createNodeInGroupWithNameAndTemplate hook

This commit is contained in:
Adrian Cole 2012-03-19 01:01:23 -07:00
parent 9946ee9fd4
commit 9bec280c94
1 changed files with 50 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -42,12 +42,13 @@ import org.jclouds.Constants;
import org.jclouds.compute.config.CustomizationResponse;
import org.jclouds.compute.domain.ComputeMetadata;
import org.jclouds.compute.domain.NodeMetadata;
import org.jclouds.compute.domain.NodeState;
import org.jclouds.compute.domain.Template;
import org.jclouds.compute.reference.ComputeServiceConstants;
import org.jclouds.compute.strategy.CreateNodeWithGroupEncodedIntoName;
import org.jclouds.compute.strategy.CreateNodesInGroupThenAddToSet;
import org.jclouds.compute.strategy.CustomizeNodeAndAddToGoodMapOrPutExceptionIntoBadMap;
import org.jclouds.compute.strategy.ListNodesStrategy;
import org.jclouds.compute.strategy.CreateNodesInGroupThenAddToSet;
import org.jclouds.logging.Logger;
@ -61,12 +62,12 @@ import;
public class CreateNodesWithGroupEncodedIntoNameThenAddToSet implements CreateNodesInGroupThenAddToSet {
private class AddNode implements Callable<AtomicReference<NodeMetadata>> {
protected class AddNode implements Callable<AtomicReference<NodeMetadata>> {
private final String name;
private final String group;
private final Template template;
private AddNode(String name, String group, Template template) {
public AddNode(String name, String group, Template template) { = checkNotNull(name, "name"); = checkNotNull(group, "group");
this.template = checkNotNull(template, "template");
@ -75,9 +76,8 @@ public class CreateNodesWithGroupEncodedIntoNameThenAddToSet implements CreateNo
public AtomicReference<NodeMetadata> call() throws Exception {
NodeMetadata node = null;
logger.debug(">> adding node location(%s) name(%s) image(%s) hardware(%s)",
template.getLocation().getId(), name, template.getImage().getProviderId(), template.getHardware()
logger.debug(">> adding node location(%s) name(%s) image(%s) hardware(%s)", template.getLocation().getId(),
name, template.getImage().getProviderId(), template.getHardware().getProviderId());
node = addNodeWithGroupStrategy.createNodeWithGroupEncodedIntoName(group, name, template);
logger.debug("<< %s node(%s)", node.getState(), node.getId());
return new AtomicReference<NodeMetadata>(node);
@ -121,13 +121,54 @@ public class CreateNodesWithGroupEncodedIntoNameThenAddToSet implements CreateNo
Map<NodeMetadata, Exception> badNodes, Multimap<NodeMetadata, CustomizationResponse> customizationResponses) {
Map<String, Future<Void>> responses = newLinkedHashMap();
for (String name : getNextNames(group, template, count)) {
responses.put(name, compose(executor.submit(new AddNode(name, group, template)),
goodNodes, badNodes, customizationResponses), executor));
responses.put(name, compose(createNodeInGroupWithNameAndTemplate(group, name, template),
customizeNodeAndAddToGoodMapOrPutExceptionIntoBadMapFactory.create(template.getOptions(), goodNodes,
badNodes, customizationResponses), executor));
return responses;
* This calls logic necessary to create a node and convert it from its provider-specific object
* to the jclouds {@link NodeMetadata} object. This call directly precedes customization, such as
* executing scripts.
* </p> The outcome of this operation does not imply the node is {@link NodeState#RUNNING
* running}. If you want to insert logic after the node is created, yet before an attempt to
* customize the node, then append your behaviour to this method.
* ex. to attach an ip address post-creation
* <pre>
* &#064;Override
* protected Future&lt;AtomicReference&lt;NodeMetadata&gt;&gt; createNodeInGroupWithNameAndTemplate(String group, String name,
* Template template) {
* Future&lt;AtomicReference&lt;NodeMetadata&gt;&gt; future = super.addNodeIntoGroupWithNameAndTemplate(group, name, template);
* return Futures.compose(future, new Function&lt;AtomicReference&lt;NodeMetadata&gt;, AtomicReference&lt;NodeMetadata&gt;&gt;() {
* &#064;Override
* public AtomicReference&lt;NodeMetadata&gt; apply(AtomicReference&lt;NodeMetadata&gt; input) {
* NodeMetadata node = input.get();
* // allocate and attach an ip
* input.set(NodeMetadataBuilder.fromNodeMetadata(node).publicAddresses(ImmutableSet.of(ip.getIp())).build());
* return input;
* }
* }, executor);
* }
* </pre>
* @param group group the node belongs to
* @param name generated name of the node
* @param template user-specified template
* @return node that is created, yet not necessarily in {@link NodeState#RUNNING}
protected Future<AtomicReference<NodeMetadata>> createNodeInGroupWithNameAndTemplate(String group, String name,
Template template) {
return executor.submit(new AddNode(name, group, template));
* Find the next node names that can be used. These will be derived from the group and the
* template. We will pre-allocate a specified quantity, and attempt to verify that there is no