327 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Sean Busbey
d576e5a32d HBASE-17823 Migrate to Apache Yetus Audience Annotations
Includes partial backport of hbase-build-configuration module

Signed-off-by: Michael Stack <stack@apache.org>
Signed-off-by: Misty Stanley-Jones <misty@apache.org>
2017-09-12 23:15:50 -05:00
Balazs Meszaros
c48dc02b76 HBASE-18106 Redo ProcedureInfo and LockInfo
Main changes:
- ProcedureInfo and LockInfo were removed, we use JSON instead of them
- Procedure and LockedResource are their server side equivalent
- Procedure protobuf state_data became obsolate, it is only kept for
reading previously written WAL
- Procedure protobuf contains a state_message field, which stores the internal
state messages (Any type instead of bytes)
- Procedure.serializeStateData and deserializeStateData were changed slightly
- Procedures internal states are available on client side
- Procedures are displayed on web UI and in shell in the following jruby format:
  { ID => '1', PARENT_ID = '-1', PARAMETERS => [ ..extra state information.. ] }

Signed-off-by: Michael Stack <stack@apache.org>
2017-09-08 11:56:28 -07:00
Chia-Ping Tsai
7b2ce38b4b HBASE-18765 The value of balancerRan is true even though no plans are executed 2017-09-08 13:57:48 +08:00
Umesh Agashe
bd219c0fb8 HBASE-18674 upgrading to commons-lang3
Signed-off-by: Michael Stack <stack@apache.org>
2017-09-05 09:46:49 -07:00
Michael Stack
43c4bc5761 HBASE-18723 [pom cleanup] Do a pass with dependency:analyze; remove unused and explicity list the dependencies we exploit
Do a pass with dependency:analyze; remove unused and
explicity list the dependencies we exploit.
Remove the parent dependencies set which had junit, mockito,
log4j, and findbugs annotations (had to put junit back
temporarily in subsequent version of this patch TODO). Listing in
parent set meant these libs were dependencies for all modules
which in practice was not the case. Edited all modules so
those that need any from this parent set now do explicit listing.

Ran the dependency:analyze over the project. Acted on most
suggested removals and requests for explicit listing. Some
grey areas remain around transitives that come in with
hadoop -needs better excludes, another project- and that
the dependency:analyze tool is not always accurate in its
2017-09-01 08:03:35 -07:00
Michael Stack
b24e33312a HBASE-18594 Release hbase-2.0.0-alpha2; ADDENDUM update version from 2.0.0-alpha2 to 2.0.0-alpha3-SNAPSHOT 2017-08-23 11:07:41 -07:00
Umesh Agashe
fad968d99f HBASE-18575 [AMv2] Fixed and enabled TestRestartCluster#testRetainAssignmentOnRestart on master
* Fixed ServerCrashProcedure to set forceNewPlan to false for instances AssignProcedure. This enables balancer to find most suitable target server
* Fixed and enabled TestRestartCluster#testRetainAssignmentOnRestart on master
* Renamed method ServerName@isSameHostnameAndPort() to isSameAddress()

Signed-off-by: Michael Stack <stack@apache.org>
2017-08-23 10:11:54 -07:00
Michael Stack
add9974515 HBASE-18595 Set version in branch-2 from 2.0.0-alpha2-SNAPSHOT to 2.0.0-alpha2 2017-08-14 10:28:44 -07:00
de22fabed2 HBASE-18566 [RSGROUP]Log the client IP/port of the rsgroup admin (Guangxu Cheng) 2017-08-13 21:21:43 -07:00
Michael Stack
b4d44467fb HBASE-18271 Shade netty Purge mention of netty-all.
Add in hbase-thirdparty hbase-shaded-netty instead.
s/io.netty/org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.io.netty/ everywhere in hbase.

