import bindings from crane. Merge branch 'jclouds' of git://

This commit is contained in:
Hugo Duncan 2010-03-02 23:12:15 -05:00 committed by Alex Yarmula
parent 4bbff2caf5
commit 68be4884ff
6 changed files with 450 additions and 0 deletions

blobstore/project.clj Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
(defproject org.jclouds/clj-blobstore "0.1-SNAPSHOT"
:description "clojure binding for jclouds blobstore library"
:source-path "src/main/clojure"
:test-path "src/test/clojure"
:compile-path "target/classes"
:library-path "target"
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.1.0"]
[org.clojure/clojure-contrib "1.1.0"]
[org.jclouds/jclouds-blobstore "1.0-beta-4"]
[org.jclouds/jclouds-log4j "1.0-beta-4"]
[log4j/log4j "1.2.14"]]
:dev-dependencies [[org.clojure/swank-clojure "1.0"]]
:repositories [["jclouds" ""]
["jclouds-snapshot" ""]])

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
a lib for interacting with jclouds BlobStore.
Current supported services are:
[s3, azureblob, atmos, cloudfiles]
Here's a quick example of how to view blob resources in rackspace
(ns example.jclouds
(:use org.jclouds.blobstore)
(:use clojure.contrib.pprint)
(def user \"rackspace_username\")
(def password \"rackspace_password\")
(def blobstore-name \"cloudfiles\")
(def blobstore (blobstore-context blobstore-name user password ))
(pprint (containers blobstore))
(pprint (blobs blobstore "your_container_name" ))
(:import org.jclouds.blobstore.BlobStore)
(:import org.jclouds.blobstore.BlobStoreContext)
(:import org.jclouds.blobstore.BlobStoreContextFactory)
(:import org.jclouds.blobstore.domain.Blob)
(:import org.jclouds.blobstore.options.ListContainerOptions))
(defn blobstore-context
([{service :service account :account key :key}]
(blobstore-context service account key))
([s a k] (.createContext (new BlobStoreContextFactory) s a k )))
(defn containers [blobstore] (.list (.getBlobStore blobstore) ))
(defn blobs
list the blobs in a container:
blobstore container -> blobs
list the blobs in a container under a path:
blobstore container dir -> blobs
example: (pprint
(blobstore-context flightcaster-creds)
\"somecontainer\" \"some-dir\"))
([blobstore container-name]
(.list (.getBlobStore blobstore) container-name ))
([blobstore container-name dir]
(.list (.getBlobStore blobstore) container-name (.inDirectory (new ListContainerOptions) dir) ))
(defn put-blob
Create an blob representing text data:
container, name, string -> etag
([blobstore container-name name data]
(.putBlob (.getBlobStore blobstore) container-name (doto (.newBlob (.getBlobStore blobstore) name) (.setPayload data))))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
(ns org.jclouds.blobstore-test
(:use [org.jclouds.blobstore] :reload-all)
(:use clojure.test))
(deftest blobstore-test
(is true))

compute/project.clj Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
(defproject org.jclouds/clj-compute "0.1-SNAPSHOT"
:description "clojure binding for jclouds compute library"
:source-path "src/main/clojure"
:test-path "src/test/clojure"
:compile-path "target/classes"
:library-path "target"
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.1.0"]
[org.clojure/clojure-contrib "1.1.0"]
[org.jclouds/jclouds-compute "1.0-beta-4"]
[org.jclouds/jclouds-jsch "1.0-beta-4"]
[org.jclouds/jclouds-log4j "1.0-beta-4"]
[org.jclouds/jclouds-enterprise "1.0-beta-4"]
[log4j/log4j "1.2.14"]
[com.jcraft/jsch "0.1.42"]]
:dev-dependencies [[org.clojure/swank-clojure "1.0"]]
:repositories [["jclouds" ""]
["jclouds-snapshot" ""]])

