- MOB compaction is now handled in-line with per-region compaction on region
- regions with mob data store per-hfile metadata about which mob hfiles are
- admin requested major compaction will also rewrite MOB files; periodic RS
initiated major compaction will not
- periodically a chore in the master will initiate a major compaction that
will rewrite MOB values to ensure it happens. controlled by
'hbase.mob.compaction.chore.period'. default is weekly
- control how many RS the chore requests major compaction on in parallel
with 'hbase.mob.major.compaction.region.batch.size'. default is as
parallel as possible.
- periodic chore in master will scan backing hfiles from regions to get the
set of referenced mob hfiles and archive those that are no longer
referenced. control period with 'hbase.master.mob.cleaner.period'
- Optionally, RS that are compacting mob files can limit write
amplification by not rewriting values from mob hfiles over a certain size
limit. opt-in by setting 'hbase.mob.compaction.type' to 'optimized'.
control threshold by 'hbase.mob.compactions.max.file.size'.
default is 1GiB
- Should smoothly integrate with existing MOB users via rolling upgrade.
will delay old MOB file cleanup until per-region compaction has managed
to compact each region at least once so that used mob hfile metadata can
be gathered.
We have this nice description in the java doc on ITBLL but it's
unformatted and thus illegible. Add some formatting so that it can be
read by humans.
Signed-off-by: Jan Hentschel <janh@apache.org>
Signed-off-by: Josh Elser <elserj@apache.org>
Instead of using the default properties when checking for monkey
properties, now we use the ones already extended with command line
Change FillDiskCommandAction to try to stop the remote process if the
command failed with an exception.
Signed-off-by: stack <stack@apache.org>
Add monkey actions:
- manipulate network packages with tc (reorder, loose,...)
- add CPU load
- fill the disk
- corrupt or delete regionserver data files
Extend HBaseClusterManager to allow sudo calls.
Signed-off-by: Josh Elser <elserj@apache.org>
Signed-off-by: Balazs Meszaros <meszibalu@apache.org>
* Add chaos monkey action for suspend/resume region servers
* Add chaos monkey action for graceful rolling restart
* Add these to relevant chaos monkeys
Signed-off-by: Balazs Meszaros <meszibalu@apache.org>
Signed-off-by: Peter Somogyi <psomogyi@apache.org>
HBASE-15666 shaded dependencies for hbase-testing-util
Added new artifact hbase-shaded-testing-util. It wraps a whole hbase-server
with its testing dependencies. Users should use only the following dependency
in pom:
Added hbase-shaded-testing-util-tester maven module which ensures
that hbase-shaded-testing-util works with a shaded client.
Signed-off-by: Josh Elser <elserj@apache.org>
This is a reapply of a reverted commit. This commit includes
HBASE-22059 amendment and subsequent ammendments to HBASE-22052.
See HBASE-22052 for full story.
jersey-core is problematic. It was transitively included from hadoop
and polluting our CLASSPATH with an implementation of a 1.x version
of the javax.ws.rs.core.Response Interface from jsr311-api when we
want the javax.ws.rs-api 2.x version.
M hbase-endpoint/pom.xml
M hbase-http/pom.xml
M hbase-mapreduce/pom.xml
M hbase-rest/pom.xml
M hbase-server/pom.xml
M hbase-zookeeper/pom.xml
Remove redundant version specification (and the odd property define
done already up in parent pom).
M hbase-it/pom.xml
M hbase-rest/pom.xml
Exclude jersey-core explicitly.
M hbase-procedure/pom.xml
Remove redundant version and classifier.
M pom.xml
Add jersey-core exclusions to all dependencies that pull it in
except hadoop-minicluster. mr tests fail w/o the jersey-core
so let it in for minicluster and then in modules, exclude it
where it causes damage as in hbase-it.
* modify the jar checking script to take args; make hadoop stuff optional
* separate out checking the artifacts that have hadoop vs those that don't.
* * Unfortunately means we need two modules for checking things
* * put in a safety check that the support script for checking jar contents is maintained in both modules
* * have to carve out an exception for o.a.hadoop.metrics2. :(
* fix duplicated class warning
* clean up dependencies in hbase-server and some modules that depend on it.
* allow Hadoop to have its own htrace where it needs it
* add a precommit check to make sure we're not using old htrace imports
Cannot go to latest (8.9) yet due to
* move hbaseanti import checks to checkstyle
* implment a few missing equals checks, and ignore one
* fix lots of javadoc errors
Signed-off-by: Sean Busbey <busbey@apache.org>