mirror of
synced 2025-02-27 21:29:12 +00:00
test for HttpRoute with 100% coverage, fixed two bugs in route and tracker
git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/jakarta/httpcomponents/httpclient/trunk@543733 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
This commit is contained in:
@ -304,15 +304,14 @@ public final HttpHost getHopTarget(int hop) {
if (hop < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException
("Hop index must not be negative: " + hop);
if (((this.proxyChain == null) && (hop > 0)) ||
( this.proxyChain.length < hop)) {
final int hopcount = getHopCount();
if (hop >= hopcount)
throw new IllegalArgumentException
("Hop index " + hop +
" exceeds route length " + getHopCount() +".");
" exceeds route length " + hopcount +".");
HttpHost result = null;
if ((this.proxyChain != null) && (hop < this.proxyChain.length))
if (hop < hopcount-1)
result = this.proxyChain[hop];
result = this.targetHost;
@ -410,6 +409,7 @@ public final boolean equals(Object o) {
equal &=
( this.proxyChain == that.proxyChain) ||
((this.proxyChain != null) &&
(that.proxyChain != null) &&
(this.proxyChain.length == that.proxyChain.length));
// comparison of actual proxies follows below
equal &=
@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ public final HttpHost getHopTarget(int hop) {
HttpHost result = null;
if ((this.proxyChain != null) && (hop < this.proxyChain.length))
if (hop < hopcount-1)
result = this.proxyChain[hop];
result = this.targetHost;
@ -400,6 +400,7 @@ public final boolean equals(Object o) {
equal &=
( this.proxyChain == that.proxyChain) ||
((this.proxyChain != null) &&
(that.proxyChain != null) &&
(this.proxyChain.length == that.proxyChain.length));
// comparison of actual proxies follows below
equal &=
@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ public TestAllConnImpl(String testName) {
public static Test suite() {
TestSuite suite = new TestSuite();
@ -0,0 +1,602 @@
* $HeadURL$
* $Revision$
* $Date$
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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
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* This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
* individuals on behalf of the Apache Software Foundation. For more
* information on the Apache Software Foundation, please see
* <http://www.apache.org/>.
package org.apache.http.impl.conn;
import java.net.InetAddress;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import junit.framework.Test;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import junit.framework.TestSuite;
import org.apache.http.HttpHost;
import org.apache.http.conn.HttpRoute;
* Tests for <code>HttpRoute</code>.
public class TestHttpRoute extends TestCase {
// a selection of constants for generating routes
public final static
HttpHost TARGET1 = new HttpHost("target1.test.invalid");
public final static
HttpHost TARGET2 = new HttpHost("target2.test.invalid", 8080);
// It is not necessary to have extra targets for https.
// The 'layered' and 'secure' flags are specified explicitly
// for routes, they will not be determined from the scheme.
public final static
HttpHost PROXY1 = new HttpHost("proxy1.test.invalid");
public final static
HttpHost PROXY2 = new HttpHost("proxy2.test.invalid", 1080);
public final static
HttpHost PROXY3 = new HttpHost("proxy3.test.invalid", 88);
public final static InetAddress LOCAL41;
public final static InetAddress LOCAL42;
public final static InetAddress LOCAL61;
public final static InetAddress LOCAL62;
// need static initializer to deal with exceptions
static {
try {
LOCAL41 = InetAddress.getByAddress(new byte[]{ 127, 0, 0, 1 });
LOCAL42 = InetAddress.getByAddress(new byte[]{ 127, 0, 0, 2 });
LOCAL61 = InetAddress.getByAddress(new byte[]{
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1
LOCAL62 = InetAddress.getByAddress(new byte[]{
