HADOOP-1835 Updated Documentation for HBase setup/installation
M hbase/conf/hbase-env.sh Removed JAVA_HOME references. M hbase/src/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/package.html Improved setup instruction git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/lucene/hadoop/trunk/src/contrib/hbase@572983 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
This commit is contained in:
@ -40,6 +40,8 @@ Trunk (unreleased changes)
HADOOP-1760 Use new MapWritable and SortedMapWritable classes from
HADOOP-1802 Startup scripts should wait until hdfs as cleared 'safe mode'
HADOOP-1835 Updated Documentation for HBase setup/installation
(Izaak Rubin via Stack)
Below are the list of changes before 2007-08-18
@ -21,14 +21,6 @@
# Set HBase-specific environment variables here.
# The only required environment variable is JAVA_HOME. All others are
# optional. When running a distributed configuration it is best to
# set JAVA_HOME in this file, so that it is correctly defined on
# remote nodes.
# The java implementation to use. Required.
# export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/j2sdk1.5-sun
# Extra Java CLASSPATH elements. Optional.
@ -38,5 +30,5 @@
# Extra Java runtime options. Empty by default.
# export HBASE_OPTS=-server
# File naming remote slave hosts. $HADOOP_HOME/conf/slaves by default.
# File naming hosts on which HRegionServers will run. $HBASE_HOME/conf/regionservers by default.
# export HBASE_REGIONSERVERS=${HBASE_HOME}/conf/regionservers
@ -7,46 +7,104 @@ simple database.
<li><a href="http://lucene.apache.org/hadoop">Hadoop</a>: Hadoop has its own set of
<a href="http://lucene.apache.org/hadoop/api/overview-summary.html">requirements</a>
(Scroll down the page).</li>
<li>Java 1.5.x, preferably from <a href="http://lucene.apache.org/hadoop/api/index.html">Sun</a>
Set <code>JAVA_HOME</code> to the root of your Java installation</li>
<li>Java 1.5.x, preferably from <a href="http://www.java.com/en/download/">Sun</a>.</li>
<li>HBase runs on top of <a href="http://lucene.apache.org/hadoop">Hadoop</a>. Hadoop has its own set of
<a href="http://lucene.apache.org/hadoop/api/overview-summary.html#overview_description">
requirements and instructions</a>. Make sure to set
<code>JAVA_HOME</code> to the root of your Java installation when configuring Hadoop.
<h2>Getting Started</h2>
<p>First, you need a working instance of Hadoop. Download a recent release from
<a href="http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/lucene/hadoop/">Hadoop downloads</a>.
Unpack the release and connect to its top-level directory. Let this be
<code>${HADOOP_HOME}</code>. Edit the file <code>${HADOOP_HOME}/conf/hadoop-env.sh</code>
to define at least <code>JAVA_HOME</code>. Also, add site-particular
customizations to the file <code>${HADOOP_HOME}/conf/hadoop-site.xml</code>.
Try the following command: <pre>bin/hadoop
Start by defining the following directory variables for your convenience:
<p>Next, change to the hbase root. Let this be <code>${HBASE_HOME}</code> It is
usually located at <code>${HADOOP_HOME}/src/contrib/hbase</code>. Configure hbase.
Edit <code>${HBASE_HOME}/conf/hbase-env.sh</code> and
<code>${HBASE_HOME}/conf/hbase-site.xml</code> to make site particular settings.
List the hosts running regionservers in <code>${HBASE_HOME}/conf/regionservers</code>.
<li><code>${HADOOP_HOME}</code>: The root directory of your Hadoop installation.</li>
<li><code>${HBASE_HOME}</code>: The HBase root, located at
If you are running a standalone operation, proceed to <a href=#runandconfirm>Running
and Confirming Your Installation</a>. If you are running a distributed operation, continue below.
<h2>Distributed Operation</h2>
Make sure you have followed
<a href="http://lucene.apache.org/hadoop/api/overview-summary.html#overview_description">
Hadoop's instructions</a> for running a distributed operation.
Configuring HBase for a distributed operation requires modification of the following two
files: <code>${HBASE_HOME}/conf/hbase-site.xml</code> and
Here is how to start and then stop hbase:
<code>hbase-site.xml</code> allows the user to override the properties defined in
<code>${HBASE_HOME}/conf/hbase-default.xml</code>. <code>hbase-default.xml</code> itself
should never be modified. At a minimum the <code>hbase.master</code> property should be redefined
in <code>hbase-site.xml</code> to define the <code>host:port</code> pair on which to run the
HMaster (<a href="http://wiki.apache.org/lucene-hadoop/Hbase/HbaseArchitecture">read about the
HBase master, regionservers, etc</a>):
<description>The host and port that the HBase master runs at.
The <code>regionserver</code> file lists all the hosts running HRegionServers, one
host per line (This file is synonymous to the slaves file at
<h3>Additional Notes on Distributed Operation</h3>
<li>Hadoop and HBase must be set up on each host you plan to use.</li>
<li>Additional (optional) HBase-specific variables such as HBASE_HEAPSIZE and HBASE_CLASSPATH
can be set in <code>${HBASE_HOME}/conf/hbase-env.sh</code>.</li>
<h2><a name="runandconfirm"/>Running and Confirming Your Installation</h2>
If you are running a distributed operation you will need to start the Hadoop daemons
before starting HBase and stop the daemons after HBase has shut down. Start and
stop the Hadoop daemons as per the Hadoop
<a href="http://lucene.apache.org/hadoop/api/overview-summary.html">instructions</a>. Afterwards,
or if running a standalone operation, start HBase with the following command:
Once HBase has started, enter <code>${HBASE_HOME}/bin/hbase shell</code> to obtain a
shell against HBase from which you can execute HBase commands. In the HBase shell, type
<code>help;</code> to see a list of supported commands. Note that all commands in the HBase
shell must end with <code>;</code>. Test your installation by creating, viewing, and dropping
a table, as per the help instructions. Be patient with the <code>create</code> and
<code>drop</code> operations as they may each take 30 seconds or more. To stop hbase, exit the
HBase shell and enter:
Logs can be found in ${HADOOP_LOG_DIR}.
If you are running a distributed operation, be sure to wait until HBase has shut down completely
before stopping the Hadoop daemons.
<p>To obtain a shell against a running hbase instance, run:
<pre>${HBASE_HOME}/bin/hbase shell</pre>
Once the shell is up, type <code>help;</code> to see list of supported commands.
The default location for logs is <code>${HADOOP_HOME}/logs</code>.
<h2>Related Documentation</h2>
<li><a href="http://wiki.apache.org/lucene-hadoop/Hbase">HBase Home Page</a>
<li><a href="http://wiki.apache.org/lucene-hadoop/Hbase/HbaseArchitecture">Hbase Architecture</a>
<li><a href="http://wiki.apache.org/lucene-hadoop/Hbase/HbaseArchitecture">HBase Architecture</a>
Reference in New Issue
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