#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # Build a database from git commit histories. Can be used to audit git vs. jira. For usage, # see README.md. """An application to assist Release Managers with ensuring that histories in Git and fixVersions in JIRA are in agreement. See README.md for a detailed explanation. """ import argparse import csv import enum import logging import pathlib import re import sqlite3 import time import os import enlighten import git import jira LOG = logging.getLogger(os.path.basename(__file__)) class _DB: """Manages an instance of Sqlite on behalf of the application. Args: db_path (str): Path to the Sqlite database file. ':memory:' for an ephemeral database. **_kwargs: Convenience for CLI argument parsing. Ignored. Attributes: conn (:obj:`sqlite3.db2api.Connection`): The underlying connection object. """ SQL_LOG = LOG.getChild("sql") class Action(enum.Enum): """Describes an action to be taken against the database.""" ADD = 'ADD' REVERT = 'REVERT' SKIP = 'SKIP' def __init__(self, db_path, initialize_db, **_kwargs): self._conn = sqlite3.connect(db_path) self._conn.set_trace_callback(_DB.log_query) if initialize_db: for table in 'git_commits', 'jira_versions': self._conn.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %s" % table) self._conn.execute(""" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "git_commits"( jira_id TEXT NOT NULL, branch TEXT NOT NULL, git_sha TEXT NOT NULL, git_tag TEXT, CONSTRAINT pk PRIMARY KEY (jira_id, branch, git_sha) );""") self._conn.execute(""" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "jira_versions"( jira_id TEXT NOT NULL, fix_version TEXT NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT pk PRIMARY KEY (jira_id, fix_version) );""") self._conn.commit() def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self._conn.close() @staticmethod def log_query(query): _DB.SQL_LOG.debug(re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', query).strip()) @property def conn(self): """:obj:`sqlite3.db2api.Connection`: Underlying database handle.""" return self._conn def apply_commit(self, action, jira_id, branch, git_sha): """Apply an edit to the commits database. Args: action (:obj:`_DB.Action`): The action to execute. jira_id (str): The applicable Issue ID from JIRA. branch (str): The name of the git branch from which the commit originates. git_sha (str): The commit's SHA. """ if action == _DB.Action.ADD: self.conn.execute( "INSERT INTO git_commits(jira_id, branch, git_sha) VALUES (upper(?),?,?)", (jira_id, branch, git_sha)) elif action == _DB.Action.REVERT: self.conn.execute(""" DELETE FROM git_commits WHERE jira_id=upper(?) AND branch=? """, (jira_id.upper(), branch)) def flush_commits(self): """Commit any pending changes to the database.""" self.conn.commit() def apply_git_tag(self, branch, git_sha, git_tag): """Annotate a commit in the commits database as being a part of the specified release. Args: branch (str): The name of the git branch from which the commit originates. git_sha (str): The commit's SHA. git_tag (str): The first release tag following the commit. """ self.conn.execute("UPDATE git_commits SET git_tag = ? WHERE branch = ? AND git_sha = ?", (git_tag, branch, git_sha)) def apply_fix_version(self, jira_id, fix_version): """Annotate a Jira issue in the jira database as being part of the specified release version. Args: jira_id (str): The applicable Issue ID from JIRA. fix_version (str): The annotated `fixVersion` as seen in JIRA. """ self.conn.execute("INSERT INTO jira_versions(jira_id, fix_version) VALUES (upper(?),?)", (jira_id, fix_version)) def unique_jira_ids_from_git(self): """Query the commits database for the population of Jira Issue IDs.""" results = self.conn.execute("SELECT distinct jira_id FROM git_commits").fetchall() return [x[0] for x in results] def backup(self, target): """Write a copy of the database to the `target` destination. Args: target (str): The backup target, a filesystem path. """ dst = sqlite3.connect(target) with dst: self._conn.backup(dst) dst.close() class _RepoReader: """This class interacts with the git repo, and encapsulates actions specific to HBase's git history. Args: db (:obj:`_DB`): A handle to the database manager. fallback_actions_path (str): Path to the file containing sha-specific actions (see README.md). remote_name (str): The name of the remote to query for branches and histories (i.e., "origin"). development_branch (str): The name of the branch on which active development occurs (i.e., "master"). release_line_regexp (str): Filter criteria used to select "release line" branches (such as "branch-1," "branch-2," &c.). **_kwargs: Convenience for CLI argument parsing. Ignored. """ _extract_release_tag_pattern = re.compile(r'^rel/(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)(\^0)?$', re.IGNORECASE) _skip_patterns = [ re.compile(r'^preparing development version.+', re.IGNORECASE), re.compile(r'^preparing hbase release.+', re.IGNORECASE), re.compile(r'^\s*updated? pom.xml version (for|to) .+', re.IGNORECASE), re.compile(r'^\s*updated? chang', re.IGNORECASE), re.compile(r'^\s*updated? (book|docs|documentation)', re.IGNORECASE), re.compile(r'^\s*updating (docs|changes).+', re.IGNORECASE), re.compile(r'^\s*bump (pom )?versions?', re.IGNORECASE), re.compile(r'^\s*updated? (version|poms|changes).+', re.IGNORECASE), ] _identify_leading_jira_id_pattern = re.compile(r'^[\s\[]*(hbase-\d+)', re.IGNORECASE) _identify_backport_jira_id_patterns = [ re.compile(r'^backport "(.+)".*', re.IGNORECASE), re.compile(r'^backport (.+)', re.IGNORECASE), ] _identify_revert_jira_id_pattern = re.compile(r'^revert:? "(.+)"', re.IGNORECASE) _identify_revert_revert_jira_id_pattern = re.compile( '^revert "revert "(.+)"\\.?"\\.?', re.IGNORECASE) _identify_amend_jira_id_pattern = re.compile(r'^amend (.+)', re.IGNORECASE) def __init__(self, db, fallback_actions_path, remote_name, development_branch, release_line_regexp, parse_release_tags, **_kwargs): self._db = db self._repo = _RepoReader._open_repo() self._fallback_actions = _RepoReader._load_fallback_actions(fallback_actions_path) self._remote_name = remote_name self._development_branch = development_branch self._release_line_regexp = release_line_regexp self._parse_release_tags = parse_release_tags @property def repo(self): """:obj:`git.repo.base.Repo`: Underlying Repo handle.""" return self._repo @property def remote_name(self): """str: The name of the remote used for querying branches and histories.""" return self._remote_name @property def development_branch_ref(self): """:obj:`git.refs.reference.Reference`: The git branch where active development occurs.""" refs = self.repo.remote(self._remote_name).refs return [ref for ref in refs if ref.name == '%s/%s' % (self._remote_name, self._development_branch)][0] @property def release_line_refs(self): """:obj:`list` of :obj:`git.refs.reference.Reference`: The git branches identified as "release lines", i.e., "branch-2".""" refs = self.repo.remote(self._remote_name).refs pattern = re.compile('%s/%s' % (self._remote_name, self._release_line_regexp)) return [ref for ref in refs if pattern.match(ref.name)] @property def release_branch_refs(self): """:obj:`list` of :obj:`git.refs.reference.Reference`: The git branches identified as "release branches", i.e., "branch-2.2".""" refs = self.repo.remote(self._remote_name).refs release_line_refs = self.release_line_refs return [ref for ref in refs if any([ref.name.startswith(release_line.name + '.') for release_line in release_line_refs])] @staticmethod def _open_repo(): return git.Repo(pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.absolute(), search_parent_directories=True) def identify_least_common_commit(self, ref_a, ref_b): """Given a pair of references, attempt to identify the commit that they have in common, i.e., the commit at which a "release