HBASE-18533 Expose BucketCache values to be configured
Before this commit, BucketCache always used the default values. This commit adds the ability to configure these values. Signed-off-by: tedyu <yuzhihong@gmail.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -638,7 +638,7 @@ public class CacheConfig {
// Bucket cache logs its stats on creation internal to the constructor.
bucketCache = new BucketCache(bucketCacheIOEngineName,
bucketCacheSize, blockSize, bucketSizes, writerThreads, writerQueueLen, persistentPath,
ioErrorsTolerationDuration, c);
} catch (IOException ioex) {
LOG.error("Can't instantiate bucket cache", ioex); throw new RuntimeException(ioex);
@ -51,8 +51,11 @@ import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock;
import com.google.common.base.Preconditions;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseConfiguration;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.classification.InterfaceAudience;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.HeapSize;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.hfile.BlockCache;
@ -96,14 +99,23 @@ import com.google.common.util.concurrent.ThreadFactoryBuilder;
public class BucketCache implements BlockCache, HeapSize {
private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(BucketCache.class);
/** Priority buckets */
private static final float DEFAULT_SINGLE_FACTOR = 0.25f;
private static final float DEFAULT_MULTI_FACTOR = 0.50f;
private static final float DEFAULT_MEMORY_FACTOR = 0.25f;
private static final float DEFAULT_EXTRA_FREE_FACTOR = 0.10f;
/** Priority buckets config */
static final String SINGLE_FACTOR_CONFIG_NAME = "hbase.bucketcache.single.factor";
static final String MULTI_FACTOR_CONFIG_NAME = "hbase.bucketcache.multi.factor";
static final String MEMORY_FACTOR_CONFIG_NAME = "hbase.bucketcache.memory.factor";
static final String EXTRA_FREE_FACTOR_CONFIG_NAME = "hbase.bucketcache.extrafreefactor";
static final String ACCEPT_FACTOR_CONFIG_NAME = "hbase.bucketcache.acceptfactor";
static final String MIN_FACTOR_CONFIG_NAME = "hbase.bucketcache.minfactor";
/** Priority buckets */
static final float DEFAULT_SINGLE_FACTOR = 0.25f;
static final float DEFAULT_MULTI_FACTOR = 0.50f;
static final float DEFAULT_MEMORY_FACTOR = 0.25f;
static final float DEFAULT_MIN_FACTOR = 0.85f;
private static final float DEFAULT_EXTRA_FREE_FACTOR = 0.10f;
private static final float DEFAULT_ACCEPT_FACTOR = 0.95f;
private static final float DEFAULT_MIN_FACTOR = 0.85f;
// Number of blocks to clear for each of the bucket size that is full
private static final int DEFAULT_FREE_ENTIRE_BLOCK_FACTOR = 2;
@ -212,15 +224,34 @@ public class BucketCache implements BlockCache, HeapSize {
// Allocate or free space for the block
private BucketAllocator bucketAllocator;
/** Acceptable size of cache (no evictions if size < acceptable) */
private float acceptableFactor;
/** Minimum threshold of cache (when evicting, evict until size < min) */
private float minFactor;
/** Free this floating point factor of extra blocks when evicting. For example free the number of blocks requested * (1 + extraFreeFactor) */
private float extraFreeFactor;
/** Single access bucket size */
private float singleFactor;
/** Multiple access bucket size */
private float multiFactor;
/** In-memory bucket size */
private float memoryFactor;
public BucketCache(String ioEngineName, long capacity, int blockSize, int[] bucketSizes,
int writerThreadNum, int writerQLen, String persistencePath) throws FileNotFoundException,
IOException {
this(ioEngineName, capacity, blockSize, bucketSizes, writerThreadNum, writerQLen,
persistencePath, DEFAULT_ERROR_TOLERATION_DURATION, HBaseConfiguration.create());
public BucketCache(String ioEngineName, long capacity, int blockSize, int[] bucketSizes,
int writerThreadNum, int writerQLen, String persistencePath, int ioErrorsTolerationDuration)
int writerThreadNum, int writerQLen, String persistencePath, int ioErrorsTolerationDuration,
