156 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Michael Stack
980c8c2047 HBASE-17067 Procedure v2 - remove zklock/tryLock and use wait/wake (Matteo Bertozzi)
This is an amalgam of https://reviews.apache.org/r/54435/ and

Removes notion of suspend/resume from procedure. Instead have the below lock states
and just unschedule if lock is not yet available

 LOCK_ACQUIRED should be returned when the proc has the lock and the proc is ready to execute.
 LOCK_YIELD_WAIT should be returned when the proc has not the lock and the framework
   should take care of readding the procedure back to the runnable set for retry
 LOCK_EVENT_WAIT should be returned when the proc has not the lock and someone will take care of
  readding the procedure back to the runnable set when the lock is available.

Side benefit is being able to undo a bunch of synchronization around
procedure management.

Signed-off-by: Michael Stack <stack@apache.org>
2017-01-23 09:29:16 -08:00
Jan Hentschel
55a1aa1e73 HBASE-10699 Set capacity on ArrayList where possible and use isEmpty instead of size() == 0
Signed-off-by: Michael Stack <stack@apache.org>
2017-01-20 22:58:20 -08:00
Michael Stack
76dc957f64 HBASE-16786 Procedure V2 - Move ZK-lock's uses to Procedure framework locks (LockProcedure) - Matteo Bertozzi
Locks are no longer hosted up in zookeeper but instead by the Master.
2017-01-19 09:34:17 -08:00
Michael Stack
4cb09a494c HBASE-16744 Procedure V2 - Lock procedures to allow clients to acquire
locks on tables/namespaces/regions (Matteo Bertozzi)

Incorporates review comments from

M hbase-client/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/client/AsyncTableBase.java
 Fix for eclipse complaint (from Duo Zhang)

M hbase-procedure/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/procedure2/Procedure.java
M hbase-procedure/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/procedure2/ProcedureExecutor.java
M hbase-procedure/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/procedure2/store/wal/WALProcedureStore.java
 Log formatting

M hbase-procedure/src/test/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/procedure2/ProcedureTestingUtility.java
 Added wait procedures utility.

A hbase-protocol-shaded/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/shaded/protobuf/generated/LockServiceProtos.java
A hbase-protocol-shaded/src/main/protobuf/LockService.proto b/hbase-protocol-shaded/src/main/protobuf/LockService.proto
 Implement new locking CP overrides.

A hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/client/locking/EntityLock.java
 New hbase entity lock (ns, table, or regions)

A hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/client/locking/LockServiceClient.java
 Client that can use the new internal locking service.
2017-01-13 21:07:03 -08:00
Michael Stack
da97569eae HBASE-17090 Procedure v2 - fast wake if nothing else is running (Matteo Bertozzi) 2016-12-27 16:19:32 -08:00
Michael Stack
319ecd867a HBASE-16524 Procedure v2 - Compute WALs cleanup on wal modification and not on every sync (Matteo Bertozzi)
Signed-off-by: Michael Stack <stack@apache.org>
2016-12-27 16:12:45 -08:00
Michael Stack
da356069f2 HBASE-17149 Procedure v2 - Fix nonce submission
Signed-off-by: Michael Stack <stack@apache.org>
2016-12-16 21:41:18 -08:00
Michael Stack
e16e2a61c1 HBASE-17148 Procedure v2 - add bulk proc submit (Matteo Bertozzi) 2016-12-16 13:15:35 -08:00
Matteo Bertozzi
1eb24e4e8e HBASE-17260 Procedure v2 - Add setOwner() overload taking a User instance 2016-12-06 10:32:43 -08:00
Stephen Yuan Jiang
0a24077841 HBASE-16119 Procedure v2 - Reimplement Merge region (Stephen Yuan Jiang) 2016-12-01 22:41:15 -08:00
Matteo Bertozzi
efe0a0eead HBASE-16865 Procedure v2 - Inherit lock from root proc 2016-11-04 13:17:40 -07:00
Apekshit Sharma
a3f1490601 HBASE-16950 Print raw stats in the end of proc performance tools for parsing results from scripts.
Change-Id: I45d77e838689dde7ec596de26ae98bd62e1b727e
2016-10-27 00:04:24 -07:00
Matteo Bertozzi
553373671b HBASE-16871 Procedure v2 - add waiting procs back to the queue after restart 2016-10-20 07:17:10 -07:00
Matteo Bertozzi
d9ee25e82a HBASE-16874 Fix TestMasterFailoverWithProcedures and ensure single proc-executor for kill/restart tests 2016-10-19 13:25:17 -07:00
Matteo Bertozzi
82a2384187 HBASE-16864 Procedure v2 - Fix StateMachineProcedure support for child procs at last step 2016-10-19 06:58:41 -07:00
Matteo Bertozzi
c6e9dabe62 HBASE-16846 Procedure v2 - executor cleanup 2016-10-17 10:30:59 -07:00
Matteo Bertozzi
62c84115ec HBASE-16839 Procedure v2 - Move all protobuf handling to ProcedureUtil 2016-10-14 11:32:28 -07:00
Hiroshi Ikeda
9a94dc90b4 HBASE-16642 Use DelayQueue instead of TimeoutBlockingQueue
Signed-off-by: Matteo Bertozzi <matteo.bertozzi@cloudera.com>
2016-10-13 21:41:54 -07:00
Matteo Bertozzi
92ef234486 HBASE-16813 Procedure v2 - Move ProcedureEvent to hbase-procedure module 2016-10-12 16:33:25 -07:00
Matteo Bertozzi
662a1b241f HBASE-16802 Procedure v2 - group procedure cleaning 2016-10-11 16:48:21 -07:00
Matteo Bertozzi
29d701a314 HBASE-16781 Fix flaky TestMasterProcedureWalLease 2016-10-07 18:01:53 -07:00
06758bf630 HBASE-16759 Avoid ByteString.copyFrom usage wherever possible. 2016-10-06 00:27:34 +05:30
95c1dc93fb HBASE-15638 Shade protobuf
Which includes

    HBASE-16742 Add chapter for devs on how we do protobufs going forward

    HBASE-16741 Amend the generate protobufs out-of-band build step
    to include shade, pulling in protobuf source and a hook for patching protobuf

    Removed ByteStringer from hbase-protocol-shaded. Use the protobuf-3.1.0
    trick directly instead. Makes stuff cleaner. All under 'shaded' dir is
    now generated.

    HBASE-16567 Upgrade to protobuf-3.1.x
    Regenerate all protos in this module with protoc3.
    Redo ByteStringer to use new pb3.1.0 unsafebytesutil
    instead of HBaseZeroCopyByteString

    HBASE-16264 Figure how to deal with endpoints and shaded pb Shade our protobufs.
    Do it in a manner that makes it so we can still have in our API references to
    com.google.protobuf (and in REST). The c.g.p in API is for Coprocessor Endpoints (CPEP)

            This patch is Tactic #4 from Shading Doc attached to the referenced issue.
            Figuring an appoach took a while because we have Coprocessor Endpoints
            mixed in with the core of HBase that are tough to untangle (FIX).

            Tactic #4 (the fourth attempt at addressing this issue) is COPY all but
            the CPEP .proto files currently in hbase-protocol to a new module named
            hbase-protocol-shaded. Generate .protos again in the new location and
            then relocate/shade the generated files. Let CPEPs keep on with the
            old references at com.google.protobuf.* and
            org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.* but change the hbase core so all
            instead refer to the relocated files in their new location at

            Let the new module also shade protobufs themselves and change hbase
            core to pick up this shaded protobuf rather than directly reference

            This approach allows us to explicitly refer to either the shaded or
            non-shaded version of a protobuf class in any particular context (though
            usually context dictates one or the other). Core runs on shaded protobuf.
            CPEPs continue to use whatever is on the classpath with
            com.google.protobuf.* which is pb2.5.0 for the near future at least.