Also set a system property when running tests and when starting
hbase; required by netty so can find the relocation files in the
bundled .so.
2017-08-13 12:50:20 -07:00
Chia-Ping Tsai
afd5866de0 HBASE-18502 Change MasterObserver to use TableDescriptor and ColumnFamilyDescriptor 2017-08-07 11:25:45 +08:00
Michael Stack
ee70b1d2e0 HBASE-17056 Remove checked in PB generated files
Selective add of dependency on hbase-thirdparty jars.
Update to READMEs on how protobuf is done (and update to refguide).
Removed all checked in generated protobuf files. They are generated
on the fly now as part of mainline build.
2017-08-02 09:42:38 -07:00
Andrew Purtell
5e21e30682 HBASE-18431 Mitigate compatibility concerns between branch-1.3 and branch-1.4
We needed to move TableName out of HBase.proto to resolve a cycle after
repairing incompatible changes introduced into branch-1. Carry this forward.
2017-08-01 17:05:14 -07:00
Balazs Meszaros
45bd493b33 HBASE-18367 Reduce ProcedureInfo usage
Signed-off-by: Michael Stack <stack@apache.org>
2017-07-24 10:41:43 +01:00
Michael Stack
d5c6e11016 HBASE-17908 Upgrade guava
Pull in guava 22.0 by using the shaded version up in new hbase-thirdparty project.

In poms, exclude guava everywhere except on hadoop-common. Do this so
we minimize transitive includes. hadoop-common is needed because hadoop
Configuration uses guava doing preconditions.

Everywhere we used guava, instead use shaded so fix a load of imports.

Stopwatch API changed as did hashing and toStringHelper which is now
in MoreObjects class. Otherwise, minimal changes to come up on 22.0
2017-07-21 15:41:52 +01:00
Sean Busbey
9cc9404261 HBASE-18187 update version to 2.0.0-alpha-2-SNAPSHOT 2017-07-14 11:20:32 -05:00
Michael Stack
b2b5cd6de6 Revert "HBASE-17056 Remove checked in PB generated files Selective add of dependency on"
Build is unstable and has interesting issues around CLASSPATH. Revert
for now.

This reverts commit 1049025e1da0bb4d1966ecca9d7d8edc564c0537.
2017-07-06 21:48:41 -07:00
Michael Stack
1049025e1d HBASE-17056 Remove checked in PB generated files Selective add of dependency on
hbase-thirdparty jars. Update to READMEs on how protobuf is done (and update to
refguide) Removed all checked in generated protobuf files. They are generatedon
the fly now as part of mainline build.
2017-07-05 21:38:23 -07:00
Peter Somogyi
eacbdb061e HBASE-18264 Update pom plugins
Update plugins in main and subprojects
Unified versions to use variable instead of direct values

Affected plugins:
- apache-rat-plugin 0.11 -> 0.12
- asciidoctor-maven-plugin -> 1.5.5
- asciidoctorj-pdf 1.5.0-alpha.6 -> 1.5.0-alpha.15
- build-helper-maven-plugin 1.9.1 -> 3.0.0
- buildnumber-maven-plugin 1.3 -> 1.4
- exec-maven-plugin 1.2.1/1.4.0 -> 1.6.0
- extra-enforcer-rules 1.0-beta-3 -> 1.0-beta-6
- findbugs-maven-plugin 3.0.0 -> 3.0.4
- jamon-maven-plugin 2.4.1 -> 2.4.2
- maven-bundle-plugin 2.5.3 -> 3.3.0
- maven-compiler-plugin 3.2/3.5.1 -> 3.6.1
- maven-eclipse-plugin 2.9 -> 2.10
- maven-shade-plugin 2.4.1 -> 3.0.0
- maven-surefire-plugin 2.18.1 -> 2.20
- maven-surefire-report-plugin 2.7.2 -> 2.20
- scala-maven-plugin 3.2.0 -> 3.2.2
- spotbugs 3.1.0-RC1 -> 3.1.0-RC3
- wagon-ssh 2.2 -> 2.12
- xml-maven-plugin 1.0 -> 1.0.1

- maven-assembly-plugin 2.4 -> 2.6(inherited)
- maven-dependency-plugin 2.4 -> 2.10 (inherited)
- maven-enforcer-plugin 1.3.1 -> 1.4.1 (inherited)
- maven-javadoc-plugin 2.10.3 -> 2.10.4 (inherited)
- maven-resources-plugin 2.7 (inherited)
- maven-site-plugin 3.4 -> 3.5.1 (inherited)

