Makes MergeTableRegionsProcedure do more than just two regions at a time. Compatible as MTRP was done considering one day it'd do more than two at a time. Changes hardcoded assumption that merge parent regions are named mergeA and mergeB in a column on the resultant region. Instead can have N columns on the merged region, one for each parent merged. Column qualifiers all being with 'merge'. Most of code below is undoing the assumption that there are two parents on a merge only.
This module has proto files used by core. These protos overlap with protos that are used by coprocessor endpoints (CPEP) in the module hbase-protocol. So core versions have a different name, the generated classes are relocated -- i.e. shaded -- to a new location; they are moved from org.apache.hadoop.hbase.* to org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.