mirror of https://github.com/apache/jclouds.git
major update to blobstore clojure binding. factored out core.clj
This commit is contained in:
@ -149,6 +149,11 @@
@ -1,76 +1,264 @@
(ns org.jclouds.blobstore
"A clojure binding for the jclouds BlobStore.
a lib for interacting with jclouds BlobStore.
Current supported services are:
Current supported services are:
[s3, azureblob, atmos, cloudfiles]
[s3, azureblob, atmos, cloudfiles]
Here's a quick example of how to view blob resources in rackspace
Here's a quick example of how to view blob resources in rackspace
(ns example.jclouds
(use 'org.jclouds.blobstore)
(:use org.jclouds.blobstore)
(use 'clojure.contrib.pprint)
(:use clojure.contrib.pprint)
(def user \"rackspace_username\")
(def user \"rackspace_username\")
(def password \"rackspace_password\")
(def password \"rackspace_password\")
(def blobstore-name \"cloudfiles\")
(def blobstore-name \"cloudfiles\")
(def blobstore (blobstore-context blobstore-name user password ))
(with-blobstore [blobstore-name user password]
(pprint (containers))
(pprint (blobs blobstore your_container_name)))
(pprint (containers blobstore))
See http://code.google.com/p/jclouds for details."
(pprint (blobs blobstore "your_container_name" ))
(:use org.jclouds.core)
(:import java.io.File
AsyncBlobStore BlobStore BlobStoreContext BlobStoreContextFactory
domain.BlobMetadata domain.StorageMetadata domain.Blob
[com.google.common.collect ImmutableSet]))
(defn blobstore
"Create a logged in context.
(:use clojure.contrib.duck-streams)
Options for communication style
(:import java.io.File)
:sync and :async.
(:import org.jclouds.blobstore.BlobStore)
Options can also be specified for extension modules
(:import org.jclouds.blobstore.BlobStoreContext)
:log4j :enterprise :httpnio :apachehc :bouncycastle :joda :gae
(:import org.jclouds.blobstore.BlobStoreContextFactory)
(:import org.jclouds.blobstore.domain.Blob)
[#^String service #^String account #^String key & options]
(:import org.jclouds.blobstore.options.ListContainerOptions))
(let [context
(BlobStoreContextFactory.) service account key
(apply modules (filter #(not #{:sync :async} %) options)))]
(if (some #(= :async %) options)
(.getAsyncBlobStore context)
(.getBlobStore context))))
(defn blobstore-context
(defn blobstore-context
([{service :service account :account key :key}]
"Returns a blobstore context from a blobstore."
(blobstore-context service account key))
([s a k] (.createContext (new BlobStoreContextFactory) s a k )))
(.getContext blobstore))
(defn containers [blobstore] (.list (.getBlobStore blobstore) ))
(defn blobstore?
(or (instance? BlobStore object)
(instance? AsyncBlobStore object)))
(defn blobstore-context?
(instance? BlobStoreContext object))
(defn as-blobstore
"Tries hard to produce a blobstore from its input arguments"
[& args]
(blobstore? (first args)) (first args)
(blobstore-context? (first args)) (.getBlobStore (first args))
:else (apply blobstore args)))
(def *blobstore*)
(defmacro with-blobstore [[& blobstore-or-args] & body]
`(binding [*blobstore* (as-blobstore ~@blobstore-or-args)]
(defn- parse-args
"Takes a seq of 'ssh' arguments and returns a map of option keywords
to option values."
(loop [[arg :as args] args
opts {:cmd [] :out "UTF-8"}]
(if-not args
(if (keyword? arg)
(recur (nnext args) (assoc opts arg (second args)))
(recur (next args) (update-in opts [:cmd] conj arg))))))
(defn- parse-args
"Parses arguments, recognises keywords in the set single as boolean switches."
