HBASE-21812 replaced a for-loop with an each block.
Each block introduces a new scope, so a local variable defined inside it
cannot be accessed afterwards.
NameError: undefined local variable or method `admin' for main:Object
getServerNames at /opt/khp/hbase/bin/draining_servers.rb:81
addServers at /opt/khp/hbase/bin/draining_servers.rb:88
<main> at /opt/khp/hbase/bin/draining_servers.rb:146
This commit defines the admin local variable in the current scope beforehand,
so that we can still access it after the block.
Signed-off-by: Duo Zhang <zhangduo@apache.org>
(cherry picked from commit 2b573ae377be926922f48238c4da45a2289f318f)
* removes some cruft from the hbase-shell pom that appears to be from coping the hbase-server pom long ago
* puts the ruby scripts into the hbase-shell jar following the guide from jruby for packaging
* removes hard coding the location of the implementation scripts from our runtime
* removes hard coding the load path for the implementation from the test code (leaves hard coding the test code location)
* provides a work around for a name conflict between our shell and the ruby stdlib shell.
Signed-off-by: Michael Stack <stack@apache.org>
(cherry picked from commit fd0ecadbb98a426ef0107d7b8299c60be84a548f)
* HBASE-24806 Small Updates to Functionality of Shell IRB Workspace
- Move exception handler from Shell::Shell#eval_io to new method,
- Add unit tests for Shell::Shell#exception_handler
- Change Shell::Shell#eval_io to no longer raise SystemExit when any error is
seen and update unit test
- Update ruby test runner to catch SystemExit and fail to avoid tests that
cause the test runner to incorrectly exit successfully
- Add Hbase::Loader module to find ruby scripts in the $LOAD_PATH and classpath
using JRuby's loader.
- In hbase-shell, install IRB commands before exporting HBase commands. The
HBase commands will override the IRB commands, and no warning will be
* Remove unused variables from shell_test
Signed-off-by: Nick Dimiduk <ndimiduk@apache.org>
Signed-off-by: stack <stack@apache.org>
(cherry picked from commit 98e35842ebeb9a419df37a1c3166b4468b85a6bc)
* HBASE-11686 Shell code should create a binding / irb workspace instead of polluting the root namespace
- Refactor Shell.export_commands to define commands using ruby lambdas.
Additionally, this change stores a reference to shell_inst in scope so that
we no longer need to assume the existance of the variable @shell.
- Add logic to Shell class for constructing an IRB workspace with its own
binding and non-global receiver. This workspace is loaded with all HBase and
IRB commands.
- Create new method on Shell for evaluating input from an arbitrary IO instance
within the created IRB workspace. This is based on work by Hsieh that was
previously in bin/hirb.rb. This method is more generic and more testable.
This single pattern can be used for both executing files and reading from
stdin, therefore reducing complexity.
- Move special 'help' and 'tools' command definitions to shell.rb. These
commands are tightly linked with an instance of the shell, so it is easiest
to have them defined together.
- Remove all global includes of HBaseConstants from ruby test files. Before
this change, tests were loading these constants into the top level, which
could cause tests to pass that should really fail.
- Try to reduce the number of places that constants are included. I think it's
best to reference each ruby constant's full name, but where that would cause
a big diff I instead moved the include to the innermost Module or Class.
- Update docs and comments
- Remove unneccessary includes
- Add shell --top-level-cmds compatibility flag. Since this PR removes all the
HBase symbols from the top-level receiver (ie. main Object), it is possible
(albeit unlikely) that this will break operator scripts. This flag will
export all the commands at the top-level like the shell previously did.
* HBASE-11686 Light refactoring with added unit tests
- Fixes some constants references by admin test 2
- Install HBase commands as singleton methods on recevier instances so that
multiple receivers may exist.
- Rename new flag from --top-level-cmds to --top-level-defs to be more
semantically accurate.
- Create new helper method Shell::Shell#export_all to install @hbase, @shell,
constants, and all hbase commands to a target receiver. As a result, the
HBaseReceiver became very simple and could be moved to shell.rb.
- Add unit tests for Shell::Shell#eval_io and Shell::Shell#export_all
- Add @hbase and @shell to hbase-shell IRB workspace
- Fix robocop issues within patch
* Typo s/is/if/
(cherry picked from commit 7eff07d6bfc74080addb7b2ab4076a9e75d3175c)
Per comments in Jira, be explicit about what collector we
use. Existing code simply hard-codes HBASE_OPTS in
`conf/hbase-env.sh`. We now need to be a little more clever than this,
so moves the definition into `bin/hbase`. Also consolidates logic
around JVM version detection into a reusable function.
This change also changes how we set `HBASE_OPTS`. Before, we would
accept an operator's value, but always append our GC
prescription. After this change, we defer entirely to the operator's
choice, only applying our values when they've not specified their
Signed-off-by: stack <stack@apache.org>
Signed-off-by: Sean Busbey <busbey@apache.org>
* makes commands always pass any results back to hirb
* print warning if hirb is given the --return-values flag
* add some docs on how to avoid the console clutter that HBASE-15965 sought to address
* add an upgrade section note about this change.
* cleanup where the get_splits command does its printing so there's a building block that doesn't print
* some rubocop suggested tweaks and opt-out for classlength check on table and shell classes.
Signed-off-by: Mike Drob <mdrob@apache.org>
* backport leaves off refguide change about upgrading.
* fixed shellcheck errors
* modified script to set environment variabless HBASE_RS_BASE_PORT, HBASE_RS_INFO_BASE_PORT to defaults only if its not already set
* modified ref guide for default master ports and setting environment variables HBASE_RS_BASE_PORT, HBASE_RS_INFO_BASE_PORT for supporting more than 10 instances for region server on localhost.
Signed-off-by: Michael Stack <stack@apache.org>
Signed-off-by: Chia-Ping Tsai <chia7712@gmail.com>
Signed-off-by: Sean Busbey <busbey@apache.org>