Another edit of how to create a release candiate section

git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
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Michael Stack 2013-08-31 05:26:44 +00:00
parent 0f37448507
commit ea6f81c952

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@ -206,152 +206,12 @@ mvn clean package -DskipTests
for examples</para>
<section xml:id="release">
<title>Making A Release</title>
<para>I'll explain by running through a release. See later in this section for more detail on particular steps.</para>
<para>Update CHANGES.txt with the changes since the last release (query JIRA, export to excel then hack w/ vim to format to suit CHANGES.txt).
Adjust the version in all the poms appropriately; e.g. you may need to remove <emphasis>-SNAPSHOT</emphasis> from all versions.
The <link xlink:href="">Versions Maven Plugin</link> can be of use here. To
set a version in all poms, do something like this:
<programlisting>$ mvn clean org.codehaus.mojo:versions-maven-plugin:1.3.1:set -DnewVersion=0.96.0</programlisting>
Checkin the <filename>CHANGES.txt</filename> and version changes.
<para>Now, build the src tarball. This tarball is hadoop version independent (it is pure src code).
<programlisting>$ MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx2g" mvn clean install javadoc:aggregate site assembly:single -DskipTests -Dassembly.file=hbase-assembly/src/main/assembly/src.xml -Prelease</programlisting>
Undo the tarball and make sure it looks good (A good test is seeing if you can build from the undone tarball).
Save it off to a version directory, e.g. hbase-0.96.0, the directory we will later publish as the release.
<para>Now we are into the hadoop1 or hadoop2 specific builds. Lets do hadoop1 first.
<programlisting># Generate the hadoop1 poms. See the script's usage for what it expects by way of arguments.
$ ./dev-support/ 0.96.0 0.96.0-hadoop1
# Build the hadoop1 tarball. Note we include generation of javadoc and site and how we reference pom.xml.hadoop1 created by the above script run
$ MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx3g" mvn -f pom.xml.hadoop1 clean install -DskipTests javadoc:aggregate site assembly:single -Prelease
# Undo the tgz and check it out. Look at doc. and see if it runs, etc. Are the set of modules appropriate:
# e.g. do we have a hbase-hadoop2-compat in the hadoop1 tgz?
# Now deploy to mvn. Do mvn and tgz for a particular version all together in the one go else if flipping between hadoop1 and hadoop2, you might mal-publish poms and doctored hbase-default.xml to mvn repo.
# Use the apache-release profile instead of just 'release'; it will sign your artifacts published to mvn as long as your settings.xml in your local .m2 repository is configured correctly.
$ MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx3g" mvn -f pom.xml.hadoop1 deploy -DskipTests -Papache-release
# The above copies all artifacts for hadoop1 up to mvn repo. If no '-SNAPSHOT' in the version, it puts the artifacts into a staging directory. This is what you want. Later if the vote on release
# passes, you can promote them as released artifacts.
<para>Lets do the hadoop2 artifacts (read above hadoop1 section closely before coming here).
<programlisting># Generate the hadoop2 poms.
$ ./dev-support/ 0.96.0 0.96.0-hadoop2
# Build the hadoop2 tarball.
$ MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx3g" mvn -f pom.xml.hadoop2 clean install -DskipTests javadoc:aggregate site assembly:single -Prelease
# Undo the tgz and check it out.
# Now deploy to mvn.
$ MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx3g" mvn -f pom.xml.hadoop2 deploy -DskipTests -Papache-release
<para>Making release tarballs -- src, hadoop1, and hadoop2 -- do as follows making use of the mvn
versions plugin to rewrite the hbase version string between builds to add the hadoop1 or haddop2
suffix to the version as appropriate (Only the src tgz is built without modification from the tag
checkout; the binary builds will have unchecked-in modifications to their pom adding the
hadoop1/hadoop2 suffix to the version string).