[args single default]
(loop [[arg :as args] args
opts default]
(if-not args
(if (single arg)
(recur (next args) (assoc opts arg true))
(recur (nnext args) (assoc opts arg (second args)))))))
(def list-options
(apply array-map
(concat (make-option-map option-fn-0arg [:recursive])
(make-option-map option-fn-1arg [:after-marker :in-directory :max-results]))))
(defn- list-options-apply
[single target key value]
(if (single key)
((list-options key) target)
((list-options key) target value))
(defn containers
"List all containers in a blobstore."
([] (containers *blobstore*))
([blobstore] (.list blobstore)))
(defn list-container
"List a container. Options are:
:after-marker string
:in-direcory path
:max-results n
[blobstore & args]
(if (blobstore? blobstore)
(let [single-keywords #{:recursive}
options (parse-args (next args) single-keywords {})
list-options (reduce
#(list-options-apply single-keywords %1 (first %2) (second %2))
(.list blobstore (first args) list-options))
(apply list-container *blobstore* blobstore args)))
(defn create-container
"Create a container."
(create-container *blobstore* "default" container-name))
([blobstore container-name]
(if (blobstore? blobstore)
(create-container blobstore "default" container-name)
(create-container *blobstore* container-name blobstore)))
([blobstore container-name location-name]
(.createContainerInLocation blobstore container-name location-name)))
(defn clear-container
"Clear a container."
(clear-container container-name))
([blobstore container-name]
(.clearContainer blobstore container-name)))
(defn delete-container
"Delete a container."
(delete-container *blobstore* container-name))
([blobstore container-name]
(.deleteContainer blobstore container-name)))
(defn container-exists?
"Predicate to check presence of a container"
(container-exists? *blobstore* container-name))
([blobstore container-name]
(.containerExists blobstore container-name)))
(defn directory-exists?
"Predicate to check presence of a directory"
([container-name path]
(directory-exists? *blobstore* container-name path))
([blobstore container-name path]
(.directoryExists blobstore container-name path)))
(defn create-directory
"Create a directory path."
([container-name path]
(create-directory *blobstore* container-name path))
([blobstore container-name path]
(.createDirectory blobstore container-name path)))
(defn delete-directory
"Delete a directory path."
([container-name path]
(delete-directory *blobstore* container-name path))
([blobstore container-name path]
(.deleteDirectory blobstore container-name path)))
(defn blob-exists?
"Predicate to check presence of a blob"
([container-name path]
(blob-exists? *blobstore* container-name path))
([blobstore container-name path]
(.blobExists blobstore container-name path)))
(defn put-blob
"Put a blob. Metadata in the blob determines location."
([container-name blob]
(put-blob *blobstore* container-name blob))
([blobstore container-name blob]
(.putBlob blobstore container-name blob)))
(defn blob-metadata
"Get blob metadata from given path"
([container-name path]
(blob-metadata *blobstore* container-name path))
([blobstore container-name path]
(.blobMetadata blobstore container-name path)))
(defn get-blob
"Get blob from given path"
([container-name path]
(get-blob *blobstore* container-name path))
([blobstore container-name path]
(.getBlob blobstore container-name path)))
(defn remove-blob
"Remove blob from given path"
([container-name path]
(remove-blob *blobstore* container-name path))
([blobstore container-name path]
(.removeBlob blobstore container-name path)))
(defn count-blobs
"Count blobs"
(count-blobs *blobstore* container-name))
([blobstore container-name]
(.countBlob blobstore container-name)))
(defn blobs
(defn blobs
"List the blobs in a container:
list the blobs in a container:
blobstore container -> blobs
blobstore container -> blobs
list the blobs in a container under a path:
list the blobs in a container under a path:
blobstore container dir -> blobs
blobstore container dir -> blobs
example: (pprint
(blobstore-context flightcaster-creds)
\"somecontainer\" \"some-dir\"))
(blobstore-context flightcaster-creds)
\"somecontainer\" \"some-dir\"))
([blobstore container-name]
([blobstore container-name]
(.list (.getBlobStore blobstore) container-name ))
