# HBase ruby classes. # Has wrapper classes for org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HBaseAdmin # and for org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HTable. Classes take # Formatters on construction and outputs any results using # Formatter methods. These classes are only really for use by # the hirb.rb HBase Shell script; they don't make much sense elsewhere. # For example, the exists method on Admin class prints to the formatter # whether the table exists and returns nil regardless. include Java import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HBaseAdmin import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HTable import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HConstants import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.BatchUpdate import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.RowResult import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.Cell import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseConfiguration import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HColumnDescriptor import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HTableDescriptor import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Writables module HBase COLUMN = "COLUMN" COLUMNS = "COLUMNS" TIMESTAMP = "TIMESTAMP" NAME = HConstants::NAME VERSIONS = HConstants::VERSIONS IN_MEMORY = HConstants::IN_MEMORY STOPROW = "STOPROW" STARTROW = "STARTROW" ENDROW = STOPROW LIMIT = "LIMIT" # Wrapper for org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HBaseAdmin class Admin def initialize(configuration, formatter) @admin = HBaseAdmin.new(configuration) @formatter = formatter end def list now = Time.now @formatter.header() for t in @admin.listTables() @formatter.row([t.getNameAsString()]) end @formatter.footer(now) end def describe(tableName) now = Time.now @formatter.header() found = false for t in @admin.listTables() if t.getNameAsString() == tableName @formatter.row([t.to_s]) found = true end end if not found raise ArgumentError.new("Failed to find table named " + tableName) end @formatter.footer(now) end def exists(tableName) now = Time.now @formatter.header() e = @admin.tableExists(tableName) @formatter.row([e.to_s]) @formatter.footer(now) end def enable(tableName) # TODO: Need an isEnabled method now = Time.now @admin.enableTable(tableName) @formatter.header() @formatter.footer(now) end def disable(tableName) # TODO: Need an isDisabled method now = Time.now @admin.disableTable(tableName) @formatter.header() @formatter.footer(now) end def drop(tableName) now = Time.now @admin.deleteTable(tableName) @formatter.header() @formatter.footer(now) end # Pass tablename and an array of Hashes def create(tableName, args) now = Time.now # Pass table name and an array of Hashes. Later, test the last # array to see if its table options rather than column family spec. raise TypeError.new("Table name must be of type String") \ unless tableName.instance_of? String # For now presume all the rest of the args are column family # hash specifications. TODO: Add table options handling. htd = HTableDescriptor.new(tableName) for arg in args if arg.instance_of? String htd.addFamily(HColumnDescriptor.new(makeColumnName(arg))) else raise TypeError.new(arg.class.to_s + " of " + arg.to_s + " is not of Hash type") \ unless arg.instance_of? Hash htd.addFamily(hcd(arg)) end end @admin.createTable(htd) @formatter.header() @formatter.footer(now) end def alter(tableName, args) now = Time.now raise TypeError.new("Table name must be of type String") \ unless tableName.instance_of? String descriptor = hcd(args) @admin.modifyColumn(tableName, descriptor.getNameAsString(), descriptor); @formatter.header() @formatter.footer(now) end # Make a legal column name of the passed String # Check string ends in colon. If not, add it. def makeColumnName(arg) index = arg.index(':') if not index # Add a colon. If already a colon, its