<programlisting>$ MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx2g" mvn clean install javadoc:aggregate site assembly:single -DskipTests -Dassembly.file=hbase-assembly/src/main/assembly/src.xml -Prelease
# Copy away the src tgz found in hbase-assembly/target after verifying the content of the tgz is good.
# Now set the version in all poms to include -hadoop1
$ mvn clean org.codehaus.mojo:versions-maven-plugin:1.3.1:set -DnewVersion=0.95.1-hadoop1
# Create a tgz w/ this -hadoop1 appended to version.
$ MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx2g" mvn clean install javadoc:aggregate site assembly:single -DskipTests -Dassembly.file=hbase-assembly/src/main/assembly/hadoop-one-compat.xml -Dhadoop.profile=1.0 -Prelease
# Copy away the hadoop1 bing tgz found in hbase-assembly/target after verifying the content of the tgz is good.
# Here is how to do a publish of a 'snapshot' up to mvn repo of this -hadoop1 version.VEN_OPTS="-Xmx2g" mvn clean install javadoc:aggregate site assembly:single -DskipTests -Dassembly.file=hbase-assembly/src/main/assembly/src.xml -Prelease
$ MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx2g" mvn clean install deploy -DskipTests -Dhadoop.profile=1.0 -Prelease
# Now set the version to -hadoop2
$ mvn clean org.codehaus.mojo:versions-maven-plugin:1.3.1:set -DnewVersion=0.95.1-hadoop2
$ MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx2g" mvn clean install javadoc:aggregate site assembly:single -DskipTests -Dassembly.file=hbase-assembly/src/main/assembly/hadoop-two-compat.xml -Dhadoop.profile=2.0 -Prelease
# Copy away the hadoop2 bing tgz found in hbase-assembly/target after verifying the content of the tgz is good.
# Here is how to do a publish of a 'snapshot' up to mvn repo of this -hadoop1 version.
$ MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx2g" mvn clean install deploy -DskipTests -Dhadoop.profile=2.0 -Prelease
<para>Next sign the tgzs and deploy (see the hadoop how to release instructions for how).</para>
<section xml:id="mvn_repo">
<title>Adding an Apache HBase release to Apache's Maven Repository</title>
<para>Follow the instructions at
<link xlink:href="">Publishing Maven Artifacts</link> after
reading the below miscellaney.
<title>Making Release Candidate</title>
<para>I'll explain by running through the process. See later in this section for more detail on particular steps.</para>
<para>You must use maven 3.0.x (Check by running <command>mvn -version</command>).
<para>Let me list out the commands I used first. The sections that follow dig in more
on what is going on. In this example, we are releasing the 0.92.2 jar to the apache
maven repository.
# First make a copy of the tag we want to release; presumes the release has been tagged already
# We do this because we need to make some commits for the mvn release plugin to work.
853 svn copy -m "Publishing 0.92.2 to mvn"
857 svn checkout
858 cd 0.92.2mvn/
# Edit the version making it release version with a '-SNAPSHOT' suffix (See below for more on this)
860 vi pom.xml
861 svn commit -m "Add SNAPSHOT to the version" pom.xml
862 ~/bin/mvn/bin/mvn release:clean
865 ~/bin/mvn/bin/mvn release:prepare
866 # Answer questions and then ^C to kill the build after the last question. See below for more on this.
867 vi
# Change the references to trunk svn to be 0.92.2mvn. The release plugin presumes trunk.
# Where it asks for a label for the release specify a label that does not yet exist; e.g.
# 0.92.2mvn2 (i.e. add a character, here a '2', to the label you are currently working
# against so when maven goes to label the release, it does not clash with an existing one).
# Then restart the release:prepare -- it won't ask questions because the properties file exists.
868 ~/bin/mvn/bin/mvn release:prepare
# The apache-release profile comes from the apache parent pom and does signing of artifacts published
869 ~/bin/mvn/bin/mvn release:perform -Papache-release
# When done copying up to apache staging repository,
# browse to, login and finish
# the release as according to the above
# "Publishing Maven Artifacts.
<para>Below is more detail on the commmands listed above.</para>
<para>At the <command>mvn release:perform</command> step, before starting, if you are for example
releasing hbase 0.92.2, you need to make sure the pom.xml version is 0.92.2-SNAPSHOT. This needs
to be checked in. Since we do the maven release after actual release, I've been doing this
checkin into a copy of the release tag rather than into the actual release tag itself (presumes the release has been properly tagged in svn).
So, say we released hbase 0.92.2 and now we want to do the release to the maven repository, in svn, the 0.92.2
release will be tagged 0.92.2. Making the maven release, copy the 0.92.2 tag to 0.92.2mvn.
