First version of compute2 Clojure API with tests.

This commit is contained in:
Mattias Holmqvist 2011-04-29 08:24:52 +02:00
parent ea54958803
commit c499990366
2 changed files with 477 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,383 @@
; Copyright (C) 2011 Cloud Conscious, LLC. <>
; ====================================================================
; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
; You may obtain a copy of the License at
; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
; limitations under the License.
; ====================================================================
(ns org.jclouds.compute2
"A clojure binding to the jclouds ComputeService.
Current supported providers are:
[aws-ec2, eucualyptus-partnercloud-ec2, elastichosts-lon-b,
cloudservers-uk, cloudservers-us, byon, cloudsigma-zrh, stub,
trmk-ecloud, trmk-vcloudexpress, vcloud, bluelock, eucalyptus,
slicehost, elastichosts-lon-p, elastichosts-sat-p, elastichosts,
openhosting-east1, serverlove-z1-man, skalicloud-sdg-my, deltacloud]
Here's an example of getting some compute configuration from rackspace:"
(:use org.jclouds.core
(clojure.contrib logging core))
[clojure.contrib.condition :as condition])
[org.jclouds.domain Location]
ComputeService ComputeServiceContext ComputeServiceContextFactory]
Template TemplateBuilder ComputeMetadata NodeMetadata Hardware
OsFamily Image]
[org.jclouds.compute.options TemplateOptions]
[ ImmutableSet])
(use '[clojure.contrib.reflect :only [get-field]])
(catch Exception e
(use '[
:only [wall-hack-field]
:rename {wall-hack-field get-field}])))
(defn compute-service
"Create a logged in context."
([#^String provider #^String provider-identity #^String provider-credential
& options]
(let [module-keys (set (keys module-lookup))
ext-modules (filter #(module-keys %) options)
opts (apply hash-map (filter #(not (module-keys %)) options))]
(.. (ComputeServiceContextFactory.)
provider provider-identity provider-credential
(apply modules (concat ext-modules (opts :extensions)))
(reduce #(do (.put %1 (name (first %2)) (second %2)) %1)
(Properties.) (dissoc opts :extensions)))
([#^ComputeServiceContext compute-context]
(.getComputeService compute-context)))
(defn compute-context
"Returns a compute context from a compute service."
(.getContext compute))
(defn compute-service?
(instance? ComputeService object))
(defn compute-context?
(instance? ComputeServiceContext object))
(defn locations
"Retrieve the available compute locations for the compute context."
([#^ComputeService compute]
(seq (.listAssignableLocations compute))))
(defn nodes
"Retrieve the existing nodes for the compute context."
([#^ComputeService compute]
(seq (.listNodes compute))))
(defn nodes-with-details
"Retrieve the existing nodes for the compute context."
([#^ComputeService compute]
(seq (.listNodesDetailsMatching compute (NodePredicates/all)))))
(defn nodes-in-group
"list details of all the nodes in the given group."
([#^String group #^ComputeService compute]
(filter #(= (.getTag %) group) (nodes-with-details compute))))
(defn images
"Retrieve the available images for the compute context."
([#^ComputeService compute]
(seq (.listImages compute))))
(defn hardware-profiles
"Retrieve the available node hardware profiles for the compute context."
([#^ComputeService compute]
(seq (.listHardwareProfiles compute))))
(defn default-template
([#^ComputeService compute]
(.. compute (templateBuilder)
(slurp (str (. System getProperty "user.home") "/.ssh/"))))
(defn create-nodes
"Create the specified number of nodes using the default or specified
;; Simplest way to add 2 small linux nodes to the group webserver is to run
(create-nodes \"webserver\" 2 compute)
;; which is the same as wrapping the create-nodes command with an implicit
;; compute service.
;; Note that this will actually add another 2 nodes to the set called
;; \"webserver\"
TODO: Examples
([group count compute]
group count (default-template compute) compute))
([group count template #^ComputeService compute]
(.createNodesInGroup compute group count template))))
(defn create-node
"Create a node using the default or specified template.
;; simplest way to add a small linux node to the group webserver is to run
(create-node \"webserver\" compute)
;; which is the same as wrapping the create-node command with an implicit compute
;; service.
;; Note that this will actually add another node to the set called
;; \"webserver\"
TODO: Examples
([group compute]
(create-nodes group 1 (default-template compute)))
([group compute template]
(first (create-nodes group 1 template compute))))
(defn #^NodeMetadata node-details
"Retrieve the node metadata, given its id."
