mirror of https://github.com/apache/jclouds.git
New Clojure blobstore API in blobstore2.clj
Updates to API include more regular function arguments, fewer compound functions, and fewer arities of dubious quality. Tests also ported.
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
; Copyright (C) 2010 Cloud Conscious, LLC. <info@cloudconscious.com>
; ====================================================================
; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
; You may obtain a copy of the License at
; http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
; limitations under the License.
; ====================================================================
(ns org.jclouds.blobstore2
"A clojure binding for the jclouds BlobStore.
Current supported services are:
[transient, filesystem, azureblob, atmos, walrus, scaleup-storage,
ninefold-storage, googlestorage, synaptic, peer1-storage, aws-s3,
eucalyptus-partnercloud-s3, cloudfiles-us, cloudfiles-uk, swift,
scality-rs2, hosteurope-storage, tiscali-storage]
Here's a quick example of how to viewresources in rackspace
(use 'org.jclouds.blobstore2)
(def user \"rackspace_username\")
(def password \"rackspace_password\")
(def blobstore-name \"cloudfiles\")
(def the-blobstore (blobstore blobstore-name user password))
(pprint (locations the-blobstore))
(pprint (containers the-blobstore))
(pprint (blobs the-blobstore your_container_name))
See http://code.google.com/p/jclouds for details."
(:use [org.jclouds.core])
(:import [java.io File FileOutputStream OutputStream]
AsyncBlobStore domain.BlobBuilder BlobStore BlobStoreContext
BlobStoreContextFactory domain.BlobMetadata domain.StorageMetadata
domain.Blob options.ListContainerOptions]
[java.security DigestOutputStream MessageDigest]
(require '[clojure.contrib.io :as io])
(catch Exception e
(require '[clojure.contrib.duck-streams :as io])))
(defn blobstore
"Create a logged in context.
Options for communication style
:sync and :async.
Options can also be specified for extension modules
:log4j :enterprise :ning :apachehc :bouncycastle :joda :gae"
[#^String provider #^String provider-identity #^String provider-credential
& options]
(let [module-keys (set (keys module-lookup))
ext-modules (filter #(module-keys %) options)
opts (apply hash-map (filter #(not (module-keys %)) options))]
(let [context (.. (BlobStoreContextFactory.)
provider provider-identity provider-credential
(apply modules
(concat ext-modules (opts :extensions)))
(reduce #(do (.put %1 (name (first %2)) (second %2)) %1)
(Properties.) (dissoc opts :extensions))))]
(if (some #(= :async %) options)
(.getAsyncBlobStore context)
(.getBlobStore context)))))
(defn blobstore-context
"Returns a blobstore context from a blobstore."
(.getContext blobstore))
(defn blob?
(instance? Blob))
(defn blobstore?
(or (instance? BlobStore object)
(instance? AsyncBlobStore object)))
(defn blobstore-context?
(instance? BlobStoreContext object))
(defn containers
"List all containers in a blobstore."
[blobstore] (.list blobstore))
(def #^{:private true} list-option-map
{:after-marker #(.afterMarker %1 %2)
:in-directory #(.inDirectory %1 %2)
:max-results #(.maxResults %1 %2)
:with-details #(when %2 (.withDetails %1))
:recursive #(when %2 (.recursive %1))})
(defn list-container
"Low-level container listing. Use list-blobs where possible since
it's higher-level and returns a lazy seq. Options are:
:after-marker string
:in-direcory path
:max-results n
:with-details true
:recursive true"
[blobstore container-name & args]
(let [options (apply hash-map args)
list-options (reduce
(fn [lco [k v]]
((list-option-map k) lco v)
(.list blobstore container-name list-options)))
(defn- list-blobs-chunk [blobstore container prefix & [marker]]
(apply list-container blobstore container
(concat (when prefix
[:in-directory prefix])
(when (string? marker)
[:after-marker marker]))))
(defn- list-blobs-chunks [blobstore container prefix marker]
(when marker
(let [chunk (list-blobs-chunk blobstore container prefix marker)]
(lazy-seq (cons chunk
(list-blobs-chunks blobstore container prefix
(.getNextMarker chunk)))))))
(defn- concat-elements
"Make a lazy concatenation of the lazy sequences contained in coll.
Lazily evaluates coll.
Note: (apply concat coll) or (lazy-cat coll) are not lazy wrt coll itself."
(if-let [s (seq coll)]
(lazy-seq (concat (first s) (concat-elements (next s))))))
(defn list-blobs
"Returns a lazy seq of all blobs in the given container."
([blobstore container]
(list-blobs blobstore container nil))
([blobstore container prefix]
(concat-elements (list-blobs-chunks blobstore container prefix :start))))
(defn locations
"Retrieve the available container locations for the blobstore context."
[^BlobStore blobstore]
(seq (.listAssignableLocations blobstore)))
(defn create-container
"Create a container."
([blobstore container-name]
(create-container blobstore container-name nil))
([^BlobStore blobstore container-name location]
(.createContainerInLocation blobstore location container-name)))
(defn clear-container
"Clear a container."
