# Script that renames table in hbase. As written, will not work for rare # case where there is more than one region in .META. table. Does the # update of the hbase .META. and moves the directories in filesystem. # HBase MUST be shutdown when you run this script. On successful rename, # DOES NOT remove old directory from filesystem because was afraid this # script could remove the original table on error. # # To see usage for this script, run: # # ${HBASE_HOME}/bin/hbase org.jruby.Main rename_table.rb # include Java import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.MetaUtils import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.FSUtils import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Writables import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HConstants import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseConfiguration import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HStoreKey import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HRegionInfo import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HTableDescriptor import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.ImmutableBytesWritable import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.HLogEdit import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.HRegion import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem import org.apache.commons.logging.Log import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory import java.util.TreeMap # Name of this script NAME = "rename_table" # Print usage for this script def usage puts 'Usage: %s.rb ' % NAME exit! end # Passed 'dir' exists and is a directory else exception def isDirExists(fs, dir) raise IOError.new("Does not exit: " + dir.toString()) unless fs.exists(dir) raise IOError.new("Not a directory: " + dir.toString()) unless fs.isDirectory(dir) end # Returns true if the region belongs to passed table def isTableRegion(tableName, hri) return Bytes.equals(hri.getTableDesc().getName(), tableName) end # Create new HRI based off passed 'oldHRI' def createHRI(tableName, oldHRI) htd = oldHRI.getTableDesc() newHtd = HTableDescriptor.new(tableName) for family in htd.getFamilies() newHtd.addFamily(family) end return HRegionInfo.new(newHtd, oldHRI.getStartKey(), oldHRI.getEndKey(), oldHRI.isSplit()) end # Check arguments if ARGV.size != 2 usage end # Check good table names were passed. oldTableName = HTableDescriptor.isLegalTableName(ARGV[0].to_java_bytes) newTableName = HTableDescriptor.isLegalTableName(ARGV[1].to_java_bytes) # Get configuration to use. c = HBaseConfiguration.new() # Set hadoop filesystem configuration using the hbase.rootdir. # Otherwise, we'll always use localhost though the hbase.rootdir # might be pointing at hdfs location. c.set("fs.default.name", c.get(HConstants::HBASE_DIR)) fs = FileSystem.get(c) # If new table directory does not exit, create it. Keep going if already # exists because maybe we are rerunning script because it failed first # time. rootdir = FSUtils.getRootDir(c) oldTableDir = Path.new(rootdir, Path.new(Bytes.toString(oldTableName))) isDirExists(fs, oldTableDir) newTableDir = Path.new(rootdir, Bytes.toString(newTableName)) if !fs.exists(newTableDir) fs.mkdirs(newTableDir) end # Get a logger and a metautils instance. LOG = LogFactory.getLog(NAME) utils = MetaUtils.new(c) # Start. Get all meta rows. begin # Get list of all .META. regions that contain old table name metas = utils.getMETARows(oldTableName) index = 0 for meta in metas # For each row we find, move its region from old to new table. # Need to update the encoded name in the hri as we move. # After move, delete old entry and create a new. LOG.info("Scanning " + meta.getRegionNameAsString()) metaRegion = utils.getMetaRegion(meta) scanner = metaRegion.getScanner(HConstants::COL_REGIONINFO_ARRAY, oldTableName, HConstants::LATEST_TIMESTAMP, nil) begin key = HStoreKey.new() value = TreeMap.new(Bytes.BYTES_COMPARATOR) while scanner.next(key, value) index = index + 1 keyStr = key.toString() oldHRI = Writables.getHRegionInfo(value.get(HConstants::COL_REGIONINFO)) if !oldHRI raise IOError.new(index.to_s + " HRegionInfo is null for " + keyStr) end unless isTableRegion(oldTableName, oldHRI) # If here, we passed out the table. Break. break end oldRDir = Path.new(oldTableDir, Path.new(oldHRI.getEncodedName().to_s)) if !fs.exists(oldRDir) LOG.warn(oldRDir.toString() + " does not exist -- region " + oldHRI.getRegionNameAsString()) else # Now make a new HRegionInfo to add to .META. for the new region. newHRI = createHRI(newTableName, oldHRI) newRDir = Path.new(newTableDir, Path.new(newHRI.getEncodedName().to_s)) # Move the region in filesystem LOG.info("Renaming " + oldRDir.toString() + " as " + newRDir.toString()) fs.rename(oldRDir, newRDir) # Removing old region from meta LOG.info("Removing " + Bytes.toString(key.getRow()) + " from .META.") metaRegion.deleteAll(key.getRow(), HConstants::LATEST_TIMESTAMP) # Create 'new' region newR = HRegion.new(rootdir, utils.getLog(), fs, c, newHRI, nil, nil) # Add new row. NOTE: Presumption is that only one .META. region. If not, # need to do the work to figure proper region to add this new region to. LOG.info("Adding to meta: " + newR.toString()) HRegion.addRegionToMETA(metaRegion, newR) LOG.info("Done moving: " + Bytes.toString(key.getRow())) end # Need to clear value else we keep appending values. value.clear() end ensure scanner.close() end end LOG.info("Renamed table -- manually delete " + oldTableDir.toString()); ensure utils.shutdown() end