Configuration conf)
throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
this.ioEngine = getIOEngineFromName(ioEngineName, capacity);
this.writerThreads = new WriterThread[writerThreadNum];
@ -230,6 +261,19 @@ public class BucketCache implements BlockCache, HeapSize {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cache capacity is too large, only support 32TB now");
this.acceptableFactor = conf.getFloat(ACCEPT_FACTOR_CONFIG_NAME, DEFAULT_ACCEPT_FACTOR);
this.minFactor = conf.getFloat(MIN_FACTOR_CONFIG_NAME, DEFAULT_MIN_FACTOR);
LOG.info("Instantiating BucketCache with acceptableFactor: " + acceptableFactor + ", minFactor: " + minFactor +
", extraFreeFactor: " + extraFreeFactor + ", singleFactor: " + singleFactor + ", multiFactor: " + multiFactor +
", memoryFactor: " + memoryFactor);
this.cacheCapacity = capacity;
this.persistencePath = persistencePath;
this.blockSize = blockSize;
@ -276,6 +320,18 @@ public class BucketCache implements BlockCache, HeapSize {
persistencePath + ", bucketAllocator=" + this.bucketAllocator.getClass().getName());
private void sanityCheckConfigs() {
Preconditions.checkArgument(acceptableFactor <= 1 && acceptableFactor >= 0, ACCEPT_FACTOR_CONFIG_NAME + " must be between 0.0 and 1.0");
Preconditions.checkArgument(minFactor <= 1 && minFactor >= 0, MIN_FACTOR_CONFIG_NAME + " must be between 0.0 and 1.0");
Preconditions.checkArgument(minFactor <= acceptableFactor, MIN_FACTOR_CONFIG_NAME + " must be <= " + ACCEPT_FACTOR_CONFIG_NAME);
Preconditions.checkArgument(extraFreeFactor >= 0, EXTRA_FREE_FACTOR_CONFIG_NAME + " must be greater than 0.0");
Preconditions.checkArgument(singleFactor <= 1 && singleFactor >= 0, SINGLE_FACTOR_CONFIG_NAME + " must be between 0.0 and 1.0");
Preconditions.checkArgument(multiFactor <= 1 && multiFactor >= 0, MULTI_FACTOR_CONFIG_NAME + " must be between 0.0 and 1.0");
Preconditions.checkArgument(memoryFactor <= 1 && memoryFactor >= 0, MEMORY_FACTOR_CONFIG_NAME + " must be between 0.0 and 1.0");
Preconditions.checkArgument((singleFactor + multiFactor + memoryFactor) == 1, SINGLE_FACTOR_CONFIG_NAME + ", " +
MULTI_FACTOR_CONFIG_NAME + ", and " + MEMORY_FACTOR_CONFIG_NAME + " segments must add up to 1.0");
* Called by the constructor to start the writer threads. Used by tests that need to override
* starting the threads.
@ -557,26 +613,16 @@ public class BucketCache implements BlockCache, HeapSize {
private long acceptableSize() {
return (long) Math.floor(bucketAllocator.getTotalSize() * DEFAULT_ACCEPT_FACTOR);
return (long) Math.floor(bucketAllocator.getTotalSize() * acceptableFactor);
private long singleSize() {
return (long) Math.floor(bucketAllocator.getTotalSize()
private long multiSize() {
return (long) Math.floor(bucketAllocator.getTotalSize() * DEFAULT_MULTI_FACTOR
private long memorySize() {
return (long) Math.floor(bucketAllocator.getTotalSize() * DEFAULT_MEMORY_FACTOR
long getPartitionSize(float partitionFactor) {
return (long) Math.floor(bucketAllocator.getTotalSize() * partitionFactor * minFactor);
* Return the count of bucketSizeinfos still needf ree space
* Return the count of bucketSizeinfos still need free space
private int bucketSizesAboveThresholdCount(float minFactor) {
BucketAllocator.IndexStatistics[] stats = bucketAllocator.getIndexStatistics();
@ -640,7 +686,7 @@ public class BucketCache implements BlockCache, HeapSize {
long[] bytesToFreeForBucket = new long[stats.length];
for (int i = 0; i < stats.length; i++) {
bytesToFreeForBucket[i] = 0;
long freeGoal = (long) Math.floor(stats[i].totalCount() * (1 - DEFAULT_MIN_FACTOR));
long freeGoal = (long) Math.floor(stats[i].totalCount() * (1 - minFactor));
freeGoal = Math.max(freeGoal, 1);
if (stats[i].freeCount() < freeGoal) {
bytesToFreeForBucket[i] = stats[i].itemSize() * (freeGoal - stats[i].freeCount());
@ -667,15 +713,15 @@ public class BucketCache implements BlockCache, HeapSize {