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2
} catch (Exception x) {
throw new ExceptionInInitializerError(x);
public TestHttpRoute(String testName) {
public static void main(String args[]) {
String[] testCaseName = { TestHttpRoute.class.getName() };
public static Test suite() {
return new TestSuite(TestHttpRoute.class);
public void testCstrFullRoute() {
// create a route with all arguments and check the details
HttpHost[] chain3 = { PROXY1, PROXY2, PROXY3 };
HttpRoute route = new HttpRoute(TARGET1, LOCAL41, chain3,
false, false, false);
assertEquals("wrong target",
TARGET1, route.getTargetHost());
assertEquals("wrong local address",
LOCAL41, route.getLocalAddress());
assertEquals("wrong proxy host",
PROXY1, route.getProxyHost());
assertEquals("wrong hop count",
4, route.getHopCount());
assertEquals("wrong hop 0",
PROXY1, route.getHopTarget(0));
assertEquals("wrong hop 1",
PROXY2, route.getHopTarget(1));
assertEquals("wrong hop 2",
PROXY3, route.getHopTarget(2));
assertEquals("wrong hop 3",
TARGET1, route.getHopTarget(3));
assertEquals("wrong flag: secured",
false, route.isSecure());
assertEquals("wrong flag: tunnelled",
false, route.isTunnelled());
assertEquals("wrong flag: layered",
false, route.isLayered());
String routestr = route.toString();
assertTrue("missing target in toString",
routestr.indexOf(TARGET1.getHostName()) >= 0);
assertTrue("missing local address in toString",
routestr.indexOf(LOCAL41.toString()) >= 0);
assertTrue("missing proxy 1 in toString",
routestr.indexOf(PROXY1.getHostName()) >= 0);
assertTrue("missing proxy 2 in toString",
routestr.indexOf(PROXY2.getHostName()) >= 0);
assertTrue("missing proxy 3 in toString",
routestr.indexOf(PROXY3.getHostName()) >= 0);
public void testCstrFullFlags() {
// tests the flag parameters in the full-blown constructor
HttpHost[] chain3 = { PROXY1, PROXY2, PROXY3 };
HttpRoute routefff = new HttpRoute(TARGET1, LOCAL41, chain3,
false, false, false);
HttpRoute routefft = new HttpRoute(TARGET1, LOCAL41, chain3,
false, false, true);
HttpRoute routeftf = new HttpRoute(TARGET1, LOCAL41, chain3,
false, true, false);
HttpRoute routeftt = new HttpRoute(TARGET1, LOCAL41, chain3,
false, true, true);
HttpRoute routetff = new HttpRoute(TARGET1, LOCAL41, chain3,
true, false, false);
HttpRoute routetft = new HttpRoute(TARGET1, LOCAL41, chain3,
true, false, true);
HttpRoute routettf = new HttpRoute(TARGET1, LOCAL41, chain3,
true, true, false);
HttpRoute routettt = new HttpRoute(TARGET1, LOCAL41, chain3,
true, true, true);
assertFalse("routefff.secure", routefff.isSecure());
assertFalse("routefff.tunnel", routefff.isTunnelled());
assertFalse("routefff.layer" , routefff.isLayered());
assertFalse("routefft.secure", routefft.isSecure());
assertFalse("routefft.tunnel", routefft.isTunnelled());
assertTrue ("routefft.layer" , routefft.isLayered());
assertFalse("routeftf.secure", routeftf.isSecure());
assertTrue ("routeftf.tunnel", routeftf.isTunnelled());
assertFalse("routeftf.layer" , routeftf.isLayered());
assertFalse("routeftt.secure", routeftt.isSecure());
assertTrue ("routeftt.tunnel", routeftt.isTunnelled());
assertTrue ("routeftt.layer" , routeftt.isLayered());
assertTrue ("routetff.secure", routetff.isSecure());
assertFalse("routetff.tunnel", routetff.isTunnelled());
assertFalse("routetff.layer" , routetff.isLayered());
assertTrue ("routetft.secure", routetft.isSecure());
assertFalse("routetft.tunnel", routetft.isTunnelled());
assertTrue ("routetft.layer" , routetft.isLayered());
assertTrue ("routettf.secure", routettf.isSecure());
assertTrue ("routettf.tunnel", routettf.isTunnelled());
assertFalse("routettf.layer" , routettf.isLayered());
assertTrue ("routettt.secure", routettt.isSecure());
assertTrue ("routettt.tunnel", routettt.isTunnelled());
assertTrue ("routettt.layer" , routettt.isLayered());
HashSet routes = new HashSet();
