# HBase ruby classes. # Has wrapper classes for org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HBaseAdmin # and for org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HTable. Classes take # Formatters on construction and outputs any results using # Formatter methods. These classes are only really for use by # the hirb.rb HBase Shell script; they don't make much sense elsewhere. # For example, the exists method on Admin class prints to the formatter # whether the table exists and returns nil regardless. include Java include_class('java.lang.Integer') {|package,name| "J#{name}" } include_class('java.lang.Boolean') {|package,name| "J#{name}" } import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HBaseAdmin import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HTable import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HConstants import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.BatchUpdate import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.RowResult import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.Cell import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseConfiguration import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HColumnDescriptor import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HTableDescriptor import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Writables import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HRegionInfo module HBase COLUMN = "COLUMN" COLUMNS = "COLUMNS" TIMESTAMP = "TIMESTAMP" NAME = HConstants::NAME VERSIONS = HConstants::VERSIONS IN_MEMORY = HConstants::IN_MEMORY STOPROW = "STOPROW" STARTROW = "STARTROW" ENDROW = STOPROW LIMIT = "LIMIT" METHOD = "METHOD" # Wrapper for org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HBaseAdmin class Admin def initialize(configuration, formatter) @admin = HBaseAdmin.new(configuration) @formatter = formatter end def list now = Time.now @formatter.header() for t in @admin.listTables() @formatter.row([t.getNameAsString()]) end @formatter.footer(now) end def describe(tableName) now = Time.now @formatter.header() found = false tables = @admin.listTables().to_a tables.push(HTableDescriptor::META_TABLEDESC, HTableDescriptor::ROOT_TABLEDESC) for t in tables if t.getNameAsString() == tableName @formatter.row([t.to_s]) found = true end end if not found raise ArgumentError.new("Failed to find table named " + tableName) end @formatter.footer(now) end def exists(tableName) now = Time.now @formatter.header() e = @admin.tableExists(tableName) @formatter.row([e.to_s]) @formatter.footer(now) end def enable(tableName) # TODO: Need an isEnabled method now = Time.now @admin.enableTable(tableName) @formatter.header() @formatter.footer(now) end def disable(tableName) # TODO: Need an isDisabled method now = Time.now @admin.disableTable(tableName) @formatter.header() @formatter.footer(now) end def enable_region(regionName) online(regionName, false) end def disable_region(regionName) online(regionName, true) end def online(regionName, onOrOff) now = Time.now meta = HTable.new(HConstants::META_TABLE_NAME) bytes = Bytes.toBytes(regionName) hriBytes = meta.get(bytes, HConstants::COL_REGIONINFO).getValue() hri = Writables.getWritable(hriBytes, HRegionInfo.new()); hri.setOffline(onOrOff) p hri bu = BatchUpdate.new(bytes) bu.put(HConstants::COL_REGIONINFO, Writables.getBytes(hri)) meta.commit(bu); @formatter.header() @formatter.footer(now) end def drop(tableName) now = Time.now @formatter.header() if @admin.isTableEnabled(tableName) raise IOError.new("Table " + tableName + " is enabled. Disable it first") else @admin.deleteTable(tableName) end @formatter.footer(now) end def truncate(tableName) now = Time.now @formatter.header() hTable = HTable.new(tableName) tableDescription = hTable.getTableDescriptor() puts 'Truncating ' + tableName + '; it may take a while' puts 'Disabling table...' disable(tableName) puts 'Dropping table...' drop(tableName) puts 'Creating table...' @admin.createTable(tableDescription) @formatter.footer(now) end # Pass tablename and an array of Hashes def create(tableName, args) now = Time.now # Pass table name and an array of Hashes. Later, test the last # array to see if its table options rather than column family spec. raise TypeError.new("Table name must be of type String") \ unless tableName.instance_of? String # For now presume all the rest of the args are column family # hash specifications. TODO: Add table options handling. htd = HTableDescriptor.new(tableName) for arg in args if arg.instance_of? String htd.addFamily(HColumnDescriptor.new(makeColumnName(arg))) else raise TypeError.new(arg.class.to_s + " of " + arg.to_s + " is not of Hash type") \ unless arg.instance_of? Hash