Preparing hbase release 2.4.3RC0; tagging and updates to and
Signed-off-by: Andrew Purtell <>
This commit is contained in:
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# Be careful doing manual edits in this file. Do not change format
# of release header or remove the below marker. This file is generated.
## Release 2.4.3 - Unreleased (as of 2021-04-27)
| JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component |
|:---- |:---- | :--- |:---- |
| [HBASE-25751]( | Add writable TimeToPurgeDeletes to ScanOptions | Major | . |
| [HBASE-25587]( | [hbck2] Schedule SCP for all unknown servers | Major | hbase-operator-tools, hbck2 |
| JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component |
|:---- |:---- | :--- |:---- |
| [HBASE-25754]( | StripeCompactionPolicy should support compacting cold regions | Minor | Compaction |
| [HBASE-25766]( | Introduce RegionSplitRestriction that restricts the pattern of the split point | Major | . |
| [HBASE-25798]( | typo in MetricsAssertHelper | Minor | . |
| [HBASE-25770]( | Http InfoServers should honor gzip encoding when requested | Major | UI |
| [HBASE-25776]( | Use Class.asSubclass to fix the warning in StochasticLoadBalancer.loadCustomCostFunctions | Minor | Balancer |
| [HBASE-25767]( | CandidateGenerator.getRandomIterationOrder is too slow on large cluster | Major | Balancer, Performance |
| [HBASE-25762]( | Improvement for some debug-logging guards | Minor | logging, Performance |
| [HBASE-25653]( | Add units and round off region size to 2 digits after decimal | Major | master, Normalizer |
| [HBASE-25759]( | The master services field in LocalityBasedCostFunction is never used | Major | Balancer |
| [HBASE-25747]( | Remove unused getWriteAvailable method in OperationQuota | Minor | Quotas |
| [HBASE-25558]( | Adding audit log for execMasterService | Major | . |
| [HBASE-25703]( | Support conditional update in MultiRowMutationEndpoint | Major | Coprocessors |
| [HBASE-25627]( | HBase replication should have a metric to represent if the source is stuck getting initialized | Major | Replication |
| [HBASE-25688]( | Use CustomRequestLog instead of Slf4jRequestLog for jetty | Major | logging, UI |
| [HBASE-25678]( | Support nonce operations for Increment/Append in RowMutations and CheckAndMutate | Major | . |
| [HBASE-25679]( | Size of log queue metric is incorrect in branch-1/branch-2 | Major | . |
| [HBASE-25518]( | Support separate child regions to different region servers | Major | . |
| [HBASE-25621]( | Balancer should check region plan source to avoid misplace region groups | Major | Balancer |
| [HBASE-25374]( | Make REST Client connection and socket time out configurable | Minor | REST |
| [HBASE-25597]( | Add row info in Exception when cell size exceeds maxCellSize | Minor | . |
| [HBASE-25660]( | Print split policy in use on Region open (as well as split policy vitals) | Trivial | . |
| [HBASE-25635]( | CandidateGenerator may miss some region balance actions | Major | Balancer |
| [HBASE-25636]( | Expose HBCK report as metrics | Minor | metrics |
| [HBASE-25548]( | Optionally allow snapshots to preserve cluster's max filesize config by setting it into table descriptor | Major | . |
| JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component |
|:---- |:---- | :--- |:---- |
| [HBASE-25792]( | Filter out o.a.hadoop.thirdparty building shaded jars | Major | shading |
| [HBASE-25806]( | Backport the region location finder initialization fix in HBASE-25802 | Major | Balancer |
| [HBASE-25735]( | Add target Region to connection exceptions | Major | rpc |
| [HBASE-25717]( | RegionServer aborted due to ClassCastException | Major | . |
| [HBASE-25743]( | Retry REQUESTTIMEOUT KeeperExceptions from ZK | Major | Zookeeper |
| [HBASE-25726]( | MoveCostFunction is not included in the list of cost functions for StochasticLoadBalancer | Major | Balancer |
| [HBASE-25692]( | Failure to instantiate WALCellCodec leaks socket in replication | Major | Replication |
| [HBASE-25032]( | Wait for region server to become online before adding it to online servers in Master | Major | . |
| [HBASE-25568]( | Upgrade Thrift jar to fix CVE-2020-13949 | Critical | Thrift |