Change-Id: I84539f555be498dff18caed1e3eea1e1aeb2143a

Signed-off-by: Michael Stack <stack@apache.org>
2017-07-03 19:43:42 -07:00
6e1907919a HBASE-18272 Fix issue about RSGroupBasedLoadBalancer#roundRobinAssignment where BOGUS_SERVER_NAME is involved in two groups (chenxu) 2017-06-27 07:03:59 -07:00
Michael Stack
adfb48eeb8 HBASE-18190 Set version in branch-2 to 2.0.0-alpha-1 2017-06-07 21:10:01 -07:00
Michael Stack
3975bbd008 HBASE-14614 Procedure v2 - Core Assignment Manager (Matteo Bertozzi) Move to a new AssignmentManager, one that describes Assignment using a State Machine built on top of ProcedureV2 facility.
This doc. keeps state on where we are at w/ the new AM:
Includes list of tests disabled by this patch with reasons why.

Based on patches from Matteos' repository and then fix up to get it all to pass cluster
tests, filling in some missing functionality, fix of findbugs, fixing bugs, etc..

    1. HBASE-14616 Procedure v2 - Replace the old AM with the new AM.
    The basis comes from Matteo's repo here:

    Patch replaces old AM with the new under subpackage master.assignment.
    Mostly just updating classes to use new AM -- import changes -- rather
    than the old. It also removes old AM and supporting classes.
    See below for more detail.

    2. HBASE-14614 Procedure v2 - Core Assignment Manager (Matteo Bertozzi)

    Adds running of remote procedure. Adds batching of remote calls.
    Adds support for assign/unassign in procedures. Adds version info
    reporting in rpc. Adds start of an AMv2.

    3. Reporting of remote RS version is from here:

    4. And remote dispatch of procedures is from:

    5. The split merge patches from here are also melded in:
    and d6289307a0

We add testing util for new AM and new sets of tests.

Does a bunch of fixup on logging so its possible to follow a procedures' narrative by grepping
procedure id. We spewed loads of log too on big transitions such as master fail; fixed.

Fix CatalogTracker. Make it use Procedures doing clean up of Region data on split/merge.
Without these changes, ITBLL was failing at larger scale (3-4hours 5B rows) because we were
splitting split Regions among other things (CJ would run but wasn't
taking lock on Regions so havoc).

    Added a bunch of doc. on Procedure primitives.

    Added new region-based state machine base class. Moved region-based
    state machines on to it.

    Found bugs in the way procedure locking was doing in a few of the
    region-based Procedures. Having them all have same subclass helps here.

    Added isSplittable and isMergeable to the Region Interface.

    Master would split/merge even though the Regions still had
    references. Fixed it so Master asks RegionServer if Region
    is splittable.

    Messing more w/ logging. Made all procedures log the same and report
    the state the same; helps when logging is regular.

    Rewrote TestCatalogTracker. Enabled TestMergeTableRegionProcedure.

    Added more functionality to MockMasterServices so can use it doing
    standalone testing of Procedures (made TestCatalogTracker use it
    instead of its own version).

    Add to MasterServices ability to wait on Master being up -- makes
    it so can Mock Master and start to implement standalone split testing.
    Start in on a Split region standalone test in TestAM.

    Fix bug where a Split can fail because it comes in in the middle of
    a Move (by holding lock for duration of a Move).

    Breaks CPs that were watching merge/split. These are run by Master now
    so you need to observe on Master, not on RegionServer.


    M hbase-client/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/ClusterStatus.java
    Takes List of regionstates on construction rather than a Set.
    NOTE!!!!! This is a change in a public class.

    M hbase-client/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/HRegionInfo.java
    Add utility getShortNameToLog

    M hbase-client/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/client/ConnectionImplementation.java
    M hbase-client/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/client/ShortCircuitMasterConnection.java
    Add support for dispatching assign, split and merge processes.

    M hbase-client/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/master/RegionState.java
    Purge old overlapping states: PENDING_OPEN, PENDING_CLOSE, etc.

    M hbase-procedure/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/procedure2/Procedure.java
    Lots of doc on its inner workings. Bug fixes.

    M hbase-procedure/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/procedure2/ProcedureExecutor.java
    Log and doc on workings. Bug fixes.