(.list (.getBlobStore blobstore) container-name ))
([blobstore container-name dir]
([blobstore container-name dir]
(.list (.getBlobStore blobstore) container-name (.inDirectory (new ListContainerOptions) dir) ))
(.list (.getBlobStore blobstore) container-name
(.inDirectory (new ListContainerOptions) dir))))
(defn put-blob
(defn create-blob
"Create an blob representing text data:
Create an blob representing text data:
container, name, string -> etag
container, name, string -> etag
([container-name name data]
(create-blob *blobstore* container-name name data))
([blobstore container-name name data]
([blobstore container-name name data]
(.putBlob (.getBlobStore blobstore) container-name (doto (.newBlob (.getBlobStore blobstore) name) (.setPayload data))))
(put-blob blobstore container-name
(doto (.newBlob blobstore name)
(.setPayload data)))))
(define-accessors StorageMetadata "blob" type id name location-id uri last-modfied)
(define-accessors BlobMetadata "blob" content-type)
(defn blob-etag [blob]
(.getETag blob))
(defn blob-md5 [blob]
(.getContentMD5 blob))
@ -1,6 +1,81 @@
(ns org.jclouds.blobstore-test
(ns org.jclouds.blobstore-test
(:use [org.jclouds.blobstore] :reload-all)
(:use [org.jclouds.blobstore] :reload-all)
(:use clojure.test))
(:use clojure.test)
(:import org.jclouds.blobstore.integration.StubBlobStoreContextBuilder))
(deftest blobstore-test
(def stub-context (.buildBlobStoreContext (StubBlobStoreContextBuilder.)))
(is true))
(def stub-blobstore (.getBlobStore stub-context))
(defn clean-stub-fixture [f]
#(.deleteContainer stub-blobstore (.getName %)) (.list stub-blobstore)))
(use-fixtures :each clean-stub-fixture)
(deftest blobstore?-test
(is (blobstore? stub-blobstore)))
(deftest blobstore-context?-test
(is (blobstore-context? stub-context)))
(deftest blobstore-context-test
(is (= stub-context (blobstore-context stub-blobstore))))
(deftest as-blobstore-test
;(is (blobstore? (blobstore "stub" "user" "password")))
(is (blobstore? (as-blobstore stub-blobstore)))
(is (blobstore? (as-blobstore stub-context))))
(deftest with-blobstore-test
(with-blobstore [stub-blobstore]
(is (= stub-blobstore *blobstore*))))
(deftest create-container-test
(is (not (container-exists? stub-blobstore "")))
(with-blobstore [stub-blobstore]
(is (not (container-exists? ""))))
(is (create-container stub-blobstore "fred"))
(is (container-exists? stub-blobstore "fred"))
(with-blobstore [stub-blobstore]
(is (container-exists? "fred"))))
(deftest create-container-test
(is (create-container stub-blobstore "fred"))
(is (container-exists? stub-blobstore "fred"))
(with-blobstore [stub-blobstore]
(is (create-container "fred"))
(is (container-exists? "fred"))))
(deftest containers-test
(is (empty? (containers stub-blobstore)))
(is (create-container stub-blobstore "fred"))
(is (= 1 (count (containers stub-blobstore)))))
(deftest list-container-test
(is (create-container stub-blobstore "container"))
(is (empty? (list-container stub-blobstore "container")))
(is (create-blob stub-blobstore "container" "blob1" "blob1"))
(is (create-blob stub-blobstore "container" "blob2" "blob2"))
(is (= 2 (count (list-container stub-blobstore "container"))))
(is (= 1 (count (list-container stub-blobstore "container" :max-results 1))))
(create-directory stub-blobstore "container" "dir")
(is (create-blob stub-blobstore "container" "dir/blob2" "blob2"))
(is (= 3 (count (list-container stub-blobstore "container"))))
(is (= 4 (count (list-container stub-blobstore "container" :recursive))))
(is (= 1 (count (list-container stub-blobstore "container" :in-directory "dir")))))
(deftest list-container-with-blobstore-test
(with-blobstore [stub-blobstore]
(is (create-container "container"))
(is (empty? (list-container "container")))
(is (create-blob "container" "blob1" "blob1"))
(is (create-blob "container" "blob2" "blob2"))
(is (= 2 (count (list-container "container"))))
(is (= 1 (count (list-container "container" :max-results 1))))
(create-directory "container" "dir")
(is (create-blob "container" "dir/blob2" "blob2"))
(is (= 3 (count (list-container "container"))))
(is (= 4 (count (list-container "container" :recursive))))
(is (= 1 (count (list-container "container" :in-directory "dir"))))))
@ -62,6 +62,11 @@
@ -1,15 +1,13 @@
(ns org.jclouds.compute
#^{:doc "
"A clojure binding to the jclouds ComputeService.
