- replaced commons-logging to slf4j everywhere
- log.XXX(Throwable) calls were replaced with log.XXX(t.toString(), t)
- log.XXX(Object) calls were replaced with log.XXX(Objects.toString(obj))
- log.fatal() calls were replaced with log.error(HBaseMarkers.FATAL, ...)
- programmatic log4j configuration was removed from the unit test
This commit does not affect the current logging configurations, because log4j
is still on the classpath. slf4j-log4j12 binds log4j to slf4j.
Signed-off-by: Michael Stack <>
It seems like the original reason this execution filter was added is no
longer an issue for 2.0. Actually, these entries actually preclude
Eclipse from correctly using the Java8 source/target version that we
have specified (which creates numerous compilation errors in Eclipse)
Signed-off-by: Guanghao Zhang <>
- Adding javadoc comments
- Bug: ServerStateNode#regions is HashSet but there's no synchronization to prevent concurrent addRegion/removeRegion. Let's use concurrent set instead.
- Use getRegionsInTransitionCount() directly to avoid instead of getRegionsInTransition().size() because the latter copies everything into a new array - what a waste for just the size.
- There's mixed use of getRegionNode and getRegionStateNode for same return type - RegionStateNode. Changing everything to getRegionStateNode. Similarly rename other *RegionNode() fns to *RegionStateNode().
- RegionStateNode#transitionState() return value is useless since it always returns it's first param.
- Other minor improvements
- Moved DrainingServerTracker and RegionServerTracker to hbase-server:o.a.h.h.master.
- Moved SplitOrMergeTracker to oahh.master (because it depends on a PB)
- Moving hbase-client:oahh.zookeeper.* to hbase-zookeeper module. After HBASE-19200, hbase-client doesn't need them anymore (except 3 classes).
- Renamed some classes to use a consistent naming for classes - ZK instead of mix of ZK, Zk , ZooKeeper. Couldn't rename following public classes: MiniZooKeeperCluster, ZooKeeperConnectionException. Left RecoverableZooKeeper for lack of better name. (suggestions?)
- Sadly, can't move tests out because they depend on HBaseTestingUtility (which defeats part of the purpose - trimming down hbase-server tests. We need to promote more use of mocks in our tests)
Updated HTrace version to 4.2
Created TraceUtil class to wrap htrace methods. Uses try with resources.
Signed-off-by: Balazs Meszaros <>
Signed-off-by: Michael Stack <>
Last mockito-all release was in Dec'14. Mockito-core has had many releases since then.
From mockito's site:
- "Mockito does not produce the mockito-all artifact anymore ; this one was primarily
aimed at ant users, and contained other dependencies. We felt it was time to move on
and remove such artifacts as they cause problems in dependency management system like
maven or gradle."
- anyX() and any(SomeType.class) matchers now reject nulls and check type.
Purges Server, MasterServices, and RegionServerServices from
CoprocessorEnvironments. Replaces removed functionality with
a set of carefully curated methods on the *CoprocessorEnvironment
implementations (Varies by CoprocessorEnvironment in that the
MasterCoprocessorEnvironment has Master-type facility exposed,
and so on).
A few core Coprocessors that should long ago have been converted
to be integral, violate their context; e.g. a RegionCoprocessor
wants free access to a hosting RegionServer (which may or may not
be present). Rather than let these violators make us corrupte the
CP API, instead, we've made up a hacky system that allows core
Coprocessors access to internals. A new CoreCoprocessor Annotation
has been introduced. When loading Coprocessors, if the instance is
annotated CoreCoprocessor, we pass it an Environment that has been
padded w/ extra-stuff. On invocation, CoreCoprocessors know how to
route their way to these extras in their environment.
See the *CoprocessoHost for how the do the check for CoreCoprocessor
and pass a fatter *Coprocessor, one that allows getting of either
a RegionServerService or MasterService out of the environment
via Marker Interfaces.
Removed org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.CoprocessorRegionServerServices
M hbase-endpoint/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/security/access/
This Endpoint has been deprecated because its functionality has been
moved to core. Marking it a CoreCoprocessor in the meantime to
minimize change.
M hbase-rsgroup/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/rsgroup/
This should be integral to hbase. Meantime, marking it CoreCoprocessor.
M hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/
Added doc on where it is used and added back a few methods we'd
A hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/coprocessor/
New annotation for core hbase coprocessors. They get richer environment
on coprocessor loading.
A hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/coprocessor/
A hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/coprocessor/
Marker Interface to access extras if present.
M hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/coprocessor/
Purge MasterServices access. Allow CPs a Connection.
M hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/coprocessor/
Purge RegionServerServices access. Allow CPs a Connection.
M hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/coprocessor/
Purge MasterServices access. Allow CPs a Connection.
M hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/quotas/
M hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/quotas/
We no longer have access to MasterServices. Don't need it actually.
Use short-circuiting Admin instead.
D hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/regionserver/
Removed. Not needed now we do CP Env differently.
M hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/regionserver/
No need to go via RSS to getOnlineTables; just use HRS.
And so on. Adds tests to ensure we can only get at extra info
if the CP has been properly marked.
- Table moving to RSG was buggy, because it left the table unassigned.
Now it is fixed we immediately assign to an appropriate RS
- Table was locked while moving, but unassign operation hung, because
locked table queues are not scheduled while locked. Fixed.
- ProcedureSyncWait was buggy, because it searched the procId in
executor, but executor does not store the return values of internal
operations (they are stored, but immediately removed by the cleaner).
- list_rsgroups in the shell show also the assigned tables and servers.
Signed-off-by: Michael Stack <>
- Change Service Coprocessor#getService() to List<Service> Coprocessor#getServices()
- Checkin the finalized design doc into repo
- Added example to javadoc of Coprocessor base interface on how to implement one in the new design
We are moving from Inheritence
- Observer *is* Coprocessor
- FooService *is* CoprocessorService
To Composition
- Coprocessor *has* Observer
- Coprocessor *has* Service
Design Changes
- Adds four new interfaces - MasterCoprocessor, RegionCoprocessor, RegionServierCoprocessor,
- These new *Coprocessor interfaces have a get*Observer() function for each observer type
supported by them.
- Added Coprocessor#getService() to base interface. All extending *Coprocessor interfaces will
get it from the base interface.
- Added BulkLoadObserver hooks to RegionCoprocessorHost instad of SecureBulkLoadManager doing its
own trickery.
- CoprocessorHost#find*() fuctions: Too many testing hooks digging into CP internals.
Deleted if can, else marked @VisibleForTesting.
Backward Compatibility
- Old coprocessors implementing *Observer won't get loaded (no backward compatibility guarantees).
- Third party coprocessors only implementing Coprocessor will not get loaded (just like Observers).
- Old coprocessors implementing CoprocessorService (for master/region host)
/SingletonCoprocessorService (for RegionServer host) will continue to work with 2.0.
- Added test to ensure backward compatibility of CoprocessorService/SingletonCoprocessorService
- Note that if a coprocessor implements both observer and service in same class, its service
component will continue to work but it's observer component won't work.
Did a side-by-side comparison of CPs in master and after patch. These coprocessors which were just
CoprocessorService earlier, needed a home in some coprocessor in new design. For most it was clear
since they were using a particular type of environment. Some were tricky.
- JMXListener - MasterCoprocessor and RSCoprocessor (because jmx listener makes sense for
- RSGroupAdminEndpoint --> MasterCP
- VisibilityController -> MasterCP and RegionCP
These were converted to RegionCoprocessor because they were using RegionCoprocessorEnvironment
which can only come from a RegionCPHost.
- AggregateImplementation
- BaseRowProcessorEndpoint
- BulkDeleteEndpoint
- Export
- RefreshHFilesEndpoint
- RowCountEndpoint
- MultiRowMutationEndpoint
- SecureBulkLoadEndpoint
- TokenProvider
Change-Id: I813145f2bc11815f52ac703563b879962c249764
Main changes:
- ProcedureInfo and LockInfo were removed, we use JSON instead of them
- Procedure and LockedResource are their server side equivalent
- Procedure protobuf state_data became obsolate, it is only kept for
reading previously written WAL
- Procedure protobuf contains a state_message field, which stores the internal
state messages (Any type instead of bytes)
- Procedure.serializeStateData and deserializeStateData were changed slightly
- Procedures internal states are available on client side
- Procedures are displayed on web UI and in shell in the following jruby format:
{ ID => '1', PARENT_ID = '-1', PARAMETERS => [ ..extra state information.. ] }
Signed-off-by: Michael Stack <>
Do a pass with dependency:analyze; remove unused and
explicity list the dependencies we exploit.
Remove the parent dependencies set which had junit, mockito,
log4j, and findbugs annotations (had to put junit back
temporarily in subsequent version of this patch TODO). Listing in
parent set meant these libs were dependencies for all modules
which in practice was not the case. Edited all modules so
those that need any from this parent set now do explicit listing.
Ran the dependency:analyze over the project. Acted on most
suggested removals and requests for explicit listing. Some
grey areas remain around transitives that come in with
hadoop -needs better excludes, another project- and that
the dependency:analyze tool is not always accurate in its
* Fixed ServerCrashProcedure to set forceNewPlan to false for instances AssignProcedure. This enables balancer to find most suitable target server
* Fixed and enabled TestRestartCluster#testRetainAssignmentOnRestart on master
* Renamed method ServerName@isSameHostnameAndPort() to isSameAddress()
Signed-off-by: Michael Stack <>
Add in hbase-thirdparty hbase-shaded-netty instead.
s/io.netty/ everywhere in hbase.
Also set a system property when running tests and when starting
hbase; required by netty so can find the relocation files in the
bundled .so.