[^BlobStore container-name]
(.clearContainer blobstore container-name))
(defn delete-container
"Delete a container."
[^BlobStore blobstore container-name]
(.deleteContainer blobstore container-name))
(defn container-exists?
"Predicate to check presence of a container"
[^BlobStore blobstore container-name]
(.containerExists blobstore container-name))
(defn directory-exists?
"Predicate to check presence of a directory"
[^BlobStore blobstore container-name path]
(.directoryExists blobstore container-name path))
(defn create-directory
"Create a directory path."
[^BlobStore blobstore container-name path]
(.createDirectory blobstore container-name path))
(defn delete-directory
"Delete a directory path."
[^BlobStore blobstore container-name path]
(.deleteDirectory blobstore container-name path))
(defn blob-exists?
"Predicate to check presence of a blob"
[^BlobStore blobstore container-name path]
(.blobExists blobstore container-name path))
(defn put-blob
"Put a blob. Metadata in the blob determines location."
[^BlobStore blobstore container-name blob]
(.putBlob blobstore container-name blob))
(defn blob-metadata
"Get metadata from given path"
[^BlobStore blobstore container-name path]
(.blobMetadata blobstore container-name path))
(defn get-blob
"Get blob from given path"
[^BlobStore blobstore container-name path]
(.getBlob blobstore container-name path))
(defn sign-get
"Get a signed http GET request for manipulating a blob in another
application, Ex. curl."
[^BlobStore blobstore container-name name]
(.signGetBlob (.. blobstore getContext getSigner) container-name name))
(defn sign-put
"Get a signed http PUT request for manipulating a blob in another
application, Ex. curl. A Blob with at least the name and content-length
must be given."
[^BlobStore blobstore container-name ^Blob blob]
(.signPutBlob (.. blobstore getContext getSigner)
(defn sign-delete
"Get a signed http DELETE request for manipulating a blob in another
applicaiton, Ex. curl."
[^BlobStore blobstore container-name name]
(.signRemoveBlob (.. blobstore getContext getSigner) container-name name))
(defn get-blob-stream
"Get an inputstream from the blob at a given path"
[^BlobStore blobstore container-name path]
(.getInput (.getPayload (.getBlob blobstore container-name path))))
(defn remove-blob
"Remove blob from given path"
[^BlobStore blobstore container-name path]
(.removeBlob blobstore container-name path))
(defn count-blobs
"Count blobs"
[^BlobStore blobstore container-name]
(.countBlobs blobstore container-name))
(defn blobs
"List the blobs in a container:
blobstore container -> blobs
List the blobs in a container under a path:
blobstore container dir -> blobs
(blobstore-context flightcaster-creds)
\"somecontainer\" \"some-dir\"))"
([^BlobStore blobstore container-name]
(.list blobstore container-name))
([^BlobStore blobstore container-name dir]
(.list blobstore container-name
(.inDirectory (new ListContainerOptions) dir))))
(defn blob
"Create a new blob with the specified payload and options."
([^BlobStore blobstore ^String name
{:keys [payload content-type content-length content-md5 calculate-md5
content-disposition content-encoding content-language metadata]}]
{:pre [(not (and content-md5 calculate-md5))
(not (and (nil? payload) calculate-md5))]}
(let [blob-builder (if payload
(.payload (.blobBuilder blobstore name) payload)
(.forSigning (.blobBuilder blobstore name)))
blob-builder (if content-length ;; Special case, arg is prim.
(.contentLength blob-builder content-length)
blob-builder (if calculate-md5 ;; Only do calculateMD5 OR contentMD5.
(.calculateMD5 blob-builder)
(if content-md5
(.contentMD5 blob-builder content-md5)
(doto blob-builder
(.contentType content-type)
(.contentDisposition content-disposition)
(.contentEncoding content-encoding)
(.contentLanguage content-language)
(.userMetadata metadata))
(.build blob-builder))))
(defn md5-blob
"add a content md5 to a blob, or make a new blob that has an md5.
note that this implies rebuffering, if the blob's payload isn't repeatable"
([^Blob blob]
(Payloads/calculateMD5 blob))
([^BlobStore blobstore ^String name payload]
(md5-blob (blob blobstore name {:payload payload}))))
(defn upload-blob
"Create anrepresenting text data:
container, name, string -> etag"
([^BlobStore blobstore container-name name data]
(put-blob blobstore container-name
(md5-blob blobstore name data))))
(define-accessors StorageMetadata "blob" type id name
location-id uri last-modfied)
(define-accessors BlobMetadata "blob" content-type)
(defn blob-etag [blob]
(.getETag blob))
(defn blob-md5 [blob]
(.getContentMD5 blob))
@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
; Copyright (C) 2010 Cloud Conscious, LLC. <info@cloudconscious.com>
; ====================================================================
; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
; You may obtain a copy of the License at
; http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
; limitations under the License.
