Sean Busbey
HBASE-18187 update version to 2.0.0-alpha-2-SNAPSHOT
2017-07-14 11:20:32 -05:00 |
Peter Somogyi
HBASE-18264 Update pom plugins
Update plugins in main and subprojects
Unified versions to use variable instead of direct values
Affected plugins:
- apache-rat-plugin 0.11 -> 0.12
- asciidoctor-maven-plugin -> 1.5.5
- asciidoctorj-pdf 1.5.0-alpha.6 -> 1.5.0-alpha.15
- build-helper-maven-plugin 1.9.1 -> 3.0.0
- buildnumber-maven-plugin 1.3 -> 1.4
- exec-maven-plugin 1.2.1/1.4.0 -> 1.6.0
- extra-enforcer-rules 1.0-beta-3 -> 1.0-beta-6
- findbugs-maven-plugin 3.0.0 -> 3.0.4
- jamon-maven-plugin 2.4.1 -> 2.4.2
- maven-bundle-plugin 2.5.3 -> 3.3.0
- maven-compiler-plugin 3.2/3.5.1 -> 3.6.1
- maven-eclipse-plugin 2.9 -> 2.10
- maven-shade-plugin 2.4.1 -> 3.0.0
- maven-surefire-plugin 2.18.1 -> 2.20
- maven-surefire-report-plugin 2.7.2 -> 2.20
- scala-maven-plugin 3.2.0 -> 3.2.2
- spotbugs 3.1.0-RC1 -> 3.1.0-RC3
- wagon-ssh 2.2 -> 2.12
- xml-maven-plugin 1.0 -> 1.0.1
- maven-assembly-plugin 2.4 -> 2.6(inherited)
- maven-dependency-plugin 2.4 -> 2.10 (inherited)
- maven-enforcer-plugin 1.3.1 -> 1.4.1 (inherited)
- maven-javadoc-plugin 2.10.3 -> 2.10.4 (inherited)
- maven-resources-plugin 2.7 (inherited)
- maven-site-plugin 3.4 -> 3.5.1 (inherited)
Change-Id: I84539f555be498dff18caed1e3eea1e1aeb2143a
Signed-off-by: Michael Stack <>
2017-07-03 19:43:42 -07:00 |
Michael Stack
HBASE-18190 Set version in branch-2 to 2.0.0-alpha-1
2017-06-07 21:10:01 -07:00 |
Jerry He
HBASE-17581 mvn clean test -PskipXXXTests does not work properly for some modules (Yi Liang)
2017-02-02 11:05:17 -08:00 |
Michael Stack
HBASE-17569 HBase-Procedure module need to support mvn clean test -PskipProcedureTests to skip unit test (Yi Liang)
ADDENDUM Fix other places that are missing the skip command
2017-01-31 22:48:34 -08:00 |
Enis Soztutar
HBASE-9774 HBase native metrics and metric collection for coprocessors
2017-01-25 11:47:35 -08:00 |