    A hbase-procedure/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/procedure2/RemoteProcedureDispatcher.java
    Dispatch remote procedures every 150ms or 32 items -- which ever
    happens first (configurable). Runs a timeout thread. This facility is
    not on yet; will come in as part of a later fix. Currently works a
    region at a time. This class carries notion of a remote procedure and of a buffer full of these.
    "hbase.procedure.remote.dispatcher.threadpool.size" with default = 128
    "hbase.procedure.remote.dispatcher.delay.msec" with default = 150ms
    "hbase.procedure.remote.dispatcher.max.queue.size" with default = 32

    M hbase-client/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/shaded/protobuf/ProtobufUtil.java
    Add in support for merge. Remove no-longer used methods.

    M hbase-protocol-shaded/src/main/protobuf/Admin.proto b/hbase-protocol-shaded/src/main/protobuf/Admin.proto
    Add execute procedures call ExecuteProcedures.

    M hbase-protocol-shaded/src/main/protobuf/MasterProcedure.proto
    Add assign and unassign state support for procedures.

    M hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/client/VersionInfoUtil.java
    Adds getting RS version out of RPC
    Examples: (1.3.4 is 0x0103004, 2.1.0 is 0x0201000)

    M hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/master/HMaster.java
    Remove periodic metrics chore. This is done over in new AM now.
    Replace AM with the new. Host the procedures executor.

    M hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/master/MasterMetaBootstrap.java b/hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/master/MasterMetaBootstrap.java
    Have AMv2 handle assigning meta.

    M hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/master/MasterRpcServices.java
    Extract version number of the server making rpc.

    A hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/master/assignment/AssignProcedure.java
    Add new assign procedure. Runs assign via Procedure Dispatch.
    There can only be one RegionTransitionProcedure per region running at the time,
    since each procedure takes a lock on the region.

    D hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/master/AssignCallable.java
    D hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/master/AssignmentManager.java
    D hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/master/BulkAssigner.java
    D hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/master/GeneralBulkAssigner.java b/hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/master/GeneralBulkAssigner.java
    Remove these hacky classes that were never supposed to live longer than
    a month or so to be replaced with real assigners.

    D hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/master/RegionStateStore.java
    D hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/master/RegionStates.java
    D hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/master/UnAssignCallable.java

    A hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/master/assignment/AssignmentManager.java
    A procedure-based AM (AMv2).

     - handle region migration
     - handle meta assignment first
     - handle sys table assignment first (e.g. acl, namespace)
     - handle table priorities
      "hbase.assignment.bootstrap.thread.pool.size"; default size is 16.
      "hbase.assignment.dispatch.wait.msec"; default wait is 150
      "hbase.assignment.dispatch.wait.queue.max.size"; wait max default is 100
      "hbase.assignment.rit.chore.interval.msec"; default is 5 * 1000;
      "hbase.assignment.maximum.attempts"; default is 10;

     A hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/master/assignment/MoveRegionProcedure.java
     Procedure that runs subprocedure to unassign and then assign to new location

     A hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/master/assignment/RegionStateStore.java
     Manage store of region state (in hbase:meta by default).

     A hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/master/assignment/RegionStates.java
     In-memory state of all regions. Used by AMv2.

     A hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/master/assignment/RegionTransitionProcedure.java
     Base RIT procedure for Assign and Unassign.

     A hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/master/assignment/UnassignProcedure.java
     Unassign procedure.

     A hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/master/procedure/RSProcedureDispatcher.java
     Run region assignement in a manner that pays attention to target server version.
     Adds "hbase.regionserver.rpc.startup.waittime"; defaults 60 seconds.
2017-05-31 17:49:11 -07:00
Michael Stack
a3c5a74487 Revert "HBASE-14614 Procedure v2 - Core Assignment Manager (Matteo Bertozzi)"
Revert a mistaken commit!!!

This reverts commit dc1065a85da3098f4defbe008b08057e34d94d4f.
2017-05-24 23:31:36 -07:00
Michael Stack
dc1065a85d HBASE-14614 Procedure v2 - Core Assignment Manager (Matteo Bertozzi)
Move to a new AssignmentManager, one that describes Assignment using
a State Machine built on top of ProcedureV2 facility.

