HBASE-18147 POC jenkinsfile for nightly checks.

* adds ruby tools to dockerfile
* adds rubocop to dockerfile
* adds ruby-lint to dockerfile
* adds perlcritic to dockerfile

Signed-off-by: Alex Leblang <awleblang@gmail.com>
Signed-off-by: Josh Elser <elserj@apache.org>
This commit is contained in:
Sean Busbey 2017-07-20 17:07:33 -05:00
parent bc93b6610b
commit bdc94b1d6b
2 changed files with 227 additions and 0 deletions

dev-support/Jenkinsfile vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
pipeline {
agent {
node {
label 'Hadoop'
// work around for YETUS-508, requires maven outside of the dockerfile
tools {
maven 'Maven (latest)'
triggers {
options {
buildDiscarder(logRotator(numToKeepStr: '30'))
timeout (time: 6, unit: 'HOURS')
environment {
TOOLS = "${env.WORKSPACE}/tools"
// where we check out to across stages
BASEDIR = "${env.WORKSPACE}/component"
// where we'll write everything from different steps.
OUTPUTDIR = "${env.WORKSPACE}/output"
parameters {
booleanParam(name: 'USE_YETUS_PRERELEASE', defaultValue: false, description: '''Check to use the current HEAD of apache/yetus rather than our configured release.
Should only be used manually when e.g. there is some non-work-aroundable issue in yetus we are checking a fix for.''')
booleanParam(name: 'DEBUG', defaultValue: false, description: 'Produce a lot more meta-information.')
stages {
stage ('yetus check') {
environment {
PROJECT = 'hbase'
PROJECT_PERSONALITY = 'https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf?p=hbase.git;a=blob_plain;f=dev-support/hbase-personality.sh;hb=refs/heads/master'
// This section of the docs tells folks not to use the javadoc tag. older branches have our old version of the check for said tag.
AUTHOR_IGNORE_LIST = 'src/main/asciidoc/_chapters/developer.adoc,dev-support/test-patch.sh'
WHITESPACE_IGNORE_LIST = '.*/generated/.*'
// output from surefire; sadly the archive function in yetus only works on file names.
ARCHIVE_PATTERN_LIST = 'TEST-*.xml,org.apache.h*-output.txt,org.apache.h*.txt'
// These tests currently have known failures. Once they burn down to 0, remove from here so that new problems will cause a failure.
TESTS_FILTER = 'cc,checkstyle,javac,javadoc,pylint,shellcheck,whitespace,perlcritic,ruby-lint,rubocop'
BRANCH_SPECIFIC_DOCKERFILE = "${env.BASEDIR}/dev-support/docker/Dockerfile"
EXCLUDE_TESTS_URL = 'https://builds.apache.org/job/HBase-Find-Flaky-Tests/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/excludes/'
steps {
// TODO we can move the yetus install into a different stage and then use stash to deploy it.
sh '''#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo "Ensure we have a copy of Apache Yetus."
if [[ true != "${USE_YETUS_PRERELEASE}" ]]; then
echo "Checking for Yetus ${YETUS_RELEASE} in '${YETUS_DIR}'"
if [ ! -d "${YETUS_DIR}" ]; then
echo "New download of Apache Yetus version ${YETUS_RELEASE}."
rm -rf "${WORKSPACE}/.gpg"
mkdir -p "${WORKSPACE}/.gpg"
chmod -R 700 "${WORKSPACE}/.gpg"
echo "install yetus project KEYS"
curl -L --fail -o "${WORKSPACE}/KEYS_YETUS" https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/release/yetus/KEYS
gpg --homedir "${WORKSPACE}/.gpg" --import "${WORKSPACE}/KEYS_YETUS"
echo "download yetus release ${YETUS_RELEASE}"
curl -L --fail -O "https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/release/yetus/${YETUS_RELEASE}/yetus-${YETUS_RELEASE}-bin.tar.gz"
curl -L --fail -O "https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/release/yetus/${YETUS_RELEASE}/yetus-${YETUS_RELEASE}-bin.tar.gz.asc"
echo "verifying yetus release"
gpg --homedir "${WORKSPACE}/.gpg" --verify "yetus-${YETUS_RELEASE}-bin.tar.gz.asc"
mv "yetus-${YETUS_RELEASE}-bin.tar.gz" yetus.tar.gz
echo "Reusing cached download of Apache Yetus version ${YETUS_RELEASE}."
rm -rf "${YETUS_DIR}"
echo "downloading from github"
curl -L --fail https://api.github.com/repos/apache/yetus/tarball/HEAD -o yetus.tar.gz
if [ ! -d "${YETUS_DIR}" ]; then
echo "unpacking yetus into '${YETUS_DIR}'"
mkdir -p "${YETUS_DIR}"
gunzip -c yetus.tar.gz | tar xpf - -C "${YETUS_DIR}" --strip-components 1
// TODO we can move the personality install into a different stage and then use stash to deploy it.
dir ("${env.TOOLS}") {
sh """#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo "Downloading Project personality."
curl -L -o personality.sh "${env.PROJECT_PERSONALITY}"
// TODO break this out into a script so we can run shellcheck on it.
sh '''#!/usr/bin/env bash
YETUS_ARGS=("--multijdktests=compile,findbugs,unit" "${YETUS_ARGS[@]}")
# On branch-1* this should point to jdk8, since the default JAVA_HOME will be jdk7.
# On branch-2* this should be skipped, since we dropped jdk7 and JAVA_HOME will be jdk8
# On master this should be skipped, since JAVA_HOME will be jdk8
#YETUS_ARGS=("--multijdkdirs=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle" "${YETUS_ARGS[@]}")
YETUS_ARGS=("--personality=${TOOLS}/personality.sh" "${YETUS_ARGS[@]}")
YETUS_ARGS=("--basedir=${BASEDIR}" "${YETUS_ARGS[@]}")
YETUS_ARGS=("--archive-list=${ARCHIVE_PATTERN_LIST}" "${YETUS_ARGS[@]}")
YETUS_ARGS=("--console-urls" "${YETUS_ARGS[@]}")
# YETUS-532, repeat this twice in case the fix is to update args rather than docs
YETUS_ARGS=("--build-url-patchdir=artifact/${OUTPUT_RELATIVE}" "${YETUS_ARGS[@]}")
YETUS_ARGS=("--build-url-artifacts=artifact/${OUTPUT_RELATIVE}" "${YETUS_ARGS[@]}")
YETUS_ARGS=("--docker" "${YETUS_ARGS[@]}")
YETUS_ARGS=("--empty-patch" "${YETUS_ARGS[@]}")
YETUS_ARGS=("--html-report-file=${OUTPUTDIR}/console-report.html" "${YETUS_ARGS[@]}")
YETUS_ARGS=("--jenkins" "${YETUS_ARGS[@]}")
YETUS_ARGS=("--mvn-custom-repos" "${YETUS_ARGS[@]}")
YETUS_ARGS=("--patch-dir=${OUTPUTDIR}" "${YETUS_ARGS[@]}")
YETUS_ARGS=("--project=${PROJECT}" "${YETUS_ARGS[@]}")
YETUS_ARGS=("--resetrepo" "${YETUS_ARGS[@]}")
YETUS_ARGS=("--author-ignore-list=${AUTHOR_IGNORE_LIST}" "${YETUS_ARGS[@]}")
YETUS_ARGS=("--whitespace-eol-ignore-list=${WHITESPACE_IGNORE_LIST}" "${YETUS_ARGS[@]}")
YETUS_ARGS=("--whitespace-tabs-ignore-list=${WHITESPACE_IGNORE_LIST}" "${YETUS_ARGS[@]}")
YETUS_ARGS=("--sentinel" "${YETUS_ARGS[@]}")
YETUS_ARGS=("--branch=${BRANCH_NAME}" "${YETUS_ARGS[@]}")
YETUS_ARGS=("--tests-filter=${TESTS_FILTER}" "${YETUS_ARGS[@]}")
if [[ true == "${DEBUG}" ]]; then
YETUS_ARGS=("--debug" "${YETUS_ARGS[@]}")
rm -rf "${OUTPUTDIR}"
mkdir -p "${OUTPUTDIR}"
if [[ true != "${USE_YETUS_PRERELEASE}" ]]; then
YETUS_ARGS=("--shelldocs=${WORKSPACE}/yetus-${YETUS_RELEASE}/bin/shelldocs" "${YETUS_ARGS[@]}")
YETUS_ARGS=("--shelldocs=${WORKSPACE}/yetus-git/shelldocs/shelldocs.py" "${YETUS_ARGS[@]}")
echo "Launching yetus with command line:"
/usr/bin/env bash "${TESTPATCHBIN}" "${YETUS_ARGS[@]}"
post {
always {
// TODO confirm junit step accounts for multijdk results
junit 'output/**/target/**/TEST-*.xml'
// gzip surefire reports.
sh '''#!/bin/bash -e
if [ -d "${OUTPUTDIR}/archiver" ]; then
count=$(find "${OUTPUTDIR}/archiver" -type f | wc -l)
if [[ 0 -ne ${count} ]]; then
echo "zipping ${count} archived files"
zip -m -r "${OUTPUTDIR}/test_logs.zip" "${OUTPUTDIR}/archiver"
echo "No archived files, skipping compressing."
echo "No archiver directory, skipping compressing."
// env variables don't work in archive? or this has to be relative to WORKSPACE. :(
archive 'output/*'
archive 'output/**/*'
publishHTML target: [
allowMissing: true,
keepAll: true,
alwaysLinkToLastBuild: true,
// has to be relative to WORKSPACE :(
reportDir: 'output',
reportFiles: 'console-report.html',
reportName: 'Nightly Build Report'
failure {

