HBASE-22022 nightly fails rat check down in the dev-support/hbase_nightly_source-artifact.sh check

This commit is contained in:
stack 2019-03-10 15:00:04 -07:00 committed by Nick Dimiduk
parent 593f44c928
commit c5a3ab7504

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@ -182,5 +182,8 @@ if mvn -DskipTests -Prelease --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local="${m2_tarbuild}" cl
echo "Building a binary tarball from the source tarball failed. see srtarball_install.log for details."
echo "Building a binary tarball from the source tarball failed. see srctarball_install.log for details."
# Copy up the rat.txt to the working dir so available in build archive in case rat complaints.
# rat.txt can be under any module target dir... copy them all up renaming them to include parent dir as we go.
find ${unpack_dir} -name rat.txt -type f | while IFS= read -r NAME; do cp -v "$NAME" "${working_dir}/${NAME//\//_}"; done
exit 1