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+ Fundamentals
+ Request execution
+ The most essential function of HttpClient is to execute HTTP methods. Execution of an
+ HTTP method involves one or several HTTP request / HTTP response exchanges, usually
+ handled internally by HttpClient. The user is expected to provide a request object to
+ execute and HttpClient is expected to transmit the request to the target server return a
+ corresponding response object, or throw an exception if execution was unsuccessful.
+ Quite naturally, the main entry point of the HttpClient API is the HttpClient
+ interface that defines the contract described above.
+ Here is an example of request execution process in its simplest form:
+ HTTP request
+ All HTTP requests have a request line consisting a method name, a request URI and
+ a HTTP protocol version.
+ HttpClient supports out of the box all HTTP methods defined in the HTTP/1.1
+ specification: GET, HEAD,
+ TRACE and OPTIONS. There is a special
+ class for each method type.: HttpGet,
+ HttpHead, HttpPost,
+ HttpPut, HttpDelete,
+ HttpTrace, and HttpOptions.
+ The Request-URI is a Uniform Resource Identifier that identifies the resource upon
+ which to apply the request. HTTP request URIs consist of a protocol scheme, host
+ name, optional port, resource path, optional query, and optional fragment.
+ HttpClient provides a number of utility methods to simplify creation and
+ modification of request URIs.
+ URI can be assembled programmatically:
+ stdout >
+ Query string can also be generated from individual parameters:
+ qparams = new ArrayList();
+qparams.add(new BasicNameValuePair("q", "httpclient"));
+qparams.add(new BasicNameValuePair("btnG", "Google Search"));
+qparams.add(new BasicNameValuePair("aq", "f"));
+qparams.add(new BasicNameValuePair("oq", null));
+URI uri = URIUtils.createURI("http", "www.google.com", -1, "/search",
+ URLEncodedUtils.format(qparams, "UTF-8"), null);
+HttpGet httpget = new HttpGet(uri);
+ stdout >
+ HTTP response
+ HTTP response is a message sent by the server back to the client after having
+ received and interpreted a request message. The first line of that message consists
+ of the protocol version followed by a numeric status code and its associated textual
+ phrase.
+ stdout >
+ Working with message headers
+ An HTTP message can contain a number of headers describing properties of the
+ message such as the content length, content type and so on. HttpClient provides
+ methods to retrieve, add, remove and enumerate headers.
+ stdout >
+ The most efficient way to obtain all headers of a given type is by using the
+ HeaderIterator interface.
+ stdout >
+ It also provides convenience methods to parse HTTP messages into individual header
+ elements.
+ stdout >
+ HTTP entity
+ HTTP messages can carry a content entity associated with the request or response.
+ Entities can be found in some requests and in some responses, as they are optional.
+ Requests that use entities are referred to as entity enclosing requests. The HTTP
+ specification defines two entity enclosing methods: POST and
+ PUT. Responses are usually expected to enclose a content
+ entity. There are exceptions to this rule such as responses to
+ HEAD method and 204 No Content,
+ 304 Not Modified, 205 Reset Content
+ responses.
+ HttpClient distinguishes three kinds of entities, depending on where their content
+ originates:
+ streamed:
+ The content is received from a stream, or generated on the fly. In
+ particular, this category includes entities being received from HTTP
+ responses. Streamed entities are generally not repeatable.
+ self-contained:
+ The content is in memory or obtained by means that are independent
+ from a connection or other entity. Self-contained entities are generally
+ repeatable. This type of entities will be mostly used for entity
+ enclosing HTTP requests.
+ wrapping:
+ The content is obtained from another entity.
+ This distinction is important for connection management when streaming out content
+ from an HTTP response. For request entities that are created by an application and
+ only sent using HttpClient, the difference between streamed and self-contained is of
+ little importance. In that case, it is suggested to consider non-repeatable entities
+ as streamed, and those that are repeatable as self-contained.