a lib for interacting with jclouds ComputeService.
Current supported services are:
Current supported services are:
[ec2, rimuhosting, terremark, vcloud, hostingdotcom]
[ec2, rimuhosting, terremark, vcloud, hostingdotcom]
Here's an example of getting some compute configuration from rackspace:
Here's an example of getting some compute configuration from rackspace:
(ns example.jclouds
(use 'org.jclouds.compute)
(:use org.jclouds.compute
(use 'clojure.contrib.pprint)
(def user \"username\")
(def user \"username\")
(def password \"password\")
(def password \"password\")
@ -22,9 +20,9 @@ Here's an example of getting some compute configuration from rackspace:
(pprint (nodes compute))
(pprint (nodes compute))
(pprint (sizes compute))
(pprint (sizes compute))
See http://code.google.com/p/jclouds for details."
(:use org.jclouds.core
(:use clojure.contrib.duck-streams
[clojure.contrib.str-utils2 :only [capitalize lower-case map-str]]
[clojure.contrib.str-utils2 :only [capitalize lower-case map-str]]
[clojure.contrib.java-utils :only [wall-hack-field]])
[clojure.contrib.java-utils :only [wall-hack-field]])
@ -39,40 +37,12 @@ Here's an example of getting some compute configuration from rackspace:
(com.google.common.collect ImmutableSet)))
(com.google.common.collect ImmutableSet)))
(def module-lookup
{:log4j 'org.jclouds.logging.log4j.config.Log4JLoggingModule
:ssh 'org.jclouds.ssh.jsch.config.JschSshClientModule
:enterprise 'org.jclouds.enterprise.config.EnterpriseConfigurationModule})
(defn- instantiate [sym]
(let [loader (.getContextClassLoader (Thread/currentThread))]
(.newInstance #^Class (.loadClass loader (name sym)))
(catch java.lang.ClassNotFoundException e
(warn (str "Could not find " (name sym) " module.
Ensure the module is on the classpath. You are maybe missing a dependency on
or org.jclouds/jclouds-enterprise."))))))
(defn modules
"Build a list of modules suitable for passing to compute-context"
[& modules]
(.build #^com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSet$Builder
(reduce #(.add #^com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSet$Builder %1 %2)
(filter (complement nil?)
(map (comp instantiate module-lookup) modules)))))
(defn compute-context
(defn compute-context
"Create a logged in context."
"Create a logged in context."
([s a k]
([service account key]
(compute-context s a k (modules :log4j :ssh :enterprise)))
(compute-context service account key (modules :log4j :ssh :enterprise)))
([#^String s #^String a #^String k #^ImmutableSet m]
([#^String service #^String account #^String key #^ImmutableSet modules]
(.createContext (new ComputeServiceContextFactory) s a k m)))
(.createContext (new ComputeServiceContextFactory) service account key modules)))
(defn- seq-from-immutable-set [#^ImmutableSet set]
(map #(.getValue %) set))
(defn locations
(defn locations
"Retrieve the available compute locations for the compute context."
"Retrieve the available compute locations for the compute context."
