HBASE-14349 pre-commit zombie finder is overly broad

This commit is contained in:
stack 2015-10-07 13:41:27 -07:00
parent 4e876c59f4
commit e1fd3526b1
2 changed files with 16 additions and 10 deletions

@ -833,6 +833,12 @@ checkLineLengths () {
return 0
zombieCount() {
# HBase tests have been flagged with an innocuous '-Dhbase.test' just so they can
# be identified as hbase in a process listing.
echo `jps -v | grep -e surefirebooter -e '-Dhbase.test' | wc -l`
### Run the tests
runTests () {
@ -846,10 +852,6 @@ runTests () {
echo ""
echo ""
### kill any process remaining from another test, maybe even another project
jps | grep surefirebooter | cut -d ' ' -f 1 | xargs kill -9 2>/dev/null
### Kill any rogue build processes from the last attempt
condemnedCount=`$PS auxwww | $GREP ${PROJECT_NAME}PatchProcess | $AWK '{print $2}' | $AWK 'BEGIN {total = 0} {total += 1} END {print total}'`
@ -874,23 +876,25 @@ runTests () {
{color:green}+1 core tests{color}. The patch passed unit tests in $modules."
ZOMBIE_TESTS_COUNT=`jps | grep surefirebooter | wc -l`
if [[ $ZOMBIE_TESTS_COUNT != 0 ]] ; then
#It seems sometimes the tests are not dying immediately. Let's give them 30s
echo "Suspicious java process found - waiting 30s to see if there are just slow to stop"
sleep 30
ZOMBIE_TESTS_COUNT=`jps | grep surefirebooter | wc -l`
if [[ $ZOMBIE_TESTS_COUNT != 0 ]] ; then
echo "There are $ZOMBIE_TESTS_COUNT zombie tests, they should have been killed by surefire but survived"
echo "************ BEGIN zombies jstack extract"
ZB_STACK=`jps | grep surefirebooter | cut -d ' ' -f 1 | xargs -n 1 jstack | grep ".test" | grep "\.java"`
jps | grep surefirebooter | cut -d ' ' -f 1 | xargs -n 1 jstack
# HBase tests have been flagged with an innocuous '-Dhbase.test' just so they can
# be identified as hbase in a process listing.
ZB_STACK=`jps -v | grep -e surefirebooter -e '-Dhbase.test' | cut -d ' ' -f 1 | xargs -n 1 jstack | grep ".test" | grep "\.java"`
jps -v | grep -e surefirebooter -e '-Dhbase.test' | cut -d ' ' -f 1 | xargs -n 1 jstack
echo "************ END zombies jstack extract"
{color:red}-1 core zombie tests{color}. There are ${ZOMBIE_TESTS_COUNT} zombie test(s): ${ZB_STACK}"
jps | grep surefirebooter | cut -d ' ' -f 1 | xargs kill -9
jps -v | grep -e surefirebooter -e '-Dhbase.test' | cut -d ' ' -f 1 | xargs kill -9
echo "We're ok: there is no zombie test, but some tests took some time to stop"

@ -1292,7 +1292,9 @@
<!-- default Xmx value is 2800m. Use -Dsurefire.Xmx=xxg to run tests with different JVM Xmx value -->
<hbase-surefire.argLine>-enableassertions -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=1G -Xmx${surefire.Xmx}
<!--Mark our test runs with '-Dhbase.test' so we can identify a surefire test as ours in a process listing
<hbase-surefire.argLine>-enableassertions -Dhbase.test -Xmx${surefire.Xmx}
-XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true