assertEquals("some flagged routes are equal", 8, routes.size());
// we can't test hashCode in general due to it's dependency
// on InetAddress and HttpHost, but we can check for the flags
HashSet routecodes = new HashSet();
routecodes.add(new Integer(routefff.hashCode()));
routecodes.add(new Integer(routefft.hashCode()));
routecodes.add(new Integer(routeftf.hashCode()));
routecodes.add(new Integer(routeftt.hashCode()));
routecodes.add(new Integer(routetff.hashCode()));
routecodes.add(new Integer(routetft.hashCode()));
routecodes.add(new Integer(routettf.hashCode()));
routecodes.add(new Integer(routettt.hashCode()));
assertEquals("some flagged routes have same hashCode",
8, routecodes.size());
HashSet routestrings = new HashSet();
assertEquals("some flagged route.toString() are equal",
8, routestrings.size());
public void testInvalidArguments() {
HttpHost[] chain0 = { null };
HttpHost[] chain1 = { PROXY1 };
HttpHost[] chain4 = { PROXY1, PROXY2, null, PROXY3 };
// for reference: this one should succeed
HttpRoute route = new HttpRoute(TARGET1, null, chain1,
false, true, false);
try {
route = new HttpRoute(null, null, chain1,
false, true, false);
fail("missing target not detected");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException iax) {
// expected
try {
route = new HttpRoute(TARGET1, null, (HttpHost[]) null,
false, true, false);
fail("missing proxy for tunnel not detected");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException iax) {
// expected
// for the next two, we don't indicate a tunnel anymore
try {
route = new HttpRoute(TARGET1, null, chain0,
false, false, false);
fail("invalid proxy chain (0) not detected");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException iax) {
// expected
try {
route = new HttpRoute(TARGET1, null, chain4,
false, false, false);
fail("invalid proxy chain (4) not detected");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException iax) {
// expected
public void testEqualsHashcodeClone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {
HttpHost[] chain0 = { };
HttpHost[] chain1 = { PROXY1 };
HttpHost[] chain3 = { PROXY1, PROXY2, PROXY3 };
HttpHost[] chain4 = { PROXY1, PROXY3, PROXY2 };
// create some identical routes
HttpRoute route1a = new HttpRoute(TARGET1, LOCAL41, chain3,
false, false, false);
HttpRoute route1b = new HttpRoute(TARGET1, LOCAL41, chain3,
false, false, false);
HttpRoute route1c = (HttpRoute) route1a.clone();
assertEquals("1a 1a", route1a, route1a);
assertEquals("1a 1b", route1a, route1b);
assertEquals("1a 1c", route1a, route1c);
assertEquals("hashcode 1a", route1a.hashCode(), route1a.hashCode());
assertEquals("hashcode 1b", route1a.hashCode(), route1b.hashCode());
assertEquals("hashcode 1c", route1a.hashCode(), route1c.hashCode());
assertEquals("toString 1a", route1a.toString(), route1a.toString());
assertEquals("toString 1b", route1a.toString(), route1b.toString());
assertEquals("toString 1c", route1a.toString(), route1c.toString());
// now create some differing routes
HttpRoute route2a = new HttpRoute(TARGET2, LOCAL41, chain3,
false, false, false);
HttpRoute route2b = new HttpRoute(TARGET1, LOCAL42, chain3,
false, false, false);
HttpRoute route2c = new HttpRoute(TARGET1, LOCAL61, chain3,
false, false, false);
HttpRoute route2d = new HttpRoute(TARGET1, null, chain3,
false, false, false);
HttpRoute route2e = new HttpRoute(TARGET1, LOCAL41, (HttpHost[]) null,
false, false, false);
HttpRoute route2f = new HttpRoute(TARGET1, LOCAL41, chain0,
false, false, false);
HttpRoute route2g = new HttpRoute(TARGET1, LOCAL41, chain1,
false, false, false);
HttpRoute route2h = new HttpRoute(TARGET1, LOCAL41, chain4,
false, false, false);
HttpRoute route2i = new HttpRoute(TARGET1, LOCAL41, chain3,
true, false, false);
HttpRoute route2j = new HttpRoute(TARGET1, LOCAL41, chain3,
false, true, false);
HttpRoute route2k = new HttpRoute(TARGET1, LOCAL41, chain3,
