# Note: this blazar yaml has been copied to all of the maven submodules (EXCEPT hbase-assembly) so # that they can be properly configured. If you make changes to this, you will need to make sure all # submodules are also updated accordingly. If you added a new submodule, you'll need to make sure # it gets a copy of this .blazar.yaml. In either case, use copy_blazar_yaml.sh to copy to all # subdirs containing a pom.xml. # Make sure to also check hbase-assembly/.blazar.yaml to see if any changes should be added there as well. # Prefer making changes to prepare_environment.sh instead, if possible. buildpack: host: git.hubteam.com organization: HubSpotProtected repository: Blazar-Buildpack-Java branch: v2 before: - description: "Prepare build environment" commands: - $WORKSPACE/build-scripts/prepare_environment.sh cdh5