This doc. keeps state on where we are at w/ the new AM:
Includes list of tests disabled by this patch with reasons why.

Based on patches from Matteos' repository and then fix up to get it all to pass cluster
tests, filling in some missing functionality, fix of findbugs, fixing bugs, etc..

1. HBASE-14616 Procedure v2 - Replace the old AM with the new AM.
The basis comes from Matteo's repo here:

Patch replaces old AM with the new under subpackage master.assignment.
Mostly just updating classes to use new AM -- import changes -- rather
than the old. It also removes old AM and supporting classes.
See below for more detail.

2. HBASE-14614 Procedure v2 - Core Assignment Manager (Matteo Bertozzi)

Adds running of remote procedure. Adds batching of remote calls.
Adds support for assign/unassign in procedures. Adds version info
reporting in rpc. Adds start of an AMv2.

3. Reporting of remote RS version is from here:

4. And remote dispatch of procedures is from:

5. The split merge patches from here are also melded in:
and d6289307a0

We add testing util for new AM and new sets of tests.

Does a bunch of fixup on logging so its possible to follow a procedures' narrative by grepping
procedure id. We spewed loads of log too on big transitions such as master fail; fixed.

Fix CatalogTracker. Make it use Procedures doing clean up of Region data on split/merge.
Without these changes, ITBLL was failing at larger scale (3-4hours 5B rows) because we were
splitting split Regions among other things (CJ would run but wasn't
taking lock on Regions so havoc).

Added a bunch of doc. on Procedure primitives.

Added new region-based state machine base class. Moved region-based
state machines on to it.

Found bugs in the way procedure locking was doing in a few of the
region-based Procedures. Having them all have same subclass helps here.

Added isSplittable and isMergeable to the Region Interface.

Master would split/merge even though the Regions still had
references. Fixed it so Master asks RegionServer if Region
is splittable.

Messing more w/ logging. Made all procedures log the same and report
the state the same; helps when logging is regular.

Rewrote TestCatalogTracker. Enabled TestMergeTableRegionProcedure.

Added more functionality to MockMasterServices so can use it doing
standalone testing of Procedures (made TestCatalogTracker use it
instead of its own version).

Add to MasterServices ability to wait on Master being up -- makes
it so can Mock Master and start to implement standalone split testing.
Start in on a Split region standalone test in TestAM.

Fix bug where a Split can fail because it comes in in the middle of
a Move (by holding lock for duration of a Move).

Breaks CPs that were watching merge/split. These are run by Master now
so you need to observe on Master, not on RegionServer.


M hbase-client/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/ClusterStatus.java
Takes List of regionstates on construction rather than a Set.
NOTE!!!!! This is a change in a public class.

M hbase-client/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/HRegionInfo.java
Add utility getShortNameToLog

M hbase-client/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/client/ConnectionImplementation.java
M hbase-client/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/client/ShortCircuitMasterConnection.java
Add support for dispatching assign, split and merge processes.

M hbase-client/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/master/RegionState.java
Purge old overlapping states: PENDING_OPEN, PENDING_CLOSE, etc.

M hbase-procedure/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/procedure2/Procedure.java
Lots of doc on its inner workings. Bug fixes.

M hbase-procedure/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/procedure2/ProcedureExecutor.java
Log and doc on workings. Bug fixes.

A hbase-procedure/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/procedure2/RemoteProcedureDispatcher.java
Dispatch remote procedures every 150ms or 32 items -- which ever
happens first (configurable). Runs a timeout thread. This facility is
not on yet; will come in as part of a later fix. Currently works a
region at a time. This class carries notion of a remote procedure and of a buffer full of these.
"hbase.procedure.remote.dispatcher.threadpool.size" with default = 128
"hbase.procedure.remote.dispatcher.delay.msec" with default = 150ms
"hbase.procedure.remote.dispatcher.max.queue.size" with default = 32

M hbase-client/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/shaded/protobuf/ProtobufUtil.java
Add in support for merge. Remove no-longer used methods.

M hbase-protocol-shaded/src/main/protobuf/Admin.proto b/hbase-protocol-shaded/src/main/protobuf/Admin.proto
Add execute procedures call ExecuteProcedures.