htd.addFamily(hcd(arg)) end end @admin.createTable(htd) @formatter.header() @formatter.footer(now) end def alter(tableName, args) now = Time.now raise TypeError.new("Table name must be of type String") \ unless tableName.instance_of? String htd = @admin.getTableDescriptor(tableName.to_java_bytes) method = args.delete(METHOD) if method == "delete" @admin.deleteColumn(tableName, makeColumnName(args[NAME])) else descriptor = hcd(args) if (htd.hasFamily(descriptor.getNameAsString().to_java_bytes)) @admin.modifyColumn(tableName, descriptor.getNameAsString(), descriptor); else @admin.addColumn(tableName, descriptor); end end @formatter.header() @formatter.footer(now) end def close_region(regionName, server) now = Time.now s = nil s = [server].to_java if server @admin.closeRegion(regionName, s) @formatter.header() @formatter.footer(now) end # Make a legal column name of the passed String # Check string ends in colon. If not, add it. def makeColumnName(arg) index = arg.index(':') if not index # Add a colon. If already a colon, its in the right place, # or an exception will come up out of the addFamily arg << ':' end arg end def hcd(arg) # Return a new HColumnDescriptor made of passed args # TODO: This is brittle code. # Here is current HCD constructor: # public HColumnDescriptor(final byte [] columnName, final int maxVersions, # final CompressionType compression, final boolean inMemory, # final boolean blockCacheEnabled, # final int maxValueLength, final int timeToLive, # BloomFilterDescriptor bloomFilter) name = arg[NAME] raise ArgumentError.new("Column family " + arg + " must have a name") \ unless name name = makeColumnName(name) # TODO: What encoding are Strings in jruby? return HColumnDescriptor.new(name.to_java_bytes, # JRuby uses longs for ints. Need to convert. Also constants are String arg[VERSIONS]? JInteger.new(arg[VERSIONS]): HColumnDescriptor::DEFAULT_VERSIONS, arg[HColumnDescriptor::COMPRESSION]? HColumnDescriptor::CompressionType::valueOf(arg[HColumnDescriptor::COMPRESSION]): HColumnDescriptor::DEFAULT_COMPRESSION, arg[IN_MEMORY]? JBoolean.valueOf(arg[IN_MEMORY]): HColumnDescriptor::DEFAULT_IN_MEMORY, arg[HColumnDescriptor::BLOCKCACHE]? JBoolean.valueOf(arg[HColumnDescriptor::BLOCKCACHE]): HColumnDescriptor::DEFAULT_BLOCKCACHE, arg[HColumnDescriptor::LENGTH]? JInteger.new(arg[HColumnDescriptor::LENGTH]): HColumnDescriptor::DEFAULT_LENGTH, arg[HColumnDescriptor::TTL]? JInteger.new(arg[HColumnDescriptor::TTL]): HColumnDescriptor::DEFAULT_TTL, arg[HColumnDescriptor::BLOOMFILTER]? JBoolean.valueOf(arg[HColumnDescriptor::BLOOMFILTER]): HColumnDescriptor::DEFAULT_BLOOMFILTER) end end # Wrapper for org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HTable class Table def initialize(configuration, tableName, formatter) @table = HTable.new(configuration, tableName) @formatter = formatter end # Delete a cell def delete(row, column, timestamp = HConstants::LATEST_TIMESTAMP) now = Time.now bu = BatchUpdate.new(row, timestamp) bu.delete(column) @table.commit(bu) @formatter.header() @formatter.footer(now) end def deleteall(row, column = nil, timestamp = HConstants::LATEST_TIMESTAMP) now = Time.now @table.deleteAll(row, column, timestamp) @formatter.header() @formatter.footer(now) end def getAllColumns htd = @table.getTableDescriptor() result = [] for f in htd.getFamilies() n = f.getNameAsString() n << ':' result << n end result end def scan(args = {}) now = Time.now limit = -1 if args != nil and args.length > 0 limit = args["LIMIT"] || -1 filter = args["FILTER"] || nil startrow = args["STARTROW"] || "" stoprow = args["STOPROW"] || nil timestamp = args["TIMESTAMP"] || HConstants::LATEST_TIMESTAMP columns = args["COLUMNS"] || getAllColumns() if columns.class == String columns = [columns] elsif columns.class != Array raise ArgumentError.new("COLUMNS must be specified as a String or an Array") end cs = columns.to_java(java.lang.String) if stoprow s = @table.getScanner(cs, startrow, stoprow, timestamp) else s = @table.getScanner(cs, startrow, timestamp, filter) end else columns = getAllColumns() s = @table.getScanner(columns.to_java(java.lang.String)) end count = 0 @formatter.header(["ROW", "COLUMN+CELL"]) i = s.iterator() while i.hasNext() r = i.next() row = String.from_java_bytes r.getRow() for k, v in r column = String.from_java_bytes k cell = toString(column, v) @formatter.row([row, "column=%s, %s" % [column, cell]]) end count += 1 if limit != -1 and count >= limit break end end @formatter.footer(now) end def put(row, column, value, timestamp = nil) now = Time.now bu = nil if timestamp bu = BatchUpdate.new(row, timestamp) else bu = BatchUpdate.new(row) end bu.put(column, value.to_java_bytes) @table.commit(bu) @formatter.header() @formatter.footer(now) end