git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
HBASE Michael Cafarella This document gives a quick overview of HBase, the Hadoop simple database. It is extremely similar to Google's BigTable, with a just a few differences. If you understand BigTable, great. If not, you should still be able to understand this document. --------------------------------------------------------------- I. HBase uses a data model very similar to that of BigTable. Users store data rows in labelled tables. A data row has a sortable key and an arbitrary number of columns. The table is stored sparsely, so that rows in the same table can have crazily-varying columns, if the user likes. A column name has the form "<group>:<label>" where <group> and <label> can be any string you like. A single table enforces its set of <group>s (called "column groups"). You can only adjust this set of groups by performing administrative operations on the table. However, you can use new <label> strings at any write without preannouncing it. HBase stores column groups physically close on disk. So the items in a given column group should have roughly the same write/read behavior. Writes are row-locked only. You cannot lock multiple rows at once. All row-writes are atomic by default. All updates to the database have an associated timestamp. The HBase will store a configurable number of versions of a given cell. Clients can get data by asking for the "most recent value as of a certain time". Or, clients can fetch all available versions at once. --------------------------------------------------------------- II. To the user, a table seems like a list of data tuples, sorted by row key. Physically, tables are broken into HRegions. An HRegion is identified by its tablename plus a start/end-key pair. A given HRegion with keys <start> and <end> will store all the rows from (<start>, <end>]. A set of HRegions, sorted appropriately, forms an entire table. All data is physically stored using Hadoop's DFS. Data is served to clients by a set of HRegionServers, usually one per machine. A given HRegion is served by only one HRegionServer at a time. When a client wants to make updates, it contacts the relevant HRegionServer and commits the update to an HRegion. Upon commit, the data is added to the HRegion's HMemcache and to the HRegionServer's HLog. The HMemcache is a memory buffer that stores and serves the most-recent updates. The HLog is an on-disk log file that tracks all updates. The commit() call will not return to the client until the update has been written to the HLog. When serving data, the HRegion will first check its HMemcache. If not available, it will then check its on-disk HStores. There is an HStore for each column family in an HRegion. An HStore might consist of multiple on-disk HStoreFiles. Each HStoreFile is a B-Tree-like structure that allow for relatively fast access. Periodically, we invoke HRegion.flushcache() to write the contents of the HMemcache to an on-disk HStore's files. This adds a new HStoreFile to each HStore. The HMemcache is then emptied, and we write a special token to the HLog, indicating the HMemcache has been flushed. On startup, each HRegion checks to see if there have been any writes to the HLog since the most-recent invocation of flushcache(). If not, then all relevant HRegion data is reflected in the on-disk HStores. If yes, the HRegion reconstructs the updates from the HLog, writes them to the HMemcache, and then calls flushcache(). Finally, it deletes the HLog and is now available for serving data. Thus, calling flushcache() infrequently will be less work, but HMemcache will consume more memory and the HLog will take a longer time to reconstruct upon restart. If flushcache() is called frequently, the HMemcache will take less memory, and the HLog will be faster to reconstruct, but each flushcache() call imposes some overhead. The HLog is periodically rolled, so it consists of multiple time-sorted files. Whenever we roll the HLog, the HLog will delete all old log files that contain only flushed data. Rolling the HLog takes very little time and is generally a good idea to do from time to time. Each call to flushcache() will add an additional HStoreFile to each HStore. Fetching a file from an HStore can potentially access all of its HStoreFiles. This is time-consuming, so we want to periodically compact these HStoreFiles into a single larger one. This is done by calling HStore.compact(). Compaction is a very expensive operation. It's done automatically at startup, and should probably be done periodically during operation. The Google BigTable paper has a slightly-confusing hierarchy of major and minor compactions. We have just two things to keep in mind: 1) A "flushcache()" drives all updates out of the memory buffer into on-disk structures. Upon flushcache, the log-reconstruction time goes to zero. Each flushcache() will add a new HStoreFile to each HStore. 2) a "compact()" consolidates all the HStoreFiles into a single one. It's expensive, and is always done at startup. Unlike BigTable, Hadoop's HBase allows no period where updates have been "committed" but have not been written to the log. This is not hard to add, if it's really wanted. We can merge two HRegions into a single new HRegion by calling HRegion.closeAndMerge(). We can split an HRegion into two smaller HRegions by calling HRegion.closeAndSplit(). OK, to sum up so far: 1) Clients access data in tables. 2) tables are broken into HRegions. 3) HRegions are served by HRegionServers. Clients contact an HRegionServer to access the data within its row-range. 