@echo off @rem/* @rem * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one @rem * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file @rem * distributed with this work for additional information @rem * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file @rem * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the @rem * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance @rem * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at @rem * @rem * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 @rem * @rem * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software @rem * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, @rem * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. @rem * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and @rem * limitations under the License. @rem */ @rem @rem The hbase command script. Based on the hadoop command script putting @rem in hbase classes, libs and configurations ahead of hadoop's. @rem @rem TODO: Narrow the amount of duplicated code. @rem @rem Environment Variables: @rem @rem JAVA_HOME The java implementation to use. Overrides JAVA_HOME. @rem @rem HBASE_CLASSPATH Extra Java CLASSPATH entries. @rem @rem HBASE_HEAPSIZE The maximum amount of heap to use. @rem Default is unset and uses the JVMs default setting @rem (usually 1/4th of the available memory). @rem @rem HBASE_OPTS Extra Java runtime options. @rem @rem HBASE_CONF_DIR Alternate conf dir. Default is ${HBASE_HOME}/conf. @rem @rem HBASE_ROOT_LOGGER The root appender. Default is INFO,console @rem @rem JRUBY_HOME JRuby path: $JRUBY_HOME\lib\jruby.jar should exist. @rem Defaults to the jar packaged with HBase. @rem @rem JRUBY_OPTS Extra options (eg '--1.9') passed to hbase. @rem Empty by default. @rem HBASE_SHELL_OPTS Extra options passed to the hbase shell. @rem Empty by default. setlocal enabledelayedexpansion for %%i in (%0) do ( if not defined HBASE_BIN_PATH ( set HBASE_BIN_PATH=%%~dpi ) ) if "%HBASE_BIN_PATH:~-1%" == "\" ( set HBASE_BIN_PATH=%HBASE_BIN_PATH:~0,-1% ) rem This will set HBASE_HOME, etc. set hbase-config-script=%HBASE_BIN_PATH%\hbase-config.cmd call "%hbase-config-script%" %* if "%1" == "--config" ( shift shift ) rem Detect if we are in hbase sources dir set in_dev_env=false if exist "%HBASE_HOME%\target" set in_dev_env=true rem --service is an internal option. used by MSI setup to install HBase as a windows service if "%1" == "--service" ( set service_entry=true shift ) set hbase-command=%1 shift @rem if no args specified, show usage if "%hbase-command%"=="" ( goto :print_usage endlocal goto :eof ) set JAVA_HEAP_MAX= set JAVA_OFFHEAP_MAX= rem check envvars which might override default args if defined HBASE_HEAPSIZE ( set JAVA_HEAP_MAX=-Xmx%HBASE_HEAPSIZE%m ) if defined HBASE_OFFHEAPSIZE ( set JAVA_OFFHEAP_MAX=-XX:MaxDirectMemory=%HBASE_OFFHEAPSIZE%m ) set CLASSPATH=%HBASE_CONF_DIR%;%JAVA_HOME%\lib\tools.jar rem Add maven target directory set cached_classpath_filename=%HBASE_HOME%\hbase-build-configuration\target\cached_classpath.txt if "%in_dev_env%"=="true" ( rem adding maven main classes to classpath for /f %%i in ('dir /b "%HBASE_HOME%\hbase-*"') do ( if exist %%i\target\classes set CLASSPATH=!CLASSPATH!;%%i\target\classes ) rem adding maven test classes to classpath rem For developers, add hbase classes to CLASSPATH for /f %%i in ('dir /b "%HBASE_HOME%\hbase-*"') do ( if exist %%i\target\test-classes set CLASSPATH=!CLASSPATH!;%%i\target\test-classes ) if not exist "%cached_classpath_filename%" ( echo "As this is a development environment, we need %cached_classpath_filename% to be generated from maven (command: mvn install -DskipTests)" goto :eof ) for /f "delims=" %%i in ('type "%cached_classpath_filename%"') do set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;%%i ) @rem For releases add hbase webapps to CLASSPATH @rem Webapps must come first else it messes up Jetty if exist "%HBASE_HOME%\hbase-webapps" ( set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;%HBASE_HOME% ) if exist "%HBASE_HOME%\target\hbase-webapps" ( set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;%HBASE_HOME%\target ) for /F %%f in ('dir /b "%HBASE_HOME%\hbase*.jar" 2^>nul') do ( if not "%%f:~-11"=="sources.jar" ( set CLASSPATH=!CLASSPATH!;%HBASE_HOME%\%%f ) ) @rem Add libs to CLASSPATH if exist "%HBASE_HOME%\lib" ( set CLASSPATH=!CLASSPATH!;%HBASE_HOME%\lib\* ) @rem Add user-specified CLASSPATH last if defined HBASE_CLASSPATH ( set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;%HBASE_CLASSPATH% ) @rem Default log directory and file if not defined HBASE_LOG_DIR ( set HBASE_LOG_DIR=%HBASE_HOME%\logs ) if not defined HBASE_LOGFILE ( set HBASE_LOGFILE=hbase.log ) set JAVA_PLATFORM= rem If avail, add Hadoop to the CLASSPATH and to the JAVA_LIBRARY_PATH set PATH=%PATH%;"%HADOOP_HOME%\bin" set HADOOP_IN_PATH=hadoop.cmd if exist "%HADOOP_HOME%\bin\%HADOOP_IN_PATH%" ( set hadoopCpCommand=call %HADOOP_IN_PATH% classpath 2^>nul for /f "eol= delims=" %%i in ('!hadoopCpCommand!') do set CLASSPATH_FROM_HADOOP=%%i if defined CLASSPATH_FROM_HADOOP ( set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;!CLASSPATH_FROM_HADOOP! ) set HADOOP_CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH% set hadoopJLPCommand=call %HADOOP_IN_PATH% org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.GetJavaProperty java.library.path 2^>nul for /f "eol= delims=" %%i in ('!hadoopJLPCommand!') do set HADOOP_JAVA_LIBRARY_PATH=%%i if not defined JAVA_LIBRARY_PATH ( set JAVA_LIBRARY_PATH=!HADOOP_JAVA_LIBRARY_PATH! ) else ( set JAVA_LIBRARY_PATH=%JAVA_LIBRARY_PATH%;!HADOOP_JAVA_LIBRARY_PATH! ) ) if exist "%HBASE_HOME%\build\native" ( set platformCommand=call %JAVA% -classpath "%CLASSPATH%" org.apache.hadoop.util.PlatformName for /f %%i in ('!platformCommand!') do set JAVA_PLATFORM=%%i set _PATH_TO_APPEND=%HBASE_HOME%\build\native\!JAVA_PLATFORM!;%HBASE_HOME%\build\native\!JAVA_PLATFORM!\lib if not defined JAVA_LIBRARY_PATH ( set JAVA_LIBRARY_PATH=!_PATH_TO_APPEND! ) else ( set JAVA_LIBRARY_PATH=%JAVA_LIBRARY_PATH%;!_PATH_TO_APPEND! ) ) rem This loop would set %hbase-command-arguments% set _hbasearguments= :MakeCmdArgsLoop if [%1]==[] goto :EndLoop if not defined _hbasearguments ( set _hbasearguments=%1 ) else ( set _hbasearguments=!_hbasearguments! %1 ) shift goto :MakeCmdArgsLoop :EndLoop set hbase-command-arguments=%_hbasearguments% @rem figure out which class to run set corecommands=shell master regionserver thrift thrift2 rest avro hlog wal hbck hfile zookeeper zkcli mapredcp for %%i in ( %corecommands% ) do ( if "%hbase-command%"=="%%i" set corecommand=true ) if defined corecommand ( call :%hbase-command% %hbase-command-arguments% ) else ( if "%hbase-command%" == "classpath" ( echo %CLASSPATH% goto :eof ) if "%hbase-command%" == "version" ( set CLASS=org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.VersionInfo ) else ( set CLASS=%hbase-command% ) ) if not defined HBASE_IDENT_STRING ( set HBASE_IDENT_STRING=%USERNAME% ) @rem Set the right GC options based on the what