Restore behavior from before HBASE-21789 (hbase-2.2.0) where we convert
all exceptions to IOEs, even RuntimeExceptions. Actual fix is this change (in case
obscured by doc and lambda simplification):
} catch (Throwable e) {
- Throwables.propagateIfPossible(e, IOException.class);
+ // Throw if an IOE else wrap in an IOE EVEN IF IT IS a RuntimeException (e.g.
+ // a RejectedExecutionException because the hosting exception is shutting down.
+ // This is old behavior worth reexamining. Procedures doing merge or split
+ // currently don't handle RuntimeExceptions coming up out of meta table edits.
+ // Would have to work on this at least. See HBASE-23904.
+ Throwables.throwIfInstanceOf(e, IOException.class);