Check out this tag and change the version therein and commit.
Currently, the mvn release wants to go against trunk. I haven't figured how to tell it to do otherwise
so I do the below hack. The hack comprises answering the questions put to you by the mvn release plugin properly,
then immediately control-C'ing the build after the last question asked as the build release step starts to run.
After control-C'ing it, You'll notice a in your build dir. Review it.
Make sure it is using the proper branch -- it tends to use trunk rather than the 0.92.2mvn or whatever
that you want it to use -- so hand edit the file that was put under <varname>${HBASE_HOME}</varname>
by the <command>release:perform</command> invocation. When done, resstart the
<para>Here is how I'd answer the questions at <command>release:prepare</command> time:
<programlisting>What is the release version for "HBase"? (org.apache.hbase:hbase) 0.92.2: :
What is SCM release tag or label for "HBase"? (org.apache.hbase:hbase) hbase-0.92.2: : 0.92.2mvn
What is the new development version for "HBase"? (org.apache.hbase:hbase) 0.92.3-SNAPSHOT: :
[INFO] Transforming 'HBase'...</programlisting>
<para>When you run <command>release:perform</command>, pass <command>-Papache-release</command>
else it will not 'sign' the artifacts it uploads.
<para>A strange issue I ran into was the one where the upload into the apache
repository was being sprayed across multiple apache machines making it so I could
not release. See <link xlink:href="">INFRA-4482 Why is my upload to mvn spread across multiple repositories?</link>.</para>
<para xml:id="mvn.settings.file">Here is my <filename>~/.m2/settings.xml</filename>.
This is read by the release plugin. The apache-release profile will pick up your
gpg key setup from here if you've specified it into the file. The password
can be maven encrypted as suggested in the "Publishing Maven Artifacts" but plain
text password works too (just don't let anyone see your local settings.xml).
<para xml:id="mvn.settings.file">Make sure your local <filename>settings.xml</filename> is set up properly before you begin.
Here is my <filename>~/.m2/settings.xml</filename>.
<programlisting>&lt;settings xmlns=""
@ -389,29 +249,84 @@ What is the new development version for "HBase"? (org.apache.hbase:hbase) 0.92.3
<para>If you see run into the below, its because you need to edit version in the pom.xml and add
<code>-SNAPSHOT</code> to the version (and commit).
<programlisting>[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] Searching repository for plugin with prefix: 'release'.
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building HBase
[INFO] task-segment: [release:prepare] (aggregator-style)
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] [release:prepare {execution: default-cli}]
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] You don't have a SNAPSHOT project in the reactor projects list.
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] For more information, run Maven with the -e switch
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 3 seconds
[INFO] Finished at: Sat Mar 26 18:11:07 PDT 2011
[INFO] Final Memory: 35M/423M
[INFO] -----------------------------------------------------------------------</programlisting>
<para>Update CHANGES.txt with the changes since the last release (query JIRA, export to excel then hack w/ vim to format to suit CHANGES.txt TODO: Needs detail).
Adjust the version in all the poms appropriately; e.g. you may need to remove <emphasis>-SNAPSHOT</emphasis> from all versions.
The <link xlink:href="">Versions Maven Plugin</link> can be of use here. To
set a version in all poms, do something like this:
<programlisting>$ mvn clean org.codehaus.mojo:versions-maven-plugin:1.3.1:set -DnewVersion=0.96.0</programlisting>
Checkin the <filename>CHANGES.txt</filename> and version changes.
<para>Now, build the src tarball. This tarball is hadoop version independent. It is just the pure src code and is without the hadoop1 or hadoop2 taint.
<programlisting>$ MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx2g" mvn clean install javadoc:aggregate site assembly:single -DskipTests -Dassembly.file=hbase-assembly/src/main/assembly/src.xml -Prelease</programlisting>
Undo the tarball and make sure it looks good (A good test is seeing if you can build from the undone tarball).
Save it off to a <emphasis>version directory</emphasis>, i.e a directory somewhere where you are collecting
all of the tarballs you will publish as part of the release candidate. For example if we were building a
hbase-0.96.0 release candidate, we might call the directory <filename>hbase-0.96.0RC0</filename>. Later
we will publish this directory as our release candidate up on
<para>Now we are into the making of the hadoop1 and hadoop2 specific builds. Lets do hadoop1 first.