| [HBASE-25562]( | ReplicationSourceWALReader log and handle exception immediately without retrying | Major | Replication |
| [HBASE-25693]( | NPE getting metrics from standby masters (MetricsMasterWrapperImpl.getMergePlanCount) | Major | master |
| [HBASE-25685]( | asyncprofiler2.0 no longer supports svg; wants html | Major | . |
| [HBASE-25594]( | graceful\ fails to unload regions when ran at localhost | Minor | . |
| [HBASE-25674]( | RegionInfo.parseFrom(DataInputStream) sometimes fails to read the protobuf magic marker | Minor | Client |
| [HBASE-25595]( | TestLruBlockCache.testBackgroundEvictionThread is flaky | Major | . |
| [HBASE-25662]( | Fix spotbugs warning in RoundRobinTableInputFormat | Major | findbugs |
| [HBASE-25657]( | Fix spotbugs warnings after upgrading spotbugs to 4.x | Major | findbugs |
| [HBASE-25646]( | Possible Resource Leak in CatalogJanitor | Major | master |
### TESTS:
| JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component |
|:---- |:---- | :--- |:---- |
| [HBASE-25691]( | Test failure: TestVerifyBucketCacheFile.testRetrieveFromFile | Major | test |
| JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component |
|:---- |:---- | :--- |:---- |
| [HBASE-25775]( | Use a special balancer to deal with maintenance mode | Major | Balancer |
| [HBASE-25199]( | Remove HStore#getStoreHomedir | Minor | . |
| [HBASE-25696]( | Need to initialize SLF4JBridgeHandler in jul-to-slf4j for redirecting jul to slf4j | Major | logging |
| [HBASE-25695]( | Link to the filter on hbase:meta from user tables panel on master page | Major | UI |
| [HBASE-25629]( | Reimplement TestCurrentHourProvider to not depend on unstable TZs | Major | test |
| [HBASE-25671]( | Backport HBASE-25608 to branch-2 | Major | . |
| [HBASE-25677]( | Server+table counters on each scan #nextRaw invocation becomes a bottleneck when heavy load | Major | metrics |
| [HBASE-25667]( | Remove RSGroup test addition made in parent; depends on functionality not in old branches | Major | . |
### OTHER:
| JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component |
|:---- |:---- | :--- |:---- |
| [HBASE-25755]( | Exclude tomcat-embed-core from libthrift | Critical | dependencies, Thrift |
| [HBASE-25750]( | Upgrade RpcControllerFactory and HBaseRpcController from Private to LimitedPrivate(COPROC,PHOENIX) | Major | Coprocessors, phoenix, rpc |
| [HBASE-25734]( | Backport HBASE-24305 to branch-2.4 | Minor | . |
| [HBASE-25604]( | Upgrade spotbugs to 4.x | Major | build, findbugs |
| [HBASE-24305]( | Handle deprecations in ServerName | Minor | . |
## Release 2.4.2 - Unreleased (as of 2021-03-08)
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# of release header or remove the below marker. This file is generated.
# HBASE 2.4.3 Release Notes
These release notes cover new developer and user-facing incompatibilities, important issues, features, and major improvements.
* [HBASE-25766]( | *Major* | **Introduce RegionSplitRestriction that restricts the pattern of the split point**
After HBASE-25766, we can specify a split restriction, "KeyPrefix" or "DelimitedKeyPrefix", to a table with the "hbase.regionserver.region.split\_restriction.type" property. The "KeyPrefix" split restriction groups rows by a prefix of the row-key. And the "DelimitedKeyPrefix" split restriction groups rows by a prefix of the row-key with a delimiter.
For example:
# Create a table with a "KeyPrefix" split restriction, where the prefix length is 2 bytes
hbase\> create 'tbl1', 'fam', {CONFIGURATION =\> {'hbase.regionserver.region.split\_restriction.type' =\> 'KeyPrefix', 'hbase.regionserver.region.split\_restriction.prefix\_length' =\> '2'}}
# Create a table with a "DelimitedKeyPrefix" split restriction, where the delimiter is a comma (,)
hbase\> create 'tbl2', 'fam', {CONFIGURATION =\> {'hbase.regionserver.region.split\_restriction.type' =\> 'DelimitedKeyPrefix', 'hbase.regionserver.region.split\_restriction.delimiter' =\> ','}}
Instead of specifying a split restriction to a table directly, we can also set the properties in hbase-site.xml. In this case, the specified split restriction is applied for all the tables.
