byte[] entryName, Result result) {
* Parse and filter permission based on the specified column family, column qualifier and user
* name.
private static ListMultimap<String, TablePermission> parsePermissions(byte[] entryName,
Result result, byte[] cf, byte[] cq, String user, boolean hasFilterUser) {
ListMultimap<String, TablePermission> perms = ArrayListMultimap.create();
if (result != null && result.size() > 0) {
for (Cell kv : result.rawCells()) {
Pair<String,TablePermission> permissionsOfUserOnTable =
parsePermissionRecord(entryName, kv);
Pair<String, TablePermission> permissionsOfUserOnTable =
parsePermissionRecord(entryName, kv, cf, cq, hasFilterUser, user);
if (permissionsOfUserOnTable != null) {
String username = permissionsOfUserOnTable.getFirst();
@ -592,11 +614,10 @@ public class AccessControlLists {
return perms;
private static Pair<String, TablePermission> parsePermissionRecord(
byte[] entryName, Cell kv) {
private static Pair<String, TablePermission> parsePermissionRecord(byte[] entryName, Cell kv,
byte[] cf, byte[] cq, boolean filterPerms, String filterUser) {
// return X given a set of permissions encoded in the permissionRecord kv.
byte[] family = CellUtil.cloneFamily(kv);
if (!Bytes.equals(family, ACL_LIST_FAMILY)) {
return null;
@ -613,9 +634,25 @@ public class AccessControlLists {
// TODO: avoid the string conversion to make this more efficient
String username = Bytes.toString(key);
//Handle namespace entry
if(isNamespaceEntry(entryName)) {
return new Pair<>(username, new TablePermission(Bytes.toString(fromNamespaceEntry(entryName)), value));
// Retrieve group list for the filterUser if cell key is a group.
// Group list is not required when filterUser itself a group
List<String> filterUserGroups = null;
if (filterPerms) {
if (username.charAt(0) == '@' && !StringUtils.isEmpty(filterUser)
&& filterUser.charAt(0) != '@') {
filterUserGroups = AccessChecker.getUserGroups(filterUser);
// Handle namespace entry
if (isNamespaceEntry(entryName)) {
// Filter the permissions cell record if client query
if (filterPerms && !validateFilterUser(username, filterUser, filterUserGroups)) {
return null;
return new Pair<>(username,
new TablePermission(Bytes.toString(fromNamespaceEntry(entryName)), value));
//Handle table and global entry
@ -635,14 +672,71 @@ public class AccessControlLists {
return new Pair<>(username, new TablePermission(TableName.valueOf(entryName), permFamily, permQualifier, value));
// Filter the permissions cell record if client query
if (filterPerms) {
// ACL table contain 3 types of cell key entries; hbase:Acl, namespace and table. So to filter
// the permission cell records additional validations are required at CF, CQ and username.
// Here we can proceed based on client input whether it contain filterUser.
// Validate the filterUser when specified
if (filterUser != null && !validateFilterUser(username, filterUser, filterUserGroups)) {
return null;
if (!validateCFAndCQ(permFamily, cf, permQualifier, cq)) {
return null;
return new Pair<>(username,
new TablePermission(TableName.valueOf(entryName), permFamily, permQualifier, value));
* Validate the cell key with the client filterUser if specified in the query input. 1. If cell
* key (username) is not a group then check whether client filterUser is equal to username 2. If
* cell key (username) is a group then check whether client filterUser belongs to the cell key
* group (username) 3. In case when both filterUser and username are group names then cell will be
* filtered if not equal.
private static boolean validateFilterUser(String username, String filterUser,
List<String> filterUserGroups) {
if (filterUserGroups == null) {
// Validate user name or group names whether equal
if (filterUser.equals(username)) {
return true;
} else {
// Check whether filter user belongs to the cell key group.
return filterUserGroups.contains(username.substring(1));
return false;
* Validate the cell with client CF and CQ if specified in the query input. 1. If CF is NULL, then
* no need of further validation, result should include all CF and CQ. 2. IF CF specified and
* equal then validation required at CQ level if CF specified in client input, otherwise return
* all CQ records.
private static boolean validateCFAndCQ(byte[] permFamily, byte[] cf, byte[] permQualifier,
byte[] cq) {
boolean include = true;
if (cf != null) {
if (Bytes.equals(cf, permFamily)) {
if (cq != null && !Bytes.equals(cq, permQualifier)) {
// if CQ specified and didn't match then ignore this cell
include = false;
} else {
// if CF specified and didn't match then ignore this cell
include = false;
return include;
* Writes a set of permissions as {@link org.apache.hadoop.io.Writable} instances
* and returns the resulting byte array.
* Writes a set of permission [user: table permission]
* Writes a set of permissions as {@link org.apache.hadoop.io.Writable} instances and returns the
* resulting byte array. Writes a set of permission [user: table permission]
public static byte[] writePermissionsAsBytes(ListMultimap<String, TablePermission> perms,
Configuration conf) {
@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ArrayBackedTag;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.Cell;
@ -98,6 +99,8 @@ import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc.RpcServer;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.ProtobufUtil;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.AccessControlProtos;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.AccessControlProtos.AccessControlService;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.AccessControlProtos.HasPermissionRequest;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.AccessControlProtos.HasPermissionResponse;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.quotas.GlobalQuotaSettings;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.BloomType;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.FlushLifeCycleTracker;
@ -118,6 +121,7 @@ import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.security.User;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.security.UserProvider;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.security.access.Permission.Action;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.snapshot.SnapshotDescriptionUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.protobuf.ResponseConverter;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.ByteRange;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.EnvironmentEdgeManager;
@ -239,8 +243,7 @@ public class AccessController implements MasterCoprocessor, RegionCoprocessor,
private void initialize(RegionCoprocessorEnvironment e) throws IOException {
final Region region = e.getRegion();
Configuration conf = e.getConfiguration();
Map<byte[], ListMultimap<String,TablePermission>> tables =
Map<byte[], ListMultimap<String, TablePermission>> tables = AccessControlLists.loadAll(region);
// For each table, write out the table's permissions to the respective
// znode for that table.
for (Map.Entry<byte[], ListMultimap<String,TablePermission>> t:
@ -283,7 +286,7 @@ public class AccessController implements MasterCoprocessor, RegionCoprocessor,
for (byte[] entry : entries) {
currentEntry = entry;
ListMultimap<String, TablePermission> perms =
AccessControlLists.getPermissions(conf, entry, t);
AccessControlLists.getPermissions(conf, entry, t, null, null, null, false);
byte[] serialized = AccessControlLists.writePermissionsAsBytes(perms, conf);
zkw.writeToZookeeper(entry, serialized);
@ -294,31 +297,29 @@ public class AccessController implements MasterCoprocessor, RegionCoprocessor,
* Check the current user for authorization to perform a specific action
* against the given set of row data.
* <p>Note: Ordering of the authorization checks
* has been carefully optimized to short-circuit the most common requests
* and minimize the amount of processing required.</p>
* Check the current user for authorization to perform a specific action against the given set of
* row data.
* <p>
* Note: Ordering of the authorization checks has been carefully optimized to short-circuit the
* most common requests and minimize the amount of processing required.
* </p>
* @param request User request
* @param user User name
* @param permRequest the action being requested
* @param e the coprocessor environment
* @param families the map of column families to qualifiers present in
* the request
* @param tableName Table name
* @param families the map of column families to qualifiers present in the request
* @return an authorization result
private AuthResult permissionGranted(String request, User user, Action permRequest,
RegionCoprocessorEnvironment e,
Map<byte [], ? extends Collection<?>> families) {
RegionInfo hri = e.getRegion().getRegionInfo();
TableName tableName = hri.getTable();
RegionCoprocessorEnvironment e, TableName tableName,
Map<byte[], ? extends Collection<?>> families) {
// 1. All users need read access to hbase:meta table.
// this is a very common operation, so deal with it quickly.
if (hri.isMetaRegion()) {
if (TableName.META_TABLE_NAME.equals(tableName)) {
if (permRequest == Action.READ) {
return AuthResult.allow(request, "All users allowed", user,
permRequest, tableName, families);
return AuthResult.allow(request, "All users allowed", user, permRequest, tableName,
@ -397,7 +398,8 @@ public class AccessController implements MasterCoprocessor, RegionCoprocessor,
Map<byte [], ? extends Collection<?>> families, Action... actions) {
AuthResult result = null;
for (Action action: actions) {
result = permissionGranted(opType.toString(), user, action, e, families);
result = permissionGranted(opType.toString(), user, action, e,
e.getRegion().getRegionInfo().getTable(), families);
if (!result.isAllowed()) {
return result;
@ -412,14 +414,14 @@ public class AccessController implements MasterCoprocessor, RegionCoprocessor,
public void requirePermission(ObserverContext<?> ctx, String request,
Action perm) throws IOException {
accessChecker.requirePermission(getActiveUser(ctx), request, perm);
accessChecker.requirePermission(getActiveUser(ctx), request, null, perm);
public void requireGlobalPermission(ObserverContext<?> ctx, String request,
Action perm, TableName tableName,
Map<byte[], ? extends Collection<byte[]>> familyMap) throws IOException {
request, perm,tableName, familyMap);
accessChecker.requireGlobalPermission(getActiveUser(ctx), request, perm, tableName, familyMap,
public void requireGlobalPermission(ObserverContext<?> ctx, String request,
@ -431,7 +433,7 @@ public class AccessController implements MasterCoprocessor, RegionCoprocessor,
public void requireNamespacePermission(ObserverContext<?> ctx, String request, String namespace,
Action... permissions) throws IOException {
request, namespace, permissions);
request, namespace, null, permissions);
public void requireNamespacePermission(ObserverContext<?> ctx, String request, String namespace,
@ -445,7 +447,7 @@ public class AccessController implements MasterCoprocessor, RegionCoprocessor,
public void requirePermission(ObserverContext<?> ctx, String request, TableName tableName,
byte[] family, byte[] qualifier, Action... permissions) throws IOException {
accessChecker.requirePermission(getActiveUser(ctx), request,
tableName, family, qualifier, permissions);
tableName, family, qualifier, null, permissions);
public void requireTablePermission(ObserverContext<?> ctx, String request,
@ -935,7 +937,8 @@ public class AccessController implements MasterCoprocessor, RegionCoprocessor,
User.runAsLoginUser(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Void>() {
public Void run() throws Exception {
List<UserPermission> acls = AccessControlLists.getUserTablePermissions(conf, tableName);
List<UserPermission> acls =
AccessControlLists.getUserTablePermissions(conf, tableName, null, null, null, false);
if (acls != null) {
tableAcls.put(tableName, acls);
@ -1039,7 +1042,7 @@ public class AccessController implements MasterCoprocessor, RegionCoprocessor,
public void preGetLocks(ObserverContext<MasterCoprocessorEnvironment> ctx)
throws IOException {
User user = getActiveUser(ctx);
accessChecker.requirePermission(user, "getLocks", Action.ADMIN);
accessChecker.requirePermission(user, "getLocks", null, Action.ADMIN);
@ -1151,7 +1154,8 @@ public class AccessController implements MasterCoprocessor, RegionCoprocessor,
"Snapshot owner check allowed", user, null, null, null);
} else {
accessChecker.requirePermission(user, "listSnapshot " + snapshot.getName(), Action.ADMIN);
accessChecker.requirePermission(user, "listSnapshot " + snapshot.getName(), null,
@ -1167,7 +1171,8 @@ public class AccessController implements MasterCoprocessor, RegionCoprocessor,
"Snapshot owner check allowed", user, null, hTableDescriptor.getTableName(), null);
} else {