false, false, true);
// check a special case first: 2f should be the same as 2e
assertEquals("2e 2f", route2e, route2f);
assertEquals("hashcode 2e 2f", route2e.hashCode(), route2f.hashCode());
assertEquals("toString 2e 2f", route2e.toString(), route2f.toString());
assertFalse("1a 2a", route1a.equals(route2a));
assertFalse("1a 2b", route1a.equals(route2b));
assertFalse("1a 2c", route1a.equals(route2c));
assertFalse("1a 2d", route1a.equals(route2d));
assertFalse("1a 2e", route1a.equals(route2e));
assertFalse("1a 2f", route1a.equals(route2f));
assertFalse("1a 2g", route1a.equals(route2g));
assertFalse("1a 2h", route1a.equals(route2h));
assertFalse("1a 2i", route1a.equals(route2i));
assertFalse("1a 2j", route1a.equals(route2j));
assertFalse("1a 2k", route1a.equals(route2k));
// repeat the checks in the other direction
// there could be problems with detecting null attributes
assertFalse("2a 1a", route2a.equals(route1a));
assertFalse("2b 1a", route2b.equals(route1a));
assertFalse("2c 1a", route2c.equals(route1a));
assertFalse("2d 1a", route2d.equals(route1a));
assertFalse("2e 1a", route2e.equals(route1a));
assertFalse("2f 1a", route2f.equals(route1a));
assertFalse("2g 1a", route2g.equals(route1a));
assertFalse("2h 1a", route2h.equals(route1a));
assertFalse("2i 1a", route2i.equals(route1a));
assertFalse("2j 1a", route2j.equals(route1a));
assertFalse("2k 1a", route2k.equals(route1a));
// don't check hashCode, it's not guaranteed to be different
assertFalse("toString 1a 2a",
assertFalse("toString 1a 2b",
assertFalse("toString 1a 2c",
assertFalse("toString 1a 2d",
assertFalse("toString 1a 2e",
assertFalse("toString 1a 2f",
assertFalse("toString 1a 2g",
assertFalse("toString 1a 2h",
assertFalse("toString 1a 2i",
assertFalse("toString 1a 2j",
assertFalse("toString 1a 2k",
// now check that all of the routes are different from eachother
// except for those that aren't :-)
HashSet routes = new HashSet();
//routes.add(route2f); // 2f is the same as 2e
assertEquals("some routes are equal", 11, routes.size());
// and a run of cloning over the set
Iterator iter = routes.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
HttpRoute origin = (HttpRoute) iter.next();
HttpRoute cloned = (HttpRoute) origin.clone();
assertEquals("clone of " + origin, origin, cloned);
assertTrue("clone of " + origin, routes.contains(cloned));
// and don't forget toString
HashSet routestrings = new HashSet();
//routestrings.add(route2f.toString()); // 2f is the same as 2e
assertEquals("some route.toString() are equal",
11, routestrings.size());
// finally, compare with nonsense
assertFalse("route equals null", route1a.equals(null));
assertFalse("route equals string", route1a.equals("route1a"));
public void testHopping() {
// test getHopCount() and getHopTarget() with different proxy chains
HttpHost[] proxies = null;
HttpRoute route = new HttpRoute(TARGET1, null, proxies,
true, false, false);
assertEquals("A: hop count", 1, route.getHopCount());
assertEquals("A: hop 0", TARGET1, route.getHopTarget(0));
try {
HttpHost beyond = route.getHopTarget(1);
fail("A: hop 1 is " + beyond);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException iax) {
// expected
try {
HttpHost before = route.getHopTarget(-1);
fail("A: hop -1 is " + before);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException iax) {
// expected
proxies = new HttpHost[]{ PROXY3 };
route = new HttpRoute(TARGET1, LOCAL62, proxies,
false, true, false);
assertEquals("B: hop count", 2, route.getHopCount());
assertEquals("B: hop 0", PROXY3, route.getHopTarget(0));
assertEquals("B: hop 1", TARGET1, route.getHopTarget(1));
try {
HttpHost beyond = route.getHopTarget(2);
fail("B: hop 2 is " + beyond);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException iax) {
// expected
try {
HttpHost before = route.getHopTarget(-2);
fail("B: hop -2 is " + before);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException iax) {
