* HBASE-25379 Make retry pause time configurable for regionserver short operation RPC (reportRegionStateTransition/reportProcedureDone)
* HBASE-25379 RemoteProcedureResultReporter also should retry after the configured pause time
* Addressed the review comments
Signed-off-by: Yulin Niu <niuyulin@apache.org>
(cherry picked from commit c96fbf04077fa37555033f88939fdd69ac810b35)
* Using ContiguousCellFormat as a marker alone
* Commit the new file
* Fix the comparator logic that was an oversight
* Fix the sequenceId check order
* Adding few more static methods that helps in scan flow like query
matcher where we have more cols
* Remove ContiguousCellFormat and ensure compare() can be inlined
* applying negation as per review comment
* Fix checkstyle comments
* fix review comments
* Address review comments
Signed-off-by: stack <stack@apache.org>
Signed-off-by: AnoopSamJohn <anoopsamjohn@apache.org>
Signed-off-by: huaxiangsun <huaxiangsun@apache.org>
1. Added a check for Object class in RegionCoprocessorHost to avoid wrong initialization of hasCustomPostScannerFilterRow
2. Removed dummy implementation of postScannerFilterRow from AccessController, VisibilityController & ConstraintProcessor (which are not required currently)
Signed-off-by Ramkrishna S Vasudevan <ramkrishna@apache.org>
Signed-off-by Anoop Sam John <anoopsamjohn@apache.org>
Signed-off-by: Duo Zhang <zhangduo@apache.org>
Add a bit of a wait before testing if online replicas match the zk count. It might take a
while for all replicas to come online.
Signed-off-by: huaxiangsun <huaxiangsun@apache.org>
Network identities should be bound late. Remote addresses should be
resolved at the last possible moment, just before connect(). Network
identity mappings can change, so our code should not inappropriately
cache them. Otherwise we might miss a change and fail to operate normally.
Revert "HBASE-14544 Allow HConnectionImpl to not refresh the dns on errors"
Removes hbase.resolve.hostnames.on.failure and related code. We always
resolve hostnames, as late as possible.
Preserve InetSocketAddress caching per RPC connection. Avoids potential
lookups per Call.
Replace InetSocketAddress with Address where used as a map key. If we want
to key by hostname and/or resolved address we should be explicit about it.
Using Address chooses mapping by hostname and port only.
Add metrics for potential nameservice resolution attempts, whenever an
InetSocketAddress is instantiated for connect; and metrics for failed
resolution, whenever InetSocketAddress#isUnresolved on the new instance
is true.
* Use ServerName directly to build a stub key
* Resolve and cache ISA on a RpcChannel as late as possible, at first call
* Remove now invalid unit test TestCIBadHostname
We resolve DNS at the latest possible time, at first call, and do not
resolve hostnames for creating stubs at all, so this unit test cannot
work now.
Reviewed-by: Mingliang Liu <liuml07@apache.org>
Signed-off-by: Duo Zhang <zhangduo@apache.org>
Check TEST_SKIP_REPORTING_TRANSITION and if true, skip trying to talk to
update master on state transition -- i.e. reportFileArchivalForQuotas --
as we allow for reportRegionStateTransition (For tests only)
Signed-off-by: Huaxiang Sun <huaxiangsun@apache.com>
* PoolMap does not discard any elements anymore. If an element is put,
it always stores it. The reason: it stores expensive resources (rpc
connections) which would lead to resource leak if we simple discard it.
RpcClients can reference netty ByteBufs which are reference counted.
Resource cleanup is done by AbstractRpcClient.cleanupIdleConnections().
* PoolMap does not implement Map interface anymore, so ensuring
thread-safety has become easier. Put method is replaced with getOrCreate().
* ThreadLocalPool doesn't use ThreadLocal class anymore. It stores
resources on thread basis, but it doesn't remove values when a thread
exits. Again, proper cleanup is done by cleanupIdleConnections().
Signed-off-by: Sean Busbey <busbey@apache.org>
Signed-off-by: Wellington Chevreuil <wellington.chevreuil@gmail.com>