accessChecker.requirePermission(user, "cloneSnapshot " + snapshot.getName(), Action.ADMIN);
accessChecker.requirePermission(user, "cloneSnapshot " + snapshot.getName(), null,
@ -1178,9 +1183,10 @@ public class AccessController implements MasterCoprocessor, RegionCoprocessor,
User user = getActiveUser(ctx);
if (SnapshotDescriptionUtils.isSnapshotOwner(snapshot, user)) {
accessChecker.requirePermission(user, "restoreSnapshot " + snapshot.getName(),
hTableDescriptor.getTableName(), null, null, Permission.Action.ADMIN);
hTableDescriptor.getTableName(), null, null, null, Permission.Action.ADMIN);
} else {
accessChecker.requirePermission(user, "restoreSnapshot " + snapshot.getName(), Action.ADMIN);
accessChecker.requirePermission(user, "restoreSnapshot " + snapshot.getName(), null,
@ -1194,7 +1200,8 @@ public class AccessController implements MasterCoprocessor, RegionCoprocessor,
"Snapshot owner check allowed", user, null, null, null);
} else {
accessChecker.requirePermission(user, "deleteSnapshot " + snapshot.getName(), Action.ADMIN);
accessChecker.requirePermission(user, "deleteSnapshot " + snapshot.getName(), null,
@ -1256,8 +1263,8 @@ public class AccessController implements MasterCoprocessor, RegionCoprocessor,
while (itr.hasNext()) {
NamespaceDescriptor desc = itr.next();
try {
accessChecker.requireNamespacePermission(user, "listNamespaces",
desc.getName(), Action.ADMIN);
accessChecker.requireNamespacePermission(user, "listNamespaces", desc.getName(), null,
} catch (AccessDeniedException e) {
@ -1972,10 +1979,8 @@ public class AccessController implements MasterCoprocessor, RegionCoprocessor,
User user = getActiveUser(ctx);
for(Pair<byte[],String> el : familyPaths) {
accessChecker.requirePermission(user, "preBulkLoadHFile",
ctx.getEnvironment().getRegion().getTableDescriptor().getTableName(), el.getFirst(), null,
null, Action.CREATE);
@ -2049,11 +2054,11 @@ public class AccessController implements MasterCoprocessor, RegionCoprocessor,
case Global :
case Table :
accessChecker.requirePermission(caller, "grant", perm.getTableName(),
perm.getFamily(), perm.getQualifier(), Action.ADMIN);
perm.getFamily(), perm.getQualifier(), null, Action.ADMIN);
case Namespace :
accessChecker.requireNamespacePermission(caller, "grant", perm.getNamespace(),
null, Action.ADMIN);
@ -2107,11 +2112,11 @@ public class AccessController implements MasterCoprocessor, RegionCoprocessor,
case Global :
case Table :
accessChecker.requirePermission(caller, "revoke", perm.getTableName(), perm.getFamily(),
perm.getQualifier(), Action.ADMIN);
perm.getQualifier(), null, Action.ADMIN);
case Namespace :
accessChecker.requireNamespacePermission(caller, "revoke", perm.getNamespace(),
null, Action.ADMIN);
@ -2157,42 +2162,73 @@ public class AccessController implements MasterCoprocessor, RegionCoprocessor,
User caller = RpcServer.getRequestUser().orElse(null);
List<UserPermission> perms = null;
// Initialize username, cf and cq. Set to null if request doesn't have.
final String userName = request.hasUserName() ? request.getUserName().toStringUtf8() : null;
final byte[] cf =
request.hasColumnFamily() ? request.getColumnFamily().toByteArray() : null;
final byte[] cq =
request.hasColumnQualifier() ? request.getColumnQualifier().toByteArray() : null;
if (request.getType() == AccessControlProtos.Permission.Type.Table) {
final TableName table = request.hasTableName() ?
ProtobufUtil.toTableName(request.getTableName()) : null;
accessChecker.requirePermission(caller, "userPermissions",
table, null, null, Action.ADMIN);
accessChecker.requirePermission(caller, "userPermissions", table, cf, cq, userName,
perms = User.runAsLoginUser(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<List<UserPermission>>() {
public List<UserPermission> run() throws Exception {
return AccessControlLists.getUserTablePermissions(regionEnv.getConfiguration(), table);
if (cf != null || userName != null) {
// retrieve permission based on the requested parameters
return AccessControlLists.getUserTablePermissions(regionEnv.getConfiguration(),
table, cf, cq, userName, true);
} else {
return AccessControlLists.getUserTablePermissions(regionEnv.getConfiguration(),
table, null, null, null, false);
} else if (request.getType() == AccessControlProtos.Permission.Type.Namespace) {
final String namespace = request.getNamespaceName().toStringUtf8();
accessChecker.requireNamespacePermission(caller, "userPermissions",
namespace, Action.ADMIN);
namespace,userName, Action.ADMIN);
perms = User.runAsLoginUser(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<List<UserPermission>>() {
public List<UserPermission> run() throws Exception {
return AccessControlLists.getUserNamespacePermissions(regionEnv.getConfiguration(),
if (userName != null) {
// retrieve permission based on the requested parameters
return AccessControlLists.getUserNamespacePermissions(regionEnv.getConfiguration(),
namespace, userName, true);
} else {
return AccessControlLists.getUserNamespacePermissions(regionEnv.getConfiguration(),
namespace, null, false);
} else {
accessChecker.requirePermission(caller, "userPermissions", Action.ADMIN);
accessChecker.requirePermission(caller, "userPermissions", userName, Action.ADMIN);
perms = User.runAsLoginUser(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<List<UserPermission>>() {
public List<UserPermission> run() throws Exception {
return AccessControlLists.getUserPermissions(regionEnv.getConfiguration(), null);
if (userName != null) {
// retrieve permission based on the requested parameters
return AccessControlLists.getUserPermissions(regionEnv.getConfiguration(), null,
null, null, userName, true);
} else {
return AccessControlLists.getUserPermissions(regionEnv.getConfiguration(), null,
null, null, null, false);
// Adding superusers explicitly to the result set as AccessControlLists do not store them.