// expected
proxies = new HttpHost[]{ PROXY3, PROXY1, PROXY2 };
route = new HttpRoute(TARGET1, LOCAL42, proxies,
false, false, true);
assertEquals("C: hop count", 4, route.getHopCount());
assertEquals("C: hop 0", PROXY3 , route.getHopTarget(0));
assertEquals("C: hop 1", PROXY1 , route.getHopTarget(1));
assertEquals("C: hop 2", PROXY2 , route.getHopTarget(2));
assertEquals("C: hop 3", TARGET1, route.getHopTarget(3));
try {
HttpHost beyond = route.getHopTarget(4);
fail("C: hop 4 is " + beyond);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException iax) {
// expected
try {
HttpHost before = route.getHopTarget(Integer.MIN_VALUE);
fail("C: hop -<min> is " + before);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException iax) {
// expected
public void testCstr1() {
HttpRoute route = new HttpRoute(TARGET2);
HttpRoute should = new HttpRoute(TARGET2, null, (HttpHost[]) null,
false, false, false);
assertEquals("bad convenience route", route, should);
public void testCstr3() {
// test convenience constructor with 3 arguments
HttpRoute route = new HttpRoute(TARGET2, LOCAL61, false);
HttpRoute should = new HttpRoute(TARGET2, LOCAL61, (HttpHost[]) null,
false, false, false);
assertEquals("bad convenience route 3/insecure", route, should);
route = new HttpRoute(TARGET2, null, true);
should = new HttpRoute(TARGET2, null, (HttpHost[]) null,
true, false, false);
assertEquals("bad convenience route 3/secure", route, should);
public void testCstr4() {
// test convenience constructor with 4 arguments
HttpRoute route = new HttpRoute(TARGET2, null, PROXY2, false);
HttpRoute should = new HttpRoute
(TARGET2, null, new HttpHost[]{ PROXY2 }, false, false, false);
assertEquals("bad convenience route 4/insecure", route, should);
route = new HttpRoute(TARGET2, LOCAL42, PROXY1, true);
should = new HttpRoute
(TARGET2, LOCAL42, new HttpHost[]{ PROXY1 }, true, true, true);
assertEquals("bad convenience route 4/secure", route, should);
// this constructor REQUIRES a proxy to be specified
try {
route = new HttpRoute(TARGET1, LOCAL61, null, false);
fail("missing proxy not detected");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException iax) {
// expected
public void testCstr6() {
// test convenience constructor with 6 arguments
HttpRoute route = new HttpRoute
(TARGET2, null, PROXY2, true, true, false);
HttpRoute should = new HttpRoute
(TARGET2, null, new HttpHost[]{ PROXY2 }, true, true, false);
assertEquals("bad convenience route 6/proxied", route, should);
route = new HttpRoute
(TARGET2, null, (HttpHost) null, true, false, true);
should = new HttpRoute
(TARGET2, null, (HttpHost[]) null, true, false, true);
assertEquals("bad convenience route 6/direct", route, should);
// handling of null vs. empty chain is checked in the equals tests
public void testImmutable() throws CloneNotSupportedException {
HttpHost[] proxies = new HttpHost[]{ PROXY1, PROXY2, PROXY3 };
HttpRoute route1 = new HttpRoute(TARGET1, null, proxies,
false, false, false);
HttpRoute route2 = (HttpRoute) route1.clone();
HttpRoute route3 = new HttpRoute(TARGET1, null,
(HttpHost[]) proxies.clone(),
false, false, false);
// modify the array that was passed to the constructor of route1
proxies[1] = PROXY3;
proxies[2] = PROXY2;
assertEquals("route differs from clone", route2, route1);
assertEquals("route was modified", route3, route1);
// for completeness, although it's deprecated
public void testHostConfig() {
// these tests are sloppy, the method is scheduled for removal anyway
HttpRoute route = new HttpRoute(TARGET1);
assertNotNull("no host config", route.toHostConfig());
route = new HttpRoute(TARGET2, null, new HttpHost[]{ PROXY1, PROXY2 },
false, false, false);
try {
fail("proxy chain not detected");
} catch (IllegalStateException isx) {
// expected
} // class TestHttpRoute
Reference in New Issue
Block a user