Last mockito-all release was in Dec'14. Mockito-core has had many releases since then.
From mockito's site:
- "Mockito does not produce the mockito-all artifact anymore ; this one was primarily
aimed at ant users, and contained other dependencies. We felt it was time to move on
and remove such artifacts as they cause problems in dependency management system like
maven or gradle."
- anyX() and any(SomeType.class) matchers now reject nulls and check type.
* Change imports from org.codehaus to com.fasterxml
* Exclude transitive jackson1 from hadoop and others
* Minor test cleanup to add assert messages, fix some parameter order
* Add anti-pattern check for using jackson 1 imports
* Add explicit non-null serialization directive to ScannerModel
* Removes transitive hadoop deps from hbase-client that we don't use
* removes curator-recipes dep from hbase-client that we don't use
* removes jetty-util transitive from hbase-client that we don't use
* moves junit from compile to test scope for hbase-client
* adds an IT that checks the contents of jars
* excludes our server side web apps and related deps (jaxb, jersey, jetty) from shaded jars
* excludes proto source files from shaded jars
* relocates codahale metrics, commons-crypto, and curator
* finishes relocating jets3t
* moves logging backends to optional in shaded artifacts
* updates maven dependency plugin
Signed-off-by: Michael Stack <>
Add in hbase-thirdparty hbase-shaded-netty instead.
s/io.netty/ everywhere in hbase.
Also set a system property when running tests and when starting
hbase; required by netty so can find the relocation files in the
bundled .so.
Selective add of dependency on hbase-thirdparty jars.
Update to READMEs on how protobuf is done (and update to refguide).
Removed all checked in generated protobuf files. They are generated
on the fly now as part of mainline build.
Pull in guava 22.0 by using the shaded version up in new hbase-thirdparty project.
In poms, exclude guava everywhere except on hadoop-common. Do this so
we minimize transitive includes. hadoop-common is needed because hadoop
Configuration uses guava doing preconditions.
Everywhere we used guava, instead use shaded so fix a load of imports.
Stopwatch API changed as did hashing and toStringHelper which is now
in MoreObjects class. Otherwise, minimal changes to come up on 22.0
hbase-thirdparty jars. Update to READMEs on how protobuf is done (and update to
refguide) Removed all checked in generated protobuf files. They are generatedon
the fly now as part of mainline build.
Added metrics for RecoverableZooKeeper related to specific exceptions,
total failed ZooKeeper API calls and latency histograms for read,
write and sync operations. Also added unit tests for the same. Added
service provider for the ZooKeeper metrics implementation inside the
hadoop compatibility module.
Signed-off-by: Andrew Purtell <>
Disable test that now runs that fails because of difference in pb3.1.0.
Signed-off-by: Michael Stack <>
Which includes
HBASE-16742 Add chapter for devs on how we do protobufs going forward
HBASE-16741 Amend the generate protobufs out-of-band build step
to include shade, pulling in protobuf source and a hook for patching protobuf
Removed ByteStringer from hbase-protocol-shaded. Use the protobuf-3.1.0
trick directly instead. Makes stuff cleaner. All under 'shaded' dir is
now generated.
HBASE-16567 Upgrade to protobuf-3.1.x
Regenerate all protos in this module with protoc3.
Redo ByteStringer to use new pb3.1.0 unsafebytesutil
instead of HBaseZeroCopyByteString
HBASE-16264 Figure how to deal with endpoints and shaded pb Shade our protobufs.
Do it in a manner that makes it so we can still have in our API references to (and in REST). The c.g.p in API is for Coprocessor Endpoints (CPEP)
This patch is Tactic #4 from Shading Doc attached to the referenced issue.
Figuring an appoach took a while because we have Coprocessor Endpoints
mixed in with the core of HBase that are tough to untangle (FIX).
Tactic #4 (the fourth attempt at addressing this issue) is COPY all but
the CPEP .proto files currently in hbase-protocol to a new module named
hbase-protocol-shaded. Generate .protos again in the new location and
then relocate/shade the generated files. Let CPEPs keep on with the
old references at* and
org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.* but change the hbase core so all
instead refer to the relocated files in their new location at*.
Let the new module also shade protobufs themselves and change hbase
core to pick up this shaded protobuf rather than directly reference
This approach allows us to explicitly refer to either the shaded or
non-shaded version of a protobuf class in any particular context (though
usually context dictates one or the other). Core runs on shaded protobuf.