// Also using acl as table name to be inline with the results of global admin and will
// help in avoiding any leakage of information about being superusers.
for (String user: Superusers.getSuperUsers()) {
perms.add(new UserPermission(Bytes.toBytes(user), AccessControlLists.ACL_TABLE_NAME,
null, Action.values()));
// Skip super users when filter user is specified
if (userName == null) {
// Adding superusers explicitly to the result set as AccessControlLists do not store
// them. Also using acl as table name to be inline with the results of global admin and
// will help in avoiding any leakage of information about being superusers.
for (String user : Superusers.getSuperUsers()) {
perms.add(new UserPermission(Bytes.toBytes(user), AccessControlLists.ACL_TABLE_NAME,
null, Action.values()));
response = AccessControlUtil.buildGetUserPermissionsResponse(perms);
@ -2244,7 +2280,7 @@ public class AccessController implements MasterCoprocessor, RegionCoprocessor,
AuthResult result = permissionGranted("checkPermissions", user, action, regionEnv,
regionEnv.getRegion().getRegionInfo().getTable(), familyMap);
if (!result.isAllowed()) {
// Even if passive we need to throw an exception here, we support checking
@ -2544,4 +2580,51 @@ public class AccessController implements MasterCoprocessor, RegionCoprocessor,
return userProvider.getCurrent();
public void hasPermission(RpcController controller, HasPermissionRequest request,
RpcCallback<HasPermissionResponse> done) {
// Converts proto to a TablePermission object.
TablePermission tPerm = AccessControlUtil.toTablePermission(request.getTablePermission());
// Check input user name
if (!request.hasUserName()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Input username cannot be empty");
final String inputUserName = request.getUserName().toStringUtf8();
AccessControlProtos.HasPermissionResponse response = null;
try {
User caller = RpcServer.getRequestUser().orElse(null);
// User instance for the input user name
User filterUser = accessChecker.validateCallerWithFilterUser(caller, tPerm, inputUserName);
// Initialize family and qualifier map
Map<byte[], Set<byte[]>> familyMap = new TreeMap<byte[], Set<byte[]>>(Bytes.BYTES_COMPARATOR);
if (tPerm.getFamily() != null) {
if (tPerm.getQualifier() != null) {
Set<byte[]> qualifiers = Sets.newTreeSet(Bytes.BYTES_COMPARATOR);
familyMap.put(tPerm.getFamily(), qualifiers);
} else {
familyMap.put(tPerm.getFamily(), null);
// Iterate each action and check whether permission granted
boolean hasPermission = false;
for (Action action : tPerm.getActions()) {
AuthResult result = permissionGranted("hasPermission", filterUser, action, regionEnv,
tPerm.getTableName(), familyMap);
if (!result.isAllowed()) {
hasPermission = false;
// Break the loop is any action is not allowed
hasPermission = true;
response = ResponseConverter.buildHasPermissionResponse(hasPermission);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
ResponseConverter.setControllerException(controller, ioe);
@ -19,7 +19,9 @@
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.security.access;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import org.apache.yetus.audience.InterfaceAudience;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.Cell;
@ -254,6 +256,13 @@ public class AuthResult {
private Map<byte[], ? extends Collection<?>> families = null;
byte[] family = null;
byte[] qualifier = null;
// For extra parameters to be shown in audit log
private final Map<String, String> extraParams = new HashMap<String, String>(2);
public Params addExtraParam(String key, String value) {
extraParams.put(key, value);
return this;
public Params setNamespace(String namespace) {
this.namespace = namespace;
@ -286,10 +295,29 @@ public class AuthResult {
String[] params = new String[] {
namespace != null ? "namespace=" + namespace : null,
tableName != null ? "table=" + tableName.getNameWithNamespaceInclAsString() : null,
familiesString.length() > 0 ? "family=" + familiesString : null
familiesString.length() > 0 ? "family=" + familiesString : null,
extraParams.isEmpty() ? null : concatenateExtraParams()
return Joiner.on(",").skipNulls().join(params);
* @return extra parameter key/value string
private String concatenateExtraParams() {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
boolean first = true;
for (Entry<String, String> entry : extraParams.entrySet()) {
if (entry.getKey() != null && entry.getValue() != null) {
if (!first) {
first = false;
sb.append(entry.getKey() + '=');
return sb.toString();
@ -41,6 +41,8 @@ import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.AccessControlProtos.GetUserPer
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.AccessControlProtos.GetUserPermissionsResponse;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.AccessControlProtos.GrantRequest;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.AccessControlProtos.GrantResponse;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.AccessControlProtos.HasPermissionRequest;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.AccessControlProtos.HasPermissionResponse;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.AccessControlProtos.RevokeRequest;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.AccessControlProtos.RevokeResponse;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.VisibilityLabelsProtos.GetAuthsRequest;
@ -88,6 +90,11 @@ public class TestMasterCoprocessorServices {
public void checkPermissions(RpcController controller, CheckPermissionsRequest request,
RpcCallback<CheckPermissionsResponse> done) {}
public void hasPermission(RpcController controller, HasPermissionRequest request,
RpcCallback<HasPermissionResponse> done) {
private static class MockVisibilityController implements VisibilityLabelsService.Interface,
@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.CommonConfigurationKeys;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
@ -126,6 +127,9 @@ import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.tool.LoadIncrementalHFiles;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.JVMClusterUtil;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Threads;
import org.apache.hadoop.security.GroupMappingServiceProvider;
import org.apache.hadoop.security.ShellBasedUnixGroupsMapping;
import org.apache.hadoop.security.UserGroupInformation;
import org.junit.AfterClass;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.ClassRule;
@ -211,6 +215,11 @@ public class TestAccessController extends SecureTestUtil {
conf = TEST_UTIL.getConfiguration();
// Up the handlers; this test needs more than usual.
