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synced 2025-02-17 15:35:44 +00:00
Merge pull request #47 from mattiasholmqvist/ebs2_elastic-ip2
First version of ebs2 and elastic-ip2
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@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
; Copyright (C) 2011 Cloud Conscious, LLC. <info@cloudconscious.com>
; ====================================================================
; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
; You may obtain a copy of the License at
; http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
; limitations under the License.
; ====================================================================
#^{:author "Chas Emerick, cemerick@snowtide.com"
:doc "A clojure binding to the jclouds EBS service interface."}
(:use [org.jclouds.compute2])
(:use (clojure.contrib def core))
(:import org.jclouds.aws.domain.Region
(org.jclouds.ec2.domain Volume Volume$Status Snapshot Snapshot$Status AvailabilityZoneInfo)
(org.jclouds.ec2.options DescribeSnapshotsOptions DetachVolumeOptions CreateSnapshotOptions)))
(defn snapshot?
"Returns true iff the argument is a org.jclouds.ec2.domain.Snapshot."
(instance? Snapshot s))
(defn volume?
"Returns true iff the argument is a org.jclouds.ec2.domain.Volume."
(instance? Volume v))
(defn ^org.jclouds.ec2.services.ElasticBlockStoreClient
(-> compute
(defn get-region
"Coerces the first parameter into a Region string; strings, keywords, and
NodeMetadata instances are acceptable arguments. An optional second argument
is returned if the first cannot be coerced into a region string.
Returns nil otherwise."
([v] (get-region v nil))
([v default-region]
(string? v) v
(keyword? v) (name v)
(instance? NodeMetadata v) (let [zone (location v)]
; no easier way to go from zone -> region?
(if (> (.indexOf zone "-") -1)
(subs zone 0 (-> zone count dec))
:else default-region)))
(defn get-volume-id
"Returns a string volume ID taken from the given string, keyword, or Volume argument."
(instance? Volume v) (.getId ^Volume v)
(keyword? v) (name v)
(string? v) v
:else (throw (IllegalArgumentException.
(str "Can't obtain volume id from argument of type " (class v))))))
(defn volumes
"Returns a set of org.jclouds.ec2.domain.Volume instances corresponding to the
volumes in the specified region (defaulting to your account's default region)."
[compute & [region & volume-ids]]
(.describeVolumesInRegion (ebs-service compute)
(get-region region)
(into-array String (map get-volume-id
(if (get-region region)
(when region (cons region volume-ids))))))))
(defn- as-string
(string? v) v
(keyword? v) (name v)
:else v))
(defn- get-string
[map key]
(as-string (get map key)))
(defn- as-int
(number? v) (int v)
(string? v) (Integer/parseInt v)
:else (throw (IllegalArgumentException.
(str "Don't know how to convert object of type " (class v) " to a string")))))
(defn- snapshot-options
(let [string-array #(let [v (% optmap)]
(into-array String (cond
(keyword? v) [(name v)]
(string? v) [v]
:else (map as-string v))))]
(-> (DescribeSnapshotsOptions.)
(.ownedBy (string-array :owner))
(.snapshotIds (string-array :ids))
(.restorableBy (string-array :restorable-by)))))
(defn snapshots
"Returns a set of org.jclouds.aws.ec2.domain.Snapshot instances that match
the criteria provided. Options include:
:region - region string, keyword, or NodeMetadata
:owner - AWS account id (or \"amazon\" or \"self\")
:restorable-by - AWS account id
Multiple values for each type of criteria can be provided by passing a seq
of the appropriate types as values."
[compute & options]
(let [options (apply hash-map options)
region (:region options)
options (snapshot-options (dissoc options :region))]
(.describeSnapshotsInRegion (ebs-service compute)
(get-region region)
(into-array DescribeSnapshotsOptions [options])))))
(defn create-snapshot
"Creates a snapshot of a volume in the specified region with an optional description.
If provided, the description must be < 255 characters in length. Returns the
org.jclouds.aws.ec2.domain.Snapshot object representing the created snapshot."