CPEPs continue to use whatever is on the classpath with* which is pb2.5.0 for the near future at least.
See above cited doc for follow-ons and downsides. In short, IDEs will complain
about not being able to find the shaded protobufs since shading happens at package
time; will fix by checking in all generated classes and relocated protobuf in
a follow-on. Also, CPEPs currently suffer an extra-copy as marshalled from
non-shaded to shaded. To fix. Finally, our .protos are duplicated; once
shaded, and once not. Pain, but how else to reveal our protos to CPEPs or
C++ client that wants to talk with HBase AND shade protobuf.
Add a new hbase-protocol-shaded module. It is a copy of hbase-protocol
i with all relocated offset from o.a.h.h. to o.a.h.h.shaded. The new module
also includes the relocated pb. It does not include CPEPs. They stay in
their old location.
Add another module hbase-endpoint which has in it all the endpoints
that ship as part of hbase -- at least the ones that are not
entangled with core such as AccessControl and Auth. Move all protos
for these CPEPs here as well as their unit tests (mostly moving a
bunch of stuff out of hbase-server module)
Much of the change looks like this:
-import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.ProtobufUtil;
-import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.ClusterIdProtos;
+import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.shaded.ProtobufUtil;
+import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.protobuf.generated.ClusterIdProtos;
In HTable and in HBaseAdmin, regularize the way Callables are used and also hide
protobuf usage as much as possible moving it up into Callable super classes or out
to utility classes. Still TODO is adding in of retries, etc., but can wait on
procedure which will redo all this.
Also in HTable and HBaseAdmin as well as in HRegionServer and Server, be explicit
when using non-shaded protobuf. Do the full-path so it is clear. This is around
endpoint coprocessors registration of services and execution of CPEP methods.
Shrunk ProtobufUtil by moving methods used by one CPEP only back to the CPEP either
into Client class or as new Util class; e.g. AccessControlUtil.
There are actually two versions of ProtobufUtil now; a shaded one and a subset
that is used by CPEPs doing non-shaded work.
Made it so hbase-common no longer depends on hbase-protocol (with Matteo's help)
R*Converter classes got moved down under shaded package -- they are for internal
use only. There are no non-shaded versions of these classes.
D hbase-client/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/client/AbstractRegionServerCallable
D RetryingCallableBase
Not used anymore and we have too many tiers of Callables so removed/cleaned-up.
A ClientServicecallable
Had to add this one. RegionServerCallable was made generic so it could be used
for a few Interfaces (Client and Admin). Then added ClientServiceCallable to
implement RegionServerCallable with the Client Interface.
hbase-client has hbase-common test-jar as dependency in compile scope, while it should be test scope instead.
This patch fixes the bug.
Signed-off-by: Sean Busbey <>
When a Put fails due to a NotServingRegionException, the cached location
of that Region is never cleared. Thus, subsequent calls to resubmit
the Put will fail in the same way as the original, never determining
the new location of the Region.
If the Connection is not closed by the user before the Multiplexer
is discarded, it will leak resources and could cause resource
Signed-off-by: Sean Busbey <>
First pass. Plumbs up metrics for each connection instance. Exposes
static information about those connections (zk quorum and root node,
cluster id, user). Exposes basic thread pool utilization gauges for
"meta lookup" and "batch" pools.
* corrects license/notice for source distribution
* adds inception year to correct copyright in generated NOTICE files for jars
* updates project names in poms to use "Apache HBase" instead of "HBase" so jar NOTICE files will be correct
* uses append-resources to include supplemental info on jars with 3rd party works in source
* adds an hbase specific resource bundle for jars that include 3rd party works for binaries
** uses supplemental-model to fill in license gaps
** uses the above and a shade plugin transformation to build proper files for shaded jars.
** uses the above and the assembly plugin to build the proper files for bin assembly
* adds a NOTICE item for things copied out of Hadoop (TODO legal-discuss)
Adds a number of lifecycle-mapping entries which
prevent errors from showing up in Eclipse on a fresh
import of HBase. For plugins defined in the top-level
pom, the mapping is added there; otherwise, the mapping
is pushed down to the child pom.
Signed-off-by: Sean Busbey <>