HBASE-15896 Add timeout tests to flaky list from report-flakies.py - Adds timed-out tests to flaky list. Dumpes two new files for reference, 'timeout' and 'failed' for corresponding list of bad tests. - Set --max-builds for different urls separately. This is needed so that we can turn the knobs for post-commit job and flaky-tests job separately. (Apekshit)

Change-Id: I88e1f9a8924eed1b5010106e73edede3aff34b0b

Signed-off-by: stack <stack@apache.org>
This commit is contained in:
Apekshit 2016-05-24 20:39:54 -07:00 committed by stack
parent da0d74cd27
commit aa016c78a7
2 changed files with 135 additions and 144 deletions

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
@ -19,64 +19,47 @@
# script to find hanging test from Jenkins build output
# usage: ./findHangingTests.py <url of Jenkins build console>
import urllib2
import re
import requests
import sys
import string
if len(sys.argv) != 2 :
print "ERROR : Provide the jenkins job console URL as the only argument."
print "Fetching " + sys.argv[1]
response = urllib2.urlopen(sys.argv[1])
i = 0;
tests = {}
failed_tests = {}
summary = 0
host = False
patch = False
branch = False
while True:
n = response.readline()
if n == "" :
if not host and n.find("Building remotely on") >= 0:
host = True
print n.strip()
if not patch and n.find("Testing patch for ") >= 0:
patch = True
print n.strip()
if not branch and n.find("Testing patch on branch ") >= 0:
branch = True
print n.strip()
if summary == 0 and n.find("Running tests.") >= 0:
summary = summary + 1
if summary == 1 and n.find("[INFO] Reactor Summary:") >= 0:
summary = summary + 1
if summary == 2 and n.find("[INFO] Apache HBase ") >= 0:
if n.find("org.apache.hadoop.hbase") < 0:
test_name = string.strip(n[n.find("org.apache.hadoop.hbase"):len(n)])
if n.find("Running org.apache.hadoop.hbase") > -1 :
tests[test_name] = False
if n.find("Tests run:") > -1 :
if n.find("FAILURE") > -1 or n.find("ERROR") > -1:
failed_tests[test_name] = True
tests[test_name] = True
print "Printing hanging tests"
for key, value in tests.iteritems():
if value == False:
print "Hanging test : " + key
print "Printing Failing tests"
for key, value in failed_tests.iteritems():
print "Failing test : " + key
def get_hanging_tests(console_url):
response = requests.get(console_url)
if response.status_code != 200:
print "Error getting consoleText. Response = {} {}".format(
response.status_code, response.reason)
return {}
all_tests = set()
hanging_tests = set()
failed_tests = set()
for line in response.content.splitlines():
result1 = re.match("^Running org.apache.hadoop.hbase.(\w*\.)*(\w*)", line)
if result1:
test_case = result1.group(2)
result2 = re.match("^Tests run:.*- in org.apache.hadoop.hbase.(\w*\.)*(\w*)", line)
if result2:
test_case = result2.group(2)
if "FAILURE!" in line:
print "Result > total tests: {:4} hanging : {:4} failed : {:4}".format(
len(all_tests), len(hanging_tests), len(failed_tests))
return [all_tests, hanging_tests, failed_tests]
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) != 2 :
print "ERROR : Provide the jenkins job console URL as the only argument."
print "Fetching {}".format(sys.argv[1])
[all_tests, hanging_tests, failed_tests] = get_hanging_tests(sys.argv[1])
print "Found {} hanging tests:".format(len(hanging_tests))
for test in hanging_tests:
print test
print "\n"
print "Found {} failed tests:".format(len(failed_tests))
for test in failed_tests:
print test