View File

@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
#^{:doc "
a lib for interacting with jclouds ComputeService.
Current supported services are:
[ec2, rimuhosting, terremark, vcloud, hostingdotcom]
Here's an example of getting some compute configuration from rackspace:
(ns example.jclouds
(:use org.jclouds.compute
(def user \"username\")
(def password \"password\")
(def compute-name \"cloudservers\")
(def compute (compute-context compute-name user password))
(pprint (locations compute))
(pprint (images compute))
(pprint (nodes compute))
(pprint (sizes compute))
[clojure.contrib.str-utils2 :only [capitalize lower-case map-str]]
[ :only [wall-hack-field]])
(org.jclouds.compute ComputeService
(org.jclouds.compute.domain Template TemplateBuilder ComputeMetadata
NodeMetadata Size OsFamily Image
( ImmutableSet)))
(def module-lookup
{:log4j org.jclouds.logging.log4j.config.Log4JLoggingModule
:ssh org.jclouds.ssh.jsch.config.JschSshClientModule
:enterprise org.jclouds.enterprise.config.EnterpriseConfigurationModule})
(defn modules
"Build a list of modules suitable for passing to compute-context"
[& modules]
(.build #^$Builder
(reduce #(.add #^$Builder %1
(.newInstance #^Class (%2 module-lookup)))
(defn compute-context
"Create a logged in context."
([s a k]
(compute-context s a k (modules :log4j :ssh :enterprise)))
([#^String s #^String a #^String k #^ImmutableSet m]
(.createContext (new ComputeServiceContextFactory) s a k m)))
(defn- seq-from-immutable-set [#^ImmutableSet set]
(map #(.getValue %) set))
(defn locations
"Retrieve the available compute locations for the compute context."
[#^ComputeServiceContext compute]
(seq-from-immutable-set (.getLocations (.getComputeService compute))))
(defn nodes
"Retrieve the existing nodes for the compute context."
([#^ComputeServiceContext compute]
(seq-from-immutable-set (.getNodes (.getComputeService compute))))
([#^ComputeServiceContext compute #^String tag]
(seq-from-immutable-set (.getNodesWithTag (.getComputeService compute) tag))))
(defn images
"Retrieve the available images for the compute context."
[#^ComputeServiceContext compute]
(seq-from-immutable-set (.getImages (.getComputeService compute))))
(defn sizes
"Retrieve the available node sizes for the compute context."
[#^ComputeServiceContext compute]
(seq-from-immutable-set (.getSizes (.getComputeService compute))))
(defn default-template [#^ComputeServiceContext compute]
(.. compute (getComputeService) (templateBuilder)
(osFamily OsFamily/UBUNTU)
(slurp (str (. System getProperty "user.home") "/.ssh/"))))
(defn run-nodes
"Create the specified number of nodes using the default or specified
([compute tag count]
(run-nodes compute tag count (default-template compute)))
([#^ComputeServiceContext compute tag count template]
(.getComputeService compute) tag count template))))
(defn run-node
"Create a node using the default or specified template."
([compute tag]
(run-nodes compute tag 1 (default-template compute)))
([compute tag template]
(run-nodes compute tag 1 template)))
(defn #^NodeMetadata node-details
"Retrieve the node metadata."
[#^ComputeServiceContext compute node]
(.getNodeMetadata (.getComputeService compute) node ))
(defn reboot-nodes
"Reboot all the nodes with the given tag."
([#^ComputeServiceContext compute #^String tag]
(.rebootNodesWithTag (.getComputeService compute) tag )))
(defn reboot-node
"Reboot a given node."
([#^ComputeServiceContext compute
#^ComputeMetadata node]
(.rebootNode (.getComputeService compute) node )))
(defn destroy-nodes
"Destroy all the nodes with the given tag."
([#^ComputeServiceContext compute #^String tag]
(.destroyNodesWithTag (.getComputeService compute) tag )))
(defn destroy-node
"Destroy a given node."
([#^ComputeServiceContext compute
#^ComputeMetadata node]
(.destroyNode (.getComputeService compute) node )))
(defmacro state-predicate [node state]
`(= (.getState ~node)
(. org.jclouds.compute.domain.NodeState ~state)))
(defn pending?
"Predicate for the node being in transition"
[#^NodeMetadata node]
(state-predicate node PENDING))
(defn running?
"Predicate for the node being available for requests."
[#^NodeMetadata node]
(state-predicate node RUNNING))
(defn terminated?
"Predicate for the node being halted."
[#^NodeMetadata node]
(state-predicate node TERMINATED))
(defn suspended?
"Predicate for the node being suspended."
[#^NodeMetadata node]
(state-predicate node SUSPENDED))
(defn error-state?
"Predicate for the node being in an error state."
[#^NodeMetadata node]
(state-predicate node ERROR))
(defn unknown-state?
"Predicate for the node being in an unknown state."
[#^NodeMetadata node]
(state-predicate node UNKNOWN))
(defn public-ips
"Returns the node's public ips"