<programlisting># First generate the hadoop1 poms. See the script usage for what it expects by way of arguments.
$ ./dev-support/ 0.96.0 0.96.0-hadoop1
# The script will work silently if all goes well. It will drop a pom.xml.hadoop1 beside all pom.xmls in all modules.
# Now build the hadoop1 tarball. Note we ask for the generation of javadoc and site and we reference the new pom.xml.hadoop1 explicitly
$ MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx3g" mvn -f pom.xml.hadoop1 clean install -DskipTests javadoc:aggregate site assembly:single -Prelease
# Undo the tgz and check it out. Look at doc. and see if it runs, etc. Are the set of modules appropriate: e.g. do we have a hbase-hadoop2-compat in the hadoop1 tgz?
# If good, copy the tarball to your 'version directory'
# Now deploy hadoop1 hbase to mvn. Do the mvn deploy and tgz for a particular version all together in the one go else if you flip between hadoop1 and hadoop2 builds, you might mal-publish poms and hbase-default.xml's (the version interpolations won't match).
# Use the apache-release profile instead of just 'release' when doing mvn deploy; it will sign your artifacts published to mvn as long as your settings.xml in your local .m2 repository is configured correctly.
$ MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx3g" mvn -f pom.xml.hadoop1 deploy -DskipTests -Papache-release -Pgpg
# The above copies all artifacts for hadoop1 up to mvn repo. The -Pgpg reads pgp password from settings.xml if it is set up properly. If no '-SNAPSHOT' in the version, it puts the artifacts into a staging directory. This is what you want.
<para>Lets do the hadoop2 artifacts (read above hadoop1 section closely before coming here because don't want to repeat detail since repeats have tendency to drift).
<programlisting># Generate the hadoop2 poms.
$ ./dev-support/ 0.96.0 0.96.0-hadoop2
# Build the hadoop2 tarball.
$ MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx3g" mvn -f pom.xml.hadoop2 clean install -DskipTests javadoc:aggregate site assembly:single -Prelease
# Undo the tgz and check it out. If good, copy the tarball to your 'version directory'. Now deploy to mvn.
$ MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx3g" mvn -f pom.xml.hadoop2 deploy -DskipTests -Papache-release -Pgpg
At this stage we have three tarballs in our 'version directory' and two sets of artifacts up in maven in staging area.
First lets put the 'version directory' up on You will need to sign and fingerprint them before you
push them up. In the 'version directory' do this:
<programlisting>$ for i in *.tar.gz; do echo $i; gpg --print-mds $i > $i.mds ; done
$ for i in *.tar.gz; do echo $i; gpg --armor --output $i.asc --detach-sig $i ; done
$ cd ..
# Presuming our 'version directory' is named 0.96.0RC0, now copy it up to
$ rsync -av 0.96.0RC0
For the maven artifacts, login at Find your artifacts in the staging directory.
Close the artifacts. This will give you an URL for the temporary mvn staging repository. Do the closing
for hadoop1 and hadoop2 repos.
See <link xlink:href="">Publishing Maven Artifacts</link> for
some pointers.
<para>We no longer publish using the maven release plugin. Instead we do mvn deploy. It seems to give
us a backdoor to maven release publishing. If no <emphasis>-SNAPSHOT</emphasis> on the version
string, then we are 'deployed' to the apache maven repository staging directory from which we
can publish URLs for candidates and later, if they pass, publish as release (if a
<emphasis>-SNAPSHOT</emphasis> on the version string, deploy will put the artifacts up into
apache snapshot repos).
<para>Make sure the directory is showing -- it can take a while to show -- and that the
mvn repo urls are good.
Announce the release candidate on the mailing list and call a vote.
<para>A strange issue I ran into was the one where the upload into the apache
repository was being sprayed across multiple apache machines making it so I could
not release. See <link xlink:href="">INFRA-4482 Why is my upload to mvn spread across multiple repositories?</link>.</para>
<section xml:id="documentation">
<title>Generating the HBase Reference Guide</title>
<para>The manual is marked up using <link xlink:href="">docbook</link>.