long bytesToFreeWithExtra = (long) Math.floor(bytesToFreeWithoutExtra
* (1 + extraFreeFactor));
// Instantiate priority buckets
BucketEntryGroup bucketSingle = new BucketEntryGroup(bytesToFreeWithExtra,
blockSize, singleSize());
blockSize, getPartitionSize(singleFactor));
BucketEntryGroup bucketMulti = new BucketEntryGroup(bytesToFreeWithExtra,
blockSize, multiSize());
blockSize, getPartitionSize(multiFactor));
BucketEntryGroup bucketMemory = new BucketEntryGroup(bytesToFreeWithExtra,
blockSize, memorySize());
blockSize, getPartitionSize(memoryFactor));
// Scan entire map putting bucket entry into appropriate bucket entry
// group
@ -717,7 +763,7 @@ public class BucketCache implements BlockCache, HeapSize {
// Check and free if there are buckets that still need freeing of space
if (bucketSizesAboveThresholdCount(DEFAULT_MIN_FACTOR) > 0) {
if (bucketSizesAboveThresholdCount(minFactor) > 0) {
remainingBuckets = 3;
@ -1435,4 +1481,28 @@ public class BucketCache implements BlockCache, HeapSize {
public BlockCache[] getBlockCaches() {
return null;
float getAcceptableFactor() {
return acceptableFactor;
float getMinFactor() {
return minFactor;
float getExtraFreeFactor() {
return extraFreeFactor;
float getSingleFactor() {
return singleFactor;
float getMultiFactor() {
return multiFactor;
float getMemoryFactor() {
return memoryFactor;
@ -19,17 +19,25 @@
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.hfile.bucket;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseConfiguration;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseTestingUtility;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.hfile.BlockCacheKey;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.hfile.CacheTestUtils;
@ -267,4 +275,108 @@ public class TestBucketCache {
public void testGetPartitionSize() throws IOException {
//Test default values
validateGetPartitionSize(cache, BucketCache.DEFAULT_SINGLE_FACTOR, BucketCache.DEFAULT_MIN_FACTOR);
Configuration conf = HBaseConfiguration.create();
conf.setFloat(BucketCache.MIN_FACTOR_CONFIG_NAME, 0.5f);
conf.setFloat(BucketCache.SINGLE_FACTOR_CONFIG_NAME, 0.1f);
conf.setFloat(BucketCache.MULTI_FACTOR_CONFIG_NAME, 0.7f);
conf.setFloat(BucketCache.MEMORY_FACTOR_CONFIG_NAME, 0.2f);
BucketCache cache = new BucketCache(ioEngineName, capacitySize, constructedBlockSize,
constructedBlockSizes, writeThreads, writerQLen, persistencePath, 100, conf);
validateGetPartitionSize(cache, 0.1f, 0.5f);
validateGetPartitionSize(cache, 0.7f, 0.5f);
validateGetPartitionSize(cache, 0.2f, 0.5f);
public void testValidBucketCacheConfigs() throws IOException {
Configuration conf = HBaseConfiguration.create();
conf.setFloat(BucketCache.ACCEPT_FACTOR_CONFIG_NAME, 0.9f);
conf.setFloat(BucketCache.MIN_FACTOR_CONFIG_NAME, 0.5f);
conf.setFloat(BucketCache.EXTRA_FREE_FACTOR_CONFIG_NAME, 0.5f);
conf.setFloat(BucketCache.SINGLE_FACTOR_CONFIG_NAME, 0.1f);
conf.setFloat(BucketCache.MULTI_FACTOR_CONFIG_NAME, 0.7f);
conf.setFloat(BucketCache.MEMORY_FACTOR_CONFIG_NAME, 0.2f);
BucketCache cache = new BucketCache(ioEngineName, capacitySize, constructedBlockSize,
constructedBlockSizes, writeThreads, writerQLen, persistencePath, 100, conf);
assertEquals(BucketCache.ACCEPT_FACTOR_CONFIG_NAME + " failed to propagate.", cache.getAcceptableFactor(), 0.9f, 0);
assertEquals(BucketCache.MIN_FACTOR_CONFIG_NAME + " failed to propagate.", cache.getMinFactor(), 0.5f, 0);
assertEquals(BucketCache.EXTRA_FREE_FACTOR_CONFIG_NAME + " failed to propagate.", cache.getExtraFreeFactor(), 0.5f, 0);
assertEquals(BucketCache.SINGLE_FACTOR_CONFIG_NAME + " failed to propagate.", cache.getSingleFactor(), 0.1f, 0);
assertEquals(BucketCache.MULTI_FACTOR_CONFIG_NAME + " failed to propagate.", cache.getMultiFactor(), 0.7f, 0);
assertEquals(BucketCache.MEMORY_FACTOR_CONFIG_NAME + " failed to propagate.", cache.getMemoryFactor(), 0.2f, 0);
public void testInvalidAcceptFactorConfig() throws IOException {
float[] configValues = {-1f, 0.2f, 0.86f, 1.05f};
