warmupRegion called by Master on Region move will instatiate the meta WALProvider as part of its action making it so it is already created by the time we go to open the hbsae:meta Region. Accommodate meta walProvider being already up. hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/regionserver/handler/AssignRegionHandler.java hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/regionserver/handler/UnassignRegionHandler.java Pass regionInfo. Needed internally. hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/replication/regionserver/ReplicationSourceManager.java Add handling if meta wal provider already instantiated when addCatalogReplicationSource runs. hbase-server/src/test/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/replication/regionserver/TestMetaRegionReplicaReplicationEndpoint.java Add exercising moving meta around between servers. Test replication keeps working.
HBASE-25037 Lots of thread pool are changed to non daemon after HBASE-24750 which causes trouble when shutting down (#2407)
HBASE-24309 Avoid introducing log4j and slf4j-log4j dependencies for modules other than hbase-assembly (#1640)
HBASE-24309 Avoid introducing log4j and slf4j-log4j dependencies for modules other than hbase-assembly (#1640)
HBASE-25067 Edit of log messages around async WAL Replication; checkstyle fixes; and a bugfix (#2435)
HBASE-24309 Avoid introducing log4j and slf4j-log4j dependencies for modules other than hbase-assembly (#1640)
Apache HBase [1] is an open-source, distributed, versioned, column-oriented store modeled after Google' Bigtable: A Distributed Storage System for Structured Data by Chang et al.[2] Just as Bigtable leverages the distributed data storage provided by the Google File System, HBase provides Bigtable-like capabilities on top of Apache Hadoop [3]. To get started using HBase, the full documentation for this release can be found under the doc/ directory that accompanies this README. Using a browser, open the docs/index.html to view the project home page (or browse to [1]). The hbase 'book' at http://hbase.apache.org/book.html has a 'quick start' section and is where you should being your exploration of the hbase project. The latest HBase can be downloaded from an Apache Mirror [4]. The source code can be found at [5] The HBase issue tracker is at [6] Apache HBase is made available under the Apache License, version 2.0 [7] The HBase mailing lists and archives are listed here [8]. The HBase distribution includes cryptographic software. See the export control notice here [9]. 1. http://hbase.apache.org 2. http://research.google.com/archive/bigtable.html 3. http://hadoop.apache.org 4. http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.lua/hbase/ 5. https://hbase.apache.org/source-repository.html 6. https://hbase.apache.org/issue-tracking.html 7. http://hbase.apache.org/license.html 8. http://hbase.apache.org/mail-lists.html 9. https://hbase.apache.org/export_control.html