4) HRegions store data in: a) HMemcache, a memory buffer for recent writes b) HLog, a write-log for recent writes c) HStores, an efficient on-disk set of files. One per col-group. (HStores use HStoreFiles.) --------------------------------------------------------------- III. Each HRegionServer stays in contact with the single HBaseMaster. The HBaseMaster is responsible for telling each HRegionServer what HRegions it should load and make available. The HBaseMaster keeps a constant tally of which HRegionServers are alive at any time. If the connection between an HRegionServer and the HBaseMaster times out, then: a) The HRegionServer kills itself and restarts in an empty state. b) The HBaseMaster assumes the HRegionServer has died and reallocates its HRegions to other HRegionServers Note that this is unlike Google's BigTable, where a TabletServer can still serve Tablets after its connection to the Master has died. We tie them together, because we do not use an external lock-management system like BigTable. With BigTable, there's a Master that allocates tablets and a lock manager (Chubby) that guarantees atomic access by TabletServers to tablets. HBase uses just a single central point for all HRegionServers to access: the HBaseMaster. (This is no more dangerous than what BigTable does. Each system is reliant on a network structure (whether HBaseMaster or Chubby) that must survive for the data system to survive. There may be some Chubby-specific advantages, but that's outside HBase's goals right now.) As HRegionServers check in with a new HBaseMaster, the HBaseMaster asks each HRegionServer to load in zero or more HRegions. When the HRegionServer dies, the HBaseMaster marks those HRegions as unallocated, and attempts to give them to different HRegionServers. Recall that each HRegion is identified by its table name and its key-range. Since key ranges are contiguous, and they always start and end with NULL, it's enough to simply indicate the end-key. Unfortunately, this is not quite enough. Because of merge() and split(), we may (for just a moment) have two quite different HRegions with the same name. If the system dies at an inopportune moment, both HRegions may exist on disk simultaneously. The arbiter of which HRegion is "correct" is the HBase meta-information (to be discussed shortly). In order to distinguish between different versions of the same HRegion, we also add a unique 'regionId' to the HRegion name. Thus, we finally get to this identifier for an HRegion: tablename + endkey + regionId. You can see this identifier being constructed in HRegion.buildRegionName(). We can also use this identifier as a row-label in a different HRegion. Thus, the HRegion meta-info is itself stored in an HRegion. We call this table, which maps from HRegion identifiers to physical HRegionServer locations, the META table. The META table itself can grow large, and may be broken into separate HRegions. To locate all components of the META table, we list all META HRegions in a ROOT table. The ROOT table is always contained in a single HRegion. Upon startup, the HRegionServer immediately attempts to scan the ROOT table (because there is only one HRegion for the ROOT table, that HRegion's name is hard-coded). It may have to wait for the ROOT table to be allocated to an HRegionServer. Once the ROOT table is available, the HBaseMaster can scan it and learn of all the META HRegions. It then scans the META table. Again, the HBaseMaster may have to wait for all the META HRegions to be allocated to different HRegionServers. Finally, when the HBaseMaster has scanned the META table, it knows the entire set of HRegions. It can then allocate these HRegions to the set of HRegionServers. The HBaseMaster keeps the set of currently-available HRegionServers in memory. Since the death of the HBaseMaster means the death of the entire system, there's no reason to store this information on disk. All information about the HRegion->HRegionServer mapping is stored physically on different tables. Thus, a client does not need to contact the HBaseMaster after it learns the location of the ROOT HRegion. The load on HBaseMaster should be relatively small: it deals with timing out HRegionServers, scanning the ROOT and META upon startup, and serving the location of the ROOT HRegion. The HClient is fairly complicated, and often needs to navigate the ROOT and META HRegions when serving a user's request to scan a specific user table. If an HRegionServer is unavailable or it does not have an HRegion it should have, the HClient will wait and retry. At startup or in case of a recent HRegionServer failure, the correct mapping info from HRegion to HRegionServer may not always be available. In summary: 1) HRegionServers offer access to HRegions (an HRegion lives at one HRegionServer) 2) HRegionServers check in with the HBaseMaster 3) If the HBaseMaster dies, the whole system dies 4) The set of current HRegionServers is known only to the HBaseMaster 5) The mapping between HRegions and HRegionServers is stored in two special HRegions, which are allocated to HRegionServers like any other. 6) The ROOT HRegion is a special one, the location of which the HBaseMaster always knows. 7) It's the HClient's responsibility to navigate all this. --------------------------------------------------------------- IV. What's the current status of all this code? As of this writing, there is just shy of 7000 lines of code in the "hbase" directory. All of the single-machine operations (safe-committing, merging, splitting, versioning, flushing, compacting, log-recovery) are complete, have been tested, and seem to work great. The multi-machine stuff (the HBaseMaster, the HRegionServer, and the HClient) have not been fully tested. The reason is that the HClient is still incomplete, so the rest of the distributed code cannot be fully-tested. I think it's good, but can't be sure until the HClient is done. However, the code is now very clean and in a state where other people can understand it and contribute. Other related features and TODOs: 1) Single-machine log reconstruction works great, but distributed log recovery is not yet implemented. This is relatively easy, involving just a sort of the log entries, placing the shards into the right DFS directories 2) Data compression is not yet implemented, but there is an obvious place to do so in the HStore. 3) We need easy interfaces to MapReduce jobs, so they can scan tables 4) The HMemcache lookup structure is relatively inefficient 5) File compaction is relatively slow; we should have a more conservative algorithm for deciding when to apply compaction. 6) For the getFull() operation, use of Bloom filters would speed things up 7) We need stress-test and performance-number tools for the whole system 8) There's some HRegion-specific testing code that worked fine during development, but it has to be rewritten so it works against an HRegion while it's hosted by an HRegionServer, and connected to an HBaseMaster. This code is at the bottom of the file.