HBASE-27644 Should not return false when WALKey has no following KVs while reading WAL file (#5032)

Signed-off-by: Viraj Jasani <vjasani@apache.org>
(cherry picked from commit 4a9cf99b2f)

This commit is contained in:
Duo Zhang 2023-02-26 16:14:25 +08:00
parent 683c37e262
commit c29355ecd7
2 changed files with 67 additions and 24 deletions

View File

@ -408,10 +408,9 @@ public class ProtobufLogReader extends ReaderBase {
WALKey walKey = builder.build();
entry.getKey().readFieldsFromPb(walKey, this.byteStringUncompressor);
if (!walKey.hasFollowingKvCount() || 0 == walKey.getFollowingKvCount()) {
LOG.trace("WALKey has no KVs that follow it; trying the next one. current offset={}",
LOG.debug("WALKey has no KVs that follow it; trying the next one. current offset={}",
return false;
return true;
int expectedCells = walKey.getFollowingKvCount();
long posBefore = this.inputStream.getPos();

View File

@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ public class TestWALSplit {
* log entry. Does its writing as an alternate user in another filesystem instance to simulate
* better it being a regionserver.
class ZombieLastLogWriterRegionServer extends Thread {
private class ZombieLastLogWriterRegionServer extends Thread {
final AtomicLong editsCount;
final AtomicBoolean stop;
final int numOfWriters;
@ -396,10 +396,6 @@ public class TestWALSplit {
private Path createRecoveredEditsPathForRegion() throws IOException {
byte[] encoded = RegionInfoBuilder.FIRST_META_REGIONINFO.getEncodedNameAsBytes();
long now = EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTime();
Entry entry = new Entry(
new WALKeyImpl(encoded, TableName.META_TABLE_NAME, 1, now, HConstants.DEFAULT_CLUSTER_ID),
new WALEdit());
Path p = WALSplitUtil.getRegionSplitEditsPath(TableName.META_TABLE_NAME, encoded, 1,
return p;
@ -1167,7 +1163,44 @@ public class TestWALSplit {
} finally {
* See HBASE-27644, typically we should not have empty WALEdit but we should be able to process
* it, instead of losing data after it.
public void testEmptyWALEdit() throws IOException {
final String region = "region__5";
Path path = new Path(WALDIR, WAL_FILE_PREFIX + 5);
generateEmptyEditWAL(path, Bytes.toBytes(region));
Path regiondir = new Path(TABLEDIR, region);
List<Path> splitPaths = WALSplitter.split(HBASELOGDIR, WALDIR, OLDLOGDIR, fs, conf, wals);
// Make sure that WALSplitter generate the split file
assertEquals(1, splitPaths.size());
Path originalLog = (fs.listStatus(OLDLOGDIR))[0].getPath();
assertEquals(11, countWAL(originalLog));
// we will skip the empty WAL when splitting
assertEquals(10, countWAL(splitPaths.get(0)));
private void generateEmptyEditWAL(Path path, byte[] region) throws IOException {
try (Writer writer = wals.createWALWriter(fs, path)) {
long seq = 0;
appendEmptyEntry(writer, TABLE_NAME, region, seq++);
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
appendEntry(writer, TABLE_NAME, region, Bytes.toBytes(i), FAMILY, QUALIFIER, VALUE, seq++);
private Writer generateWALs(int leaveOpen) throws IOException {
@ -1360,7 +1393,7 @@ public class TestWALSplit {
public static long appendEntry(Writer writer, TableName table, byte[] region, byte[] row,
private static long appendEntry(Writer writer, TableName table, byte[] region, byte[] row,
byte[] family, byte[] qualifier, byte[] value, long seq) throws IOException {
LOG.info(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " append");
writer.append(createTestEntry(table, region, row, family, qualifier, value, seq));
@ -1373,13 +1406,27 @@ public class TestWALSplit {
byte[] qualifier, byte[] value, long seq) {
long time = System.nanoTime();
final KeyValue cell = new KeyValue(row, family, qualifier, time, KeyValue.Type.Put, value);
WALEdit edit = new WALEdit();
return new Entry(new WALKeyImpl(region, table, seq, time, HConstants.DEFAULT_CLUSTER_ID), edit);
private static long appendEmptyEntry(Writer writer, TableName table, byte[] region, long seq)
throws IOException {
LOG.info(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " append");
writer.append(createEmptyEntry(table, region, seq));
LOG.info(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " sync");
return seq;
private static Entry createEmptyEntry(TableName table, byte[] region, long seq) {
long time = System.nanoTime();
return new Entry(new WALKeyImpl(region, table, seq, time, HConstants.DEFAULT_CLUSTER_ID),
new WALEdit());
private void injectEmptyFile(String suffix, boolean closeFile) throws IOException {
Writer writer =
WALFactory.createWALWriter(fs, new Path(WALDIR, WAL_FILE_PREFIX + suffix), conf);
@ -1389,9 +1436,7 @@ public class TestWALSplit {
private boolean logsAreEqual(Path p1, Path p2) throws IOException {
Reader in1, in2;
in1 = wals.createReader(fs, p1);
in2 = wals.createReader(fs, p2);
try (Reader in1 = wals.createReader(fs, p1); Reader in2 = wals.createReader(fs, p2)) {
Entry entry1;
Entry entry2;
while ((entry1 = in1.next()) != null) {
@ -1403,8 +1448,7 @@ public class TestWALSplit {
return false;
return true;