[#^NodeMetadata node]
(map #(.getHostAddress %) (.getPublicAddresses node)))
(defn private-ips
"Returns the node's private ips"
[#^NodeMetadata node]
(map #(.getHostAddress %) (.getPrivateAddresses node)))
(defn tag
"Returns a the node's tag"
[#^NodeMetadata node]
(.getTag node))
(defn hostname
"Returns the compute node's name"
[#^ComputeMetadata node]
(.getName node))
(defn- dashed [a]
(apply str (interpose "-" (map lower-case (re-seq #"[A-Z][^A-Z]*" a)))))
(defn- camelize [a]
(apply str (map-str capitalize (.split a "-"))))
(defn camelize-mixed [a]
(let [c (.split a "-")]
(apply str (lower-case (first c)) (map capitalize (rest c)))))
(defmacro #^{:private true} define-accessor
[class property obj-name]
(list 'defn (symbol (str obj-name "-" (name property)))
(vector (with-meta (symbol obj-name) {:tag (.getName class)}))
(list (symbol (str ".get" (camelize (name property)))) (symbol obj-name))))
(defmacro #^{:private true} define-accessors
"Defines read accessors, modelled on class-name-property-name. If the second
argument is a string, it is used instead of the class-name prefix."
[class & properties]
(let [obj-name (if (string? (first properties))
(first properties)
(dashed (.getName class)))
properties (if (string? (first properties))
(rest properties)
~@(for [property properties]
`(define-accessor ~class ~property ~obj-name)))))
(define-accessors Template image size location options)
(define-accessors Image version os-family os-description architecture)
(define-accessors Size cores ram disk)
(define-accessors NodeMetadata "node" credentials extra state tag)
(defmacro option-fn-0arg [key]
`(fn [builder#]
(~(symbol (str "." (camelize-mixed (name key)))) builder#)))
(defmacro option-fn-1arg [key]
`(fn [builder# value#]
(~(symbol (str "." (camelize-mixed (name key)))) builder# value#)))
(defn builder-options [builder]
(or (wall-hack-field org.jclouds.compute.internal.TemplateBuilderImpl :options builder)
(defmacro option-option-fn-0arg [key]
`(fn [builder#]
(let [options# (builder-options builder#)]
(~(symbol (str "." (camelize-mixed (name key)))) options#)
(.options builder# options#))))
(defn- seq-to-array [args]
(if (or (seq? args) (vector? args))
(int-array args)
(defmacro option-option-fn-1arg [key]
`(fn [builder# value#]
(let [options# (builder-options builder#)]
(~(symbol (str "." (camelize-mixed (name key)))) options# (seq-to-array value#))
(.options builder# options#))))
(defmacro make-option-map [f keywords]
`[ ~@(reduce (fn [v# k#] (conj (conj v# k#) `(~f ~k#))) [] keywords)])
(def option-1arg-map
(apply array-map
(make-option-map option-fn-1arg
[:os-family :location-id :architecture :image-id :size-id
:os-description-matches :image-version-matches
:image-description-matches :min-cores :min-ram])
(make-option-map option-option-fn-1arg
[:run-script :install-private-key :authorize-public-key :inbound-ports]))))
(def option-0arg-map
(apply hash-map
(make-option-map option-fn-0arg
[:smallest :fastest :biggest])
(make-option-map option-option-fn-0arg
(defn os-families []
(. OsFamily values))
(defn architectures []
(. Architecture values))
(def enum-map {:os-family (os-families)
:architecture (architectures)})
(defn add-option-with-value-if [builder kword]
(loop [enums (sequence enum-map)]
(if (not (empty? enums))
(let [enum (first enums)
value (filter #(= (name kword) (str %)) (second enum))]
(if (not (empty? value))
(((first enum) option-1arg-map) builder (first value))
(recur (rest enums)))))))
(defn add-option-if [builder kword]
(let [f (option-0arg-map kword)]
(if f (f builder))))
(defn add-keyword-option [builder option]
(if (not (or (add-option-with-value-if builder option)
(add-option-if builder option)))
(println "Unknown option " option)))
(defn add-value-option [builder option value]
(let [f (option-1arg-map option)]
(if f
(f builder value)
(println "Unknown option" option))))
(defn build-template [#^ComputeServiceContext compute option & options]
(let [builder (.. compute (getComputeService) (templateBuilder))]
(loop [option option
remaining options]
(if (empty? remaining)
(add-keyword-option builder option)
(let [next-is-keyword (keyword? (first remaining))
arg (if (not next-is-keyword)
(first remaining))
next (if next-is-keyword
(first remaining)
(fnext remaining))
remaining (if (keyword? (first remaining))
(rest remaining)
(drop 2 remaining))]
(if arg
(add-value-option builder option arg)
(add-keyword-option builder option))
(if next
(recur next remaining)))))
(.build builder)))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
(ns org.jclouds.compute-test
(:use [org.jclouds.compute] :reload-all)
(:use clojure.test))
(deftest os-families-test
(is (some #{"centos"} (map str (os-families)))))