M hbase-protocol-shaded/src/main/protobuf/MasterProcedure.proto
Add assign and unassign state support for procedures.

M hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/client/VersionInfoUtil.java
Adds getting RS version out of RPC
Examples: (1.3.4 is 0x0103004, 2.1.0 is 0x0201000)

M hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/master/HMaster.java
Remove periodic metrics chore. This is done over in new AM now.
Replace AM with the new. Host the procedures executor.

M hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/master/MasterMetaBootstrap.java b/hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/master/MasterMetaBootstrap.java
Have AMv2 handle assigning meta.

M hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/master/MasterRpcServices.java
Extract version number of the server making rpc.

A hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/master/assignment/AssignProcedure.java
Add new assign procedure. Runs assign via Procedure Dispatch.
There can only be one RegionTransitionProcedure per region running at the time,
since each procedure takes a lock on the region.

D hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/master/AssignCallable.java
D hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/master/AssignmentManager.java
D hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/master/BulkAssigner.java
D hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/master/GeneralBulkAssigner.java b/hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/master/GeneralBulkAssigner.java
Remove these hacky classes that were never supposed to live longer than
a month or so to be replaced with real assigners.

D hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/master/RegionStateStore.java
D hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/master/RegionStates.java
D hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/master/UnAssignCallable.java

A hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/master/assignment/AssignmentManager.java
A procedure-based AM (AMv2).

 - handle region migration
 - handle meta assignment first
 - handle sys table assignment first (e.g. acl, namespace)
 - handle table priorities
  "hbase.assignment.bootstrap.thread.pool.size"; default size is 16.
  "hbase.assignment.dispatch.wait.msec"; default wait is 150
  "hbase.assignment.dispatch.wait.queue.max.size"; wait max default is 100
  "hbase.assignment.rit.chore.interval.msec"; default is 5 * 1000;
  "hbase.assignment.maximum.attempts"; default is 10;

 A hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/master/assignment/MoveRegionProcedure.java
 Procedure that runs subprocedure to unassign and then assign to new location

 A hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/master/assignment/RegionStateStore.java
 Manage store of region state (in hbase:meta by default).

 A hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/master/assignment/RegionStates.java
 In-memory state of all regions. Used by AMv2.

 A hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/master/assignment/RegionTransitionProcedure.java
 Base RIT procedure for Assign and Unassign.

 A hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/master/assignment/UnassignProcedure.java
 Unassign procedure.

 A hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/master/procedure/RSProcedureDispatcher.java
 Run region assignement in a manner that pays attention to target server version.
 Adds "hbase.regionserver.rpc.startup.waittime"; defaults 60 seconds.
2017-05-24 20:47:25 -07:00
37dd8ff722 HBASE-11013: Clone Snapshots on Secure Cluster Should provide option to apply Retained User Permissions
Signed-off-by: Guanghao Zhang <zghao@apache.org>
2017-05-18 17:39:50 +08:00
Guangxu Cheng
a8775b11d2 HBASE-18051 balance_rsgroup still runs when the Load Balancer is not enabled
Signed-off-by: tedyu <yuzhihong@gmail.com>
2017-05-16 08:28:13 -07:00
Chia-Ping Tsai
053e61541e HBASE-15583 Any HTableDescriptor we give out should be immutable 2017-04-27 03:22:29 +08:00
Andrew Purtell
029fa29712 HBASE-17785 RSGroupBasedLoadBalancer fails to assign new table regions when cloning snapshot 2017-04-05 16:25:56 -07:00
Michael Stack
d033cbb715 HBASE-17844 Subset of HBASE-14614, Procedure v2: Core Assignment Manager (non-critical changes)
Minor changes related to HBASE-14614. Added comments. Changed logging.
Added toString formatting. Removed imports. Removed unused code.
2017-03-30 10:31:04 -07:00
4088f822a4 HBASE-17806 TestRSGroups#testMoveServersAndTables is flaky in master branch (Guangxu Cheng) 2017-03-20 09:26:34 -07:00
Andrew Purtell
7f0e6f1c9e HBASE-17758 [RSGROUP] Add shell command to move servers and tables at the same time (Guangxu Cheng) 2017-03-16 18:37:40 -07:00
Michael Stack
4b541d6380 HBASE-17772 IntegrationTestRSGroup won't run 2017-03-10 19:50:53 -08:00
Jan Hentschel
b53f354763 HBASE-17532 Replaced explicit type with diamond operator
Signed-off-by: Michael Stack <stack@apache.org>
2017-03-07 11:22:51 -08:00
Apekshit Sharma
ce64e7eb6e HBASE-17654 RSGroup refactoring.
Changes contain:
- Making rsGroupInfoManager non-static in RSGroupAdminEndpoint
- Encapsulate RSGroupAdminService into an internal class in RSGroupAdminEndpoint (on need of inheritence).
- Change two internal classes in RSGroupAdminServer to non-static (so outer classes' variables can be shared).
- Rename RSGroupSerDe to RSGroupProtobufUtil('ProtobufUtil' is what we use in other places). Moved 2 functions to RSGroupManagerImpl because they are only used there.
- Javadoc comments
- Improving variable names
- Maybe other misc refactoring

