- upgrade our default jruby to
- this major JRuby version update changes the Ruby compatibility from Ruby 2.3 to Ruby 2.5
- use a custom IRB prompt to convey similar information to before
- update the joni and jcoding dependencies to match this version of jruby-complete
Signed-off-by: stack <stack@apache.org>
Signed-off-by: Josh Elser <elserj@apache.org>
Signed-off-by: Sean Busbey <busbey@apache.org>
(cherry picked from commit f0c430aed2)
Some javadoc invocations require that annotations we reference can have any
classes they reference resolved. This includes annotations _they_ have,
even though annotations are normally optional.
In some cases this showed up as javax.annotation.meta.TypeQualifierNickname
not found, because some findbugs annotations use it. Other times it was
javax.annotation.concurrent.Immutable not found, because some old guava
versions use it.
(updated for master branch by doing the config in report config instead of plugin)
Signed-off-by: Peter Somogyi <psomogyi@apache.org>
Signed-off-by: Michael Stack <stack@apache.org>
(cherry picked from commit f0d66273cd)
Second attempt. Made the hadoop3 profile in top-level pom same as it is
for hadoop2 when it comes to exclusions. Then backed out previous
attempt mostly. Made the failing test medium-sized so it ran in its
own jvm.
Pass --threads=2 to mvn when yetus runs so some parallelism
when dependencies allow.
Signed-off-by: Nick Dimiduk <ndimiduk@apache.org>
Signed-off-by: Viraj Jasani <vjasani@apache.org>
Down jdk8 forked jvm heap from 2800 to 2200 and the jdk11 heap from
3200 to 2200. Down the mvn size from 4G to 3.6G
Change how many puts done by TestMultiRespectsLimits because made
the test run the forked heap over 2.5G in size.
Signed-off-by: Sean Busbey <busbey@apache.org>
Minor tweaks required to get passing runs of `-PrunLargeTests`.
* Minimum Hadoop version is 3.2.0 due to
* JDK11 looks like it consumes more memory than JDK8, so failures due
to OOME see more common here. Bumping heap allocated to surefire
forks allows better pass rate.
Signed-off-by: Jan Hentschel <jan.hentschel@ultratendency.com>
Does what it says on the tin. Bound to `initialize` phase so that it
runs early in lifecycle. Uses `<inherited>false</inherited>` so that
the plugin will run only for the base pom's reactor stage and not for
any children.
Signed-off-by: Viraj Jasani <vjasani@apache.org>
Signed-off-by: Jan Hentschel <jan.hentschel@ultratendency.com>
Add being able to configure netty thread counts. Enable socket reuse
(should not have any impact).
Rename the threads we create in here so they are NOT named same was
threads created by Hadoop RPC.
Allow configuring eventloopgroup thread count (so can override for
Enable socket resuse.
Enable socket resuse and config for how many threads to use.
Thread name edit; drop the redundant 'Thread' suffix.
Make closeable and shutdown executor when called.
Call close on HFileReplicator
HDFS creates lots of threads. Use less of it so less threads overall.
Constrain resources when running in test context.
Enable debug on netty to see netty configs in our log
Add system properties when we launch JVMs to constrain thread counts in
Signed-off-by: Duo Zhang <zhangduo@apache.org>
Set the fork count for first and second parts to be 0.5C. Add a bit of
doc too on this as well as some qualification on our test categories.
Also adds -T0.5C to MAVEN_ARGS in the hbase personality.
This is causing me issues with parallel test runs.
Also allow setting the surefire reports and temp directories via command line.
Signed-off-by: stack <stack@apache.org>
Bump checkstyle version to 8.28, maven-checkstyle-plugin to 3.1.0.
As per HBASE-23242 and the updated checkstyle docs[1], the LineLength
check should be placed under an instance of Checker.
[1] https://checkstyle.sourceforge.io/config_sizes.html#LineLength
Co-authored-by: Bharath Vissapragada <bharathv@apache.org>
Signed-off-by: Jan Hentschel <janh@apache.org>
Signed-off-by: Viraj Jasani <vjasani@apache.org>
Adds a display of the content of 'hbase:meta' to the Master's
table.jsp, when that table is selected. Supports basic pagination,
filtering, &c.
Signed-off-by: stack <stack@apache.org>
Signed-off-by: Bharath Vissapragada <bharathv@apache.org>
- switch to nexus-staging-maven-plugin for asf-release
- cleaned up some tabs in the root pom
(differs from master because there are no release scripts here.)
Signed-off-by: stack <stack@apache.org>
(cherry picked from commit 97e0107000)
Added new artifact hbase-shaded-testing-util. It wraps a whole hbase-server
with its testing dependencies. Users should use only the following dependency
in pom:
Added hbase-shaded-testing-util-tester maven module which ensures
that hbase-shaded-testing-util works with a shaded client.