([compute ^Volume volume] (create-snapshot compute volume nil))
([compute ^Volume volume description] (create-snapshot compute (.getRegion volume) (.getId volume) description))
([compute region volume-id description]
(.createSnapshotInRegion (ebs-service compute)
(get-region region)
(as-string volume-id)
(into-array CreateSnapshotOptions (when description
[(.withDescription (CreateSnapshotOptions.) description)])))))
(defn delete-snapshot
"Deletes a snapshot in the specified region."
([compute ^Snapshot snapshot] (delete-snapshot compute (.getRegion snapshot) (.getId snapshot)))
([compute region snapshot-id]
(.deleteSnapshotInRegion (ebs-service compute)
(get-region region)
(as-string snapshot-id))))
(defn get-zone
(instance? AvailabilityZoneInfo v) (.getZone v)
(instance? NodeMetadata v) (location ^NodeMetadata v)
(string? v) v
(keyword? v) (name v)
:else (throw (IllegalArgumentException.
(str "Can't obtain zone from argument of type " (class v))))))
(defn attach-volume
"Attaches a volume to an instance, returning the resulting org.jclouds.aws.ec2.domain.Attachment."
([compute ^NodeMetadata node volume device]
(attach-volume compute node (.getProviderId node) (get-volume-id volume) device))
([compute region instance-id volume-id device]
(apply #(.attachVolumeInRegion (ebs-service compute)
(get-region region) % %2 %3)
(map as-string [volume-id instance-id device]))))
(defn detach-volume
"Detaches a volume from the instance to which it is currently attached.
The volume may be specified with a Volume instance, a string, or a keyword.
Providing a logical true value for the :force option will cause the volume
to be forcibly detached, regardless of whether it is in-use (mounted) or not.
If the volume is specified as a string or keyword, one of the following options
is additionally required:
:region - the region where the volume is allocated
:node - a node in the region where the volume is allocated
FYI: It appears that issuing a detatch-volume command while the volume in question is mounted
will cause the volume to be detatched immediately upon the volume beign unmounted."
[compute volume & options]
(let [options (apply hash-map options)
volume-id (get-volume-id volume)
region (get-region (if (instance? Volume volume)
(.getRegion volume)
(or (:region options) (:node options))))]
(when (not region)
(throw (IllegalArgumentException.
"Must specify volume's region via :region or :node options, or by providing a Volume instance.")))
(.detachVolumeInRegion (ebs-service compute)
(boolean (:force options))
(into-array DetachVolumeOptions []))))
(defn create-volume
"Creates a new volume given a set of options:
- one of :zone (keyword, string, or AvailabilityZoneInfo) or :node (NodeMetadata)
- one or both of :snapshot (keyword, string, or Snapshot instance) or :size
(string, keyword, or number)
- :device (string or keyword) provided *only* when you want to attach the new volume to
the :node you specified!
Returns a vector of [created org.jclouds.ec2.domain.Volume,
optional org.jclouds.ec2.domain.Attachment]
Note that specifying :node instead of :zone will only attach the created volume
:device is also provided. Otherwise, the node is only used to obtain the desired
availability zone.
Note also that if :device and :node are specified, and the attach operation fails,
you will have \"leaked\" the newly-created volume
(volume creation and attachment cannot be done atomically)."
[compute & options]
(when (-> options count odd?)
(throw (IllegalArgumentException. "Must provide key-value pairs, e.g. :zone :us-east-1d :size 200")))
(let [options (apply hash-map options)
snapshot (get-string options :snapshot)
snapshot (if (snapshot? snapshot) (.getId snapshot) snapshot)
size (-?> (get-string options :size) as-int)
^NodeMetadata node (:node options)
zone (or node (get-string options :zone))
zone (if zone
(get-zone zone)
(throw (IllegalArgumentException. "Must supply a :zone or :node option.")))
ebs (ebs-service compute)]
(when (and (:device options) (not node))
(throw (IllegalArgumentException. "Cannot create and attach new volume; no :node specified")))
(let [new-volume (cond
(and snapshot size) (.createVolumeFromSnapshotInAvailabilityZone ebs zone size snapshot)
snapshot (.createVolumeFromSnapshotInAvailabilityZone ebs zone snapshot)
size (.createVolumeInAvailabilityZone ebs zone size)
:else (throw (IllegalArgumentException. "Must supply :size and/or :snapshot options.")))]