branch" originates from a "release line" branch. """ commits = self._repo.merge_base(ref_a, ref_b, "--all") if commits: return commits[0] raise Exception("could not identify merge base between %s, %s" % (ref_a, ref_b)) @staticmethod def _skip(summary): return any([p.match(summary) for p in _RepoReader._skip_patterns]) @staticmethod def _identify_leading_jira_id(summary): match = _RepoReader._identify_leading_jira_id_pattern.match(summary) if match: return match.groups()[0] return None @staticmethod def _identify_backport_jira_id(summary): for pattern in _RepoReader._identify_backport_jira_id_patterns: match = pattern.match(summary) if match: return _RepoReader._identify_leading_jira_id(match.groups()[0]) return None @staticmethod def _identify_revert_jira_id(summary): match = _RepoReader._identify_revert_jira_id_pattern.match(summary) if match: return _RepoReader._identify_leading_jira_id(match.groups()[0]) return None @staticmethod def _identify_revert_revert_jira_id(summary): match = _RepoReader._identify_revert_revert_jira_id_pattern.match(summary) if match: return _RepoReader._identify_leading_jira_id(match.groups()[0]) return None @staticmethod def _identify_amend_jira_id(summary): match = _RepoReader._identify_amend_jira_id_pattern.match(summary) if match: return _RepoReader._identify_leading_jira_id(match.groups()[0]) return None @staticmethod def _action_jira_id_for(summary): jira_id = _RepoReader._identify_leading_jira_id(summary) if jira_id: return _DB.Action.ADD, jira_id jira_id = _RepoReader._identify_backport_jira_id(summary) if jira_id: return _DB.Action.ADD, jira_id jira_id = _RepoReader._identify_revert_jira_id(summary) if jira_id: return _DB.Action.REVERT, jira_id jira_id = _RepoReader._identify_revert_revert_jira_id(summary) if jira_id: return _DB.Action.ADD, jira_id jira_id = _RepoReader._identify_amend_jira_id(summary) if jira_id: return _DB.Action.ADD, jira_id return None def _extract_release_tag(self, commit): """works for extracting the tag, but need a way to retro-actively tag commits we've already seen.""" names = self._repo.git.name_rev(commit, tags=True, refs='rel/*') for name in names.split(' '): match = _RepoReader._extract_release_tag_pattern.match(name) if match: return match.groups()[0] return None def _set_release_tag(self, branch, tag, shas): cnt = 0 for sha in shas: self._db.apply_git_tag(branch, sha, tag) cnt += 1 if cnt % 50 == 0: self._db.flush_commits() self._db.flush_commits() def _resolve_ambiguity(self, commit): if commit.hexsha not in self._fallback_actions: LOG.warning('Unable to resolve action for %s: %s', commit.hexsha, commit.summary) return _DB.Action.SKIP, None action, jira_id = self._fallback_actions[commit.hexsha] if not jira_id: jira_id = None return _DB.Action[action], jira_id def _row_generator(self, branch, commit): if _RepoReader._skip(commit.summary): return None result = _RepoReader._action_jira_id_for(commit.summary) if not result: result = self._resolve_ambiguity(commit) if not result: raise Exception('Cannot resolve action for %s: %s' % (commit.hexsha, commit.summary)) action, jira_id = result return action, jira_id, branch, commit.hexsha def populate_db_release_branch(self, origin_commit, release_branch): """List all commits on `release_branch` since `origin_commit`, recording them as observations in the commits database. Args: origin_commit (:obj:`git.objects.commit.Commit`): The sha of the first commit to consider. release_branch (str): The name of the ref whose history is to be parsed. """ global MANAGER commits = list(self._repo.iter_commits( "%s...