* Handling the BAD value in info:state columns in hbase:meta
* Adding a unit test and region encoded name in the LOG
* Adding a null check for region state to complete the test scenario and fixing the nit
Signed-off-by: Wellington Chevreuil <wchevreuil@apache.org>
Signed-off-by: GuangxuCheng <guangxucheng@gmail.com>
Signed-off-by: stack <stack@apache.org>
All the clients need to know the master RPC end points while using master
based registry for creating cluster connections. This patch amends the
test cluster utility to populate these configs in the base configuration
object used to spin up the cluster.
The config key added here ("hbase.master.addrs") is used in the subsequent
patches for HBASE-18095.
Signed-off-by: Nick Dimiduk <ndimiduk@apache.org>
* Add a bit of javadoc around SerialReplicationChecker.
* Miniscule edit to the profiler jsp page and then a bit of doc on how to make it work that might help.
* Add some detail if NPE getting BitSetNode to help w/ debug.
* Change HbckChore to log region names instead of encoded names; helps doing diagnostics; can take region name and query in shell to find out all about the region according to hbase:meta.
* Add some fix-it help inline in the HBCK Report page – how to fix.
* Add counts in procedures page so can see if making progress; move listing of WALs to end of the page.
Have the existing scheduleRecoveries launch a new HBCKSCP
instead of SCP. It gets regions to recover from Master
in-memory context AND from a scan of hbase:meta. This
new HBCKSCP is For processing 'Unknown Servers', servers that
are 'dead' and purged but still have references in
hbase:meta. Rare occurance but needs tooling to address.
Later have catalogjanitor take care of these deviations
between Master in-memory and hbase:meta content (usually
because of overdriven cluster with failed RPCs to hbase:meta,
Changed expireServers in ServerManager so could pass in
custom reaction to expired server.... This is how we
run our custom HBCKSCP while keeping all other aspects
of expiring services (rather than try replicate it
* Clean up a bunch of private variable leakage into other
classes. Reduces visibility as much as possible, providing getters
where access remains necessary or making use of getters that
already exist. There remains an insidious relationship between
`HRegionServer` and `RSRpcServices`.
* Rename `fs` to `dataFs`, `rootDir` as `dataRootDir` so as to
distinguish from the new `walFs`, `walRootDir` (and make it easier
to spot bugs).
* Cleanup or delete a bunch of lack-luster javadoc comments.
* Delete a handful of methods that are unused according to static
* Reduces the warning count as reported by IntelliJ from 100 to 7.
Signed-off-by: stack <stack@apache.org>
Includes the following, incorporating HBASE-20439 and HBASE-20440, too.
HBASE-18133 Decrease quota reaction latency by HBase
Certain operations in HBase are known to directly affect
the utilization of tables on HDFS. When these actions
occur, we can circumvent the normal path and notify the
Master directly. This results in a much faster response to
changes in HDFS usage.
This requires FS scanning by the RS to be decoupled from
the reporting of sizes to the Master. An API inside each
RS is made so that any operation can hook into this call
in the face of other operations (e.g. compaction, flush,
bulk load).
HBASE-18135 Implement mechanism for RegionServers to report file archival for space quotas
This de-couples the snapshot size calculation from the
SpaceQuotaObserverChore into another API which both the periodically
invoked Master chore and the Master service endpoint can invoke. This
allows for multiple sources of snapshot size to reported (from the
multiple sources we have in HBase).
When a file is archived, snapshot sizes can be more quickly realized and
the Master can still perform periodical computations of the total
snapshot size to account for any delayed/missing/lost file archival RPCs.
HBASE-20531 RS may throw NPE when close meta regions in shutdown procedure.
Removes the closeRegion flag added by HBASE-23181 and instead
relies on reading meta WALEdit content. Modified how qualifier is
written when the meta WALEdit is for a RegionEventDescriptor
so the 'type' is added to the qualifer so can figure type
w/o having to deserialize protobuf value content: e.g.
Added doc on WALEdit and tried to formalize the 'meta' WALEdit
type and how it works. Needs complete redo in part as suggested
by HBASE-8457. Meantime, some doc and cleanup.
Also changed the LogRoller constructor to remove redundant param.
Because of constructor change, need to change also
TestFailedAppendAndSync, TestWALLockup, TestAsyncFSWAL &
Signed-off-by: Duo Zhang <zhangduo@apache.org>
Signed-off-by: Lijin Bin <binlijin@apache.org>