we are running set servercommands=master regionserver thrift thrift2 rest avro zookeeper for %%i in ( %servercommands% ) do ( if "%hbase-command%"=="%%i" set servercommand=true ) if "%servercommand%" == "true" ( set HBASE_OPTS=%HBASE_OPTS% %SERVER_GC_OPTS% ) else ( set HBASE_OPTS=%HBASE_OPTS% %CLIENT_GC_OPTS% ) @rem If HBase is run as a windows service, configure logging if defined service_entry ( set HBASE_LOG_PREFIX=hbase-%hbase-command%-%COMPUTERNAME% set HBASE_LOGFILE=!HBASE_LOG_PREFIX!.log if not defined HBASE_ROOT_LOGGER ( set HBASE_ROOT_LOGGER=INFO,DRFA ) set HBASE_SECURITY_LOGGER=INFO,DRFAS set loggc=!HBASE_LOG_DIR!\!HBASE_LOG_PREFIX!.gc set loglog=!HBASE_LOG_DIR!\!HBASE_LOGFILE! if "%HBASE_USE_GC_LOGFILE%" == "true" ( set HBASE_OPTS=%HBASE_OPTS% -Xloggc:"!loggc!" ) ) @rem for jruby @rem (1) for the commands which need jruby (see jruby-commands defined below) @rem A. when JRUBY_HOME is defined @rem CLASSPATH and HBASE_OPTS are updated according to JRUBY_HOME defined @rem B. when JRUBY_HOME is not defined @rem add jruby packaged with HBase to CLASSPATH @rem (2) for other commands, do nothing @rem check if the commmand needs jruby set jruby-commands=shell org.jruby.Main for %%i in ( %jruby-commands% ) do ( if "%hbase-command%"=="%%i" set jruby-needed=true ) @rem the command needs jruby if defined jruby-needed ( @rem JRUBY_HOME is defined if defined JRUBY_HOME ( set CLASSPATH=%JRUBY_HOME%\lib\jruby.jar;%CLASSPATH% set HBASE_OPTS=%HBASE_OPTS% -Djruby.home="%JRUBY_HOME%" -Djruby.lib="%JRUBY_HOME%\lib" ) @rem JRUBY_HOME is not defined if not defined JRUBY_HOME ( @rem in dev environment if "%in_dev_env%"=="true" ( set cached_classpath_jruby_filename=%HBASE_HOME%\hbase-build-configuration\target\cached_classpath_jruby.txt if not exist "!cached_classpath_jruby_filename!" ( echo "As this is a development environment, we need !cached_classpath_jruby_filename! to be generated from maven (command: mvn install -DskipTests)" goto :eof ) for /f "delims=" %%i in ('type "!cached_classpath_jruby_filename!"') do set CLASSPATH=%%i;%CLASSPATH% ) @rem not in dev environment if "%in_dev_env%"=="false" ( @rem add jruby packaged with HBase to CLASSPATH set JRUBY_PACKAGED_WITH_HBASE=%HBASE_HOME%\lib\ruby\* if defined jruby-needed ( set CLASSPATH=!JRUBY_PACKAGED_WITH_HBASE!;!CLASSPATH! ) ) ) ) @rem Have JVM dump heap if we run out of memory. Files will be 'launch directory' @rem and are named like the following: java_pid21612.hprof. Apparently it does not @rem 'cost' to have this flag enabled. Its a 1.6 flag only. See: @rem http://blogs.sun.com/alanb/entry/outofmemoryerror_looks_a_bit_better set HBASE_OPTS=%HBASE_OPTS% -Dhbase.log.dir="%HBASE_LOG_DIR%" set HBASE_OPTS=%HBASE_OPTS% -Dhbase.log.file="%HBASE_LOGFILE%" set HBASE_OPTS=%HBASE_OPTS% -Dhbase.home.dir="%HBASE_HOME%" set HBASE_OPTS=%HBASE_OPTS% -Dhbase.id.str="%HBASE_IDENT_STRING%" set HBASE_OPTS=%HBASE_OPTS% -XX:OnOutOfMemoryError="taskkill /F /PID %p" if not defined HBASE_ROOT_LOGGER ( set HBASE_ROOT_LOGGER=INFO,console ) set HBASE_OPTS=%HBASE_OPTS% -Dhbase.root.logger="%HBASE_ROOT_LOGGER%" if defined JAVA_LIBRARY_PATH ( set HBASE_OPTS=%HBASE_OPTS% -Djava.library.path="%JAVA_LIBRARY_PATH%" ) rem Enable security logging on the master and regionserver only if not defined HBASE_SECURITY_LOGGER ( set HBASE_SECURITY_LOGGER=INFO,NullAppender if "%hbase-command%"=="master" ( set HBASE_SECURITY_LOGGER=INFO,DRFAS ) if "%hbase-command%"=="regionserver" ( set HBASE_SECURITY_LOGGER=INFO,DRFAS ) ) set