@ -203,49 +173,11 @@ Ensure the module is on the classpath. You are maybe missing a dependency on
[#^ComputeMetadata node]
[#^ComputeMetadata node]
(.getName node))
(.getName node))
(defn- dashed [a]
(apply str (interpose "-" (map lower-case (re-seq #"[A-Z][^A-Z]*" a)))))
(defn- camelize [a]
(apply str (map-str capitalize (.split a "-"))))
(defn camelize-mixed [a]
(let [c (.split a "-")]
(apply str (lower-case (first c)) (map capitalize (rest c)))))
(defmacro #^{:private true} define-accessor
[class property obj-name]
(list 'defn (symbol (str obj-name "-" (name property)))
(vector (with-meta (symbol obj-name) {:tag (.getName class)}))
(list (symbol (str ".get" (camelize (name property)))) (symbol obj-name))))
(defmacro #^{:private true} define-accessors
"Defines read accessors, modelled on class-name-property-name. If the second
argument is a string, it is used instead of the class-name prefix."
[class & properties]
(let [obj-name (if (string? (first properties))
(first properties)
(dashed (.getName class)))
properties (if (string? (first properties))
(rest properties)
~@(for [property properties]
`(define-accessor ~class ~property ~obj-name)))))
(define-accessors Template image size location options)
(define-accessors Template image size location options)
(define-accessors Image version os-family os-description architecture)
(define-accessors Image version os-family os-description architecture)
(define-accessors Size cores ram disk)
(define-accessors Size cores ram disk)
(define-accessors NodeMetadata "node" credentials extra state tag)
(define-accessors NodeMetadata "node" credentials extra state tag)
(defmacro option-fn-0arg [key]
`(fn [builder#]
(~(symbol (str "." (camelize-mixed (name key)))) builder#)))
(defmacro option-fn-1arg [key]
`(fn [builder# value#]
(~(symbol (str "." (camelize-mixed (name key)))) builder# value#)))
(defn builder-options [builder]
(defn builder-options [builder]
(or (wall-hack-field org.jclouds.compute.internal.TemplateBuilderImpl :options builder)
(or (wall-hack-field org.jclouds.compute.internal.TemplateBuilderImpl :options builder)
@ -267,9 +199,6 @@ Ensure the module is on the classpath. You are maybe missing a dependency on
(~(symbol (str "." (camelize-mixed (name key)))) options# (seq-to-array value#))
(~(symbol (str "." (camelize-mixed (name key)))) options# (seq-to-array value#))
(.options builder# options#))))
(.options builder# options#))))
(defmacro make-option-map [f keywords]
`[ ~@(reduce (fn [v# k#] (conj (conj v# k#) `(~f ~k#))) [] keywords)])
(def option-1arg-map
(def option-1arg-map
(apply array-map
(apply array-map
@ -8,25 +8,6 @@ list, Alan Dipert and MeikelBrandmeyer."
`(let ~(reduce #(conj %1 %2 `@(ns-resolve '~ns '~%2)) [] fns)
`(let ~(reduce #(conj %1 %2 `@(ns-resolve '~ns '~%2)) [] fns)
(with-private-vars [org.jclouds.compute [instantiate]]
(deftest instantiate-test
(is (instance? String (instantiate 'java.lang.String)))))
(deftest os-families-test
(deftest os-families-test
(is (some #{"centos"} (map str (os-families)))))
(is (some #{"centos"} (map str (os-families)))))
(deftest modules-empty-test
(is (.isEmpty (modules))))
(deftest modules-instantiate-test
(binding [org.jclouds.compute/module-lookup
(assoc org.jclouds.compute/module-lookup
:string 'java.lang.String)]
(is (instance? String (first (modules :string))))
(is (= 1 (count (modules :string))))))
(deftest modules-instantiate-fail-test
(binding [org.jclouds.compute/module-lookup
(assoc org.jclouds.compute/module-lookup
:non-existing 'this.doesnt.Exist)]
(is (.isEmpty (modules :non-existing)))))
@ -40,6 +40,38 @@
@ -93,8 +125,26 @@
@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
(ns org.jclouds.core
"Core functionality used across blobstore and compute."
