Inlined the in-group predicate in test

This commit is contained in:
Mattias Holmqvist 2011-05-11 00:48:28 +02:00
parent 14f372be3b
commit cb5f8ab0e0
1 changed files with 7 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -54,28 +54,26 @@ list, Alan Dipert and MeikelBrandmeyer."
(is (compute-service? *compute*))
(is (compute-service? (compute-service (compute-context *compute*)))))
(defn in-group [group] #(= (.getGroup %) group))
(deftest nodes-test
(is (empty? (nodes *compute*)))
(is (create-node *compute* "fred" (build-template *compute* {} )))
(is (= 1 (count (nodes *compute*))))
(is (= 1 (count (nodes-in-group *compute* "fred"))))
(is (= 1 (count (nodes-with-details-matching *compute* (in-group "fred")))))
(is (= 1 (count (nodes-with-details-matching *compute* #(= (.getGroup %) "fred")))))
(is (= 1 (count (nodes-with-details-matching *compute*
(apply [this input] (= (.getGroup input) "fred")))))))
(is (= 0 (count (nodes-with-details-matching *compute* (in-group "othergroup")))))
(suspend-nodes-matching *compute* (in-group "fred"))
(is (suspended? (first (nodes-with-details-matching *compute* (in-group "fred")))))
(resume-nodes-matching *compute* (in-group "fred"))
(is (= 0 (count (nodes-with-details-matching *compute* #(= (.getGroup %) "othergroup")))))
(suspend-nodes-matching *compute* #(= (.getGroup %) "fred"))
(is (suspended? (first (nodes-with-details-matching *compute* #(= (.getGroup %) "fred")))))
(resume-nodes-matching *compute* #(= (.getGroup %) "fred"))
(is (running? (first (nodes-in-group *compute* "fred"))))
(reboot-nodes-matching *compute* (in-group "fred"))
(reboot-nodes-matching *compute* #(= (.getGroup %) "fred"))
(is (running? (first (nodes-in-group *compute* "fred"))))
(is (create-nodes *compute* "fred" 2 (build-template *compute* {} )))
(is (= 3 (count (nodes-in-group *compute* "fred"))))
(is (= "fred" (group (first (nodes *compute*)))))
(destroy-nodes-matching *compute* (in-group "fred"))
(destroy-nodes-matching *compute* #(= (.getGroup %) "fred"))
(is (terminated? (first (nodes-in-group *compute* "fred")))))
(deftest build-template-test