[new-volume (when (:device options)
(attach-volume compute node new-volume (as-string (:device options))))])))
(defn delete-volume
"Deletes a volume in the specified region."
([compute ^Volume volume]
(delete-volume (.getRegion volume) (.getId volume)))
([compute region volume-id]
(.deleteVolumeInRegion (ebs-service compute)
(get-region region)
(as-string volume-id))))
(defn status
"Returns the status of the given entity; works for Volumes and Snapshots."
(.getStatus k))
(defn status-available?
[^Volume v]
(= Volume$Status/AVAILABLE (status v)))
(defn status-creating?
[^Volume v]
(= Volume$Status/CREATING (status v)))
(defn status-deleting?
[^Volume v]
(= Volume$Status/DELETING (status v)))
(defn status-in-use?
[^Volume v]
(= Volume$Status/IN_USE (status v)))
(defn status-completed?
[^Snapshot s]
(= Snapshot$Status/COMPLETED (status s)))
(defn status-error?
[^Snapshot s]
(= Snapshot$Status/ERROR (status s)))
(defn status-pending?
[^Snapshot s]
(= Snapshot$Status/PENDING (status s)))
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
; Copyright (C) 2011 Cloud Conscious, LLC. <info@cloudconscious.com>
; ====================================================================
; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
; You may obtain a copy of the License at
; http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
; limitations under the License.
; ====================================================================
#^{:author "Chas Emerick, cemerick@snowtide.com"
:doc "A clojure binding for the jclouds AWS elastic IP address interface."}
(:require (org.jclouds [compute2 :as compute])
[org.jclouds.ec2.ebs :as ebs])
(:use (clojure.contrib def core))
(:import org.jclouds.compute.domain.NodeMetadata
(org.jclouds.ec2.domain PublicIpInstanceIdPair)))
(defn ^org.jclouds.ec2.services.ElasticIPAddressClient
"Returns an ElasticIPAddressClient for the given ComputeService"
(-> compute
.getContext .getProviderSpecificContext .getApi .getElasticIPAddressServices))
(defn allocate
"Claims a new elastic IP address within the (optionally) specified region for your account.
Region may be a string, keyword, or a node from which the region
is inferred. Returns the IP address as a string."
([compute] (allocate compute nil))
([compute region]
(.allocateAddressInRegion (eip-service compute) (ebs/get-region region))))
(defn associate
"Associates an elastic IP address with a node."
([compute ^NodeMetadata node public-ip]
(associate node public-ip (.getProviderId node)))
([compute region public-ip instance-id]
(.associateAddressInRegion (eip-service compute)
(ebs/get-region region)
(defn addresses
"Returns a map of elastic IP addresses to maps with slots:
:region - the region (string/keyword/NodeMetadata) the IP address is allocated within
:node-id - the ID of the instance with which the IP address is associated (optional)
You may optionally specify which IP addresses you would like to query."
([compute] (addresses compute nil))
([compute region & public-ips]
(into {} (for [^PublicIpInstanceIdPair pair (.describeAddressesInRegion (eip-service compute)
(ebs/get-region region)
(into-array String public-ips))]
[(.getPublicIp pair) (merge {:region (.getRegion pair)}
(when (.getInstanceId pair) {:node-id (.getInstanceId pair)}))]))))
(defn dissociate
"Dissociates an elastic IP address from the node with which it is currently associated."
[compute region public-ip]
(.disassociateAddressInRegion (eip-service compute)
(ebs/get-region region)
(defn release
"Disclaims an elastic IP address from your account."
([compute public-ip] (release compute public-ip nil))
([compute public-ip region]
(.releaseAddressInRegion (eip-service compute)
(ebs/get-region region)
Reference in New Issue
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