+ Repeatable entities
+ An entity can be repeatable, meaning its content can be read more than once.
+ This is only possible with self contained entities (like
+ ByteArrayEntity or
+ StringEntity)
+ Using HTTP entities
+ Since an entity can represent both binary and character content, it has
+ support for character encodings (to support the latter, ie. character
+ content).
+ The entity is created when executing a request with enclosed content or when
+ the request was successful and the response body is used to send the result back
+ to the client.
+ To read the content from the entity, one can either retrieve the input stream
+ via the HttpEntity#getContent() method, which returns
+ an java.io.InputStream, or one can supply an output
+ stream to the HttpEntity#writeTo(OutputStream) method,
+ which will return once all content has been written to the given stream.
+ When the entity has been received with an incoming message, the methods
+ HttpEntity#getContentType() and
+ HttpEntity#getContentLength() methods can be used
+ for reading the common metadata such as Content-Type and
+ Content-Length headers (if they are available). Since the
+ Content-Type header can contain a character encoding for
+ text mime-types like text/plain or text/html, the
+ HttpEntity#getContentEncoding() method is used to
+ read this information. If the headers aren't available, a length of -1 will be
+ returned, and NULL for the content type. If the Content-Type
+ header is available, a Header object will be
+ returned.
+ When creating an entity for a outgoing message, this meta data has to be
+ supplied by the creator of the entity.
+ stdout >
+ Ensuring release of low level resources
+ When finished with a response entity, it's important to ensure that all entity
+ content has been fully consumed, so that the connection could be safely returned to
+ the connection pool and re-used by the connection manager for subsequent requests.
+ The easiest way to do so is to call the
+ HttpEntity#consumeContent() method to consume any
+ available content on the stream. HttpClient will automatically release the
+ underlying connection back to the connection manager as soon as it detects that the
+ end of the content stream has been reached. The
+ HttpEntity#consumeContent() method is safe to call more
+ than once.
+ There can be situations, however, when only a small portion of the entire response
+ content needs to be retrieved and the performance penalty for consuming the
+ remaining content and making the connection reusable is too high, one can simply
+ terminate the request by calling HttpUriRequest#abort()
+ method.
+ The connection will not be reused, but all level resources held by it will be
+ correctly deallocated.
+ Consuming entity content
+ The recommended way to consume content of an entity is by using its
+ HttpEntity#getContent() or
+ HttpEntity#writeTo(OutputStream) methods. HttpClient
+ also comes with the EntityUtils class, which exposes several
+ static methods to more easily read the content or information from an entity.
+ Instead of reading the java.io.InputStream directly, one can
+ retrieve the whole content body in a string / byte array by using the methods from
+ this class. However, the use of HttpEntity is
+ strongly discouraged unless the response entities originate from a trusted HTTP
+ server and are known to be of limited length.
+ In some situations it may be necessary to be able to read entity content more than
+ once. In this case entity content must be buffered in some way, either in memory or
+ on disk. The simplest way to accomplish that is by wrapping the original entity with
+ the BufferedHttpEntity class. This will cause the content of
+ the original entity to be read into a in-memory buffer. In all other ways the entity
+ wrapper will be have the original one.
+ Producing entity content
+ HttpClient provides several classes that can be used to efficiently stream out
+ content though HTTP connections. Instances of those classes can be associated with
+ entity enclosing requests such as POST and PUT
+ in order to enclose entity content into outgoing HTTP requests. HttpClient provides
+ several classes for most common data containers such as string, byte array, input
+ stream, and file: StringEntity,
+ ByteArrayEntity,
+ InputStreamEntity, and
+ FileEntity.
+ Please note InputStreamEntity is not repeatable, because it
+ can only read from the underlying data stream once. Generally it is recommended to
+ implement a custom HttpEntity class which is
+ self-contained instead of using generic InputStreamEntity.
+ FileEntity can be a good starting point.
+ Dynamic content entities
+ Often HTTP entities need to be generated dynamically based a particular
+ execution context. HttpClient provides support for dynamic entities by using
+ EntityTemplate entity class and
+ ContentProducer interface. Content producers
+ are objects which produce their content on demand, by writing it out to an
+ output stream. They are expected to be able produce their content every time
+ they are requested to do so. So entities created with
+ EntityTemplate are generally self-contained and
+ repeatable.
+ ");
+ writer.write(" ");
+ writer.write(" important stuff");
+ writer.write(" ");
+ writer.write("");
+ writer.flush();
+ }
+HttpEntity entity = new EntityTemplate(cp);
+HttpPost httppost = new HttpPost("http://localhost/handler.do");
+ HTML forms
+ Many applications frequently need to simulate the process of submitting an
+ HTML form, for instance, in order to log in to a web application or submit input
+ data. HttpClient provides special entity class
+ UrlEncodedFormEntity to facilitate the
+ process.
+ formparams = new ArrayList();
+formparams.add(new BasicNameValuePair("param1", "value1"));
+formparams.add(new BasicNameValuePair("param2", "value2"));
+UrlEncodedFormEntity entity = new UrlEncodedFormEntity(formparams, "UTF-8");
+HttpPost httppost = new HttpPost("http://localhost/handler.do");
+ This UrlEncodedFormEntity instance will use the so
+ called URL encoding to encode parameters and produce the following
+ content:
+ Content chunking
+ Generally it is recommended to let HttpClient choose the most appropriate
+ transfer encoding based on the properties of the HTTP message being transferred.
+ It is possible, however, to inform HttpClient that the chunk coding is preferred
+ by setting HttpEntity#setChunked() to true. Please note
+ that HttpClient will use this flag as a hint only. This value well be ignored
+ when using HTTP protocol versions that do not support chunk coding, such as
+ HTTP/1.0.
+ Response handlers
+ The simplest and the most convenient way to handle responses is by using
+ ResponseHandler interface. This method completely
+ relieves the user from having to worry about connection management. When using a
+ ResponseHandler HttpClient will automatically
+ take care of ensuring release of the connection back to the connection manager
+ regardless whether the request execution succeeds or causes an exception.
+ handler = new ResponseHandler() {
+ public byte[] handleResponse(
+ HttpResponse response) throws ClientProtocolException, IOException {
+ HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();
+ if (entity != null) {
+ return EntityUtils.toByteArray(entity);
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+byte[] response = httpclient.execute(httpget, handler);
+ HTTP execution context
+ Originally HTTP has been designed as a stateless, response-request oriented protocol.
+ However, real world applications often need to be able to persist state information
+ through several logically related request-response exchanges. In order to enable
+ applications to maintain a processing state HttpClient allows HTTP requests to be
+ executed within a particular execution context, referred to as HTTP context. Multiple
+ logically related requests can participate in a logical session if the same context is
+ reused between consecutive requests. HTTP context functions similarly to
+ java.util.Map<String, Object>. It is
+ simply a collection of arbitrary named values. Application can populate context
+ attributes prior to a request execution or examine the context after the execution has
+ been completed.
+ In the course of HTTP request execution HttpClient adds the following attributes to
+ the execution context:
+ http.connection
+ HttpConnection instance representing the
+ actual connection to the target server.
+ http.target_host
+ HttpHost instance representing the connection
+ target.
+ http.proxy_host
+ HttpHost instance representing the connection
+ proxy, if used
+ http.request
+ HttpRequest instance representing the
+ actual HTTP request.
+ http.response
+ HttpResponse instance representing the
+ actual HTTP response.
+ http.request_sent
+ java.lang.Boolean object representing the flag
+ indicating whether the actual request has been fully transmitted to the
+ connection target.
+ For instance, in order to determine the final redirect target, one can examine the
+ value of the http.target_host attribute after the request
+ execution:
+ stdout >
+ Exception handling
+ HttpClient can throw two types of exceptions:
+ java.io.IOException in case of an I/O failure such as
+ socket timeout or an socket reset and HttpException that
+ signals an HTTP failure such as a violation of the HTTP protocol. Usually I/O errors are
+ considered non-fatal and recoverable, whereas HTTP protocol errors are considered fatal
+ and cannot be automatically recovered from.
+ HTTP transport safety
+ It is important to understand that the HTTP protocol is not well suited for all
+ types of applications. HTTP is a simple request/response oriented protocol which was
+ initially designed to support static or dynamically generated content retrieval. It
+ has never been intended to support transactional operations. For instance, the HTTP
+ server will consider its part of the contract fulfilled if it succeeds in receiving
+ and processing the request, generating a response and sending a status code back to
+ the client. The server will make no attempts to roll back the transaction if the
+ client fails to receive the response in its entirety due to a read timeout, a
+ request cancellation or a system crash. If the client decides to retry the same
+ request, the server will inevitably end up executing the same transaction more than
+ once. In some cases this may lead to application data corruption or inconsistent
+ application state.
+ Even though HTTP has never been designed to support transactional processing, it
+ can still be used as a transport protocol for mission critical applications provided
+ certain conditions are met. To ensure HTTP transport layer safety the system must
+ ensure the idempotency of HTTP methods on the application layer.
+ Idempotent methods
+ HTTP/1.1 specification defines idempotent method as
+ Methods can also have the property of "idempotence" in
+ that (aside from error or expiration issues) the side-effects of N > 0
+ identical requests is the same as for a single request
+ In other words the application ought to ensure that it is prepared to deal with
+ the implications of multiple execution of the same method. This can be achieved, for
+ instance, by providing a unique transaction id and by other means of avoiding
+ execution of the same logical operation.
+ Please note that this problem is not specific to HttpClient. Browser based
+ applications are subject to exactly the same issues related to HTTP methods
+ non-idempotency.
+ HttpClient assumes non-entity enclosing methods such as GET and
+ HEAD to be idempotent and entity enclosing methods such as
+ POST and PUT to be not.
+ Automatic exception recovery
+ By default HttpClient attempts to automatically recover from I/O exceptions. The
+ default auto-recovery mechanism is limited to just a few exceptions that are known
+ to be safe.
+ HttpClient will make no attempt to recover from any logical or HTTP
+ protocol errors (those derived from
+ HttpException class).
+ HttpClient will automatically retry those methods that are assumed to be
+ idempotent.
+ HttpClient will automatically retry those methods that fail with a
+ transport exception while the HTTP request is still being transmitted to the
+ target server (i.e. the request has not been fully transmitted to the
+ server).
+ HttpClient will automatically retry those methods that have been fully
+ transmitted to the server, but the server failed to respond with an HTTP
+ status code (the server simply drops the connection without sending anything
+ back). In this case it is assumed that the request has not been processed by
+ the server and the application state has not changed. If this assumption may
+ not hold true for the web server your application is targeting it is highly
+ recommended to provide a custom exception handler.
+ Request retry handler
+ In order to enable a custom exception recovery mechanism one should provide an
+ implementation of the HttpRequestRetryHandler
+ interface.
+ = 5) {
+ // Do not retry if over max retry count
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (exception instanceof NoHttpResponseException) {
+ // Retry if the server dropped connection on us
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (exception instanceof SSLHandshakeException) {
+ // Do not retry on SSL handshake exception
+ return false;
+ }
+ HttpRequest request = (HttpRequest) context.getAttribute(
+ ExecutionContext.HTTP_REQUEST);
+ boolean idempotent = !(request instanceof HttpEntityEnclosingRequest);
+ if (idempotent) {
+ // Retry if the request is considered idempotent
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ Aborting requests
+ In some situations HTTP request execution fail to complete within the expected time
+ frame due to high load on the target server or too many concurrent requests issued on
+ the client side. In such cases it may be necessary to terminate the request prematurely
+ and unblock the execution thread blocked in a I/O operation. HTTP requests being
+ executed by HttpClient can be aborted at any stage of execution by invoking
+ HttpUriRequest#abort() method. This method is thread-safe
+ and can be called from any thread. When an HTTP request is aborted its execution thread
+ blocked in an I/O operation is guaranteed to unblock by throwing a
+ InterruptedIOException
+ HTTP protocol interceptors
+ HTTP protocol interceptor is a routine that implements a specific aspect of the HTTP
+ protocol. Usually protocol interceptors are expected to act upon one specific header or
+ a group of related headers of the incoming message or populate the outgoing message with
+ one specific header or a group of related headers. Protocol interceptors can also
+ manipulate content entities enclosed with messages, transparent content compression /
+ decompression being a good example. Usually this is accomplished by using the
+ 'Decorator' pattern where a wrapper entity class is used to decorate the original
+ entity. Several protocol interceptors can be combined to form one logical unit.
+ Protocol interceptors can collaborate by sharing information - such as a processing
+ state - through the HTTP execution context. Protocol interceptors can use HTTP context
+ to store a processing state for one request or several consecutive requests.
+ Usually the order in which interceptors are executed should not matter as long as they
+ do not depend on a particular state of the execution context. If protocol interceptors
+ have interdependencies and therefore must be executed in a particular order, they should
+ be added to the protocol processor in the same sequence as their expected execution
+ order.
+ Protocol interceptors must be implemented as thread-safe. Similarly to servlets,
+ protocol interceptors should not use instance variables unless access to those variables
+ is synchronized.
+ This is an example of how local context can be used to persist a processing state
+ between consecutive requests:
+ HTTP parameters
+ HttpParams interface represents a collection of immutable values that define a runtime
+ behavior of a component. In many ways HttpParams is
+ similar to HttpContext. The main distinction between the
+ two lies in their use at runtime. Both interfaces represent a collection of objects that
+ are organized as a map of keys to object values, but serve distinct purposes:
+ HttpParams is intended to contain simple
+ objects: integers, doubles, strings, collections and objects that remain
+ immutable at runtime.
+ HttpParams is expected to be used in the 'write
+ once - ready many' mode. HttpContext is intended
+ to contain complex objects that are very likely to mutate in the course of HTTP
+ message processing.
+ The purpose of HttpParams is to define a
+ behavior of other components. Usually each complex component has its own
+ HttpParams object. The purpose of
+ HttpContext is to represent an execution
+ state of an HTTP process. Usually the same execution context is shared among
+ many collaborating objects.
+ Parameter hierarchies
+ In the course of HTTP request execution HttpParams
+ of the HttpRequest object are linked together with
+ HttpParams of the
+ HttpClient instance used to execute the request.
+ This enables parameters set at the HTTP request level take precedence over
+ HttpParams set at the HTTP client level. The
+ recommended practice is to set common parameters shared by all HTTP requests at the
+ HTTP client level and selectively override specific parameters at the HTTP request
+ level.
+ stdout >
+ HTTP parameters beans
+ HttpParams interface allows for a great deal of
+ flexibility in handling configuration of components. Most importantly, new
+ parameters can be introduced without affecting binary compatibility with older
+ versions. However, HttpParams also has a certain
+ disadvantage compared to regular Java beans:
+ HttpParams cannot be assembled using a DI
+ framework. To mitigate the limitation, HttpClient includes a number of bean classes
+ that can used in order to initialize HttpParams
+ objects using standard Java bean conventions.
+ stdout >
+ HTTP request execution parameters
+ These are parameters that can impact the process of request execution:
+ http.protocol.version
+ defines HTTP protocol version used if not set explicitly on the request
+ object. This parameter expects a value of type
+ ProtocolVersion. If this parameter is not
+ set HTTP/1.1 will be used.
+ http.protocol.element-charset
+ defines the charset to be used for encoding HTTP protocol elements. This
+ parameter expects a value of type java.lang.String.
+ If this parameter is not set US-ASCII will be
+ used.
+ http.protocol.content-charset
+ defines the charset to be used per default for content body coding. This
+ parameter expects a value of type java.lang.String.
+ If this parameter is not set ISO-8859-1 will be
+ used.
+ http.useragent
+ defines the content of the User-Agent header. This
+ parameter expects a value of type java.lang.String.
+ If this parameter is not set, HttpClient will automatically generate a value
+ for it.
+ http.protocol.strict-transfer-encoding
+ defines whether responses with an invalid
+ Transfer-Encoding header should be rejected. This
+ parameter expects a value of type java.lang.Boolean.
+ If this parameter is not set invalid Transfer-Encoding
+ values will be ignored.
+ http.protocol.expect-continue
+ activates Expect: 100-Continue handshake for the entity
+ enclosing methods. The purpose of the Expect:
+ 100-Continue handshake is to allow the client that is sending
+ a request message with a request body to determine if the origin server is
+ willing to accept the request (based on the request headers) before the
+ client sends the request body. The use of the Expect:
+ 100-continue handshake can result in a noticeable performance
+ improvement for entity enclosing requests (such as POST
+ and PUT) that require the target server's authentication.
+ Expect: 100-continue handshake should be used with
+ caution, as it may cause problems with HTTP servers and proxies that do not
+ support HTTP/1.1 protocol. This parameter expects a value of type
+ java.lang.Boolean. If this parameter is not set
+ HttpClient will attempt to use the handshake.
+ http.protocol.wait-for-continue
+ defines the maximum period of time in milliseconds the client should spend
+ waiting for a 100-continue response. This parameter
+ expects a value of type java.lang.Integer. If this
+ parameter is not set HttpClient will wait 3 seconds for a confirmation
+ before resuming the transmission of the request body.
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+ HttpClient Tutorial
+ &version;
+ Oleg
+ Kalnichevski
+ Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+ distributed with this work for additional information
+ regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+ to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+ specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ under the License.
diff --git a/src/docbkx/preface.xml b/src/docbkx/preface.xml
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+ Preface
+ The Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is perhaps the most significant protocol used on the
+ Internet today. Web services, network-enabled appliances and the growth of network computing
+ continue to expand the role of the HTTP protocol beyond user-driven web browsers, while
+ increasing the number of applications that require HTTP support.
+ Although the java.net package provides basic functionality for accessing resources via HTTP,
+ it doesn't provide the full flexibility or functionality needed by many applications.
+ HttpClient seeks to fill this void by providing an efficient, up-to-date, and feature-rich
+ package implementing the client side of the most recent HTTP standards and recommendations.
+ Designed for extension while providing robust support for the base HTTP protocol, HttpClient
+ may be of interest to anyone building HTTP-aware client applications such as web browsers, web
+ service clients, or systems that leverage or extend the HTTP protocol for distributed
+ communication.
+ HttpClient scope
+ Client-side HTTP transport library based on HttpCore
+ Based on classic (blocking) I/O
+ Content agnostic
+ What HttpClient is NOT
+ HttpClient is NOT a browser. It is a client side HTTP transport library.
+ HttpClient's purpose is to transmit and receive HTTP messages. HttpClient will not
+ attempt to cache content, execute javascript embedded in HTML pages, try to guess
+ content type, or reformat request / redirect location URIs, or other functionality
+ unrelated to the HTTP transport.
\ No newline at end of file
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+ ====================================================================
+ Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+ distributed with this work for additional information
+ regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+ to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+ specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ under the License.
+ ====================================================================
+ This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
+ individuals on behalf of the Apache Software Foundation. For more
+ information on the Apache Software Foundation, please see
+ .
+ ====================================================================
+ Based on the CSS file for the Spring Reference Documentation.
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