(:use clojure.contrib.logging
[clojure.contrib.str-utils2 :only [capitalize lower-case map-str]]
[clojure.contrib.java-utils :only [wall-hack-field]])
(:import java.io.File
(com.google.common.collect ImmutableSet)))
(def module-lookup
{:log4j 'org.jclouds.logging.log4j.config.Log4JLoggingModule
:ssh 'org.jclouds.ssh.jsch.config.JschSshClientModule
:enterprise 'org.jclouds.enterprise.config.EnterpriseConfigurationModule
:httpnio 'org.jclouds.http.httpnio.config.NioTransformingHttpCommandExecutorServiceModule
:apachehc 'org.jclouds.http.apachehc.config.ApacheHCHttpCommandExecutorServiceModule
:bouncycastle 'org.jclouds.encryption.bouncycastle.config.BouncyCastleEncryptionServiceModule
:joda 'org.jclouds.date.joda.config.JodaDateServiceModule
:gae 'org.jclouds.gae.config.GoogleAppEngineConfigurationModule})
(defn- instantiate [sym]
(let [loader (.getContextClassLoader (Thread/currentThread))]
(.newInstance #^Class (.loadClass loader (name sym)))
(catch java.lang.ClassNotFoundException e
(warn (str "Could not find " (name sym) " module.
Ensure the module is on the classpath. You are maybe missing a dependency on
or org.jclouds/jclouds-enterprise."))))))
(defn modules
"Build a list of modules suitable for passing to compute or blobstore context"
[& modules]
(.build #^com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSet$Builder
(reduce #(.add #^com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSet$Builder %1 %2)
(filter (complement nil?)
(map (comp instantiate module-lookup) modules)))))
(defn seq-from-immutable-set [#^ImmutableSet set]
(map #(.getValue %) set))
(defn dashed [a]
(apply str (interpose "-" (map lower-case (re-seq #"[A-Z][^A-Z]*" a)))))
(defn camelize [a]
(map-str capitalize (.split a "-")))
(defn camelize-mixed [a]
(let [c (.split a "-")]
(apply str (lower-case (first c)) (map capitalize (rest c)))))
(defmacro option-fn-0arg [key]
`(fn [builder#]
(~(symbol (str "." (camelize-mixed (name key)))) builder#)))
(defmacro option-fn-1arg [key]
`(fn [builder# value#]
(~(symbol (str "." (camelize-mixed (name key)))) builder# value#)))
(defmacro make-option-map [f keywords]
`[ ~@(reduce (fn [v# k#] (conj (conj v# k#) `(~f ~k#))) [] keywords)])
(defmacro define-accessor
[class property obj-name]
(list 'defn (symbol (str obj-name "-" (name property)))
(vector (with-meta (symbol obj-name) {:tag (.getName class)}))
(list (symbol (str ".get" (camelize (name property)))) (symbol obj-name))))
(defmacro define-accessors
"Defines read accessors, modelled on class-name-property-name. If the second
argument is a string, it is used instead of the class-name prefix."
[class & properties]
(let [obj-name (if (string? (first properties))
(first properties)
(dashed (.getName class)))
properties (if (string? (first properties))
(rest properties)
~@(for [property properties]
`(define-accessor ~class ~property ~obj-name)))))
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
(ns org.jclouds.core-test
(:use [org.jclouds.core] :reload-all)
(:use clojure.test))
(defmacro with-private-vars [[ns fns] & tests]
"Refers private fns from ns and runs tests in context. From users mailing
list, Alan Dipert and MeikelBrandmeyer."
`(let ~(reduce #(conj %1 %2 `@(ns-resolve '~ns '~%2)) [] fns)
(with-private-vars [org.jclouds.core [instantiate]]
(deftest instantiate-test
(is (instance? String (instantiate 'java.lang.String)))))
(deftest modules-empty-test
(is (.isEmpty (modules))))
(deftest modules-instantiate-test
(binding [module-lookup
(assoc module-lookup
:string 'java.lang.String)]
(is (instance? String (first (modules :string))))
(is (= 1 (count (modules :string))))))
(deftest modules-instantiate-fail-test
(binding [module-lookup
(assoc module-lookup
:non-existing 'this.doesnt.Exist)]
(is (.isEmpty (modules :non-existing)))))
Reference in New Issue