def isMetaTable() tn = @table.getTableName() return Bytes.equals(tn, HConstants::META_TABLE_NAME) || Bytes.equals(tn, HConstants::ROOT_TABLE_NAME) end # Make a String of the passed cell. # Intercept cells whose format we know such as the info:regioninfo in .META. def toString(column, cell) if isMetaTable() if column == 'info:regioninfo' hri = Writables.getHRegionInfoOrNull(cell.getValue()) return "timestamp=%d, value=%s" % [cell.getTimestamp(), hri.toString()] elsif column == 'info:serverstartcode' return "timestamp=%d, value=%s" % [cell.getTimestamp(), \ Bytes.toLong(cell.getValue())] end end cell.toString() end # Get from table def get(row, args = {}) now = Time.now result = nil if args == nil or args.length == 0 result = @table.getRow(row.to_java_bytes) else # Its a hash. columns = args[COLUMN] if columns == nil # Maybe they used the COLUMNS key columns = args[COLUMNS] end if columns == nil # May have passed TIMESTAMP and row only; wants all columns from ts. ts = args[TIMESTAMP] if not ts raise ArgumentError.new("Failed parse of " + args + ", " + args.class) end result = @table.getRow(row.to_java_bytes, ts) else # Columns are non-nil if columns.class == String # Single column result = @table.get(row, columns, args[TIMESTAMP]? args[TIMESTAMP]: HConstants::LATEST_TIMESTAMP, args[VERSIONS]? args[VERSIONS]: 1) elsif columns.class == Array result = @table.getRow(row, columns.to_java(:string), args[TIMESTAMP]? args[TIMESTAMP]: HConstants::LATEST_TIMESTAMP) else raise ArgumentError.new("Failed parse column argument type " + args + ", " + args.class) end end end # Print out results. Result can be Cell or RowResult. h = nil if result.instance_of? RowResult h = String.from_java_bytes result.getRow() @formatter.header(["COLUMN", "CELL"]) if result for k, v in result column = String.from_java_bytes k @formatter.row([column, toString(column, v)]) end end else # Presume Cells @formatter.header() if result for c in result @formatter.row([c.toString()]) end end end @formatter.footer(now) end def count(interval = 1000) now = Time.now columns = getAllColumns() cs = columns.to_java(java.lang.String) s = @table.getScanner(cs) count = 0 i = s.iterator() @formatter.header() while i.hasNext() r = i.next() count += 1 if count % interval == 0 @formatter.row(["Current count: " + count.to_s + ", row: " + \ (String.from_java_bytes r.getRow())]) end end @formatter.footer(now, count) end end # Testing. To run this test, there needs to be an hbase cluster up and # running. Then do: ${HBASE_HOME}/bin/hbase org.jruby.Main bin/HBase.rb if $0 == __FILE__ # Add this directory to LOAD_PATH; presumption is that Formatter module # sits beside this one. Then load it up. $LOAD_PATH.unshift File.dirname($PROGRAM_NAME) require 'Formatter' # Make a console formatter formatter = Formatter::Console.new(STDOUT) # Now add in java and hbase classes configuration = HBaseConfiguration.new() admin = Admin.new(configuration, formatter) # Drop old table. If it does not exist, get an exception. Catch and # continue TESTTABLE = "HBase_rb_testtable" begin admin.disable(TESTTABLE) admin.drop(TESTTABLE) rescue org.apache.hadoop.hbase.TableNotFoundException # Just suppress not found exception end admin.create(TESTTABLE, [{NAME => 'x', VERSIONS => 5}]) # Presume it exists. If it doesn't, next items will fail. table = Table.new(configuration, TESTTABLE, formatter) for i in 1..10 table.put('x%d' % i, 'x:%d' % i, 'x%d' % i) end table.get('x1', {COLUMN => 'x:1'}) if formatter.rowCount() != 1 raise IOError.new("Failed first put") end table.scan(['x:']) if formatter.rowCount() != 10 raise IOError.new("Failed scan of expected 10 rows") end # Verify that limit works. table.scan(['x:'], {LIMIT => 3}) if formatter.rowCount() != 3 raise IOError.new("Failed scan of expected 3 rows") end # Should only be two rows if we start at 8 (Row x10 sorts beside x1). table.scan(['x:'], {STARTROW => 'x8', LIMIT => 3}) if formatter.rowCount() != 2 raise IOError.new("Failed scan of expected 2 rows") end # Scan between two rows table.scan(['x:'], {STARTROW => 'x5', ENDROW => 'x8'}) if formatter.rowCount() != 3 raise IOError.new("Failed endrow test") end # Verify that delete works table.delete('x1', 'x:1'); table.scan(['x:1']) scan1 = formatter.rowCount() table.scan(['x:']) scan2 = formatter.rowCount() if scan1 != 0 or scan2 != 9 raise IOError.new("Failed delete test") end # Verify that deletall works table.put('x2', 'x:1', 'x:1') table.deleteall('x2') table.scan(['x:2']) scan1 = formatter.rowCount() table.scan(['x:']) scan2 = formatter.rowCount() if scan1 != 0 or scan2 != 8 raise IOError.new("Failed deleteall test") end admin.disable(TESTTABLE) admin.drop(TESTTABLE) end end