boolean[] expectedOutcomes = {false, false, true, false};
Map<String, float[]> configMappings = ImmutableMap.of(BucketCache.ACCEPT_FACTOR_CONFIG_NAME, configValues);
Configuration conf = HBaseConfiguration.create();
checkConfigValues(conf, configMappings, expectedOutcomes);
public void testInvalidMinFactorConfig() throws IOException {
float[] configValues = {-1f, 0f, 0.96f, 1.05f};
//throws due to <0, in expected range, minFactor > acceptableFactor, > 1.0
boolean[] expectedOutcomes = {false, true, false, false};
Map<String, float[]> configMappings = ImmutableMap.of(BucketCache.MIN_FACTOR_CONFIG_NAME, configValues);
Configuration conf = HBaseConfiguration.create();
checkConfigValues(conf, configMappings, expectedOutcomes);
public void testInvalidExtraFreeFactorConfig() throws IOException {
float[] configValues = {-1f, 0f, 0.2f, 1.05f};
//throws due to <0, in expected range, in expected range, config can be > 1.0
boolean[] expectedOutcomes = {false, true, true, true};
Map<String, float[]> configMappings = ImmutableMap.of(BucketCache.EXTRA_FREE_FACTOR_CONFIG_NAME, configValues);
Configuration conf = HBaseConfiguration.create();
checkConfigValues(conf, configMappings, expectedOutcomes);
public void testInvalidCacheSplitFactorConfig() throws IOException {
float[] singleFactorConfigValues = {0.2f, 0f, -0.2f, 1f};
float[] multiFactorConfigValues = {0.4f, 0f, 1f, .05f};
float[] memoryFactorConfigValues = {0.4f, 0f, 0.2f, .5f};
// All configs add up to 1.0 and are between 0 and 1.0, configs don't add to 1.0, configs can't be negative, configs don't add to 1.0
boolean[] expectedOutcomes = {true, false, false, false};
Map<String, float[]> configMappings = ImmutableMap.of(BucketCache.SINGLE_FACTOR_CONFIG_NAME,
singleFactorConfigValues, BucketCache.MULTI_FACTOR_CONFIG_NAME, multiFactorConfigValues,
BucketCache.MEMORY_FACTOR_CONFIG_NAME, memoryFactorConfigValues);
Configuration conf = HBaseConfiguration.create();
checkConfigValues(conf, configMappings, expectedOutcomes);
private void checkConfigValues(Configuration conf, Map<String, float[]> configMap, boolean[] expectSuccess) throws IOException {
Set<String> configNames = configMap.keySet();
for (int i = 0; i < expectSuccess.length; i++) {
try {
for (String configName : configNames) {
conf.setFloat(configName, configMap.get(configName)[i]);
BucketCache cache = new BucketCache(ioEngineName, capacitySize, constructedBlockSize,
constructedBlockSizes, writeThreads, writerQLen, persistencePath, 100, conf);
assertTrue("Created BucketCache and expected it to succeed: " + expectSuccess[i] + ", but it actually was: " + !expectSuccess[i], expectSuccess[i]);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
assertFalse("Created BucketCache and expected it to succeed: " + expectSuccess[i] + ", but it actually was: " + !expectSuccess[i], expectSuccess[i]);
private void validateGetPartitionSize(BucketCache bucketCache, float partitionFactor, float minFactor) {
long expectedOutput = (long) Math.floor(bucketCache.getAllocator().getTotalSize() * partitionFactor * minFactor);
assertEquals(expectedOutput, bucketCache.getPartitionSize(partitionFactor));
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.hfile.bucket;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseConfiguration;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.testclassification.SmallTests;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.hfile.BlockCacheKey;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.hfile.Cacheable;
@ -56,7 +57,7 @@ public class TestBucketWriterThread {
int writerThreadNum, int writerQLen, String persistencePath, int ioErrorsTolerationDuration)
throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
super(ioEngineName, capacity, blockSize, bucketSizes, writerThreadNum, writerQLen,
persistencePath, ioErrorsTolerationDuration);
persistencePath, ioErrorsTolerationDuration, HBaseConfiguration.create());
Reference in New Issue
Block a user