([id #^ComputeService compute]
(.getNodeMetadata compute id)))
(defn suspend-nodes-in-group
"Reboot all the nodes in the given group."
([#^String group #^ComputeService compute]
(.suspendNodesMatching compute (NodePredicates/inGroup group))))
(defn suspend-node
"Suspend a node, given its id."
([id #^ComputeService compute]
(.suspendNode compute id)))
(defn resume-nodes-in-group
"Suspend all the nodes in the given group."
([#^String group #^ComputeService compute]
(.resumeNodesMatching compute (NodePredicates/inGroup group))))
(defn resume-node
"Resume a node, given its id."
([id #^ComputeService compute]
(.resumeNode compute id)))
(defn reboot-nodes-in-group
"Reboot all the nodes in the given group."
([#^String group #^ComputeService compute]
(.rebootNodesMatching compute (NodePredicates/inGroup group))))
(defn reboot-node
"Reboot a node, given its id."
([id #^ComputeService compute]
(.rebootNode compute id)))
(defn destroy-nodes-in-group
"Destroy all the nodes in the given group."
([#^String group #^ComputeService compute]
(.destroyNodesMatching compute (NodePredicates/inGroup group))))
(defn destroy-node
"Destroy a node, given its id."
([id #^ComputeService compute]
(.destroyNode compute id)))
(defmacro state-predicate [node state]
`(= (.getState ~node)
(. org.jclouds.compute.domain.NodeState ~state)))
(defn pending?
"Predicate for the node being in transition"
[#^NodeMetadata node]
(state-predicate node PENDING))
(defn running?
"Predicate for the node being available for requests."
[#^NodeMetadata node]
(state-predicate node RUNNING))
(defn terminated?
"Predicate for the node being halted."
[#^NodeMetadata node]
(state-predicate node TERMINATED))
(defn suspended?
"Predicate for the node being suspended."
[#^NodeMetadata node]
(state-predicate node SUSPENDED))
(defn error-state?
"Predicate for the node being in an error state."
[#^NodeMetadata node]
(state-predicate node ERROR))
(defn unrecognized-state?
"Predicate for the node being in an unrecognized state."
[#^NodeMetadata node]
(state-predicate node UNRECOGNIZED))
(defn public-ips
"Returns the node's public ips"
[#^NodeMetadata node]
(.getPublicAddresses node))
(defn private-ips
"Returns the node's private ips"
[#^NodeMetadata node]
(.getPrivateAddresses node))
(defn group
"Returns a the node's group"
[#^NodeMetadata node]
(.getGroup node))
(defn hostname
"Returns the compute node's name"
[#^ComputeMetadata node]
(.getName node))
(defn location
"Returns the compute node's location id"
[#^ComputeMetadata node]
(-?> node .getLocation .getId))
(defn id
"Returns the compute node's id"
[#^ComputeMetadata node]
(.getId node))
(define-accessors Template image hardware location options)
(define-accessors Image version os-family os-description architecture)
(define-accessors Hardware processors ram volumes)
(define-accessors NodeMetadata "node" credentials hardware state group)
^{:doc "TemplateBuilder functions" :private true}
kw-memfn-0arg [:smallest :fastest :biggest :any])
[:os-family :location-id :architecture :image-id :hardware-id
:os-name-matches :os-version-matches :os-description-matches
:os-64-bit :image-version-matches :image-name-matches
:image-description-matches :min-cores :min-ram])))
^{:doc "TemplateOptions functions" :private true}
[:destroy-on-error :enable-monitoring :no-placement-group :no-key-pair
[:run-script :install-private-key :authorize-public-key
;; aws ec2 options
:spot-price :spot-options :placement-group :subnet-id
:block-device-mappings :unmapDeviceNamed :security-groups
:key-pair :user-data])
(make-option-map kw-memfn-varargs [:inbound-ports])
;; aws ec2 options
(kw-memfn-apply :map-ebs-snapshot-to-device-name
device-name snapshot-id size-in-gib delete-on-termination)
(kw-memfn-apply :map-new-volume-to-device-name
device-name size-in-gib delete-on-termination)}))
^{:doc "All receognised options"}
(set (mapcat keys [options-map template-map])))
(defn os-families []
(. OsFamily values))
(def enum-map {:os-family (os-families)})
(defn translate-enum-value [kword value]
(or (-> (filter #(= (name value) (str %)) (kword enum-map)) first)
(defn apply-option [builder option-map option value]
(when-let [f (option-map option)]
(f builder (translate-enum-value option value))))
(defn build-template
"Creates a template that can be used to run nodes.