Signed-off-by: Josh Elser <elserj@apache.org>
Rest Server throws NoClassDefFoundError : javax/annotation/Priority after buiding with JDK8 and running on JDK8
Signed-off-by: Sean Busbey <busbey@apache.org>
(cherry picked from commit 68f14c19ff)
This is a reapply of a reverted commit. This commit includes
HBASE-22059 amendment and subsequent ammendments to HBASE-22052.
See HBASE-22052 for full story.
jersey-core is problematic. It was transitively included from hadoop
and polluting our CLASSPATH with an implementation of a 1.x version
of the javax.ws.rs.core.Response Interface from jsr311-api when we
want the javax.ws.rs-api 2.x version.
M hbase-endpoint/pom.xml
M hbase-http/pom.xml
M hbase-mapreduce/pom.xml
M hbase-rest/pom.xml
M hbase-server/pom.xml
M hbase-zookeeper/pom.xml
Remove redundant version specification (and the odd property define
done already up in parent pom).
M hbase-it/pom.xml
M hbase-rest/pom.xml
Exclude jersey-core explicitly.
M hbase-procedure/pom.xml
Remove redundant version and classifier.
M pom.xml
Add jersey-core exclusions to all dependencies that pull it in
except hadoop-minicluster. mr tests fail w/o the jersey-core
so let it in for minicluster and then in modules, exclude it
where it causes damage as in hbase-it.
BC 1.47 introduced some incompatible API changes which came in via
a new Maven artifact. We don't use any changed API in HBase. This
also removes some unnecessary dependencies on bcprov in other
modules (presumably, they are vestiges)
Signed-off-by: Mike Drob <mdrob@apache.org>
Signed-off-by: Ted Yu <tedyu@apache.org>
Provides an extra client descriptor to build a second
tarball with a reduced set of dependencies. Not of great
impact now, but will build the way for better in the future.
Signed-off-by: Sean Busbey <busbey@apache.org>
* modify the jar checking script to take args; make hadoop stuff optional
* separate out checking the artifacts that have hadoop vs those that don't.
* * Unfortunately means we need two modules for checking things
* * put in a safety check that the support script for checking jar contents is maintained in both modules
* * have to carve out an exception for o.a.hadoop.metrics2. :(
* fix duplicated class warning
* clean up dependencies in hbase-server and some modules that depend on it.
* allow Hadoop to have its own htrace where it needs it
* add a precommit check to make sure we're not using old htrace imports
Signed-off-by: Mike Drob <mdrob@apache.org>
Cannot go to latest (8.9) yet due to
* move hbaseanti import checks to checkstyle
* implment a few missing equals checks, and ignore one
* fix lots of javadoc errors
Signed-off-by: Sean Busbey <busbey@apache.org>
Remove commons-cli and commons-collections4 use. Account
for the newer internal protobuf version of 3.5.1.
Signed-off-by: Michael Stack <stack@apache.org>
Signed-off-by: Mike Drob <mdrob@apache.org>
* rely on git plumbing commands when checking if we've built the site for a particular commit already
* switch to forcing '-e' for bash
* add command line switches for: path to hbase, working directory, and publishing
* only export JAVA/MAVEN HOME if they aren't already set.
* add some docs about assumptions
* Update javadoc plugin to consistently be version 3.0.0
* avoid duplicative site invocations on reactor modules
* update use of cp command so it works both on linux and mac
* manually skip enforcer plugin during build
* still doing install of all jars due to MJAVADOC-490, but then skip rebuilding during aggregate reports.
* avoid the pager on git-diff by teeing to a log file, which also helps later reviewing in the case of big changesets.
Signed-off-by: Michael Stack <stack@apache.org>
Signed-off-by: Misty Stanley-Jones <misty@apache.org>
Fix MoveRandomRegionOfTableAction. It depended on old AM behavior.
Make it do explicit move as is required in AMv3; w/o it, it was just
closing region causing test to fail.
Fix pom so hadoop3 profile specifies a different netty3 version.
Bunch of logging format change that came of trying trying to read
the spew from this test.
Some manual cleanup of changing package names in pom files and getting
rid of the no-longer-needed netty system property.
This commit will break compilation, package renames in source code are
done in follow-on commits using straightforward find and replace.
- replaced commons-logging to slf4j everywhere
- log.XXX(Throwable) calls were replaced with log.XXX(t.toString(), t)
- log.XXX(Object) calls were replaced with log.XXX(Objects.toString(obj))
- log.fatal() calls were replaced with log.error(HBaseMarkers.FATAL, ...)
- programmatic log4j configuration was removed from the unit test
This commit does not affect the current logging configurations, because log4j
is still on the classpath. slf4j-log4j12 binds log4j to slf4j.
Signed-off-by: Michael Stack <stack@apache.org>