; ====================================================================
(ns org.jclouds.blobstore2-test
(:use [org.jclouds.blobstore2] :reload-all)
(:use [clojure.test])
(:import [org.jclouds.blobstore BlobStoreContextFactory]
[org.jclouds.crypto CryptoStreams]
[java.io ByteArrayOutputStream]
[org.jclouds.util Strings2]))
(defn clean-stub-fixture
"This should allow basic tests to easily be run with another service."
(fn [f]
(doseq [container (containers blobstore)]
(delete-container blobstore (.getName container)))
(def *blobstore* (blobstore "transient" "" ""))
(use-fixtures :each (clean-stub-fixture *blobstore*))
(deftest blobstore?-test
(is (blobstore? *blobstore*)))
(deftest as-blobstore-test
(is (blobstore? (blobstore "transient" "user" "password")))
(is (blobstore? *blobstore*)))
(deftest create-existing-container-test
(is (not (container-exists? *blobstore* "")))
(is (create-container *blobstore* "fred"))
(is (container-exists? *blobstore* "fred")))
(deftest create-container-test
(is (create-container *blobstore* "fred"))
(is (container-exists? *blobstore* "fred")))
(deftest locations-test
(is (not (empty? (locations *blobstore*))))
(is (create-container *blobstore* "fred" (first (locations *blobstore*)))))
(deftest containers-test
(is (empty? (containers *blobstore*)))
(is (create-container *blobstore* "fred"))
(is (= 1 (count (containers *blobstore*)))))
(deftest list-container-test
(is (create-container *blobstore* "container"))
(is (empty? (list-container *blobstore* "container")))
(is (upload-blob *blobstore* "container" "blob1" "blob1"))
(is (upload-blob *blobstore* "container" "blob2" "blob2"))
(is (= 2 (count (list-container *blobstore* "container"))))
(is (= 1 (count (list-container *blobstore* "container" :max-results 1))))
(create-directory *blobstore* "container" "dir")
(is (upload-blob *blobstore* "container" "dir/blob2" "blob2"))
(is (= 3 (count-blobs *blobstore* "container")))
(is (= 3 (count (list-container *blobstore* "container"))))
(is (= 4 (count (list-container *blobstore* "container" :recursive true))))
(is (= 3 (count (list-container *blobstore* "container" :with-details true))))
(is (= 1 (count (list-container *blobstore* "container"
:in-directory "dir")))))
(deftest large-container-list-test
(let [container-name "test"
total-blobs 9000]
;; create a container full of blobs
(create-container *blobstore* container-name)
(dotimes [i total-blobs] (upload-blob *blobstore*
container-name (str i) (str i)))
;; verify
(is (= total-blobs (count-blobs *blobstore* container-name)))))
(deftest list-blobs-test
(is (create-container *blobstore* "container"))
(is (empty? (list-blobs *blobstore* "container"))))
(deftest get-blob-test
(is (create-container *blobstore* "blob"))
(is (upload-blob *blobstore* "blob" "blob1" "blob1"))
(is (upload-blob *blobstore* "blob" "blob2" "blob2"))
(is (= "blob2" (Strings2/toStringAndClose (get-blob-stream *blobstore*
"blob" "blob2")))))
(deftest sign-get-test
(let [request (sign-get *blobstore* "container" "path")]
(is (= "http://localhost/container/path" (str (.getEndpoint request))))
(is (= "GET" (.getMethod request)))))
(deftest sign-put-test
(let [request (sign-put *blobstore* "container"
(blob *blobstore* "path" {:content-length 10}))]
(is (= "http://localhost/container/path" (str (.getEndpoint request))))
(is (= "PUT" (.getMethod request)))
(is (= "10" (first (.get (.getHeaders request) "Content-Length"))))
(is (nil?
(first (.get (.getHeaders request) "Content-Type"))))))
(deftest sign-put-with-headers-test
(let [request (sign-put *blobstore*
(blob *blobstore* "path" {:content-length 10
:content-type "x"
:content-language "en"
:content-disposition "f"
:content-encoding "g"}))]
(is (= "PUT" (.getMethod request)))
(is (= "10" (first (.get (.getHeaders request) "Content-Length"))))
(is (= "x" (first (.get (.getHeaders request) "Content-Type"))))
(is (= "en" (first (.get (.getHeaders request) "Content-Language"))))
(is (= "f" (first (.get (.getHeaders request) "Content-Disposition"))))
(is (= "g" (first (.get (.getHeaders request) "Content-Encoding"))))))
(deftest sign-delete-test
(let [request (sign-delete *blobstore* "container" "path")]
(is (= "http://localhost/container/path" (str (.getEndpoint request))))
(is (= "DELETE" (.getMethod request)))))
(deftest blob-test
(let [a-blob (blob *blobstore* "test-name"
{:payload (.getBytes "test-payload")
:calculate-md5 true})]
(is (= (seq (.. a-blob (getPayload) (getContentMetadata) (getContentMD5)))
(seq (CryptoStreams/md5 (.getBytes "test-payload")))))))
;; TODO: more tests involving blob-specific functions
Reference in New Issue