            See above cited doc for follow-ons and downsides. In short, IDEs will complain
            about not being able to find the shaded protobufs since shading happens at package
            time; will fix by checking in all generated classes and relocated protobuf in
            a follow-on. Also, CPEPs currently suffer an extra-copy as marshalled from
            non-shaded to shaded. To fix. Finally, our .protos are duplicated; once
            shaded, and once not. Pain, but how else to reveal our protos to CPEPs or
            C++ client that wants to talk with HBase AND shade protobuf.


            Add a new hbase-protocol-shaded module. It is a copy of hbase-protocol
    i       with all relocated offset from o.a.h.h. to o.a.h.h.shaded. The new module
            also includes the relocated pb. It does not include CPEPs. They stay in
            their old location.

            Add another module hbase-endpoint which has in it all the endpoints
            that ship as part of hbase -- at least the ones that are not
            entangled with core such as AccessControl and Auth. Move all protos
            for these CPEPs here as well as their unit tests (mostly moving a
            bunch of stuff out of hbase-server module)

            Much of the change looks like this:

                 -import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.ProtobufUtil;
                 -import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.ClusterIdProtos;
                 +import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.shaded.ProtobufUtil;
                 +import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.protobuf.generated.ClusterIdProtos;

            In HTable and in HBaseAdmin, regularize the way Callables are used and also hide
            protobuf usage as much as possible moving it up into Callable super classes or out
            to utility classes. Still TODO is adding in of retries, etc., but can wait on
            procedure which will redo all this.

            Also in HTable and HBaseAdmin as well as in HRegionServer and Server, be explicit
            when using non-shaded protobuf. Do the full-path so it is clear. This is around
            endpoint coprocessors registration of services and execution of CPEP methods.

            Shrunk ProtobufUtil by moving methods used by one CPEP only back to the CPEP either
            into Client class or as new Util class; e.g. AccessControlUtil.

            There are actually two versions of ProtobufUtil now; a shaded one and a subset
            that is used by CPEPs doing non-shaded work.

            Made it so hbase-common no longer depends on hbase-protocol (with Matteo's help)

            R*Converter classes got moved down under shaded package -- they are for internal
            use only. There are no non-shaded versions of these classes.

            D hbase-client/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/client/AbstractRegionServerCallable
            D RetryingCallableBase
             Not used anymore and we have too many tiers of Callables so removed/cleaned-up.

            A ClientServicecallable
             Had to add this one. RegionServerCallable was made generic so it could be used
             for a few Interfaces (Client and Admin). Then added ClientServiceCallable to
             implement RegionServerCallable with the Client Interface.
2016-10-03 21:37:32 -07:00
Matteo Bertozzi
8da0500e7d HBASE-16695 Procedure v2 - Support for parent holding locks 2016-09-26 08:42:48 -07:00
Matteo Bertozzi
e01e05cc0e HBASE-16587 Procedure v2 - Cleanup suspended proc execution 2016-09-26 08:08:44 -07:00
Jonathan M Hsieh
a90d433a2c HBASE-12088 Remove unused hadoop-1.0, hadoop-1.1 profiles from non-root poms 2016-09-21 20:45:03 -07:00
Apekshit Sharma
b2eac0da33 HBASE-16554 Rebuild WAL tracker if trailer is corrupted.
Change-Id: Iecc3347de3de9fc57f57ab5f498aad404d02ec52
2016-09-19 12:23:48 -07:00
Matteo Bertozzi
9c58d26d3b HBASE-16507 Procedure v2 - Force DDL operation to always roll forward (addendum) 2016-09-18 19:37:46 -07:00
Apekshit Sharma
da3abbcb35 HBASE-16534 Procedure v2 - Perf Tool for Scheduler.
Tool to test performance of locks and queues in procedure scheduler independently from other framework components.
Inserts table and region operations in the scheduler, then polls them and exercises their locks. Number of tables, regions and operations can be set using cli args.