View File

@ -16,137 +16,145 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# This script uses Jenkins REST api to collect test results of given builds and generates flakyness
# data about unittests.
# Print help: ./report-flakies.py -h
# This script uses Jenkins REST api to collect test result(s) of given build/builds and generates
# flakyness data about unittests.
# Print help: report-flakies.py -h
import argparse
import findHangingTests
import logging
import re
import requests
import sys
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--max-builds", type=int, metavar="n",
help="Number of builds to analyze for each job (if available in jenkins). Default: all "
+ "available builds.")
parser.add_argument("--urls", metavar="url[ max-builds]", action="append", required=True,
help="Urls to analyze, which can refer to simple projects, multi-configuration projects or "
"individual build run. Optionally, specify maximum builds to analyze for this url "
"(if available on jenkins) using space as separator. By default, all available "
"builds are analyzed.")
parser.add_argument("--mvn", action="store_true",
help="Writes two strings for including/excluding these flaky tests using maven flags. These "
+ "strings are written to files so they can be saved as artifacts and easily imported in "
+ "other projects.")
"strings are written to files so they can be saved as artifacts and easily imported in "
"other projects. Also writes timeout and failing tests in separate files for "
parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", help="Prints more logs.", action="store_true")
"urls", help="Space separated list of urls (single/multi-configuration project) to analyze")
args = parser.parse_args()
logger = logging.getLogger("org.apache.hadoop.hbase.report-flakies")
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
if args.verbose:
# Given url of an executed build, fetches its test report, and returns dictionary from testname to
# pass/skip/fail status.
def get_build_results(build_url):
# Given url of an executed build, analyzes its console text, and returns
# [list of all tests, list of timeout tests, list of failed tests].
def get_bad_tests(build_url):
logger.info("Getting test results for %s", build_url)
url = build_url + "testReport/api/json?tree=suites[cases[className,name,status]]"
response = requests.get(url)
if response.status_code == 404:
logger.info("No test results for %s", build_url)
return {}
json_response = response.json()
console_url = build_url + "/consoleText"
return findHangingTests.get_hanging_tests(console_url)
tests = {}
for test_cases in json_response["suites"]:
for test in test_cases["cases"]:
# Truncate initial "org.apache.hadoop.hbase." from all tests.
test_name = (test["className"] + "#" + test["name"])[24:]
tests[test_name] = test["status"]
return tests
# If any url is of type multi-configuration project (i.e. has key 'activeConfigurations'),
# get urls for individual jobs.
jobs_list = []
for url in args.urls.split():
json_response = requests.get(url + "/api/json").json()
if json_response.has_key("activeConfigurations"):
for config in json_response["activeConfigurations"]:
elif json_response.has_key("builds"):
raise Exception("Bad url ({0}).".format(url))
def expand_multi_configuration_projects(urls_list):
expanded_urls = []
for url_max_build in urls_list:
splits = url_max_build.split()
url = splits[0]
max_builds = 10000 # Some high value
if len(splits) == 2:
max_builds = int(splits[1])
json_response = requests.get(url + "/api/json").json()
if json_response.has_key("activeConfigurations"):
for config in json_response["activeConfigurations"]:
expanded_urls.append({'url':config["url"], 'max_builds': max_builds})
expanded_urls.append({'url':url, 'max_builds': max_builds})
return expanded_urls
global_bad_tests = set()
# Iterates over each job, gets its test results and prints flaky tests.
for job_url in jobs_list:
logger.info("Analyzing job: %s", job_url)
# Set of timeout/failed tests across all given urls.
all_timeout_tests = set()
all_failed_tests = set()