View File

@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ RUN apt-get -q update && apt-get -q install --no-install-recommends -y \
libbz2-dev \
libcurl4-openssl-dev \
libfuse-dev \
libperl-critic-perl \
libprotobuf-dev \
libprotoc-dev \
libsnappy-dev \
@ -126,6 +127,34 @@ RUN pip install pylint
RUN pip install python-dateutil
# Install Ruby 2, based on Yetus 0.4.0 dockerfile
RUN echo 'gem: --no-rdoc --no-ri' >> /root/.gemrc
RUN apt-get -q install -y ruby2.0
# on trusty, the above installs ruby2.0 and ruby (1.9.3) exes
# but update-alternatives is broken, so we need to do some work
# to make 2.0 actually the default without the system flipping out
# See https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ruby2.0/+bug/1310292
RUN dpkg-divert --add --rename --divert /usr/bin/ruby.divert /usr/bin/ruby
RUN dpkg-divert --add --rename --divert /usr/bin/gem.divert /usr/bin/gemrc
RUN update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/ruby ruby /usr/bin/ruby2.0 1
RUN update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gem gem /usr/bin/gem2.0 1
# Install rubocop
RUN gem install rubocop
# Install ruby-lint
RUN gem install ruby-lint
# Avoid out of memory errors in builds