%s" % (origin_commit.hexsha, release_branch), reverse=True)) LOG.info("%s has %d commits since its origin at %s.", release_branch, len(commits), origin_commit) counter = MANAGER.counter(total=len(commits), desc=release_branch, unit='commit') commits_since_release = list() cnt = 0 for commit in counter(commits): row = self._row_generator(release_branch, commit) if row: self._db.apply_commit(*row) cnt += 1 if cnt % 50 == 0: self._db.flush_commits() commits_since_release.append(commit.hexsha) if self._parse_release_tags: tag = self._extract_release_tag(commit) if tag: self._set_release_tag(release_branch, tag, commits_since_release) commits_since_release = list() self._db.flush_commits() @staticmethod def _load_fallback_actions(file): result = dict() if pathlib.Path(file).exists(): with open(file, 'r') as handle: reader = csv.DictReader(filter(lambda line: line[0] != '#', handle)) result = dict() for row in reader: result[row['hexsha']] = (row['action'], row['jira_id']) return result class _JiraReader: """This class interacts with the Jira instance. Args: db (:obj:`_DB`): A handle to the database manager. jira_url (str): URL of the Jira instance to query. **_kwargs: Convenience for CLI argument parsing. Ignored. """ def __init__(self, db, jira_url, **_kwargs): self._db = db self.client = jira.JIRA(jira_url) self.throttle_time_in_sec = 1 def populate_db(self): """Query Jira for issue IDs found in the commits database, writing them to the jira database.""" global MANAGER jira_ids = self._db.unique_jira_ids_from_git() LOG.info("retrieving %s jira_ids from the issue tracker", len(jira_ids)) counter = MANAGER.counter(total=len(jira_ids), desc='fetch from Jira', unit='issue') chunk_size = 50 chunks = [jira_ids[i:i + chunk_size] for i in range(0, len(jira_ids), chunk_size)] cnt = 0 for chunk in chunks: query = "key in (" + ",".join([("'" + jira_id + "'") for jira_id in chunk]) + ")" results = self.client.search_issues(jql_str=query, maxResults=chunk_size, fields='fixVersions') for result in results: jira_id = result.key fix_versions = [version.name for version in result.fields.fixVersions] for fix_version in fix_versions: self._db.apply_fix_version(jira_id, fix_version) cnt += 1 if cnt % 50: self._db.flush_commits() counter.update(incr=len(chunk)) time.sleep(5) self._db.flush_commits() def fetch_issues(self, jira_ids): """Retrieve the specified jira Ids.""" global MANAGER LOG.info("retrieving %s jira_ids from the issue tracker", len(jira_ids)) counter = MANAGER.counter(total=len(jira_ids), desc='fetch from Jira', unit='issue') chunk_size = 50 chunks = [jira_ids[i:i + chunk_size] for i in range(0, len(jira_ids), chunk_size)] ret = list() for chunk in chunks: query = "key IN (" + ",".join([("'" + jira_id + "'") for jira_id in chunk]) + ")"\ + " ORDER BY issuetype ASC, priority DESC, key ASC" results = self.client.search_issues( jql_str=query, maxResults=chunk_size, fields='summary,issuetype,priority,resolution,components') for result in results: val = dict() val['key'] = result.key val['summary'] = result.fields.summary.strip() val['priority'] = result.fields.priority.name.strip() val['issue_type'] = result.fields.issuetype.name.strip() \ if result.fields.issuetype else None val['resolution'] = result.fields.resolution.name.strip() \ if result.fields.resolution else None val['components'] = [x.name.strip() for x in result.fields.components if x] \ if result.fields.components else [] ret.append(val) counter.update(incr=len(chunk)) return ret class Auditor: """This class builds databases from git and Jira, making it possible to audit the two for discrepancies. At some point, it will provide pre-canned audit queries against those databases. It is the entrypoint to this application. Args: repo_reader (:obj:`_RepoReader`): An instance of the `_RepoReader`. jira_reader (:obj:`_JiraReader`): An instance of the `JiraReader`. db (:obj:`_DB`): A handle to the database manager. **_kwargs: Convenience for CLI argument parsing. Ignored. """ def __init__(self, repo_reader, jira_reader, db, **_kwargs): self._repo_reader = repo_reader self._jira_reader = jira_reader self._db = db self._release_line_fix_versions = dict() for k, v in _kwargs.items(): if k.endswith('_fix_version'): release_line = k[:-len('_fix_version')] self._release_line_fix_versions[release_line] = v def populate_db_from_git(self): """Process the git repository, populating the commits database.""" for release_line in self._repo_reader.release_line_refs: branch_origin = self._repo_reader.identify_least_common_commit( self._repo_reader.development_branch_ref.name, release_line.name) self._repo_reader.populate_db_release_branch(branch_origin, release_line.name) for release_branch in self._repo_reader.release_branch_refs: if not release_branch.name.startswith(release_line.name): continue self._repo_reader.populate_db_release_branch(branch_origin, release_branch.name) def populate_db_from_jira(self): """Process the Jira issues identified by the commits database, populating the jira database.""" self._jira_reader.populate_db() @staticmethod def _write_report(filename, issues): with open(filename, 'w') as file: fieldnames = ['key', 'issue_type', 'priority', 'summary', 'resolution', 'components'] writer = csv.DictWriter(file, fieldnames=fieldnames) writer.writeheader() for issue in issues: writer.writerow(issue) LOG.info('generated report at %s', filename) def report_new_for_release_line(self, release_line): """Builds a report of the Jira issues that are new on the target release line, not present on any of the associated release branches. (i.e., on branch-2 but not branch-{2.0,2.1,...})""" matches = [x for x in self._repo_reader.release_line_refs if x.name == release_line or x.remote_head == release_line] release_line_ref = next(iter(matches), None) if not release_line_ref: LOG.error('release line %s not found. available options are %s.', release_line, [x.name for x in self._repo_reader.release_line_refs]) return cursor = self._db.conn.execute(""" SELECT distinct jira_id FROM git_commits WHERE branch = ? EXCEPT SELECT distinct jira_id FROM git_commits WHERE branch LIKE ? """, (release_line_ref.name, '%s.%%' % release_line_ref.name)) jira_ids = [x[0] for x in cursor.fetchall()] issues = self._jira_reader.fetch_issues(jira_ids) filename = 'new_for_%s.csv' % release_line.replace('/', '-') Auditor._write_report(filename, issues) def report_new_for_release_branch(self, release_branch): """Builds a report of the Jira issues that are new on the target release branch, not present on any of the previous release branches. (i.e., on branch-2.3 but not branch-{2.0,2.1,...})""" matches = [x for x in self._repo_reader.release_branch_refs if x.name == release_branch or x.remote_head == release_branch] release_branch_ref = next(iter(matches), None) if not release_branch_ref: LOG.error('release branch %s not found. available options are %s.', release_branch, [x.name for x in self._repo_reader.release_branch_refs]) return previous_branches = [x.name for x in self._repo_reader.release_branch_refs if x.remote_head != release_branch_ref.remote_head] query = ( "SELECT distinct jira_id FROM git_commits" " WHERE branch = ?" " EXCEPT SELECT distinct jira_id FROM git_commits" f" WHERE branch IN ({','.join('?' for _ in previous_branches)})" ) cursor = self._db.conn.execute(query, tuple([release_branch_ref.name] + previous_branches)) jira_ids = [x[0] for x in cursor.fetchall()] issues = self._jira_reader.fetch_issues(jira_ids) filename = 'new_for_%s.csv' % release_branch.replace('/', '-') Auditor._write_report(filename, issues) @staticmethod def _str_to_bool(val): if not val: return False return val.lower() in ['true', 't', 'yes', 'y'] @staticmethod def _build_first_pass_parser(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False) building_group = parser.add_argument_group(title='Building the audit database') building_group.add_argument( '--populate-from-git', help='When true, populate the audit database from the Git repository.', type=Auditor._str_to_bool, default=True) building_group.add_argument( '--populate-from-jira', help='When true, populate the audit database from Jira.', type=Auditor._str_to_bool, default=True) building_group.add_argument( '--db-path', help='Path to the database file, or leave unspecified for a transient db.', default='audit.db') building_group.add_argument( '--initialize-db', help='When true, initialize the database tables. This is destructive to the contents' + ' of an existing database.', type=Auditor._str_to_bool, default=False) report_group = parser.add_argument_group('Generating reports') report_group.add_argument( '--report-new-for-release-line', help=Auditor.report_new_for_release_line.