# How To Use Apache Yetus with Apache HBase This document describes how to get up and running with [Apache Yetus][yetus], as pertains to the development of Apache HBase. Specifically this covers the use of `test-patch`, of which HBase developers make use for tasks related to code quality. These are normally run via automation in the foundation's [Build][builds] infrastructure. They can also be run locally, which is the subject of this document. The Yetus project provides its own documentation of `test-patch` in [Basic PreCommit][yetus-basic-precommit]. By comparison, this document is intended to be highly abbreviated, hands-on, and focused on the HBase use-case. See that document for more complete explanations and further details. ## Installation In order to run Yetus, you'll need to first install Yetus and its dependencies. This is somewhat simplified when used in Docker mode. Yetus can be retrieved from a [distribution artifact][yetus-downloads]. Homebrew/Linuxbrew users can install from the tap, the process for which is also described on the downloads page. # Usage Basics Apache Yetus is comprised of a number of different components. The focus of our interest is `test-patch`. `test-patch` is a modular system. Many modules depend on some external tool to provide the underlying functionality. For example, the `compile` check delegates to a number of provider modules, for example `maven` or `gradle` for JVM projects. In order to use these modules, those tools must be installed. Yetus calls these modules "plugins". To see a list of all plugins available to `test-patch`, use ```shell script $ test-patch --list-plugins ``` To see a list of all the options available in both the core modules as well as all the plugins, use ```shell script $ test-patch --plugins=all --help ``` An invocation of `test-patch` requires use of one or more plugins. Often times, when the full suite of checks are run, specify the meta-plugin "all". Otherwise, a limited selection of plugins can be selected using the `--plugins` argument. ## The Workspace, The Patch `test-patch` operates within a "workspace," a checkout from a source control repository. It has a number of options pertaining to this workspace, such as the path to the workspace (`--basedir`) and whether it will permit the presence of uncommitted changes therein (`--dirty-workspace`). Onto this workspace, it can optionally apply a change, a.k.a., the "patch" in "test patch." The patch can come from a number of sources, including a patch file, a JIRA ID, a Pull Request, &c. Or, explicitly inform Yetus that no patch file is provided, and the repository should be checked as is, by passing `--empty-patch`. ## Personalities `test-patch` is extremely extensible. Even the functionality of its core modules can be extended or overridden. It allows for this type of "personalization" by way of "personality" overrides. Yetus ships a number of these personalities; a pre-packaged personality can be selected via the `--project` parameter. There is a provided HBase personality in Yetus, however the HBase project maintains its own within the HBase source repository. Specify the path to the personality file using `--personality`. The HBase repository places this file under `dev-support/hbase-personality.sh`. ## Docker mode Running Yetus in Docker mode simplifies the concerns of dependencies because the provided `Dockerfile` handles their installation automatically. However, for MacOS users, there are a number of known issues with running Docker on OSX, so it may be preferable to instead run outside of the container. To run in Docker, of course you must install `docker` or some container runtime equivalent. [Docker Desktop][docker-desktop] is an option for Mac and Windows users. When running `test-patch` with HBase in docker mode, two parameters must be provided. `--docker` activates the `docker` module, enabling the feature. Additionally, `--dockerfile` points Yetus at HBase's provided `Dockerfile`, instead of using the one provided out-of-the-box by Yetus. The HBase repository places this file under `dev-support/docker/Dockerfile`. ## JVM and JAVA_HOME HBase supports compilation and test execution on a number of different JVM versions. To facilitate this, the `Dockerfile` installs multiple JVMs. An invocation of `test-patch` requires additional parameters in order to specify the target JVM. How you do this is slightly different based on whether you run with or without Docker mode. ### Setting `JAVA_HOME` Outside of Docker Mode Simply specify `JAVA_HOME` in the environment in which `test-patch` is launched. ### Setting `JAVA_HOME` Inside of Docker Mode The docker image JDKs are available under `/usr/lib/jvm`. Symlinks are provided for each supported major version, i.e., `java-11`. Use the `test-patch` argument `--java-home`. # Example: Run SpotBugs One of the checks supported by Yetus is the static analysis tool [SpotBugs][spotbugs]. Let's put together all the above and run SpotBugs with `test-patch`. The SpotBugs check depends on a SpotBugs installation. This is provided by the docker file. For running without docker, you'll need to download and unpack the SpotBugs binary distribution. Running the SpotBugs check also depends on [Apache Maven][maven], the build system used by HBase. In order for the check to function, both the `maven` and `spotbugs` plugins must be specified. If this dependency is omitted, Yetus will error with a message similar to ``` ERROR: you can't specify maven as the buildtool if you don't enable the plugin. ``` To run just the SpotBugs check, we must explicitly specify `spotbugs` and its dependency using `--plugins=maven,spotbugs`. ## Without Docker Putting it all together, without using docker: ```shell script $ cd /path/to/hbase $ JAVA_HOME=/path/to/jdk-8 test-patch.sh \ --plugins=maven,spotbugs \ --spotbugs-home=/path/to/spotbugs/ --dirty-workspace \ --empty-patch \ --personality=./dev-support/hbase-personality.sh ``` ## With Docker Putting it all together, using docker: ```shell script $ cd /path/to/hbase $ test-patch.sh \ --plugins=maven,spotbugs \ --dirty-workspace \ --empty-patch \ --personality=./dev-support/hbase-personality.sh \ --docker \ --dockerfile=./dev-support/docker/Dockerfile \ --java-home=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8 ``` [builds]: https://builds.apache.org [docker-desktop]: https://www.docker.com/products/docker-desktop [maven]: https://maven.apache.org [spotbugs]: https://spotbugs.github.io [yetus]: https://yetus.apache.org [yetus-basic-precommit]: https://yetus.apache.org/documentation/in-progress/precommit-basic/ [yetus-downloads]: https://yetus.apache.org/downloads/