Change-Id: I09f0f5aa413150390c91795b8a8fd5e6cdd6c416
2017-02-25 22:12:03 -08:00
Apekshit Sharma
f444b3b542 HBASE-17312 Use 'default' keyword in coprocessor Observer interfaces to get rid of 'Base...Observer' implementations. Some javadoc improvements too.
Reason for refactor:
In cases where one might need to use multiple observers, say region, master and regionserver; and the fact that only one class can be extended, it gives rise to following pattern:

public class BaseMasterAndRegionObserver
  extends BaseRegionObserver
  implements MasterObserver

class AccessController
  extends BaseMasterAndRegionObserver
  implements RegionServerObserver

were BaseMasterAndRegionObserver is full copy of BaseMasterObserver.

There is an example of simple case too where the current design fails.
Say only one observer is needed by the coprocessor, but the design doesn't permit extending even that single observer (see RSGroupAdminEndpoint), that leads to copy of full Bas
e...Observer class into coprocessor class leading to 1000s of lines of code and this ugly mix of 5 main functions with 100 useless functions.

Javadocs changes:
- Adds class comments on 'default' methods and expectations.
- Adds explanaiton of Exception handling in Observers' class comment. Removes redundant @throws before each function.
- Improves javadocs for a bunch of functions
- deletes empty @params in a bunch of places

Change-Id: I265738d47e8554e7b4678e88bb916a0cc7d00ab3
2017-02-25 02:49:01 -08:00
Michael Stack
b392de3e31 HBASE-17653 HBASE-17624 rsgroup synchronizations will (distributed) deadlock
This patch restores the regime instituted in original rsgroups patch
(HBASE-6721) where reading of rsgroup state runs unimpeded against
COW immutable Maps whereas mutation to state require exclusive locks
(updating the Maps of state when done). HBASE-17624 was
over-enthusiastic with its locking down of access making it likely
we'd deadlock.

Adds documentation on concurrency expectations.
2017-02-17 14:45:56 -08:00
Michael Stack
ae840c0ccd HBASE-17656 Move new Address class from util to net package 2017-02-16 12:17:50 -08:00
Michael Stack
e019961150 HBASE-17624 Address late review of HBASE-6721, rsgroups feature
Addresses review comments by Sean Busbey and Appy that happened
to come in long after the commit of HBASE-6721, the original
rsgroup issue.

Also includes subsequent accommodation of Duo Zhang review.

Adds a new type to hold hostname and port. It is called
Address. It is a facade over Guava's HostAndPort. Replace
all instances of HostAndPort with Address. In particular,
those places where HostAndPort was part of the rsgroup
public API.

Fix licenses. Add audience annotations.

Cleanup and note concurrency expectation on a few core classes.
In particular, all access on RSGroupInfoManager is made

M hbase-client/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/ServerName.java
 Host the hostname and port in an instance of the new type Address.
 Add a bunch of deprecation of exotic string parses that should never
 have been public.

