* Modified AssignmentManager.processAssignQueue() method to consider only highest versioned region servers for system table regions when destination server is not specified for them. Destination server is retained, if specified. * Modified MoveRegionProcedure to allow null value for destination server i.e. moving a region from specific source server to non-specific/ unknown destination server (picked by load-balancer) is supported now. * Removed destination server selection from HMaster.checkIfShouldMoveSystemRegionAsync(), as destination server will be picked by load balancer Signed-off-by: Michael Stack <stack@apache.org>
This module has proto files used by core. These protos overlap with protos that are used by coprocessor endpoints (CPEP) in the module hbase-protocol. So core versions have a different name, the generated classes are relocated -- i.e. shaded -- to a new location; they are moved from org.apache.hadoop.hbase.* to org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.