HBASE_OPTS=%HBASE_OPTS% -Dhbase.security.logger="%HBASE_SECURITY_LOGGER%" set HEAP_SETTINGS=%JAVA_HEAP_MAX% %JAVA_OFFHEAP_MAX% set java_arguments=%HEAP_SETTINGS% %HBASE_OPTS% -classpath "%CLASSPATH%" %CLASS% %hbase-command-arguments% if defined service_entry ( call :makeServiceXml %java_arguments% ) else ( call %JAVA% %java_arguments% ) endlocal goto :eof :shell rem find the hbase ruby sources if exist "%HBASE_HOME%\lib\ruby" ( set HBASE_OPTS=%HBASE_OPTS% -Dhbase.ruby.sources="%HBASE_HOME%\lib\ruby" ) else ( set HBASE_OPTS=%HBASE_OPTS% -Dhbase.ruby.sources="%HBASE_HOME%\hbase-shell\src\main\ruby" ) set HBASE_OPTS=%HBASE_OPTS% %HBASE_SHELL_OPTS% set CLASS=org.jruby.Main -X+O %JRUBY_OPTS% "%HBASE_HOME%\bin\hirb.rb" goto :eof :master set CLASS=org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.HMaster if NOT "%1"=="stop" ( set HBASE_OPTS=%HBASE_OPTS% %HBASE_MASTER_OPTS% ) goto :eof :regionserver set CLASS=org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.HRegionServer if NOT "%1"=="stop" ( set HBASE_OPTS=%HBASE_OPTS% %HBASE_REGIONSERVER_OPTS% ) goto :eof :thrift set CLASS=org.apache.hadoop.hbase.thrift.ThriftServer if NOT "%1" == "stop" ( set HBASE_OPTS=%HBASE_OPTS% %HBASE_THRIFT_OPTS% ) goto :eof :thrift2 set CLASS=org.apache.hadoop.hbase.thrift2.ThriftServer if NOT "%1" == "stop" ( set HBASE_OPTS=%HBASE_OPTS% %HBASE_THRIFT_OPTS% ) goto :eof :rest set CLASS=org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest.RESTServer if NOT "%1"=="stop" ( set HBASE_OPTS=%HBASE_OPTS% %HBASE_REST_OPTS% ) goto :eof :avro set CLASS=org.apache.hadoop.hbase.avro.AvroServer if NOT "%1"== "stop" ( set HBASE_OPTS=%HBASE_OPTS% %HBASE_AVRO_OPTS% ) goto :eof :zookeeper set CLASS=org.apache.hadoop.hbase.zookeeper.HQuorumPeer if NOT "%1"=="stop" ( set HBASE_OPTS=%HBASE_OPTS% %HBASE_ZOOKEEPER_OPTS% ) goto :eof :hbck set CLASS=org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.HBaseFsck goto :eof :wal set CLASS=org.apache.hadoop.hbase.wal.WALPrettyPrinter goto :eof :hfile set CLASS=org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.hfile.HFile goto :eof :zkcli set CLASS=org.apache.hadoop.hbase.zookeeper.ZKMainServer set CLASSPATH=!CLASSPATH!;%HBASE_HOME%\lib\zkcli\* goto :eof :mapredcp set CLASS=org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.MapreduceDependencyClasspathTool goto :eof :makeServiceXml set arguments=%* @echo ^<service^> @echo ^<id^>%hbase-command%^</id^> @echo ^<name^>%hbase-command%^</name^> @echo ^<description^>This service runs Isotope %hbase-command%^</description^> @echo ^<executable^>%JAVA%^</executable^> @echo ^<arguments^>%arguments%^</arguments^> @echo ^</service^> goto :eof :print_usage echo Usage: hbase [^<options^>] ^<command^> [^<args^>] echo where ^<command^> an option from one of these categories:: echo Options: echo --config DIR Configuration direction to use. Default: ./conf echo. echo Commands: echo Some commands take arguments. Pass no args or -h for usage." echo shell Run the HBase shell echo hbck Run the hbase 'fsck' tool echo wal Write-ahead-log analyzer echo hfile Store file analyzer echo zkcli Run the ZooKeeper shell echo master Run an HBase HMaster node echo regionserver Run an HBase HRegionServer node echo zookeeper Run a ZooKeeper server echo rest Run an HBase REST server echo thrift Run the HBase Thrift server echo thrift2 Run the HBase Thrift2 server echo classpath Dump hbase CLASSPATH echo mapredcp Dump CLASSPATH entries required by mapreduce echo version Print the version echo CLASSNAME Run the class named CLASSNAME goto :eof