# Iterates over each url, gets test results and prints flaky tests.
expanded_urls = expand_multi_configuration_projects(args.urls)
for url_max_build in expanded_urls:
url = url_max_build["url"]
json_response = requests.get(url + "/api/json").json()
if json_response.has_key("builds"):
builds = json_response["builds"]
logger.info("Analyzing job: %s", url)
builds = [{'number' : json_response["id"], 'url': url}]
logger.info("Analyzing build : %s", url)
build_id_to_results = {}
builds = requests.get(job_url + "/api/json").json()["builds"]
num_builds = 0
build_ids = []
build_ids_without_result = []
build_ids_without_tests_run = []
for build in builds:
build_id = build["number"]
build_result = get_build_results(build["url"])
if len(build_result) > 0:
build_id_to_results[build_id] = build_result
result = get_bad_tests(build["url"])
if len(result[0]) > 0:
build_id_to_results[build_id] = result
num_builds += 1
if num_builds == args.max_builds:
if num_builds == url_max_build["max_builds"]:
# Collect list of bad tests.
bad_tests = set()
for build in build_id_to_results:
for test in build_id_to_results[build]:
if (build_id_to_results[build][test] == "REGRESSION"
or build_id_to_results[build][test] == "FAILED"):
[_, timeout_tests, failed_tests] = build_id_to_results[build]
# Get total and failed build times for each bad test.
build_counts = {key:dict([('total', 0), ('failed', 0)]) for key in bad_tests}
# Get total and failed/timeout times for each bad test.
build_counts = {key : {'total': 0, 'timeout': 0, 'fail': 0 } for key in bad_tests}
for build in build_id_to_results:
build_results = build_id_to_results[build]
[all_tests, timeout_tests, failed_tests] = build_id_to_results[build]
for bad_test in bad_tests:
if build_results.has_key(bad_test):
if build_results[bad_test] != "SKIPPED": # Ignore the test if it's skipped.
build_counts[bad_test]['total'] += 1
if build_results[bad_test] == "REGRESSION":
build_counts[bad_test]['failed'] += 1
if all_tests.issuperset([bad_test]):
build_counts[bad_test]["total"] += 1
if timeout_tests.issuperset([bad_test]):
build_counts[bad_test]['timeout'] += 1
if failed_tests.issuperset([bad_test]):
build_counts[bad_test]['fail'] += 1
if len(bad_tests) > 0:
print "Job: {}".format(job_url)
print "{:>100} {:6} {:10} {}".format("Test Name", "Failed", "Total Runs", "Flakyness")
print "URL: {}".format(url)
print "{:>60} {:25} {:10} {}".format(
"Test Name", "Bad Runs(failed/timeout)", "Total Runs", "Flakyness")
for bad_test in bad_tests:
fail = build_counts[bad_test]['failed']
fail = build_counts[bad_test]['fail']
timeout = build_counts[bad_test]['timeout']
total = build_counts[bad_test]['total']
print "{:>100} {:6} {:10} {:2.0f}%".format(bad_test, fail, total, fail*100.0/total)
print "{:>60} {:10} ({:4} / {:4}) {:10} {:2.0f}%".format(
bad_test, fail + timeout, fail, timeout, total, (fail + timeout) * 100.0 / total)
print "No flaky tests founds."
if len(build_ids) == len(build_ids_without_result):
if len(build_ids) == len(build_ids_without_tests_run):
print "None of the analyzed builds have test result."
print "Builds analyzed: " + str(build_ids)
print "Builds with no results: " + str(build_ids_without_result)
print "Builds analyzed: {}".format(build_ids)
print "Builds without any test runs: {}".format(build_ids_without_tests_run)
print ""
if args.mvn:
# There might be multiple tests failing within each TestCase, avoid duplication of TestCase names.
test_cases = set()
for test in global_bad_tests:
test = re.sub(".*\.", "", test) # Remove package name prefix.
test = re.sub("#.*", "", test) # Remove individual unittest's name
includes = ",".join(test_cases)
all_bad_tests = all_timeout_tests.union(all_failed_tests)
if args.mvn:
includes = ",".join(all_bad_tests)
with open("./includes", "w") as inc_file:
excludes = ""
for test_case in test_cases:
excludes += "**/" + test_case + ".java,"
excludes = ["**/{0}.java".format(bad_test) for bad_test in all_bad_tests]
with open("./excludes", "w") as exc_file:
with open("./timeout", "w") as file:
with open("./failed", "w") as file: