Apache HttpComponents Client
Welcome to the HttpClient component of the HttpComponents project.
Building instructions
For building from source instructions please refer to BUILDING.txt.
HttpClient main module requires Java 5.0 compatible runtime and
depends on the following external libraries:
* Apache HttpComponents HttpCore 4.0-beta1 or newer API compatible
* Apache Commons Logging 1.0.3 or newer API compatible version
* Apache Commons Codec 1.3 or newer API compatible version
HttpMime module is optional and requires Java 5.0 compatible runtime
and depends on the following external libraries:
* Apache HttpComponents HttpCore 4.0-beta1 or newer API compatible
* Apache mime4j 0.3 or newer API compatible version
* Apache Commons Logging 1.0.3 or newer API compatible version
* Apache Commons IO 1.2 or newer API compatible version
* Apache Log4j 1.2.14 or newer API compatible version
(The runtime dependency on Log4j will be removed with the next
release of Apache mime4j)
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for more information.