All the clients need to know the master RPC end points while using master
based registry for creating cluster connections. This patch amends the
test cluster utility to populate these configs in the base configuration
object used to spin up the cluster.
The config key added here ("hbase.master.addrs") is used in the subsequent
patches for HBASE-18095.
Signed-off-by: Nick Dimiduk <>
(cherry picked from commit 834ccb4bf6c22fc2a8aab172490fba75c7a40f1c)
Differs from master/branch-2 version due to commons-logging
Co-authored-by: Sean Busbey <>
Signed-off-by: Viraj Jasani <>
Signed-off-by: Sean Busbey <>
(cherry picked from commit b45c0d0efa261509ac101748587051ba1c9184bb)
* Backport HBASE-20587
* moving to shaded gson with jdk7 compatibility
* Include jackson-mapper-asl for testing-util because of Hadoop
* Update shaded jar check to allow hbase-thirdparty libs
Signed-off-by: Sean Busbey <>
Co-authored-by: Duo Zhang <>
* phrase fudge factor "deltas" in terms of the original period
* increase the delta allowed for chore timing from 5% to 20%
* improve some assertions
Signed-off-by: Reid Chan <>
Signed-off-by: Sakthi <>
(cherry picked from commit 9aee88e03a376702cad4f5e84acefafad2abf99c)
Remove unused methods from Sleeper (its ok, its @Private).
Remove notion of startTime from Sleeper handling (it is is unused).
Allow passing in how long to sleep so can maintain externally.
In HRS, use a RetryCounter to calculate backoff sleep time for when
reportForDuty is failing against a struggling Master.
HBASE-18784 if available, query underlying outputstream capabilities where we need hflush/hsync.
* pull things that don't rely on HDFS in hbase-server/FSUtils into hbase-common/CommonFSUtils
* refactor setStoragePolicy so that it can move into hbase-common/CommonFSUtils
* refactor WALProcedureStore so that it handles its own FS interactions
* add a reflection-based lookup of stream capabilities
* call said lookup in places where we make WALs to make sure hflush/hsync is available.
HBASE-19289 Add flag to disable stream capability enforcement
HBASE-19841 Tests against hadoop3 fail with StreamLacksCapabilityException
HBASE-19947 ITU should overwrite HTU local FS
HBASE-20354 better docs for impact of proactively checking hsync support.
* Add to the quickstart guide disabling the hsync check, with a
big warning about how we'll lose data if the check is disabled.
* Add to troubleshooting section so folks searching can get a pointer.
HBASE-6028 Start/Stop compactions at region server level
Add switching on/off of compactions.
Switching off compactions will also interrupt any currently ongoing compactions.
Adds a "compaction_switch" to hbase shell. Switching off compactions will
interrupt any currently ongoing compactions. State set from shell will be
lost on restart. To persist the changes across region servers modify
hbase.regionserver.compaction.enabled in hbase-site.xml and restart.
Remove unused methods from Sleeper (its ok, its @Private).
Remove notion of startTime from Sleeper handling (it is is unused).
Allow passing in how long to sleep so can maintain externally.
In HRS, use a RetryCounter to calculate backoff sleep time for when
reportForDuty is failing against a struggling Master.
Amending-Author: Andrew Purtell <>
Changes the bytes[] conversion done in Bytes and ByteBufferUtils.
Instead of doing check unsafe_aligned available everytime, choose
the best converter at startup.
Amending-Author: Andrew Purtell <>
Based on experimental results adjust default pressure-aware compaction
throughput controller settings to bring compaction time with default
settings in line with those measured on branch-1.4 and below.
hbase.hstore.compaction.throughput.lower.bound = 52428800
hbase.hstore.compaction.throughput.higher.bound = 104857600
Revert suspicious change to BoundedByteBufferPool made on HBASE-19239 (Fix
findbugs and error-prone issues).
In addition the allocation of direct memory for the server RPC reservoir is
problematic in that tracing native memory or direct buffer leaks to a
particular class or compilation unit is difficult, so allocate the reservoir
on the heap by default instead.