in the right place, # or an exception will come up out of the addFamily arg << ':' end arg end def hcd(arg) # Return a new HColumnDescriptor made of passed args # TODO: This is brittle code. # Here is current HCD constructor: # public HColumnDescriptor(final byte [] columnName, final int maxVersions, # final CompressionType compression, final boolean inMemory, # final boolean blockCacheEnabled, # final int maxValueLength, final int timeToLive, # BloomFilterDescriptor bloomFilter) name = arg[NAME] raise ArgumentError.new("Column family " + arg + " must have a name") \ unless name name = makeColumnName(name) # TODO: What encoding are Strings in jruby? return HColumnDescriptor.new(name.to_java_bytes, # JRuby uses longs for ints. Need to convert. Also constants are String arg[VERSIONS]? arg[VERSIONS]: HColumnDescriptor::DEFAULT_VERSIONS, arg[HColumnDescriptor::COMPRESSION]? HColumnDescriptor::CompressionType::valueOf(arg[HColumnDescriptor::COMPRESSION]): HColumnDescriptor::DEFAULT_COMPRESSION, arg[IN_MEMORY]? arg[IN_MEMORY]: HColumnDescriptor::DEFAULT_IN_MEMORY, arg[HColumnDescriptor::BLOCKCACHE]? arg[HColumnDescriptor::BLOCKCACHE]: HColumnDescriptor::DEFAULT_BLOCKCACHE, arg[HColumnDescriptor::LENGTH]? arg[HColumnDescriptor::LENGTH]: HColumnDescriptor::DEFAULT_LENGTH, arg[HColumnDescriptor::TTL]? arg[HColumnDescriptor::TTL]: HColumnDescriptor::DEFAULT_TTL, arg[HColumnDescriptor::BLOOMFILTER]? arg[HColumnDescriptor::BLOOMFILTER]: HColumnDescriptor::DEFAULT_BLOOMFILTER) end end # Wrapper for org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HTable class Table def initialize(configuration, tableName, formatter) @table = HTable.new(configuration, tableName) @formatter = formatter end # Delete a cell def delete(row, column, timestamp = HConstants::LATEST_TIMESTAMP) now = Time.now bu = BatchUpdate.new(row, timestamp) bu.delete(column) @table.commit(bu) @formatter.header() @formatter.footer(now) end def deleteall(row, column = nil, timestamp = HConstants::LATEST_TIMESTAMP) now = Time.now @table.deleteAll(row, column, timestamp) @formatter.header() @formatter.footer(now) end def getAllColumns htd = @table.getMetadata() result = [] for f in htd.getFamilies() n = f.getNameAsString() n << ':' result << n end result end def scan(columns, args = {}) now = Time.now if not columns or columns.length < 1 # Make up list of columns. columns = getAllColumns() end if columns.class == String columns = [columns] elsif columns.class != Array raise ArgumentError.new("Must supply columns") end cs = columns.to_java(java.lang.String) limit = -1 if args == nil or args.length <= 0 s = @table.getScanner(cs) else limit = args["LIMIT"] || -1 filter = args["FILTER"] || nil startrow = args["STARTROW"] || "" stoprow = args["STOPROW"] || nil timestamp = args["TIMESTAMP"] || HConstants::LATEST_TIMESTAMP if stoprow s = @table.getScanner(cs, startrow, stoprow, timestamp) else s = @table.getScanner(cs, startrow, timestamp, filter) end end count = 0 @formatter.header(["ROW", "COLUMN+CELL"]) i = s.iterator() while i.hasNext() r = i.next() row = String.from_java_bytes r.getRow() for k, v in r column = String.from_java_bytes k cell = toString(column, v) @formatter.row([row, "column=%s, %s" % [column, cell]]) end count += 1 if limit != -1 and count >= limit break end end @formatter.footer(now) end def put(row, column, value, timestamp = nil) now = Time.now bu = nil if timestamp bu = BatchUpdate.new(row, timestamp) else bu = BatchUpdate.new(row) end bu.put(column, value.to_java_bytes) @table.commit(bu) @formatter.header() @formatter.footer(now) end def isMetaTable() tn = @table.getTableName() return Bytes.equals(tn, HConstants::META_TABLE_NAME) or Bytes.equals(tn, HConstants::META_TABLE_NAME) end # Make a String of the passed cell. # Intercept cells whose format we know such as the info:regioninfo in .META. def toString(column, cell) if isMetaTable() if column == 'info:regioninfo' hri = Writables.getHRegionInfoOrNull(cell.getValue()) return "timestamp=%d, value=%s" % [cell.getTimestamp(), hri.toString()] elsif column == 'info:serverstartcode' return "timestamp=%d, value=%s" % [cell.getTimestamp(), \ Bytes.toLong(cell.getValue())] end end cell.toString() end # Get from table def get(row, args = {}) now = Time.now result = nil if args == nil or args.length == 0 result = @table.getRow(row.to_java_bytes) else # Its a hash. columns = args[COLUMN] if columns == nil # Maybe they used the COLUMNS key columns = args[COLUMNS] end if columns == nil # May have passed TIMESTAMP and row only; wants all columns from ts. ts = args[TIMESTAMP] if not ts raise ArgumentError.new("Failed parse of " + args + ", " + args.class) end result = @table.getRow(row.to_java_bytes, ts) else # Columns are non-nil if columns.class == String # Single column result = @table.get(row, columns, args[TIMESTAMP]? args[TIMESTAMP]: HConstants::LATEST_TIMESTAMP, args[VERSIONS]? args[VERSIONS]: 1) elsif columns.class == Array result = @table.getRow(row, columns.to_java(:string), args[TIMESTAMP]? args[TIMESTAMP]: HConstants::LATEST_TIMESTAMP) else raise ArgumentError.new("Failed parse column argument type " + args + ", " + args.class) end end end # Print out results. Result can be Cell or RowResult. h = nil if result.instance_of? RowResult h = String.from_java_bytes result.getRow() @formatter.header(["COLUMN", "CELL"]) if result for k, v in result column = String.from_java_bytes k @formatter.row([column, toString(column, v)]) end end else # Presume Cells @formatter.header() if result for c in result @formatter.row([c.toString()]) end end end @formatter.footer(now) end end # Testing. To run this test, there needs to be an hbase cluster up and # running. Then do: ${HBASE_HOME}/bin/hbase org.jruby.Main bin/HBase.rb if $0 == __FILE__ # Add this directory to LOAD_PATH; presumption is that Formatter module # sits beside this one. Then load it up. $LOAD_PATH.unshift File.dirname($PROGRAM_NAME) require 'Formatter' # Make a console formatter formatter = Formatter::Console.new(STDOUT) # Now add in java and hbase classes configuration = HBaseConfiguration.new() admin = Admin.new(configuration, formatter) # Drop old table. If it does not exist, get an exception. Catch and # continue TESTTABLE = "HBase_rb_testtable" begin admin.disable(TESTTABLE) admin.drop(TESTTABLE) rescue org.apache.hadoop.hbase.TableNotFoundException # Just suppress not found exception end admin.create(TESTTABLE, [{NAME => 'x', VERSIONS => 5}]) # Presume it exists. If it doesn't, next items will fail. table = Table.new(configuration, TESTTABLE, formatter) for i in 1..10 table.put('x%d' % i, 'x:%d' % i, 'x%d' % i) end table.get('x1', {COLUMN => 'x:1'}) if formatter.rowCount() != 1 raise IOError.new("Failed first put") end table.scan(['x:']) if formatter.rowCount() != 10 raise IOError.new("Failed scan of expected 10 rows") end # Verify that limit works. table.scan(['x:'], {LIMIT => 3}) if formatter.rowCount() != 3 raise IOError.new("Failed scan of expected 3 rows") end # Should only be two rows if we start at 8 (Row x10 sorts beside x1). table.scan(['x:'], {STARTROW => 'x8', LIMIT => 3}) if formatter.rowCount() != 2 raise IOError.new("Failed scan of expected 2 rows") end # Scan between two rows table.scan(['x:'], {STARTROW => 'x5', ENDROW => 'x8'}) if formatter.rowCount() != 3 raise IOError.new("Failed endrow test") end # Verify that delete works table.delete('x1', 'x:1'); table.scan(['x:1']) scan1 = formatter.rowCount() table.scan(['x:']) scan2 = formatter.rowCount() if scan1 != 0 or scan2 != 9 raise IOError.new("Failed delete test") end # Verify that deletall works table.put('x2', 'x:1', 'x:1') table.deleteall('x2') table.scan(['x:2']) scan1 = formatter.rowCount() table.scan(['x:']) scan2 = formatter.rowCount() if scan1 != 0 or scan2 != 8 raise IOError.new("Failed deleteall test") end admin.disable(TESTTABLE) admin.drop(TESTTABLE) end end