* Ensure Jenkins steps that invoke bash inline set -e
* machine stats script should check that passed directory will work
Signed-off-by: Michael Stack <stack@apache.org>
* add a new test to build the refguide specifically instead of site
* check for changes to src/main/asciidoc or src/main/xslt and run that test and only that test
* check for changes to the hbase-default.xml file and build the refguide if found (but maybe other tests too)
* fallback to relying on the yetus default for other changes
* fix some missing start_clock entries that cause longer-than-actual reported test time.
Signed-off-by: Mike Drob <mdrob@apache.org>
* makes commands always pass any results back to hirb
* print warning if hirb is given the --return-values flag
* add some docs on how to avoid the console clutter that HBASE-15965 sought to address
* add an upgrade section note about this change.
* cleanup where the get_splits command does its printing so there's a building block that doesn't print
* some rubocop suggested tweaks and opt-out for classlength check on table and shell classes.
Signed-off-by: Mike Drob <mdrob@apache.org>
* backport leaves off refguide change about upgrading.
When prefetch on open is specified, there is a deadlocking case
where if the prefetch is cancelled, the PrefetchExecutor interrupts
the threads if necessary, when that happens in FileIOEngine, it
causes an ClosedByInterruptException which is a subclass of
ClosedChannelException. If we retry all ClosedChannelExceptions,
this will lock as this access is expected to be interrupted.
This change removes calling refreshFileConnections for
Signed-off-by: Andrew Purtell <apurtell@apache.org>
HBASE-19435 implements a fix for reopening file channels when they are unnexpected closed
to avoid disabling the BucketCache. However, it was missed that the the channels might not
actually be completely closed (the write or read channel might still be open
(see https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/nio/channels/ClosedChannelException.html)
This commit closes any open channels before creating a new channel.
* do a scm checkout on the stages that need access to source.
* ensure our install job runs on the ubuntu label
* copy jira comments to main workspace
* simplify the jira comment
Signed-off-by: Michael Stack <stack@apache.org>
Client-side ZooKeeper metrics cause issues when launching MapReduce
jobs via 'yarn jar' on the command line. This stems from ClassLoader
separation issues that YARN implements. It was chosen that the
easiest solution was to remove these ZooKeeper metrics entirely.
Revert "HBASE-17448 Export metrics from RecoverableZooKeeper"
This reverts commit defc25c6d109c4c8782477cc517d71206e7d3aca.
- rely on parallel pipeline to ensure all stages always run
- define non-CPS jira commenting function
- comment on jiras in the changeset with summary and links
Signed-off-by: Mike Drob <mdrob@apache.org>
- Added ADMIN permission check for following rpc calls:
normalize, setNormalizerRunning, runCatalogScan, enableCatalogJanitor, runCleanerChore,
setCleanerChoreRunning, execMasterService, execProcedure, execProcedureWithRet
- Moved authorizationEnabled check to start of AccessChecker's functions. Currently, and IDK why,
we call authManager.authorize() first and then discard its result if authorizationEnabled is false. Weird.
HBASE-19401 Add missing security checks in RSRpcServices