The :os-family key expects a keyword version of OsFamily,
eg. :os-family :ubuntu.
The :smallest, :fastest, :biggest, :any, and :destroy-on-error keys expect a
boolean value.
Options correspond to TemplateBuilder methods."
[#^ComputeService compute
{:keys [os-family location-id architecture image-id hardware-id
os-name-matches os-version-matches os-description-matches
os-64-bit image-version-matches image-name-matches
image-description-matches min-cores min-ram
run-script install-private-key authorize-public-key
inbound-ports smallest fastest biggest any destroy-on-error]
:as options}]
(let [builder (.. compute (templateBuilder))]
(doseq [[option value] options]
(when-not (known-template-options option)
:type :invalid-template-builder-option
:message (format "Invalid template builder option : %s" option)))
;; apply template builder options
(apply-option builder template-map option value)
(catch Exception e
:type :invalid-template-builder
:message (format
"Problem applying template builder %s with value %s: %s"
option (pr-str value) (.getMessage e))
:cause e))))
(let [template (.build builder)
template-options (.getOptions template)]
(doseq [[option value] options]
;; apply template option options
(apply-option template-options options-map option value)
(catch Exception e
:type :invalid-template-option
:message (format
"Problem applying template option %s with value %s: %s"
option (pr-str value) (.getMessage e))
:cause e))))

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@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
; Copyright (C) 2011 Cloud Conscious, LLC. <>
; ====================================================================
; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
; You may obtain a copy of the License at
; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
; limitations under the License.
; ====================================================================
(ns org.jclouds.compute2-test
(:use [org.jclouds.compute2] :reload-all)
(:use clojure.test)
(defmacro with-private-vars [[ns fns] & tests]
"Refers private fns from ns and runs tests in context. From users mailing
list, Alan Dipert and MeikelBrandmeyer."
`(let ~(reduce #(conj %1 %2 `@(ns-resolve '~ns '~%2)) [] fns)
(deftest os-families-test
(is (some #{"centos"} (map str (os-families)))))
(defn clean-stub-fixture
"This should allow basic tests to easily be run with another service."
(fn [f]
(doseq [node (nodes compute-service)]
(destroy-node (.getId node)))
(def *compute* (compute-service "stub" "" ""))
(use-fixtures :each (clean-stub-fixture *compute*))
(deftest compute-service?-test
(is (compute-service? *compute*)))
(deftest as-compute-service-test
(is (compute-service? (compute-service "stub" "user" "password")))
(is (compute-service? *compute*))
(is (compute-service? (compute-service (compute-context *compute*)))))
(deftest nodes-test
(is (empty? (nodes *compute*)))
(is (create-node "fred" *compute* (build-template *compute* {} )))
(is (= 1 (count (nodes *compute*))))
(is (= 1 (count (nodes-in-group "fred" *compute*))))
(suspend-nodes-in-group "fred" *compute*)
(is (suspended? (first (nodes-in-group "fred" *compute*))))
(resume-nodes-in-group "fred" *compute*)
(is (running? (first (nodes-in-group "fred" *compute*))))
(reboot-nodes-in-group "fred" *compute*)
(is (running? (first (nodes-in-group "fred" *compute*))))
(is (create-nodes "fred" 2 (build-template *compute* {} ) *compute*))
(is (= 3 (count (nodes-in-group "fred" *compute*))))
(is (= "fred" (group (first (nodes *compute*)))))
(destroy-nodes-in-group "fred" *compute*)
(is (terminated? (first (nodes-in-group "fred" *compute*)))))
(deftest build-template-test
(let [service (compute-service "stub" "user" "password")]
(testing "nullary"
(is (>= (-> (build-template service {:fastest true})
bean :hardware bean :processors first bean :cores)
(testing "one arg"
(is (> (-> (build-template service {:min-ram 512})
bean :hardware bean :ram)
(testing "enumerated"
(is (= OsFamily/CENTOS
(-> (build-template service {:os-family :centos})
bean :image bean :operatingSystem bean :family))))
(testing "varags"
(is (java.util.Arrays/equals
(int-array [22 8080])
(-> (build-template service {:inbound-ports [22 8080]})
bean :options bean :inboundPorts))))
(testing "invalid"
(is (thrown? Condition (build-template service {:xx :yy}))))))