M hbase-rsgroup/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/rsgroup/RSGroupAdmin.java
 Make this an Interface rather than abstract class. Creation was a
 static internal method that only chose one type.... Let it be free
 as a true Interface instead.
2017-02-14 09:29:17 -08:00
Jan Hentschel
55c2e2d484 HBASE-9702 Changed unit tests to use method names for tables 2017-02-13 13:27:55 -08:00
Michael Stack
9ec0ec4922 HBASE-17350 Fixup of regionserver group-based assignment
Renamed move_rsgroup_servers as move_servers_rsgroup
Renamed move_rsgroup_tables as move_tables_rsgroup

Minor changes to help text in rsgroup commands making them all same.
Made LOG from RSGroupAdminServer all talk of 'rsgroup' rather than
'group' to be consistent.

Fix for table.jsp where it would fail to display regions because no
type for the protobuf record specified.

Fix it so that move of an offline server to 'default' rsgroup is like
moving the reference to the server to trash (keeps the 'default' group
consistently 'dynamic' regards its server-list).

Fixed another issue where we were stuck in a loop because regions
were in FAILED_OPEN state because no server to assign too so we'd
never recover (a vagary of the current state of Master assignement
but no less a possibility in real world deploys).

Make it so servers are sorted when we list them; its what operator
would expect.
2017-02-06 13:09:57 -08:00
Jerry He
bc168b419d HBASE-17581 mvn clean test -PskipXXXTests does not work properly for some modules (Yi Liang) 2017-02-02 11:05:17 -08:00
Jan Hentschel
aff8de8397 HBASE-17555 Changed calls to deprecated getHBaseAdmin to getAdmin
Signed-off-by: Michael Stack <stack@apache.org>
2017-01-28 21:41:25 -08:00
Michael Stack
fb2c89b1b3 HBASE-16785 We are not running all tests
M TestStressWALProcedureStore.java
Disable test that now runs that fails because of difference in pb3.1.0.

Signed-off-by: Michael Stack <stack@apache.org>
2017-01-26 21:49:18 -08:00
Michael Stack
1ee8776273 HBASE-16785 We are not running all tests Do nothing patch just to get baseline of how many tests we run 2017-01-26 12:21:00 -08:00
Jan Hentschel
55a1aa1e73 HBASE-10699 Set capacity on ArrayList where possible and use isEmpty instead of size() == 0
Signed-off-by: Michael Stack <stack@apache.org>
2017-01-20 22:58:20 -08:00
Michael Stack
76dc957f64 HBASE-16786 Procedure V2 - Move ZK-lock's uses to Procedure framework locks (LockProcedure) - Matteo Bertozzi
Locks are no longer hosted up in zookeeper but instead by the Master.
2017-01-19 09:34:17 -08:00
Michael Stack
4cb09a494c HBASE-16744 Procedure V2 - Lock procedures to allow clients to acquire
locks on tables/namespaces/regions (Matteo Bertozzi)

Incorporates review comments from

M hbase-client/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/client/AsyncTableBase.java
 Fix for eclipse complaint (from Duo Zhang)

M hbase-procedure/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/procedure2/Procedure.java
M hbase-procedure/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/procedure2/ProcedureExecutor.java
M hbase-procedure/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/procedure2/store/wal/WALProcedureStore.java
 Log formatting

M hbase-procedure/src/test/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/procedure2/ProcedureTestingUtility.java
 Added wait procedures utility.

A hbase-protocol-shaded/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/shaded/protobuf/generated/LockServiceProtos.java
A hbase-protocol-shaded/src/main/protobuf/LockService.proto b/hbase-protocol-shaded/src/main/protobuf/LockService.proto
 Implement new locking CP overrides.

A hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/client/locking/EntityLock.java
 New hbase entity lock (ns, table, or regions)

A hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/client/locking/LockServiceClient.java
 Client that can use the new internal locking service.
2017-01-13 21:07:03 -08:00
Stephen Yuan Jiang
0a24077841 HBASE-16119 Procedure v2 - Reimplement Merge region (Stephen Yuan Jiang) 2016-12-01 22:41:15 -08:00
Charlie Qiangeng Xu
b2086873a9 HBASE-17110 Improve SimpleLoadBalancer to always take server-level balance into account
Signed-off-by: Yu Li <liyu@apache.org>
2016-12-01 12:12:16 +08:00
Enis Soztutar
07757501d7 HBASE-17052 compile-protobuf profile does not compile protobufs in some modules anymore 2016-11-10 11:37:26 -08:00