__doc__, type=str, default=None) report_group.add_argument( '--report-new-for-release-branch', help=Auditor.report_new_for_release_branch.__doc__, type=str, default=None) git_repo_group = parser.add_argument_group('Interactions with the Git repo') git_repo_group.add_argument( '--git-repo-path', help='Path to the git repo, or leave unspecified to infer from the current' + ' file\'s path.', default=__file__) git_repo_group.add_argument( '--remote-name', help='The name of the git remote to use when identifying branches.' + ' Default: \'origin\'', default='origin') git_repo_group.add_argument( '--development-branch', help='The name of the branch from which all release lines originate.' + ' Default: \'master\'', default='master') git_repo_group.add_argument( '--development-branch-fix-version', help='The Jira fixVersion used to indicate an issue is committed to the development' + ' branch.', default='3.0.0') git_repo_group.add_argument( '--release-line-regexp', help='A regexp used to identify release lines.', default=r'branch-\d+$') git_repo_group.add_argument( '--parse-release-tags', help='When true, look for release tags and annotate commits according to their release' + ' version. An Expensive calculation, disabled by default.', type=Auditor._str_to_bool, default=False) git_repo_group.add_argument( '--fallback-actions-path', help='Path to a file containing _DB.Actions applicable to specific git shas.', default='fallback_actions.csv') jira_group = parser.add_argument_group('Interactions with Jira') jira_group.add_argument( '--jira-url', help='A URL locating the target JIRA instance.', default='https://issues.apache.org/jira') return parser, git_repo_group @staticmethod def _build_second_pass_parser(repo_reader, parent_parser, git_repo_group): for release_line in repo_reader.release_line_refs: name = release_line.name git_repo_group.add_argument( '--%s-fix-version' % name[len(repo_reader.remote_name) + 1:], help='The Jira fixVersion used to indicate an issue is committed to the specified ' + 'release line branch', required=True) return argparse.ArgumentParser( parents=[parent_parser], formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter ) MANAGER = None def main(): global MANAGER logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) first_pass_parser, git_repo_group = Auditor._build_first_pass_parser() first_pass_args, extras = first_pass_parser.parse_known_args() first_pass_args_dict = vars(first_pass_args) with _DB(**first_pass_args_dict) as db: repo_reader = _RepoReader(db, **first_pass_args_dict) jira_reader = _JiraReader(db, **first_pass_args_dict) second_pass_parser = Auditor._build_second_pass_parser( repo_reader, first_pass_parser, git_repo_group) second_pass_args = second_pass_parser.parse_args(extras, first_pass_args) second_pass_args_dict = vars(second_pass_args) auditor = Auditor(repo_reader, jira_reader, db, **second_pass_args_dict) with enlighten.get_manager() as MANAGER: if second_pass_args.populate_from_git: auditor.populate_db_from_git() if second_pass_args.populate_from_jira: auditor.populate_db_from_jira() if second_pass_args.report_new_for_release_line: release_line = second_pass_args.report_new_for_release_line auditor.report_new_for_release_line(release_line) if second_pass_args.report_new_for_release_branch: release_branch = second_pass_args.report_new_for_release_branch auditor.report_new_for_release_branch(release_branch) if __name__ == '__main__': main()