+ */
+public final class RSGroupTableAccessor {
+ //Assigned before user tables
+ private static final TableName RSGROUP_TABLE_NAME =
+ TableName.valueOf(NamespaceDescriptor.SYSTEM_NAMESPACE_NAME_STR, "rsgroup");
+ private static final byte[] META_FAMILY_BYTES = Bytes.toBytes("m");
+ private static final byte[] META_QUALIFIER_BYTES = Bytes.toBytes("i");
+ public static ListRSGroup Name | +Num. Online Servers | +Num. Dead Servers | +Num. Tables | +Requests Per Second | +Num. Regions | +Average Load | +
<& rsGroupLink; rsGroupName=rsGroupName; &> | +<% onlineServers %> | +<% deadServers %> | +<% tables %> | +<% requestsPerSecond %> | +<% numRegionsOnline %> | +<% avgLoad %> | +
Total:<% rsGroupInfos.length %> | +<% totalOnlineServers %> | +<% totalDeadServers %> | +<% totalTables %> | +<% totalRequests %> | +<% totalRegions %> | +<% master.getServerManager().getAverageLoad() %> | +
RSGroup Name | +Used Heap | +Max Heap | +Memstore Size | + +
<& rsGroupLink; rsGroupName=rsGroupName; &> | +<% TraditionalBinaryPrefix.long2String(usedHeap + * TraditionalBinaryPrefix.MEGA.value, "B", 1) %> | +<% TraditionalBinaryPrefix.long2String(maxHeap + * TraditionalBinaryPrefix.MEGA.value, "B", 1) %> | +<% TraditionalBinaryPrefix.long2String(memstoreSize + * TraditionalBinaryPrefix.MEGA.value, "B", 1) %> | + +
RSGroup Name | +Request Per Second | +Read Request Count | +Write Request Count | +
<& rsGroupLink; rsGroupName=rsGroupName; &> | +<% requestsPerSecond %> | +<% readRequests %> | +<% writeRequests %> | +
RSGroup Name | +Num. Stores | +Num. Storefiles | +Storefile Size Uncompressed | +Storefile Size | +Index Size | +Bloom Size | +
<& rsGroupLink; rsGroupName=rsGroupName; &> | +<% numStores %> | +<% numStorefiles %> | +<% TraditionalBinaryPrefix.long2String( + uncompressedStorefileSize * TraditionalBinaryPrefix.MEGA.value, "B", 1) %> | +<% TraditionalBinaryPrefix.long2String( + storefileSize * TraditionalBinaryPrefix.MEGA.value, "B", 1) %> | +<% TraditionalBinaryPrefix.long2String( + indexSize * TraditionalBinaryPrefix.KILO.value, "B", 1) %> | +<% TraditionalBinaryPrefix.long2String( + bloomSize * TraditionalBinaryPrefix.KILO.value, "B", 1) %> | +
RSGroup Name | +Num. Compacting KVs | +Num. Compacted KVs | +Remaining KVs | +Compaction Progress | +
<& rsGroupLink; rsGroupName=rsGroupName; &> | +<% totalCompactingKVs %> | +<% numCompactedKVs %> | +<% remainingKVs %> | +<% percentDone %> | +
Go Back, or wait for the redirect. + <% } else { %> +
ServerName | +Start time | +Last contact | +Version | +Requests Per Second | +Num. Regions | +|
<%= serverName.getServerName() %> | +<%= new Date(startcode) %> | +<%= lastContact %> | +<%= version %> | +<%= String.format("%.0f", requestsPerSecond) %> | +<%= numRegionsOnline %> | +|
<%= server %> | +<%= "Dead" %> | ++ | + | + | + | |
Total:<%= rsGroupServers.size() %> | ++ | + <%if (inconsistentNodeNum > 0) { %> + | <%= inconsistentNodeNum %> nodes with inconsistent version | + <%} else { %> ++ <%} %> + | <%= totalRequests %> | +<%= totalRegions %> | +
ServerName | +Used Heap | +Max Heap | +Memstore Size | +
<%= serverName.getServerName() %> | +<%= TraditionalBinaryPrefix.long2String(sl.getUsedHeapMB() + * TraditionalBinaryPrefix.MEGA.value, "B", 1) %> | +<%= TraditionalBinaryPrefix.long2String(sl.getMaxHeapMB() + * TraditionalBinaryPrefix.MEGA.value, "B", 1) %> | +<%= TraditionalBinaryPrefix.long2String(sl.getMemstoreSizeInMB() + * TraditionalBinaryPrefix.MEGA.value, "B", 1) %> | +
<%= server %> | ++ | + | + |
ServerName | +Request Per Second | +Read Request Count | +Write Request Count | +
<%= serverName.getServerName() %> | +<%= String.format("%.0f", sl.getRequestsPerSecond()) %> | +<%= sl.getReadRequestsCount() %> | +<%= sl.getWriteRequestsCount() %> | +
<%= server %> | ++ | + | + |
ServerName | +Num. Stores | +Num. Storefiles | +Storefile Size Uncompressed | +Storefile Size | +Index Size | +Bloom Size | +
<%= serverName.getServerName() %> | +<%= sl.getStores() %> | +<%= sl.getStorefiles() %> | +<%= TraditionalBinaryPrefix.long2String( + sl.getStoreUncompressedSizeMB() * TraditionalBinaryPrefix.MEGA.value, "B", 1) %> | +<%= TraditionalBinaryPrefix.long2String(sl.getStorefileSizeInMB() + * TraditionalBinaryPrefix.MEGA.value, "B", 1) %> | +<%= TraditionalBinaryPrefix.long2String(sl.getTotalStaticIndexSizeKB() + * TraditionalBinaryPrefix.KILO.value, "B", 1) %> | +<%= TraditionalBinaryPrefix.long2String(sl.getTotalStaticBloomSizeKB() + * TraditionalBinaryPrefix.KILO.value, "B", 1) %> | +
<%= server %> | ++ | + | + | + | + | + |
ServerName | +Num. Compacting KVs | +Num. Compacted KVs | +Remaining KVs | +Compaction Progress | +
<%= serverName.getServerName() %> | +<%= sl.getTotalCompactingKVs() %> | +<%= sl.getCurrentCompactedKVs() %> | +<%= sl.getTotalCompactingKVs() - sl.getCurrentCompactedKVs() %> | +<%= percentDone %> | +
<%= server %> | ++ | + | + | + |
No Region Servers
+ <% } %> +Namespace | +Table | +Stats | +Online Regions | +Offline Regions | +Failed Regions | +Split Regions | +Other Regions | +Description | +|
<%= tableName.getNamespaceAsString() %> | +<%= tableName.getQualifierAsString() %> | +<%= "DELETED" %> | ++ | + | + | + | + | + | |
<%= tableName.getNamespaceAsString() %> | +<%= tableName.getQualifierAsString() %> | + <% TableState.State tableState = master.getTableStateManager().getTableState(tableName); + if(TableState.isInStates(tableState, + TableState.State.DISABLED, TableState.State.DISABLING)) { + %> +<%= tableState.name() %> | + <% } else { %> +<%= tableState.name() %> | + <% } %> + <% Map<%= openRegionsCount %> | +<%= offlineRegionsCount %> | +<%= failedRegionsCount %> | +<%= splitRegionsCount %> | +<%= otherRegionsCount %> | +<%= htDesc.toStringCustomizedValues() %> | +
No Tables
+ <% } %> +