- Adding javadoc comments
- Bug: ServerStateNode#regions is HashSet but there's no synchronization to prevent concurrent addRegion/removeRegion. Let's use concurrent set instead.
- Use getRegionsInTransitionCount() directly to avoid instead of getRegionsInTransition().size() because the latter copies everything into a new array - what a waste for just the size.
- There's mixed use of getRegionNode and getRegionStateNode for same return type - RegionStateNode. Changing everything to getRegionStateNode. Similarly rename other *RegionNode() fns to *RegionStateNode().
- RegionStateNode#transitionState() return value is useless since it always returns it's first param.
- Other minor improvements
It seems like the original reason this execution filter was added is no
longer an issue for 2.0. Actually, these entries actually preclude
Eclipse from correctly using the Java8 source/target version that we
have specified (which creates numerous compilation errors in Eclipse)
Signed-off-by: Guanghao Zhang <zghao@apache.org>
- Moved DrainingServerTracker and RegionServerTracker to hbase-server:o.a.h.h.master.
- Moved SplitOrMergeTracker to oahh.master (because it depends on a PB)
- Moving hbase-client:oahh.zookeeper.* to hbase-zookeeper module. After HBASE-19200, hbase-client doesn't need them anymore (except 3 classes).
- Renamed some classes to use a consistent naming for classes - ZK instead of mix of ZK, Zk , ZooKeeper. Couldn't rename following public classes: MiniZooKeeperCluster, ZooKeeperConnectionException. Left RecoverableZooKeeper for lack of better name. (suggestions?)
- Sadly, can't move tests out because they depend on HBaseTestingUtility (which defeats part of the purpose - trimming down hbase-server tests. We need to promote more use of mocks in our tests)
Updated HTrace version to 4.2
Created TraceUtil class to wrap htrace methods. Uses try with resources.
Signed-off-by: Balazs Meszaros <balazs.meszaros@cloudera.com>
Signed-off-by: Michael Stack <stack@apache.org>
Last mockito-all release was in Dec'14. Mockito-core has had many releases since then.
From mockito's site:
- "Mockito does not produce the mockito-all artifact anymore ; this one was primarily
aimed at ant users, and contained other dependencies. We felt it was time to move on
and remove such artifacts as they cause problems in dependency management system like
maven or gradle."
- anyX() and any(SomeType.class) matchers now reject nulls and check type.
'bypass' logic case by case
Changes Coprocessor ObserverContext 'bypass' semantic. We flip the
default so bypass is NOT supported on Observer invocations; only a
couple of preXXX methods in RegionObserver allow it: e.g. preGet
and prePut but not preFlush, etc. Everywhere else, we throw
a DoesNotSupportBypassException if a Coprocessor Observer
tries to invoke bypass. Master Observers can no longer stop
or change move, split, assign, create table, etc.
Ditto on complete, the mechanism that allowed a Coprocessor
rule that all subsequent Coprocessors are skipped in an
invocation chain; now, complete is only available to
bypassable methods (and Coprocessors will get an exception if
they try to 'complete' when it is not allowed).
See javadoc for whether a Coprocessor Observer method supports
'bypass'. If no mention, 'bypass' is NOT supported.
M hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/coprocessor/CoprocessorHost.java
Added passing of 'bypassable' (and 'completable') and default 'result' argument to
the Operation constructors rather than pass the excecution engine as parameters.
Makes it so can clean up RegionObserverHost and make the calling
clearer regards what is going on.
Methods that support 'bypass' must set this flag on the Observer.
M hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/regionserver/HRegion.java
Refactoring in here is minor. A few methods that used support bypass
no longer do so removed the check and the need of an if/else meant a
left-shift in some code.
M hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/regionserver/RSRpcServices.java
M hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/regionserver/RegionCoprocessorHost.java
In here label explicitly those methods that are bypassable.
Some changes to make sure we call the corresponding execOperation.
TestMasterObserver had a bunch of test of bypass method. All removed or
TODO: What to do w/ the Scanner methods.