Adds override to assigns and unassigns. Changes bypass 'force'
to align calling the param 'override' instead.
Adds recursive to 'bypass', a means of calling bypass on
parent and its subprocedures (usually bypass works on
leaf nodes rippling the bypass up to parent -- recursive
has us work in the opposite direction): EXPERIMENTAL.
bypass on an assign/unassign leaves region in RIT and the
RegionStateNode loaded with the bypassed procedure. First
implementation had assign/unassign cleanup leftover state.
Second implementation, on feedback, keeps the state in place
as a fence against other Procedures assuming the region entity,
and instead adds an 'override' function that hbck2 can set on
assigns/unassigns to override the fencing.
Note that the below also converts ProcedureExceptions that
come out of the Pv2 system into DoNotRetryIOEs. It is a
little awkward because DNRIOE is in client-module, not
in procedure module. Previous, we'd just keep retrying
the bypass, etc.
M hbase-procedure/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/procedure2/
Have bypass take an environment like all other methods so subclasses.
Fix javadoc issues.
M hbase-procedure/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/procedure2/
Javadoc issues. Pass environment when we invoke bypass.
M hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/master/
Rename waitUntilNamespace... etc. to align with how these method types
are named elsehwere .. i.e. waitFor rather than waitUntil..
M hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/master/assignment/
Cleanup message we emit when we find an exisitng procedure working
against this entity.
Add support for a force function which allows Assigns/Unassigns force
ownership of the Region entity.
A hbase-server/src/test/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/master/assignment/
Test bypass and force.
M hbase-shell/src/main/ruby/shell/commands/list_procedures.rb
Minor cleanup of the json output... do iso8601 timestamps.
This reverts commit b96905d1df93aea0bc5b0e1ab074954e57b0dcc4.
i.e. a revert of a revert so a reapplication!
Revert so I can add signed-off-by....
Signed-off-by: Allan Yang <>
bypass on an assign/unassign leaves region in RIT and the
RegionStateNode loaded with the bypassed procedure. First
implementation had assign/unassign cleanup leftover state.
Second implementation, on feedback, keeps the state in place
as a fence against other Procedures assuming the region entity,
and instead adds an 'override' function that hbck2 can set on
assigns/unassigns to override the fencing.
Note that the below also converts ProcedureExceptions that
come out of the Pv2 system into DoNotRetryIOEs. It is a
little awkward because DNRIOE is in client-module, not
in procedure module. Previous, we'd just keep retrying
the bypass, etc.
M hbase-procedure/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/procedure2/
Have bypass take an environment like all other methods so subclasses.
Fix javadoc issues.
M hbase-procedure/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/procedure2/
Javadoc issues. Pass environment when we invoke bypass.
M hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/master/
Rename waitUntilNamespace... etc. to align with how these method types
are named elsehwere .. i.e. waitFor rather than waitUntil..
M hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/master/assignment/
Cleanup message we emit when we find an exisitng procedure working
against this entity.
Add support for a force function which allows Assigns/Unassigns force
ownership of the Region entity.
A hbase-server/src/test/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/master/assignment/
Test bypass and force.
M hbase-shell/src/main/ruby/shell/commands/list_procedures.rb
Minor cleanup of the json output... do iso8601 timestamps.
- Added ADMIN permission check for following rpc calls:
normalize, setNormalizerRunning, runCatalogScan, enableCatalogJanitor, runCleanerChore,
setCleanerChoreRunning, execMasterService, execProcedure, execProcedureWithRet
- Moved authorizationEnabled check to start of AccessChecker's functions. Currently, and IDK why,
we call authManager.authorize() first and then discard its result if authorizationEnabled is false. Weird.
- replaced commons-logging to slf4j everywhere
- log.XXX(Throwable) calls were replaced with log.XXX(t.toString(), t)
- log.XXX(Object) calls were replaced with log.XXX(Objects.toString(obj))
- log.fatal() calls were replaced with log.error(HBaseMarkers.FATAL, ...)
- programmatic log4j configuration was removed from the unit test
This commit does not affect the current logging configurations, because log4j
is still on the classpath. slf4j-log4j12 binds log4j to slf4j.
Signed-off-by: Michael Stack <>
- Adding javadoc comments
- Bug: ServerStateNode#regions is HashSet but there's no synchronization to prevent concurrent addRegion/removeRegion. Let's use concurrent set instead.
- Use getRegionsInTransitionCount() directly to avoid instead of getRegionsInTransition().size() because the latter copies everything into a new array - what a waste for just the size.
- There's mixed use of getRegionNode and getRegionStateNode for same return type - RegionStateNode. Changing everything to getRegionStateNode. Similarly rename other *RegionNode() fns to *RegionStateNode().
- RegionStateNode#transitionState() return value is useless since it always returns it's first param.
- Other minor improvements
- Moved DrainingServerTracker and RegionServerTracker to hbase-server:o.a.h.h.master.
- Moved SplitOrMergeTracker to oahh.master (because it depends on a PB)
- Moving hbase-client:oahh.zookeeper.* to hbase-zookeeper module. After HBASE-19200, hbase-client doesn't need them anymore (except 3 classes).
- Renamed some classes to use a consistent naming for classes - ZK instead of mix of ZK, Zk , ZooKeeper. Couldn't rename following public classes: MiniZooKeeperCluster, ZooKeeperConnectionException. Left RecoverableZooKeeper for lack of better name. (suggestions?)
- Sadly, can't move tests out because they depend on HBaseTestingUtility (which defeats part of the purpose - trimming down hbase-server tests. We need to promote more use of mocks in our tests)