First cut at a clojure wrapper of EBS interface

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Chas Emerick 2010-04-07 16:37:47 -04:00
parent 1bdf5eda18
commit bc7a92fae1
1 changed files with 165 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
"A clojure binding to the jclouds EBS service interface."
(:require (org.jclouds [compute :as compute])
(clojure.contrib [logging :as log]))
(:use (clojure.contrib def core))
( DescribeSnapshotsOptions DetachVolumeOptions)))
(defn #^
"Returns the synchronous ElasticBlockStoreClient associated with
the specified compute service, or compute/*compute* as bound by with-compute-service."
[& [compute]]
(-> (or compute compute/*compute*)
.getContext .getProviderSpecificContext .getApi .getElasticBlockStoreServices))
(defn as-region
"Returns the first argument as the corresponding Region if it is a
keyword or already a Region instance. An optional second argument
is returned if the first cannot be coerced into a Region.
Returns nil otherwise."
[v & [default-region]]
(keyword? v) (Region/fromValue (name v))
(instance? Region v) v
:else default-region))
(defn describe-volumes
"Returns a set of instances corresponding to the
volumes in the specified region (defaulting to your account's default region).
e.g. (with-compute-service [compute] (describe-volumes))
(with-compute-service [compute] (describe-volumes :us-east-1 \"vol-6b218805\" ...))"
[& [region & volume-ids]]
(.describeVolumesInRegion (ebs-services)
(as-region region Region/DEFAULT)
(into-array String (if (as-region region)
(cons region volume-ids))))))
(defvar- snapshot-options-ops
{:ids #(.snapshotIds % (into-array %2))
:owners #(.ownedBy % (into-array %2))
:restorable-by #(.restorableBy % (into-array %2))})
(defn- snapshot-options
(let [optmap (apply hash-map options-seq)
string-array #(let [v (% optmap)]
(into-array String (if (string? v) [v] v)))]
(-> (DescribeSnapshotsOptions.)
(.ownedBy (string-array :owner))
(.snapshotIds (string-array :ids))
(.restorableBy (string-array :restorable-by)))))
(defn describe-snapshots
"Returns a set of instances corresponding to the
snapshots in the specified region (defaulting to your account's default region)
limited according to the further options provided.
This returns all of the snapshots you own (you can also provide \"amazon\" or an AWS
account ID here):
(with-compute-service [compute]
(describe-snapshots [:owner \"self\"]))
This returns metadata on the two specified snapshots in us-west-1 (assuming you have access to them):
(with-compute-service [compute]
(describe-snapshots :us-west-1 [:ids [\"snap-44b3ab2d\" \"snap-9e8821f7\"]]))
There is also a :restorable-by option. Option values can be provided as strings, or
collections of strings."
[& [region & option-keyvals]]
(let [options (apply snapshot-options
(if (as-region region)
(cons region option-keyvals)))]
(.describeSnapshotsInRegion (ebs-services)
(as-region region Region/DEFAULT)
(into-array DescribeSnapshotsOptions [options])))))
(defn- as-string
(string? v) v
(keyword? v) (name v)
:else v))
(defn- get-string
[map key]
(as-string (get map key)))
(defn- as-int
(number? v) (int v)
(string? v) (Integer/parseInt v)
:else (throw (IllegalArgumentException.
(str "Don't know how to convert object of type " (class v) " to a string")))))
(defn create-volume
"Creates a new volume given a set of options. :zone is required, one
or both of :size and :snapshot may also be provided; all values can be strings or keywords,
:size may be a number, and :zone may be a
Returns the created
e.g. (with-compute-service [compute]
(create-volume :zone :us-east-1a :size 250)
(create-volume :zone :eu-west-1b :snapshot \"snap-252310af\")
(create-volume :zone :eu-west-1b :snapshot \"snap-252310af\" :size :1024))"
[& options]
(when (-> options count odd?)
(throw (IllegalArgumentException. "Must provide key-value pairs, e.g. :zone :us-east-1d :size 200")))
(let [options (apply hash-map options)
snapshot (get-string options :snapshot)
size (-?> (get-string options :size) as-int)
zone (get-string options :zone)
zone (if zone
(if (instance? AvailabilityZone zone)
(AvailabilityZone/fromValue zone))
(throw (IllegalArgumentException. "Must supply a :zone option.")))
ebs (ebs-services)]
(and snapshot size) (.createVolumeFromSnapshotInAvailabilityZone ebs zone size snapshot)
snapshot (.createVolumeFromSnapshotInAvailabilityZone ebs zone snapshot)
size (.createVolumeInAvailabilityZone ebs zone size)
:else (throw (IllegalArgumentException. "Must supply :size and/or :snapshot options.")))))
(defn delete-volume
"Deletes a volume in the specified region.
e.g. (with-compute-service [compute]
(delete-volume :us-east-1 :vol-45228a6d)
(delete-volume :us-east-1 \"vol-052b846c\"))"
[region volume-id]
(.deleteVolumeInRegion (ebs-services)
(as-region region)
(as-string volume-id)))
(defn attach-volume
"Attaches a volume to an instance, returning the resulting
The region must be a keyword or Region instance; the remaining parameters may be
strings or keywords.
e.g. (with-compute-service [compute]
(attach-volume :us-east-1 :vol-45228a6d \"i-a92358c1\" \"/dev/sdh\"))"
[region & [volume-id instance-id device :as options]]
(apply #(.attachVolumeInRegion (ebs-services)
(as-region region) % %2 %3)
(map as-string options)))
(defn detach-volume
"Detatches a volume from the instance to which it is currently attached.
The optional force? parameter, if logically true, will cause the volume to be forcibly
detached, regardless of whether it is in-use (mounted) or not.
(It appears that issuing a detatch-volume command while the volume in question is mounted
will cause the volume to be detatched immediately upon the volume beign unmounted."
[region volume-id & [force?]]
(.detachVolumeInRegion (ebs-services)
(as-region region)
(as-string volume-id)
(boolean force?)
(into-array DetachVolumeOptions [])))