Change-Id: I0fb27e67d3fcab70dd5d0b5197396b117b11eac6
2016-09-17 17:38:51 -07:00
Matteo Bertozzi
216e847366 HBASE-16639 TestProcedureInMemoryChore#testChoreAddAndRemove occasionally fails 2016-09-15 18:25:11 -07:00
e782d0bbdf HBASE-16640 TimeoutBlockingQueue#remove() should return whether the entry is removed 2016-09-15 17:34:23 -07:00
Matteo Bertozzi
f6ccae3502 HBASE-16507 Procedure v2 - Force DDL operation to always roll forward 2016-09-01 21:06:32 -07:00
Apekshit Sharma
5c7fa12ab3 HBASE-16101 addendum. Fixes runtime ClassCastException of Future<Integer> in ProcedureWALPerformanceEvaluation.
Change-Id: Ibe4f3a001b4f50e8598e367cc8648aeae129eee8
2016-09-01 17:23:54 -07:00
5376106d05 HBASE-16532 Procedure-V2: Enforce procedure ownership at submission 2016-08-31 12:55:54 -07:00
Matteo Bertozzi
ea15522704 HBASE-16533 Procedure v2 - Extract chore from the executor 2016-08-30 18:40:51 -07:00
Apekshit Sharma
c66bb48ce8 HBASE-16101 Tool to microbenchmark procedure WAL performance.
Change-Id: I8ec158319395d2ec8e36641a3beab2694f7b6aef
2016-08-30 13:31:58 -07:00
Matteo Bertozzi
97b164ac38 HBASE-16451 Procedure v2 - Test WAL protobuf entry size limit 2016-08-23 21:02:38 -07:00
Matteo Bertozzi
91fee265cf HBASE-16485 Procedure v2 - Add support to addChildProcedure() as last "step" in StateMachineProcedure 2016-08-23 16:42:57 -07:00
Matteo Bertozzi
34b668b0a9 HBASE-16452 Procedure v2 - Make ProcedureWALPrettyPrinter extend Tool 2016-08-19 10:09:25 -07:00
Apekshit Sharma
ce88270340 HBASE-16094 Improve cleaning up of proc wals.
Makes the proc log cleaner smarter.
Current method: starting from oldest log, keep deleting WALs until we encounter one which contains state of an active proc. Note that the state may be stale.
New method: Same as current method, but will also delete the wals which contain stale state.
In the starting, iterate from newest completed log (just before currently active log) and mark it for delete if it doesn't contain any state which will be required in case of recovery.
Tested: unittests.

Change-Id: Ie7499652e25af4aac8e9d71a42d60c61a03fd4e4
2016-08-18 13:30:21 -07:00
Matteo Bertozzi
e637a61e26 HBASE-16378 Procedure v2 - Make ProcedureException extend HBaseException 2016-08-17 14:31:08 -07:00
Matteo Bertozzi
8cfaa0e721 HBASE-16092 Procedure v2 - complete child procedure support 2016-07-12 10:23:02 -07:00
a3546a3752 HBASE-16130 Add comments to ProcedureStoreTracker.
Change-Id: I09d7c2375fd18a96aea48eaa161799496f491b4f
2016-06-29 12:29:48 -07:00
Matteo Bertozzi
1d06850f40 Revert "HBASE-16092 Procedure v2 - complete child procedure support"
This reverts commit 96c4054e3b8cf2554d97051eb8d7d649e601b238.
2016-06-24 14:35:29 -07:00
Matteo Bertozzi
96c4054e3b HBASE-16092 Procedure v2 - complete child procedure support 2016-06-24 04:38:50 -07:00
Matteo Bertozzi
d66316fd80 HBASE-16068 Procedure v2 - use consts for conf properties in tests 2016-06-22 22:48:07 -07:00
Matteo Bertozzi
568e37d383 HBASE-16056 Procedure v2 - fix master crash for FileNotFound 2016-06-17 13:11:26 -07:00
Matteo Bertozzi
114fe7a81e HBASE-16034 Fix ProcedureTestingUtility#LoadCounter.setMaxProcId() 2016-06-15 12:38:48 -07:00
Matteo Bertozzi
d5d9b7d500 HBASE-15107 Procedure v2 - Procedure Queue with Region locks 2016-06-08 12:52:58 -07:00
Matteo Bertozzi
6063afff5d HBASE-15872 Split TestWALProcedureStore 2016-05-20 13:08:28 -07:00