Note that the split restriction is also applied to a user-specified split point so that we don't allow users to break the restriction, which is different behavior from the existing KeyPrefixRegionSplitPolicy and DelimitedKeyPrefixRegionSplitPolicy.
* [HBASE-25775]( | *Major* | **Use a special balancer to deal with maintenance mode**
Introduced a MaintenanceLoadBalancer to be used only under maintenance mode. Typically you should not use it as your balancer implementation.
* [HBASE-25767]( | *Major* | **CandidateGenerator.getRandomIterationOrder is too slow on large cluster**
In the actual implementation classes of CandidateGenerator, now we just random select a start point and then iterate sequentially, instead of using the old way, where we will create a big array to hold all the integers in [0, num\_regions\_in\_cluster), shuffle the array, and then iterate on the array.
The new implementation is 'random' enough as every time we just select one candidate. The problem for the old implementation is that, it will create an array every time when we want to get a candidate, if we have tens of thousands regions, we will create an array with tens of thousands length everytime, which causes big GC pressure and slow down the balancer execution.
* [HBASE-25734]( | *Minor* | **Backport HBASE-24305 to branch-2.4**
The following method was added to ServerName
- #valueOf(Address, long)
* [HBASE-25199]( | *Minor* | **Remove HStore#getStoreHomedir**
Moved the following methods from HStore to HRegionFileSystem
- #getStoreHomedir(Path, RegionInfo, byte[])
- #getStoreHomedir(Path, String, byte[])
* [HBASE-25032]( | *Major* | **Wait for region server to become online before adding it to online servers in Master**
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After this change a region server is marked online and ready to accept regions (as seen by master) after it's first report to master is sent successfully. Prior to this change there could be cases where the region server is marked online but is actually stuck during initialization due to issues like misconfiguration and master tries to assign regions and they are stuck because the region server is in a weird state and not ready to serve them.
* [HBASE-25685]( | *Major* | **asyncprofiler2.0 no longer supports svg; wants html**
If asyncprofiler 1.x, all is good. If asyncprofiler 2.x and it is hbase-2.3.x or hbase-2.4.x, add '?output=html' to get flamegraphs from the profiler.
Otherwise, if hbase-2.5+ and asyncprofiler2, all works. If asyncprofiler1 and hbase-2.5+, you may have to add '?output=svg' to the query.
* [HBASE-25518]( | *Major* | **Support separate child regions to different region servers**
Config key for enable/disable automatically separate child regions to different region servers in the procedure of split regions. One child will be kept to the server where parent region is on, and the other child will be assigned to a random server.
Default setting is false/off.
* [HBASE-25374]( | *Minor* | **Make REST Client connection and socket time out configurable**
Configuration parameter to set rest client connection timeout
"" Default is 2 \* 1000
"" Default of 30 \* 1000
* [HBASE-25587]( | *Major* | **[hbck2] Schedule SCP for all unknown servers**
Adds scheduleSCPsForUnknownServers to Hbck Service.
* [HBASE-25636]( | *Minor* | **Expose HBCK report as metrics**
Expose HBCK repost results in metrics, includes: "orphanRegionsOnRS", "orphanRegionsOnFS", "inconsistentRegions", "holes", "overlaps", "unknownServerRegions" and "emptyRegionInfoRegions".
* [HBASE-24305]( | *Minor* | **Handle deprecations in ServerName**
The following methods were removed or made private from ServerName (due to HBASE-17624):
- getHostNameMinusDomain(String): Was made private without a replacement.
- parseHostname(String): Use #valueOf(String) instead.
- parsePort(String): Use #valueOf(String) instead.
- parseStartcode(String): Use #valueOf(String) instead.
- getServerName(String, int, long): Was made private. Use #valueOf(String, int, long) instead.
- getServerName(String, long): Use #valueOf(String, long) instead.
- getHostAndPort(): Use #getAddress() instead.
- getServerStartcodeFromServerName(String): Use instance of ServerName to pull out start code)
- getServerNameLessStartCode(String): Use #getAddress() instead.
# HBASE 2.4.2 Release Notes
These release notes cover new developer and user-facing incompatibilities, important issues, features, and major improvements.
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<description>Module to hold Checkstyle properties for HBase.</description>
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Reference in New Issue
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