// Enable security
// In this particular test case, we can't use SecureBulkLoadEndpoint because its doAs will fail
@ -2212,8 +2221,12 @@ public class TestAccessController extends SecureTestUtil {
private void createTestTable(TableName tname) throws Exception {
createTestTable(tname, TEST_FAMILY);
private void createTestTable(TableName tname, byte[] cf) throws Exception {
HTableDescriptor htd = new HTableDescriptor(tname);
HColumnDescriptor hcd = new HColumnDescriptor(TEST_FAMILY);
HColumnDescriptor hcd = new HColumnDescriptor(cf);
@ -3087,4 +3100,470 @@ public class TestAccessController extends SecureTestUtil {
verifyAllowed(action, SUPERUSER);
@Test(timeout = 180000)
public void testGetUserPermissions() throws Throwable {
Connection conn = null;
try {
conn = ConnectionFactory.createConnection(conf);
User nSUser1 = User.createUserForTesting(conf, "nsuser1", new String[0]);
User nSUser2 = User.createUserForTesting(conf, "nsuser2", new String[0]);
User nSUser3 = User.createUserForTesting(conf, "nsuser3", new String[0]);
// Global access groups
User globalGroupUser1 =
User.createUserForTesting(conf, "globalGroupUser1", new String[] { "group_admin" });
User globalGroupUser2 = User.createUserForTesting(conf, "globalGroupUser2",
new String[] { "group_admin", "group_create" });
// Namespace access groups
User nsGroupUser1 =
User.createUserForTesting(conf, "nsGroupUser1", new String[] { "ns_group1" });
User nsGroupUser2 =
User.createUserForTesting(conf, "nsGroupUser2", new String[] { "ns_group2" });
// table Access groups
User tableGroupUser1 =
User.createUserForTesting(conf, "tableGroupUser1", new String[] { "table_group1" });
User tableGroupUser2 =
User.createUserForTesting(conf, "tableGroupUser2", new String[] { "table_group2" });
// Create namespaces
String nsPrefix = "testNS";
final String namespace1 = nsPrefix + "1";
NamespaceDescriptor desc1 = NamespaceDescriptor.create(namespace1).build();
createNamespace(TEST_UTIL, desc1);
String namespace2 = nsPrefix + "2";
NamespaceDescriptor desc2 = NamespaceDescriptor.create(namespace2).build();
createNamespace(TEST_UTIL, desc2);
// Grant namespace permission
grantOnNamespace(TEST_UTIL, nSUser1.getShortName(), namespace1, Permission.Action.ADMIN);
grantOnNamespace(TEST_UTIL, nSUser3.getShortName(), namespace1, Permission.Action.READ);
grantOnNamespace(TEST_UTIL, toGroupEntry("ns_group1"), namespace1, Permission.Action.ADMIN);
grantOnNamespace(TEST_UTIL, nSUser2.getShortName(), namespace2, Permission.Action.ADMIN);
grantOnNamespace(TEST_UTIL, nSUser3.getShortName(), namespace2, Permission.Action.ADMIN);
grantOnNamespace(TEST_UTIL, toGroupEntry("ns_group2"), namespace2, Permission.Action.READ,
// Create tables
TableName table1 = TableName.valueOf(namespace1 + TableName.NAMESPACE_DELIM + "t1");
TableName table2 = TableName.valueOf(namespace2 + TableName.NAMESPACE_DELIM + "t2");
byte[] TEST_FAMILY2 = Bytes.toBytes("f2");
byte[] TEST_QUALIFIER2 = Bytes.toBytes("q2");
createTestTable(table1, TEST_FAMILY);
createTestTable(table2, TEST_FAMILY2);
// Grant table permissions
grantOnTable(TEST_UTIL, toGroupEntry("table_group1"), table1, null, null,
grantOnTable(TEST_UTIL, USER_ADMIN.getShortName(), table1, null, null,
grantOnTable(TEST_UTIL, USER_ADMIN_CF.getShortName(), table1, TEST_FAMILY, null,
grantOnTable(TEST_UTIL, USER_RW.getShortName(), table1, TEST_FAMILY, TEST_QUALIFIER,
grantOnTable(TEST_UTIL, USER_RW.getShortName(), table1, TEST_FAMILY, TEST_QUALIFIER2,
grantOnTable(TEST_UTIL, toGroupEntry("table_group2"), table2, null, null,
grantOnTable(TEST_UTIL, USER_ADMIN.getShortName(), table2, null, null,
grantOnTable(TEST_UTIL, USER_ADMIN_CF.getShortName(), table2, TEST_FAMILY2, null,
grantOnTable(TEST_UTIL, USER_RW.getShortName(), table2, TEST_FAMILY2, TEST_QUALIFIER,
grantOnTable(TEST_UTIL, USER_RW.getShortName(), table2, TEST_FAMILY2, TEST_QUALIFIER2,
List<UserPermission> userPermissions = null;
Collection<String> superUsers = Superusers.getSuperUsers();
int superUserCount = superUsers.size();
// Global User ACL
validateGlobalUserACLForGetUserPermissions(conn, nSUser1, globalGroupUser1, globalGroupUser2,
superUsers, superUserCount);
// Namespace ACL
validateNamespaceUserACLForGetUserPermissions(conn, nSUser1, nSUser3, nsGroupUser1,
nsGroupUser2, nsPrefix, namespace1, namespace2);
// Table + Users
validateTableACLForGetUserPermissions(conn, nSUser1, tableGroupUser1, tableGroupUser2,
nsPrefix, table1, table2, TEST_QUALIFIER2, superUsers);
// exception scenarios
try {
// test case with table name as null
assertEquals(3, AccessControlClient.getUserPermissions(conn, null, TEST_FAMILY).size());
fail("this should have thrown IllegalArgumentException");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
// expected
try {
// test case with table name as emplty
assertEquals(3, AccessControlClient
.getUserPermissions(conn, HConstants.EMPTY_STRING, TEST_FAMILY).size());
fail("this should have thrown IllegalArgumentException");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
// expected
try {
// test case with table name as namespace name
AccessControlClient.getUserPermissions(conn, "@" + namespace2, TEST_FAMILY).size());
fail("this should have thrown IllegalArgumentException");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
// expected
// Clean the table and namespace
deleteTable(TEST_UTIL, table1);
deleteTable(TEST_UTIL, table2);
deleteNamespace(TEST_UTIL, namespace1);
deleteNamespace(TEST_UTIL, namespace2);
} finally {
if (conn != null) {
@Test(timeout = 180000)
public void testHasPermission() throws Throwable {
Connection conn = null;
try {
conn = ConnectionFactory.createConnection(conf);
// Create user and set namespace ACL
User user1 = User.createUserForTesting(conf, "testHasPermissionUser1", new String[0]);
// Grant namespace permission
grantOnNamespaceUsingAccessControlClient(TEST_UTIL, conn, user1.getShortName(),
NamespaceDescriptor.DEFAULT_NAMESPACE.getName(), Permission.Action.ADMIN,
Permission.Action.CREATE, Permission.Action.READ);
// Create user and set table ACL
User user2 = User.createUserForTesting(conf, "testHasPermissionUser2", new String[0]);
// Grant namespace permission
grantOnTableUsingAccessControlClient(TEST_UTIL, conn, user2.getShortName(), TEST_TABLE,
TEST_FAMILY, TEST_QUALIFIER, Permission.Action.READ, Permission.Action.WRITE);
// Verify action privilege
AccessTestAction hasPermissionAction = new AccessTestAction() {
public Object run() throws Exception {
try (Connection conn = ConnectionFactory.createConnection(conf);
Table acl = conn.getTable(AccessControlLists.ACL_TABLE_NAME)) {
BlockingRpcChannel service = acl.coprocessorService(TEST_TABLE.getName());
AccessControlService.BlockingInterface protocol =
Permission.Action[] actions = { Permission.Action.READ, Permission.Action.WRITE };
AccessControlUtil.hasPermission(null, protocol, TEST_TABLE, TEST_FAMILY,
HConstants.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY, "dummy", actions);
return null;
USER_ADMIN_CF, user1);
verifyDenied(hasPermissionAction, USER_CREATE, USER_RW, USER_RO, USER_NONE, user2);
// Check for global user
assertTrue(AccessControlClient.hasPermission(conn, TEST_TABLE.getNameAsString(),
Permission.Action.READ, Permission.Action.WRITE, Permission.Action.CREATE,
assertFalse(AccessControlClient.hasPermission(conn, TEST_TABLE.getNameAsString(),
Permission.Action.READ, Permission.Action.WRITE, Permission.Action.CREATE,
Permission.Action.ADMIN, Permission.Action.EXEC));
// Check for namespace access user
assertTrue(AccessControlClient.hasPermission(conn, TEST_TABLE.getNameAsString(),
HConstants.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY, HConstants.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY, user1.getShortName(),
Permission.Action.ADMIN, Permission.Action.CREATE));
assertFalse(AccessControlClient.hasPermission(conn, TEST_TABLE.getNameAsString(),
HConstants.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY, HConstants.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY, user1.getShortName(),
Permission.Action.ADMIN, Permission.Action.READ, Permission.Action.EXEC));
// Check for table owner
assertTrue(AccessControlClient.hasPermission(conn, TEST_TABLE.getNameAsString(),
Permission.Action.READ, Permission.Action.WRITE, Permission.Action.EXEC,
Permission.Action.CREATE, Permission.Action.ADMIN));
// Check for table user
assertTrue(AccessControlClient.hasPermission(conn, TEST_TABLE.getNameAsString(),
Permission.Action.READ, Permission.Action.WRITE));
assertFalse(AccessControlClient.hasPermission(conn, TEST_TABLE.getNameAsString(),
HConstants.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY, HConstants.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY, USER_RO.getShortName(),
Permission.Action.READ, Permission.Action.WRITE));
// Check for family access user
assertTrue(AccessControlClient.hasPermission(conn, TEST_TABLE.getNameAsString(), TEST_FAMILY,
HConstants.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY, USER_RO.getShortName(), Permission.Action.READ));
assertTrue(AccessControlClient.hasPermission(conn, TEST_TABLE.getNameAsString(), TEST_FAMILY,
HConstants.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY, USER_RW.getShortName(), Permission.Action.READ,
assertFalse(AccessControlClient.hasPermission(conn, TEST_TABLE.getNameAsString(),
Permission.Action.ADMIN, Permission.Action.CREATE));
assertTrue(AccessControlClient.hasPermission(conn, TEST_TABLE.getNameAsString(), TEST_FAMILY,
HConstants.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY, USER_ADMIN_CF.getShortName(), Permission.Action.ADMIN,
assertFalse(AccessControlClient.hasPermission(conn, TEST_TABLE.getNameAsString(), TEST_FAMILY,
HConstants.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY, USER_ADMIN_CF.getShortName(), Permission.Action.READ));
// Check for qualifier access user
assertTrue(AccessControlClient.hasPermission(conn, TEST_TABLE.getNameAsString(), TEST_FAMILY,
TEST_QUALIFIER, user2.getShortName(), Permission.Action.READ, Permission.Action.WRITE));
assertFalse(AccessControlClient.hasPermission(conn, TEST_TABLE.getNameAsString(), TEST_FAMILY,
TEST_QUALIFIER, user2.getShortName(), Permission.Action.EXEC, Permission.Action.READ));
assertFalse(AccessControlClient.hasPermission(conn, TEST_TABLE.getNameAsString(),
Permission.Action.WRITE, Permission.Action.READ));
// exception scenarios
try {
// test case with table name as null
assertTrue(AccessControlClient.hasPermission(conn, null, HConstants.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY,
HConstants.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY, null, Permission.Action.READ));
fail("this should have thrown IllegalArgumentException");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
// expected
try {
// test case with username as null
assertTrue(AccessControlClient.hasPermission(conn, TEST_TABLE.getNameAsString(),
HConstants.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY, HConstants.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY, null, Permission.Action.READ));
fail("this should have thrown IllegalArgumentException");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
// expected
revokeFromNamespaceUsingAccessControlClient(TEST_UTIL, conn, user1.getShortName(),
NamespaceDescriptor.DEFAULT_NAMESPACE.getName(), Permission.Action.ADMIN,
Permission.Action.CREATE, Permission.Action.READ);
revokeFromTableUsingAccessControlClient(TEST_UTIL, conn, user2.getShortName(), TEST_TABLE,
TEST_FAMILY, TEST_QUALIFIER, Permission.Action.READ, Permission.Action.WRITE);
} finally {
if (conn != null) {
* Validate Global User ACL
private void validateGlobalUserACLForGetUserPermissions(final Connection conn, User nSUser1,
User globalGroupUser1, User globalGroupUser2, Collection<String> superUsers,
int superUserCount) throws Throwable {
// Verify action privilege
AccessTestAction globalUserPermissionAction = new AccessTestAction() {
public Object run() throws Exception {
try (Connection conn = ConnectionFactory.createConnection(conf);
Table acl = conn.getTable(AccessControlLists.ACL_TABLE_NAME)) {
BlockingRpcChannel service = acl.coprocessorService(TEST_TABLE.getName());
AccessControlService.BlockingInterface protocol =
AccessControlUtil.getUserPermissions(null, protocol, "dummy");
return null;
verifyAllowed(globalUserPermissionAction, SUPERUSER, USER_ADMIN, USER_GROUP_ADMIN);
verifyDenied(globalUserPermissionAction, USER_GROUP_CREATE, USER_GROUP_READ, USER_GROUP_WRITE);
// Validate global user permission
List<UserPermission> userPermissions;
assertEquals(5 + superUserCount, AccessControlClient.getUserPermissions(conn, null).size());
assertEquals(5 + superUserCount,
AccessControlClient.getUserPermissions(conn, HConstants.EMPTY_STRING).size());
assertEquals(5 + superUserCount,
AccessControlClient.getUserPermissions(conn, null, HConstants.EMPTY_STRING).size());
userPermissions = AccessControlClient.getUserPermissions(conn, null, USER_ADMIN.getName());
verifyGetUserPermissionResult(userPermissions, 1, null, null, USER_ADMIN.getName(), superUsers);
assertEquals(0, AccessControlClient.getUserPermissions(conn, null, nSUser1.getName()).size());
// Global group user ACL
AccessControlClient.getUserPermissions(conn, null, globalGroupUser1.getName()).size());
AccessControlClient.getUserPermissions(conn, null, globalGroupUser2.getName()).size());
* Validate Namespace User ACL
private void validateNamespaceUserACLForGetUserPermissions(final Connection conn, User nSUser1,
User nSUser3, User nsGroupUser1, User nsGroupUser2, String nsPrefix, final String namespace1,
String namespace2) throws Throwable {
AccessTestAction namespaceUserPermissionAction = new AccessTestAction() {
public Object run() throws Exception {
try (Connection conn = ConnectionFactory.createConnection(conf);
Table acl = conn.getTable(AccessControlLists.ACL_TABLE_NAME)) {
BlockingRpcChannel service = acl.coprocessorService(TEST_TABLE.getName());
AccessControlService.BlockingInterface protocol =
AccessControlUtil.getUserPermissions(null, protocol, Bytes.toBytes(namespace1), "dummy");
return null;
verifyAllowed(namespaceUserPermissionAction, SUPERUSER, USER_GROUP_ADMIN, USER_ADMIN, nSUser1,
verifyDenied(namespaceUserPermissionAction, USER_GROUP_CREATE, USER_GROUP_READ,
USER_GROUP_WRITE, nSUser3, nsGroupUser2);
List<UserPermission> userPermissions;
assertEquals(6, AccessControlClient.getUserPermissions(conn, "@" + nsPrefix + ".*").size());
assertEquals(3, AccessControlClient.getUserPermissions(conn, "@" + namespace1).size());
assertEquals(3, AccessControlClient
.getUserPermissions(conn, "@" + namespace1, HConstants.EMPTY_STRING).size());
userPermissions =
AccessControlClient.getUserPermissions(conn, "@" + namespace1, nSUser1.getName());
verifyGetUserPermissionResult(userPermissions, 1, null, null, nSUser1.getName(), null);
userPermissions =
AccessControlClient.getUserPermissions(conn, "@" + namespace1, nSUser3.getName());
verifyGetUserPermissionResult(userPermissions, 1, null, null, nSUser3.getName(), null);
AccessControlClient.getUserPermissions(conn, "@" + namespace1, USER_ADMIN.getName()).size());
// Namespace group user ACL
assertEquals(1, AccessControlClient
.getUserPermissions(conn, "@" + namespace1, nsGroupUser1.getName()).size());
assertEquals(1, AccessControlClient
.getUserPermissions(conn, "@" + namespace2, nsGroupUser2.getName()).size());
* Validate Table User ACL
private void validateTableACLForGetUserPermissions(final Connection conn, User nSUser1,
User tableGroupUser1, User tableGroupUser2, String nsPrefix, TableName table1,
TableName table2, byte[] TEST_QUALIFIER2, Collection<String> superUsers) throws Throwable {
AccessTestAction tableUserPermissionAction = new AccessTestAction() {
public Object run() throws Exception {
try (Connection conn = ConnectionFactory.createConnection(conf);
Table acl = conn.getTable(AccessControlLists.ACL_TABLE_NAME)) {
BlockingRpcChannel service = acl.coprocessorService(TEST_TABLE.getName());
AccessControlService.BlockingInterface protocol =
AccessControlUtil.getUserPermissions(null, protocol, TEST_TABLE, TEST_FAMILY,
return null;
verifyAllowed(tableUserPermissionAction, SUPERUSER, USER_ADMIN, USER_OWNER, USER_ADMIN_CF);
verifyDenied(tableUserPermissionAction, USER_CREATE, USER_RW, USER_RO, USER_NONE, USER_CREATE);
List<UserPermission> userPermissions;
assertEquals(12, AccessControlClient.getUserPermissions(conn, nsPrefix + ".*").size());
assertEquals(6, AccessControlClient.getUserPermissions(conn, table1.getNameAsString()).size());
assertEquals(6, AccessControlClient
.getUserPermissions(conn, table1.getNameAsString(), HConstants.EMPTY_STRING).size());
userPermissions = AccessControlClient.getUserPermissions(conn, table1.getNameAsString(),
verifyGetUserPermissionResult(userPermissions, 1, null, null, USER_ADMIN_CF.getName(), null);
assertEquals(0, AccessControlClient
.getUserPermissions(conn, table1.getNameAsString(), nSUser1.getName()).size());
// Table group user ACL
assertEquals(1, AccessControlClient
.getUserPermissions(conn, table1.getNameAsString(), tableGroupUser1.getName()).size());
assertEquals(1, AccessControlClient
.getUserPermissions(conn, table2.getNameAsString(), tableGroupUser2.getName()).size());
// Table Users + CF
assertEquals(12, AccessControlClient
.getUserPermissions(conn, nsPrefix + ".*", HConstants.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY).size());
userPermissions = AccessControlClient.getUserPermissions(conn, nsPrefix + ".*", TEST_FAMILY);
verifyGetUserPermissionResult(userPermissions, 3, TEST_FAMILY, null, null, null);
assertEquals(0, AccessControlClient
.getUserPermissions(conn, table1.getNameAsString(), Bytes.toBytes("dummmyCF")).size());
// Table Users + CF + User
.getUserPermissions(conn, table1.getNameAsString(), TEST_FAMILY, HConstants.EMPTY_STRING)
userPermissions = AccessControlClient.getUserPermissions(conn, table1.getNameAsString(),
verifyGetUserPermissionResult(userPermissions, 1, null, null, USER_ADMIN_CF.getName(),
assertEquals(0, AccessControlClient
.getUserPermissions(conn, table1.getNameAsString(), TEST_FAMILY, nSUser1.getName()).size());
// Table Users + CF + CQ
assertEquals(3, AccessControlClient.getUserPermissions(conn, table1.getNameAsString(),
assertEquals(1, AccessControlClient
.getUserPermissions(conn, table1.getNameAsString(), TEST_FAMILY, TEST_QUALIFIER).size());
assertEquals(1, AccessControlClient
.getUserPermissions(conn, table1.getNameAsString(), TEST_FAMILY, TEST_QUALIFIER2).size());
assertEquals(2, AccessControlClient.getUserPermissions(conn, table1.getNameAsString(),
HConstants.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY, HConstants.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY, USER_RW.getName()).size());
assertEquals(0, AccessControlClient
.getUserPermissions(conn, table1.getNameAsString(), TEST_FAMILY, Bytes.toBytes("dummmyCQ"))
// Table Users + CF + CQ + User
assertEquals(3, AccessControlClient.getUserPermissions(conn, table1.getNameAsString(),
assertEquals(1, AccessControlClient.getUserPermissions(conn, table1.getNameAsString(),
assertEquals(1, AccessControlClient.getUserPermissions(conn, table1.getNameAsString(),
assertEquals(0, AccessControlClient.getUserPermissions(conn, table1.getNameAsString(),
TEST_FAMILY, TEST_QUALIFIER2, nSUser1.getName()).size());
* Validate the user permission against the specified column family, column qualifier and user
* name.
private void verifyGetUserPermissionResult(List<UserPermission> userPermissions, int resultCount,
byte[] cf, byte[] cq, String userName, Collection<String> superUsers) {
assertEquals(resultCount, userPermissions.size());
for (UserPermission perm : userPermissions) {
if (cf != null) {
assertTrue(Bytes.equals(cf, perm.getFamily()));
if (cq != null) {
assertTrue(Bytes.equals(cq, perm.getQualifier()));
if (userName != null
&& (superUsers == null || !superUsers.contains(Bytes.toString(perm.getUser())))) {
* Dummy ShellBasedUnixGroupsMapping class to retrieve the groups for the test users.
public static class MyShellBasedUnixGroupsMapping extends ShellBasedUnixGroupsMapping
implements GroupMappingServiceProvider {
public List<String> getGroups(String user) throws IOException {
if (user.equals("globalGroupUser1")) {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "group_admin" });
} else if (user.equals("globalGroupUser2")) {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "group_admin", "group_create" });
} else if (user.equals("nsGroupUser1")) {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "ns_group1" });
} else if (user.equals("nsGroupUser2")) {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "ns_group2" });
} else if (user.equals("tableGroupUser1")) {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "table_group1" });
} else if (user.equals("tableGroupUser2")) {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "table_group2" });
} else {
return super.getGroups(user);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user