null from other coprocessor even on bypass
If 'bypass' is set by a Coprocessor, skip out on calling any subsequent
Coprocessors that might be chained to a bypassable method.
This patch restores some of the 'complete' behavior removed by
HBASE-19123 only 'bypass' now triggers 'complete'.
For a egionserver's view of a table (the regions
that belong to a table hosted on a regionserver),
this change tracks the latencies of operations that
affect the regions for this table.
Tracking at the per-table level avoids the memory bloat
and performance impact that accompanied the previous
per-region latency metrics while still providing important
details for operators to consume.
Signed-Off-By: Andrew Purtell <>
- Adding javadoc comments
- Bug: ServerStateNode#regions is HashSet but there's no synchronization to prevent concurrent addRegion/removeRegion. Let's use concurrent set instead.
- Use getRegionsInTransitionCount() directly to avoid instead of getRegionsInTransition().size() because the latter copies everything into a new array - what a waste for just the size.
- There's mixed use of getRegionNode and getRegionStateNode for same return type - RegionStateNode. Changing everything to getRegionStateNode. Similarly rename other *RegionNode() fns to *RegionStateNode().
- RegionStateNode#transitionState() return value is useless since it always returns it's first param.
- Other minor improvements
Update timeouts for TestRegionObserverInterface.
Reason: There are ~10 tests there, each with 5 min individual timeout. Too much. The test class is labelled MediumTests,
let's used that with our standard CategoryBasedTimeout. 3 min per test function should be enough even on slower Apache machines.
This avoids the situation where the build machine has sufficient disk
space (a few GB's at most) to run an HBase test, but the default YARN
configuration would preclude the NM's from starting correctly. This
should eliminate a trivial source of build flakiness based on the host
machines being used.
Signed-off-by: Ted Yu <>
Removed TestHRegion#testMemstoreSizeWithFlushCanceling test.
CPs are not able to cancel a flush any more so this test was
failing; removed it (It was testing memory accounting kept
working across a cancelled flush).
Signed-off-by: Michael Stack <>
Use header and footer in our *.jsp pages to avoid unnecessary redundancy (copy-paste of code)
Misc edits:
- Due to redundancy, new additions make it to some places but not others. For eg there are missing links to "/logLevel", "/processRS.jsp" in few places.
- Fix processMaster.jsp wrongly pointing to rs-status instead of master-status (probably due to copy paste from processRS.jsp)
- Deleted a bunch of extraneous "</a>" in processMaster.jsp & processRS.jsp
- Added missing </div> tag in snapshot.jsp
- Deleted fossils of html5shiv.js. It's uses and the js itself were deleted in the commit "819aed4ccd073d818bfef5931ec8d248bfae5f1f"
- Fixed wrongly matched heading tags
- Deleted some unused variables
Ran standalone cluster and opened each page to make sure it looked right.
Looks like HBASE-3835 started the work of converting from jsp to jamon, but the work didn't finish. Now we have a mix of jsp and jamon. Needs reconciling, but later.