* makes commands always pass any results back to hirb
* print warning if hirb is given the --return-values flag
* add some docs on how to avoid the console clutter that HBASE-15965 sought to address
* add an upgrade section note about this change.
* cleanup where the get_splits command does its printing so there's a building block that doesn't print
* some rubocop suggested tweaks and opt-out for classlength check on table and shell classes.
Signed-off-by: Mike Drob <mdrob@apache.org>
* backport leaves off refguide change about upgrading.
Changes for HBASE-20027 seem to cause UI not showing up on default port in standalone mode. For concurrent
unit test execution, individual tests can set hbase.localcluster.assign.random.ports to true or modify
* rely on git plumbing commands when checking if we've built the site for a particular commit already
* switch to forcing '-e' for bash
* add command line switches for: path to hbase, working directory, and publishing
* only export JAVA/MAVEN HOME if they aren't already set.
* add some docs about assumptions
* Update javadoc plugin to consistently be version 3.0.0
* avoid duplicative site invocations on reactor modules
* update use of cp command so it works both on linux and mac
* manually skip enforcer plugin during build
* still doing install of all jars due to MJAVADOC-490, but then skip rebuilding during aggregate reports.
* avoid the pager on git-diff by teeing to a log file, which also helps later reviewing in the case of big changesets.
Signed-off-by: Michael Stack <stack@apache.org>
Signed-off-by: Misty Stanley-Jones <misty@apache.org>
Uses a new option to the shell to specify that return values are
unwanted instead of overloading the interactive option. Enable
return_values when the shell is non-interactive.
Signed-off-by: Apekshit Sharma <appy@apache.org>
- replaced commons-logging to slf4j everywhere
- log.XXX(Throwable) calls were replaced with log.XXX(t.toString(), t)
- log.XXX(Object) calls were replaced with log.XXX(Objects.toString(obj))
- log.fatal() calls were replaced with log.error(HBaseMarkers.FATAL, ...)
- programmatic log4j configuration was removed from the unit test
This commit does not affect the current logging configurations, because log4j
is still on the classpath. slf4j-log4j12 binds log4j to slf4j.
Signed-off-by: Michael Stack <stack@apache.org>
Move the hadoop-hdfs guava exclude in modules up to the top pom.
Looks like an exclude in a module is not additive but rather exclusive
blanking out the top level set of exclusions.
Tested by looking in lib dir of the built tarball.
It seems like the original reason this execution filter was added is no
longer an issue for 2.0. Actually, these entries actually preclude
Eclipse from correctly using the Java8 source/target version that we
have specified (which creates numerous compilation errors in Eclipse)
Signed-off-by: Guanghao Zhang <zghao@apache.org>
- Moved DrainingServerTracker and RegionServerTracker to hbase-server:o.a.h.h.master.
- Moved SplitOrMergeTracker to oahh.master (because it depends on a PB)
- Moving hbase-client:oahh.zookeeper.* to hbase-zookeeper module. After HBASE-19200, hbase-client doesn't need them anymore (except 3 classes).
- Renamed some classes to use a consistent naming for classes - ZK instead of mix of ZK, Zk , ZooKeeper. Couldn't rename following public classes: MiniZooKeeperCluster, ZooKeeperConnectionException. Left RecoverableZooKeeper for lack of better name. (suggestions?)
- Sadly, can't move tests out because they depend on HBaseTestingUtility (which defeats part of the purpose - trimming down hbase-server tests. We need to promote more use of mocks in our tests)
Updated HTrace version to 4.2
Created TraceUtil class to wrap htrace methods. Uses try with resources.
Signed-off-by: Balazs Meszaros <balazs.meszaros@cloudera.com>
Signed-off-by: Michael Stack <stack@apache.org>